Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2302: Black man status

   Chapter 2302 The identity of the man in black

  I saw the huge black whirlpool just now, and it became smaller in an instant.

"what happens?"

  Murongxi, who was in a coma just now, looked at Chen Xuan and the man in black and said.

   "Nothing happened." Chen Xuan said.

  Murongxi touched his forehead.

   "Something hit me just now, and then I don't remember anything."

   "What happened to you just now?"

   "I don't know, it seems to be a black thing."

  At this moment, Chen Xuan walked to Murongxi's side, looked at her and said, "But there is nothing on your head?"

   "I don't know, but it hurts a bit."

  Looking at Murongxi, who was still touching his forehead, Chen Xuan said to him, “It looks like it’s all right, but it’s fine if you are still alive.”

   "What do you mean by me is still alive!" Murongxi glanced at Chen Xuan.

  Murongxi put his hand off his forehead and looked around: "No, didn't you just fight with that person? Why is he missing?"

   "There is a person." Chen Xuan looked at the man in black over there.

   "He is... by the way, he was fighting with that person with you."

   "You said he killed your father, do you know his origin?"

"He, I only remember that when he killed my father, there were many people there, but I saw the faces of two people, one of them was him. If I remember correctly, his family is this city. Huajia."

  At this moment, the black man looked at Murongxi and sighed and said, "You are the handle of the Nangong family."

   "Yes, my name is Murongxi."

   "That person is my brother"

  Hearing the Heizi man say that, Murongxi said with a look of surprise: "He is your brother? But I think he can be your uncle at his age..."

   "Yes, but his brother is my brother. Our family is very large. So it's nothing strange."

  Murongxi looked at him and said, "Your Hua family is an assassination family! But I think you still have a conscience."

  Murongxi seemed to think of the unpleasant things before, and looked at Chen Xuan and said, “Where did the black-robed old man from the Hua family go?”

   "He just ran away."

After Chen Xuan just finished speaking, the Heizi man interjected: "He didn't run away, he will come back. Now he enters the secret realm to cultivate. If nothing happens, he will come out of it in two years. When the time comes, he will cultivate. Because it will be promoted to the level of a god..."

  After finishing talking, the black man looked at Chen Xuan and Murongxi and said, "My name is Hua Sheng, what are your two names?"

   "Chen Xuan, this woman is Murongxi."

   "It really is a descendant of Murong's family."

  Watson looked at Murongxi and said, “Don’t blame the people in our family. Our family will not assassinate anyone. If it is a very famous person, our family will not accept this kind of task.”

  Murongxi looked at him and said, "But, my father was killed by him, right?"

   "Now our family is in decline, so my eldest brother can only find a new path now..."

  Murongxi rubbed his eyes when he heard the man in black say that.

"I have been preventing him from doing this kind of thing, but he also took the task to kill your father. When the task of killing your father was taken over, most of the people in our family refused to do it. Kind of thing."

   "Why refused?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Murongde is a well-known person in the Black Rock world, so we generally don't assassinate such people at will. Although our family survives by accepting various assassination missions, there are principles. Yes, we will not kill women or children."

   "So your family has fallen now."

  Wason sighed when Chen Xuan finished speaking.

"Now that several strong men in our family have fallen, the whole family is left with my elder brother, me, and my sister. In the battle eight hundred years ago, all the strong men in the family were killed... …"

   "Eight hundred years ago?" Murongxi looked at Watson and said.

   "The battle 800 years ago almost fluctuated the entire Black Rock world, so after the rapid decline of my family in that battle, hundreds of years have passed."

   Chen Xuan saw that they were talking about this issue, so he asked: "Is your family really good?"

   Watson replied: "There were 9 masters in the Black Rock world, and my family was one of them."

   "Is the master very powerful?" For Chen Xiang and Chen Xuan, he came to this black rock world through the space tunnel, and the rules here are still unclear.

Hearing what Chen Xuan said, Murongxi suddenly laughed: "You are really strange. You don't even know the master. When you asked me today, I thought you would call again, but I didn't expect you to ask again. Again"

   "I have already said that I am not from this world."

  "Are you not from this world?"

  At this time, he looked at Chen Xuan with a foggy face, his face was full of surprise.

  After joining forces with Watson to fight the black-robed old man, Chen Xuan now has some trust in him.

  As for Murongxi, Chen Xuan trusted him after a brief time with him, so he replied: "The world I was in at the time was completely different from here."

  "Why is it different?" Murongxi's face was full of curiosity, and he looked at Chen Xuan and asked.

   "Then how did you get from that world to here, what is the space tunnel?"

   Chen Xuan knew that it was useless to explain to them, so he said perfunctorily: “Anyway, I was walking on the streets in that world, and I was drawn into this world by the space tunnel.”

   "So it is" watching Watson and Murongxi think blankly about what Chen Xuan just said.

  Chen Xuan can only say: “So I don’t know the world very well. Can you tell me what the ruler is?”

