Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2290: Recruit

  Chapter 2290 Recruiting troops and buying horses

When it was almost time for dinner, Fang Che changed his clothes, opened the door and walked out. The dining room and bedroom in this courtyard were separated by six sections. When he opened the door to enter, the room was already hot. Dinner should not be made by ordinary chefs. Very exquisite, there are many patterns, and the presentation is also very particular. There are even tablecloths, which are very large! The chair is also brand new. It should be packaged, and her candles are lit neatly on the table. The most important thing is that in the upper place, she also made a few strangers. And Chen Xuan, Yan Keyun, Sui Xi and the others only sat down in the middle and lower reaches. Seeing him come out, the whole group swept their heads towards him.

  Are they waiting for me? He was alert to feel that something was wrong.

"No! We thought it was a chef, come on!" Yan Keyun, as if he knew his thoughts through her expression, reached out to take her over and let her sit next to him, and he focused his attention at this time. Look, there are many people on the table who I know. Only a few people don’t know

The three of them most familiar with each other, Mr. Yi, who let him squeeze all day, and had lunch, and those brothers who escaped with them that day, they didn’t leave. Immediately after receiving the news, he rushed over.

  The speed is really fast! It's only one afternoon!

   "Well, now that everyone is here, I'll introduce it!" It was Sui Xi who stood up and spoke. This simple banquet, and so many people, were all gathered by him. Of course, this is the most basic social ability as a businessman. If you can’t even call a big boss and don’t want to have dinner with you, then your business mind and social skills for so many years are also in vain cultivation. Otherwise, how could she become one of the four big families in this city?

"The one on my left is Daoist Chen Xuan! What he needs is the Dao of death and the Dao of reincarnation. We once had a brief friendship, but this is not the point. The point is that his ability is very strong. I have personally verified her before, and her ability to guard against the sky is definitely not what you can imagine, so this is why just because of his conversation, I decided to invite you all over to help him!"

   "Then on his left hand, this very brightly dressed gentleman."

Fang Che only then noticed Yan Keyun’s clothes afterwards. This time she was wearing a dark green gown and slim satin, highlighting her figure and showing a different temperament. The beauty that is different from others, the hem of the clothes, and the edges are still a little red, just like a little red fruit on a big green tree, which not only enriches the color of the clothes, but also has a brightening effect. There is still a little crimson on the lips, it should be a pale lipstick. Showed his temperament.

She usually wears such bright clothes, but everyone who is often around her has become accustomed to it, but if you change the world, those people should not be used to it, even if it’s the first time I see him in that navy blue dress. Yourself! Even more ridiculous than the current person, staring at his clothes hard! After all, few boys wear such bright clothes and such exquisite makeup and hair accessories!

"Yes, her clothes are exquisite, but this is his style and I hope everyone can accept it. After all, this kind of thing is just a personal preference! His name is Yan Keyun, Chen Xuan’s friend, and he is a How capable is someone who is very capable? The young friend Chen Xuan next to me said to me that one should be similar to her, so everyone can believe her! After all, I haven't seen it before! Are you right?"

  He said this very cleverly.

  Chen Xuan silently applauded him in his heart. In fact, in the afternoon, Yan Keyun had personally told him that he was a member of the Sea-Monster family, but she kept him secret! It should be to protect his privacy, but also to prevent those who are interested! Moreover, if you are so beautiful, you are really not ordinary people!

  However, it is not only himself who applauded him secretly, but also Yan Keyun.

But his focus was different from Chen Xuan. What really surprised him was that the golden hair in front of him could accept and tolerate so many unique things. Many people were the second or first time. Three times, some even gradually accepted his style after getting along with her. However, this person is strangely ignorant of his past and knows very little about his present, but he can easily accept different beauty! Although I don't know if his remarks came from the heart, or the old social routine, but anyway? If he can say this, it can be seen that he is a thoughtful person! At this point, she admired him! I also gradually understood the common ground between the two of them. I used to like to wear good-looking clothes and be different. He and their family are not the only ones!

  "Then please look to the left again, this little friend who just arrived!"

Everyone looked at Fang Che. He was a little embarrassed because she just changed her neat clothes. The clothes she is wearing are not particularly formal, but ordinary clothes, because no one has told her, There will be so many VIPs coming tonight.

   "I hope everyone don't mind her outfit!"

Eh? Even Fang Che turned his head and looked at him strangely. She also didn't expect that the blond man in front of him even thought of this, to make a round for herself.

"Because he was practicing in retreat recently, so we didn't bother him, let alone tell her that there will be so many guests tonight. Of course, this matter is our fault, but he is usually a very good person, called Fang. Che! There should be a lot of people on this table, right?"

  He cast his gaze like other seats. Many of his colleagues who had lived in that place before gave him kind gazes, and he also nodded in response one by one.

   "He will also go with us the day after tomorrow! I hope you all have a good cooperation!"

  He introduced them to the left in order, namely, those of his colleagues, Mr. Yi.

   "The following one, everyone shouldn't be particularly familiar, but his name, you must have heard of it! Let him introduce this by himself!" After he said he showed his hand and asked that person to get up.

  It was an old man with a certain age. Hearing his invitation, he smiled and groaned him. Then he stood up slowly. Facing everyone with a smile, bowed gently.

   "My dear, the lord of this city!"

  (End of this chapter)

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