Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2312: Kill easily

   Chapter 2312

  When Chen Xuan saw the man running over, he found that he was covered in blood, when the few monsters behind chased him over.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan took out the long sword from his storage ring, looked at the four running monsters, and slashed at one of them.

  The monster suddenly fell to the ground and whimpered and died.

  At this moment, the man who saw him running next to him was the one who had just confronted the iron-clad rhino with him.

  I saw that the man's chest was caught with three blood holes by the monster. Chen Xuan didn't think much about seeing the man's injured chest, so he hurriedly killed all the three monsters that came.

  After seeing Chen Xuan kill the few monsters in one fell swoop, the man's face showed an unbelievable face.

  The strength shown by Chen Xuan was very powerful. Just when they dealt with the iron-clad rhino, he discovered that Chen Xuan was now in the strength of the gods and demons stage.

  However, after seeing him brandishing the long sword to kill the few monsters that were chasing over, he realized how terrifying Chen Xuan's strength was and how far it was from him.

  It can be said that he has not reached the strength of the gods and demons stage, so now in the periphery of the black rock forest, all the warcraft can kill them.

  After all, they are just a small demon hunting team.

  Chen Xuan looked at the man and said to him, "How did you pursue it just now?"

  The man heard Chen Xuan asking him, with a look of regret on his face, so he replied: "Really, I, we really underestimate the enemy."

After hearing the man's incoherent speech, Chen Xuan asked, "What happened to you just now?"

"When we just chased in, we killed the escaping beast, but it seemed to have alarmed these profound fire wolves. Therefore, these guys launched an attack on us, and my two brothers were killed by them. I survived alone."

  Chen Xuangang wants to talk. Only one sound of horn string was heard.


  Just as the man had just finished speaking, a sharp sword suddenly shot the man through the throat.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan hurriedly looked in the direction where the sharp arrow was thrown, only to see the tree in the distance.

  There was a black figure unexpectedly. That figure said it looked like a person but not like a person, and said that it looked like a warcraft or a warcraft.

  It looked like a beast walking on two legs. At this moment, he looked at Chen Xuan, and his figure swept back quickly.

  After seeing the figure running away, Chen Xuan ran the profound energy in his body to catch up, but the speed of the black figure was very fast.

  After Chen Xuan passed, he could not chase the black shadow, and the black shadow obviously knew that Chen Xuan was chasing him.

   So his speed suddenly accelerated, and Chen Xuan was just thrown away in an instant. Seeing the dark shadows further and further away, Chen Xuan could only sigh.

   "What the **** is this? It is so fast, and..."

Chen Xuan thought that the sharp sword just now shot over silently. It can be said that if he sneaked on Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan might not be able to avoid it, although he might not be penetrated through his throat. , But also suffer serious injuries.

   Chen Xuan saw that he could no longer catch up with that group of black shadows and could only give up reluctantly. He was now thinking about what happened in this black rock forest.

   "When I came, I listened to them. Now there are a few places where there are monsters and become violent."

  Chen Xuan thought of the violent beasts he encountered when he first entered this world.

   and the few people he met when he came to the Black Rock Forest also told Chen Xuan.

  But Chen Xuan couldn't think of anything, so he could only continue walking forward alone.

  Chen Xuan doesn’t know where to go now. Now this place seems to be quite dangerous. Although he wants to improve his strength, he has to tell Chen Xuan all these things he has encountered now.

  This place is not so nice to stay.

   "Let’s go around this place first, and how to say I have to first understand whether this world is not."

  Chen Xuan stepped forward on this footstep.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan saw the few monsters that suddenly came out in front, and saw that the foreheads of these few monsters were actually covered with jet black horns.

   "This monster looks hard to deal with."

  Chen Xuan finished speaking, then raised his steps and walked forward.

  But those monsters didn't seem to have any intention of letting Chen Xuan pass safely. I saw one of the beasts, unexpectedly roared at Chen Xuan twice, and then the body of the beast was illuminated with a black and green halo.

   "This beast dared to mess with me."

  I saw the black and green halo on which monster body suddenly turned into a circle of light, and the circle of light suddenly struck towards Chen Xuan.

   Seeing Chen Xuan in that aperture, he immediately ignited the spiritual profound energy in his body.

  Although the monster saw Chen Xuan, the monster did not act in a hurry, but stared at Chen Xuan with his scarlet eyes.

  Seeing that Warcraft was already ready to move, Chen Xuan was also ready to go.

  The extremely fast figure made a shadow, and his vigorous posture suddenly attacked Chen Xuan.

Seeing the attack on him by the monster, Chen Xuan yelled, and his body was suddenly golden. He saw that the golden spire was suddenly concentrated on the monster. Obviously, this monster was only a low-level monster, not like him. It's the same as the iron-clad rhino I just saw.


  Warcraft let out a whimper, and then fell to the side.

   Seeing that he killed the monster with a single blow, the monsters around it circled around, watching Chen Xuan and the monsters still did not retreat, but chose to look for opportunities beside him.

  "A group of beasts."

After Chen Xuan finished cursing, a ray of golden light continued to condense in the palm of his hand. Now Chen Xuan can no longer use the techniques of the previous world, but he now uses this kind of golden light to condense the iron tower, which is his power The strongest attack.

