Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2284: Work together

   Chapter 2284

   "It's great!" Chen Xuan helped Yan Keyun. Looking at the proud boy in the sky.

  "If my magic is this, will it be the same as her?"

   "No, your own magic is also very good, and it is unique!"

  Yan Keyun answered the truth, she thought it was very good. Obviously everyone is of the same age, but they have lived a different life!

   "Really, let's go and help!" Chen Xuan saw him sweet and greasy, and his eyes were all thief and indescribable!

   "Let's go!" He stretched out his arms and called out his innocence. Now the whole body is full of aura, and the clothes are flying again!

  "Go!" She also opened her arms, and the innocence she had just lost did not affect his handsomeness!

  "The power of reincarnation! Reincarnation punch!"

   "Ice Technique!"

  Both of them did their part for this war! The world of form has become one to three! Three powers, facing one person at the same time, golden, blue, and purple, intertwined, dust flying, and colors colliding, like a potion made by the Devil Queen! Chaos, evil, yet delicious, I don’t know what the next bite will taste like, it’s mouthwatering!

  The three people cooperate very well, especially the blond man. He should be a familiar one and know how to cooperate with others to the maximum! The three of them are just like a fish in water, with a tacit understanding of perfect scores!

  In less than a few rounds, the black-robed man began to be unable to hold it. The hands wielding the scimitar began to tremble, and the technique of the knife began to chaotic.

  The three of them grasped this detail, took the opportunity to attack, and the one who hit turned offensive to defense, holding a scimitar in both hands, and resisting their attack one by one! But in the end, outnumbered, the air fell once in Chen Xuan, and she suddenly did not accept it, and suddenly fell on one knee!

   "How about? Conquer!" The blond man fell on the ground and pointed his chin with his scepter.

   "Huh!" The masked man didn't speak, and glared at them, "Let's go and see!" After speaking, he rolled up his clothes and ran! He did not give others the slightest chance!

   "I want to run, it's really a bullshit!"

  The blond man chased him and stayed behind, but he ran too fast, like a gust of wind, he chased a few steps, but did not catch up.

   "Just let him run like this?"

   "No, the two of them are still at the door!" Yan Keyun suddenly remembered the two children who had been singled out by him!

   "Fang Yan! Don't!"

  Sure enough, a heart-piercing call suddenly came from the entrance of the cave! It was Fang Che's crying voice!

   "Oh," the three of them hurried to the door. All the way from darkness to light, it turned out that the sky outside was already bright. They were filled with darkness, but saw Fang Che slumped on the ground, no one beside him.

  "Fang Yan, please hurry and save Gao Fangyan" The child was injured and his arms were covered with blood.

  The three of them looked at each other, Yan Keyun stayed to accompany her, and the other two went to chase the black robe!

   "It's okay?" Yan Keyun knelt down gently, Dun beside him, covering his wound with his hand. Look at him.

   Fang Che shook his head.

   "Come on, I'll help you bandage first!"

  He took the child in his arms, let her sit on him, took out the white gauze from his arms, attached the ointment he brought, carefully and sturdy, tied her layer by layer.

   "How was his condition just now? Did you bandage her?"

   "Did you feed it some sugar water? It's been a night, the child should be hungry?"

   "You have to believe Chen Xuan, he will have a way, you don't know, he quietly put the sound transmission conch that I gave him, and stuffed it in Fang Yan's arms!"

  "Is there a man with blond hair just here? Did he scare you?"

   "Don't worry, he is also a good person. It was he who rescued Chen Xuan from that magic circle just now!"

  She was chatting there, and she didn't seem to ask him to reply. In fact, he knew all these questions. He knew that Fang Yan had received effective treatment, because he saw that her body was much cleaner than before, and the gauze was replaced with a new one. He also knew that Fang Che would definitely feed him something to replenish energy, which he had prepared in advance! He just thinks that he should talk to him, he can't just sit like that. He just met Fang Yan so suddenly and separated again, no matter it was anyway, no one would be better off. So he deliberately talked to him about some positive topics, hoping that he could...

  You have no good hope, just want to chat with him!

   "I watched it all night, are you tired?" She took the child into her arms again.

   "Or, I will sleep with me for a while? Good! When they come back, I will call you!"

  Fang Che refused his return. He still didn't want to sleep. He always felt that he had enough energy to wait for him to come back. In fact, he didn't know, he had been waiting for several days. The little rocket a few days ago has not gone out yet! But her body is actually really tired and needs rest!

  Yan Keyun could see that he was twisting, touched her forehead, and hugged her into his arms.

   "Observe, good boy! Go to sleep! Huh?"

  Her voice is very soft, very su, floating in her ears, making people listen, and her whole body is relaxed.

  He finally fell asleep, and the fragrance of water on Yan Keyun's body and generous arms made her feel at ease.

  Yan Keyun, still wrapped her arm around her, and covered him with a piece of his own clothes.

   Take a good rest!

  In this way, the two of them are on the edge of the cliff, waiting for their news. Yan Keyun, originally thought it would take a long time, after all, this kind of thing is incalculable. How far can they run? What happened! Can you bring people back successfully? All are unknown. So he also chose to sit and wait.

  The breeze was blowing first, and the sun slowly turned, and within an hour, two figures flashed from the horizon.

  (End of this chapter)

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