Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2305: Mysterious monster

   Chapter 2305 Mysterious Monster

  Seeing the light blooming on his ring actually caused the monsters to retreat one after another, Chen Xuan gathered his spirit and searched for the weapon in his ring.

"found it!"

  Chen Xuan looked at the long knife in his hand. The blade was very thin, and rubber was wrapped around the handle. This weapon is from his original world. The entire sword is made of sacred iron. It can be said to cut iron like mud, and it is extremely powerful!

  Chen Xuan slowly turned those three monsters. At this moment, Chen Xuan swiped a sword in his hand and hacked a monster to death.

  Then the two monsters behind let out a roar, and when they saw Chen Xuan look at their companions to death, they actually let out a few roars at this time.

  Finally, Chen Xuan rushed over. Seeing the two monsters rushing over, Chen Xuan pushed back and then forward. The sword in his hand was so fast that he killed another monster!

   Seeing Chen Xuan who had killed two monsters in succession, Murongxi's face showed an expression of excitement.

   "Good killing!"

  For Murongxi, it was the first time he saw such a disgusting monster, and the monster actually scared him to the ground.

At this moment, she couldn’t wait to peel off the monster’s skin and then dig out his eyeballs, but her power was not so strong, so Chen Xuan did what she wanted to do. Now Murongxi only feels very It was also the first time that it was the first time that Chen Xuan felt that Chen Xuan was so in line with her wishes.

   Just as Chen Xuan beheaded the two monsters, a monster suddenly rushed towards Murong Xi. Obviously, he also realized that Murong Xi’s strength was the weakest.

"Be careful!".

   Feeling that it was the monster suddenly rushing towards Murongxi, Chen Xuan yelled at the back nervously.


  Only a loud noise was heard, and Chen Xuan felt that an explosion came out from behind. Then he saw a lot of smoke surrounding him.

   Chen Xuangang's posture that he wanted to rush over suddenly stopped. At this moment, he saw the monster flying in front of his eyes. It turned out that Watson had knocked the monster into the air.

   "Why did you guy hit him to my side?"

  As soon as Chen Xuan saw the monster, he raised the long knife in his hand, turned the tip of the knife, and swung the long knife in his hand upward, directly splitting the monster in half.

   However, the monster's breath hasn't died yet, and the two bodies are still fusing at this moment.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan also saw that the bodies of the two monsters that he had just killed were also slowly fusing together successfully.

   "It's not good, don't let them merge!" Watson said nervously.

   "I definitely know that we can't let them merge, but we should do this?? This monster is really weird!"

  Chen Xuan was also frightened by those monsters at this moment. She had not seen an unkillable monster.

  However, before I did my best, I just cut off the heads of the monsters, but the monster still didn't die.

   "I think you can try to chop their eyes."

  Murongxi reminded him beside him, but he still stood beside him very cautiously, as if he didn't want to come into contact with those monsters.

  Looking at Murongxi who was standing very far away, Chen Xuan felt angry and funny.

  Looking at the monsters that had not yet merged, Chen Xuan said to him: "You coward, standing so far away, thinking that those monsters will not chase you?"

   But Murongxi puffed his mouth and said: "I don't care, I'm so close to you, what if I get hurt! I don't have any cultivation skills!"

   Hearing Murongxi's words, Chen Xuan did not continue to refute her, but instead looked at the monsters that were about to merge successfully.

   "Brother Hua, I think these monsters will definitely continue to follow us, I think we will have a break with them right here, and try to pierce their eyes this time!"

   "Okay, it's up to you."

  At this moment, Watson raised the blade in his hand and looked at Chen Xuan.

  The bodies of the two of them rushed towards the monsters.

  I saw that Chen Xuan had already cut onto the head of the monster, but the monster did not move.

  "The heads of these monsters are really hard!"

   "It should not be that their heads are too hard, but that the heads of these monsters have been fused with the profound iron."

  "How is it possible? How did they all get together?"

  "Let’s leave this alone, let’s kill them first, don’t know if you can?"

  When Watson said that, Chen Xuan was also reminded of his challenging mentality. At this moment, he said to Watson: "Then you are optimistic!"

  At this moment, Chen Xuan's golden light was blooming, and the blue ring also radiated light, and the monsters immediately covered their eyes.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan accelerated his speed, and his whole body's spiritual power evaporated drippingly, forming a huge golden shadow behind him.

  Watson also felt incredible when he saw that golden shadow began to take shape. He didn't expect Chen Xuan to possess such a high level of strength.