  When the iron tower was condensed, the monsters stepped back. Obviously, they were also afraid that Chen Xuan's attack would kill them.

   "It seems that you are still sensible."

   After Chen Xuan said, his body was like a kite flying, rushing towards the monster.

  As Chen Xuan approached the beast bit by bit, he took out the long sword from his storage ring, and saw that the long sword was majestic, and the beast retreated back.

This long sword was also a weapon used by Chen Xuan in the world before. Although it cannot be said to be a high-grade weapon, this thing is also iron-like. At this moment, one of the few beasts was cut off by Chen Xuan before he could dodge. The horns, the black horns shed red blood.

   Seeing that his companion was easily hacked and killed by Chen Xuan, the monster's eyes showed an evasive look, but it still did not run back, but continued to look at Chen Xuan with a stern eye.

   "These beasts didn't run."

  At this moment, Chen Xuan looked at the few monsters still hovering beside it, he couldn't help but laughed, knowing that these monsters are now some low-level monsters, and Chen Xuan wanted to kill them, it was easy.

  I saw those monsters not only didn't run, but they were still hovering beside Chen Xuan.

  The blood of the monster he killed just now has dyed the ground red.

  However, Chen Xuan was not idle, a little golden light grew from his long sword.

  The golden light overflowed, and the monsters roared and rushed towards Chen Xuan.

  When Chen Xuan saw the monsters rushing towards him, he thrust his long sword into the ground, and then a golden ripple gradually rose, and the monsters disappeared into ashes in an instant.

  When he saw that the monsters were all drawn to dust by his attack, Chen Xuan couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "It's really bad, I actually killed them without taking out their crystal cores."

   "But these monsters seem to be low-level monsters, and probably don't have any top-grade crystal cores. It seems that if you want to improve your strength, you can only find some high-level monster crystal cores."

   Chen Xuan thought so, so he used the short knife to take out the crystal core of the monster that was just now, and then he stepped into the forest again.

   "Now hunt down a few monsters and take away their crystal cores, and then I will find a safe place to practice."

  Chen Xuan clenched the long sword in his hand, and continued to walk forward.

  The trees were mixed, and the sun couldn't get in at all. In this gloomy scene, Chen Xuan attached the profound energy in his body to his eyes, and his vision widened.

  Although no light can penetrate, there is a strange green in this jungle. Moss grows on the trees, some rocks are covered with green moss, and some water flows over them.

   "Although this place is weird, it is still pretty."

  Chen Xuan thinks so now, this place reveals a breath of nature, this kind of tree growth method has never been seen in his previous world.

   "The air in this jungle has a bit of moldy smell."

  While Chen Xuan was walking, he found a light drizzle in the sky suddenly, and the rain fell on him through the forest. Seeing the raindrops falling on his clothes, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a little thirsty.

  So, he walked along the stream above the rocks, looking for a source of water.

   Just as he was looking forward along the small crevice of the rock, he suddenly heard several low calls in front of him.

  He didn't expect to meet the next monster so soon. At this moment, the monster was several hundred meters in front of Chen Xuan, and he didn't realize that Chen Xuan touched him.

  The body and mind of that monster is very huge, but his body is very swollen.

  Moreover, the body of that monster does not seem to have feet, which is very disgusting and terrifying.

  And the long tail is dragging behind his body, with two sarcoma-like horns on his head.

  At this moment, the monster was soaking in a small pool of water, and it made a few low voices from time to time.

  Chen Xuan approached step by step, he didn't know what level the monster was, but now that he saw it, he should hunt it down first.

  The monster seemed to have heard something. When he suddenly turned around, his blood-red eyes looked at Chen Xuan.

  The body of Chen Xuan, who was seen by that monster, immediately gathered profound energy.

  I saw the monster suddenly roar, and then his body slowly emerged from the surface of the water.

  The body of this beast was much larger than Chen Xuan had imagined, and the beast was actually motionless over there.

After    approached, Chen Xuan realized that the eyes of this monster actually protruded outside. At this moment, the monster stared at Chen Xuan, his mouth let out a few roars, and then unexpectedly saw a shock wave of water flowing towards Chen Xuan.

  The current broke through several trees and quickly came to Chen Xuan's side. After seeing the current recently, Chen Xuan jumped high and jumped onto a tall tree.

   Seeing that there was no attack on Chen Xuan, the monster swayed and ran towards Chen Xuan. Although it was running, it would be better to say that he had swam over.

   Seeing that the huge body of the monster knocked down several trees in a row, Chen Xuan couldn't help but think: "This monster looks really weird. I haven't seen such a disgusting thing."

  At this moment, Chen Xuan also regretted that he had provoke this monster.

   "Just to kill a better-looking monster, it's better than watching this monster here."

  Because there is still a lot of mucus on the body of this monster.

  Chen Xuan took a look and felt that he had no way of starting, so he retracted the long sword in his hand into the storage ring.

   Then the profound strength on his body fought a lot, and the golden profound strength turned into a golden iron tower, which was held in his hand.

"go with!"

   Chen Xuan roared, and then saw that the mucus on the body of the monster became stronger.

  (End of this chapter)

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