  "The ruler is the **** in the black rock world. Their abilities can penetrate the heaven and the earth, go up to the earth, and are omnipotent."


  In Chen Xuan's understanding, gods are not achievable by ordinary people.

  In his original world, the gods were made up. He didn't believe that ordinary people could reach the level of gods.

   "Yes, they are equivalent to their lifespan. There are tens of thousands of years in total. After 100,000 years of disputes on this continent, there are now 12 rulers."

  At this moment, Murongxi added: “The city you just came to has a ruler. It’s up to you.”

  "The ruler controls the entire Black Rock world. Although they are at odds, they can still get along with each other tacitly and maintain the world together, but this is only temporary..."

   "How strong is the ruler?" Chen Xuan couldn't imagine why the ruler would equate with God.

   "I told you a long time ago that the power of dominance is the top presence in the world of Black Rock!"

   "All right, but I think we still discuss it. It would be better for us to go out from here." Chen Xuan looked at Watson.

  After hearing Chen Xuan's question. Murongxi also turned his attention to Watson.

  Obviously, what she cares most is how to get out of it.

  "It’s not difficult to get out of here, but I’m curious how you got in. Isn’t this place a closed space?"

  "We were evading those chasing soldiers, so we came to a bamboo forest. Inside the bamboo forest there were some strange stones in a formation. Then we saw a tunnel in the middle of the stone. We came in in order to avoid them."

After hearing Chen Xuan's explanation, Watson looked at him with an incredible expression and said. : "Impossible, why did you come in from there? Isn't that place closed for a long time? The spiritual power of that place has become weaker and weaker in the past few hundred years."

   "How can spiritual power become weaker and weaker?"

  "The only way to get here now is Xiyan City."

"where is that?"

   Hearing that Chen Xuan didn't know anything, and after asking random questions, Murongxi puffed up his mouth and said.

   "I think, since you don't know there, you should stop talking."

  After hearing Murongxi's words, Chen Xuan shot back. : "I just didn't know that I could go there, but can you go? You were chased and killed."

   "You were chased, who was chased by you?"

  At this moment, Chen Xuan also looked at Murongxi. She really didn't know who Murongxi was chased by. She only heard that it was the lord of this city.

  "The Lord of the Ancient Classics City..."

  "The city lord of the Ancient Classics City?" An incredible expression appeared on Hua Sheng's face, and he looked at Murongxi.

   "He has the power to dominate. I heard that Murong's family is having trouble with the city lord of Ancient Classics City, so I was suppressed by that lord and I heard that there is still a rebellion in the city."

  Murongxi sighed and replied: “Yes, the city is in chaos now, and those rebels are led by my brother.”.

   "I heard that the momentum is huge now, but if you want to overthrow a master, it's really hard to beat."

   "Since you are being chased by the master, so stay here now, don't think about going out, now you must be locked by the master's breath, and going out will definitely be very dangerous."

   "Why can the master lock my breath?"

   "I have already told you that the ruler is God, and his eyes can see everything within 800 miles, including you."

   "Then he won't see me enter this place, will he?"

   "I don't know this, but the spiritual power lines left by our family can conceal the breath, and the ruler should not be aware of it."

   "So it's almost the same as the pill that Murongxi gave me"


  Chen Xuan looked at Murongxi and said, “He gave me a pill today, saying that it can hide his breath, so I took it. Then it seems that he should not be able to track us.”

   Hearing Chen Xuan's words, Watson sighed, "That's good, I'm still thinking, if you are locked by the master, then this place is not the safest."

   "What about the person just now? He won't come out suddenly, will he?"

  Murongxi looked at Watson and asked, apparently she was still scared now.

  "Do you mean my eldest brother? He has just entered the secret realm of our family. It is estimated that he will practice in it for two years, so let's stay here for now."

  "Where are you going?" Murongxi asked


  At this moment, Chen Xuan and Hua Sheng looked at Murongxi together, not knowing who she was talking about.

  However, Chen Xuan took the lead in answering, "I am not very familiar with this place now, but the people in this world are very interesting. I want to look around here and talk about it."

After hearing Chen Xuan's answer, Watson immediately said, "I have no plans for the time being."

  Murongxi and Chen Xuan both looked at Watson.

   So he continued, "But I won't go to that secret realm where I have to lose my life before I can practice."

   "If there is no accident, I will wait for him outside or accelerate my cultivation in Black Rock, otherwise he will definitely kill many people when he comes out."

   "It seems that you have such a brother, it is really troublesome." Chen Xuan now feels that Watson and his brother are not in the same family at all.

   "There is no way. I have a conflict with his ideas, but I can feel that he still has room to look back."

  At this moment, Watson, who had finished speaking, looked at Murongxi.

  "I know you will hate him. After all, he killed your father. But what I can tell you is that we are only the executors of the task, and the client is the lord of the ancient classic city."

  (End of this chapter)

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