   And his strength can be said that he already possesses some of the most pinnacle powers of the gods and demons.

  But that Jin Ying had indeed never been seen before, just like Chen Xuan's reflection.

   "Brother Chen, what is your background? What a strange technique."

   Chen Xuan laughed when Watson asked him that, but did not speak, but rushed out first.

  The monsters saw the light on Chen Xuan's body, and they were so scared that they covered their eyes. Their red eyes could no longer be opened at this moment.

  A sword pierced the eye of a monster!

   Seeing which monster was lying on the ground after he pierced the eye of that monster with a sword. His body moved, but there was no sign of being alive.

   "It seems that what Murongxi said is really right." Chen Xuan praised Murongxi from the bottom of his heart.

  Murongxi also heard Chen Xuan praise him, so he said to him: "Of course, don't you look at who I am?"

   Murongxi had been mocked by Chen Xuan many times before, and now he heard Chen Xuan compliment her, and suddenly he began to feel triumphant.

   "Although I can't practice, don't underestimate me."

   "The good ones will not underestimate you."

   Chen Xuan finished speaking, and saw the two monsters suddenly move two steps.

  "It's you! Brother Hua"


  At this moment, a spiritual aura appeared on Watson's body. The aura was a little black at first, and then turned black and purple.

  The black and purple sword aura entangled on the long sword. The emperor rushed towards the place where a monster was. At this moment, he looked at the long sword in his hand.

  The sword qi light on the long sword triumphed. The monster suddenly saw the sword qi light and closed his eyes, but when they opened their eyes, they found that their corpses had separated.

Chen Xuan clapped his hands after seeing Watson's sharp sword.

  Then Watson raised the long sword in his hand and pierced it fiercely into the monster's eyes.

  Although the monster's head has fallen, it still makes a humming sound.

  Looking at the last monster that covered his eyes, Chen Xuan looked at Murongxi and said, "Murongxi, do you want to leave this monster for you??"

   "Leave it to me? I don't want it! You can take it back and eat it yourself!"

Chen Xuan felt that what Murongxi said was disgusting, so he shot back: "I won't take it back to eat. I think Brother Hua and I will run faster when I wait and let you stay behind. I don't know if you will. Will you faint with fright?"

   "Bah! Do you dare to do that to me!?" Murongxi bulged.

   "I believe that Big Brother Hua must be different from you. He wouldn't watch a woman like me walk alone in this place." Murongxi looked at Hua Sheng and said.

  Wason looked at Murongxi and smiled: “Let’s kill these monsters first.”

  Then only he saw him pierce the eye of which monster with a sword stabbed directly.

   There was another wailing, and the passage became quiet again.

   "It's all dead."

   "They are all dead, I think we can go now.". "These monsters appear very strange. If you go forward, you must be careful."

  At this moment, Watson had already taken the lead in the front, followed by Chen Xuan, and then Murongxi.

   But at this moment Murong Xi was staring suspiciously behind him, for fear that a monster would suddenly appear to eat him.

   "Hey, you guys slow down a little bit, if something monster suddenly pops up behind, what can I do?"

  The two of them turned their heads at the same time, looked at the back Murongxi and said.

   "What are you worried about? If a monster appears, I can definitely feel it."

   Speaking, Chen Xuan pointed his finger to the middle of his forehead.

  "If something appears, my spirit can search for it. If it appears, I will remind you. Then let you deal with it."

   "Let me deal with it, are you crazy? I don't want to go and watch behind you..."

  Murong Xi stopped speaking, just after they walked quietly for several hundred meters.

   "That's it, just walk a little bit forward and you will reach a room, which can lead to the outside world."

  Watson pointed to the passage on the left.

  "Why is this place so complicated and so winding.".

  Chen Xuan was recalling the path he had taken in his mind, not knowing how many forks they had passed.

   "I said your family is too careful, right? No one can find the exit in such a roundabout place."

   "There is no way, after all, our family is engaged in a special industry, and we are worried that someone will come to us for revenge."

  "Didn’t you just say that your family is just taking the task? Why would anyone find your family?"

  "Brother Chen, don't you know that the most threatening to our family is those who give our family tasks."

   Watson sighed.

   "We must know that our family also serves the city lord of the Ancient Classic City. The strength of that city lord is already at the dominating level, so the decline of our family is directly related to him..."

   "What does the decline of your family have to do with them?"

  "Because we know too many secrets of the ruler, he ordered an encirclement and suppression of my family 10 years ago. During that encirclement and suppression, only a dozen members of our family survived."

  (End of this chapter)

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