Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2315: Kill the Salamander Horned Beast

  Chapter 2315 Killing the Salamander Horned Beast

  He couldn't catch Chen Xuan at all, and he couldn't get close to him.

  At this moment, this monster obviously also knew that he couldn't get close to Chen Xuan at all, so he simply stayed there forever, attacking Chen Xuan constantly.

  But those attacks were cleverly resolved by Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan’s attacks on him could not be easily avoided.

   could only use his profound strength to create water barriers to defend himself from being attacked by Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan also saw that the monster's body was heavy, so he quickly moved his body, cutting out sword marks on the monster.

  At this moment, after Chen Xuan cut a sword mark from the back of the monster, his body quickly flashed to the front.

  Following a few more sword auras, the monster also found that it could not defend its body 360 degrees.

  At this moment, seeing more and more black sword marks on his body, Beast’s eyes were red with anger, even though he had blood red eyes.

  But Chen Xuan could feel that the body of the monster was shaking uncontrollably.

  Chen Xuan swung out the long sword in his hand, only to see a few more black sword marks on the body of the beast, and the beast let out a roar when he saw the black sword marks on his body.

   Then I saw the monster, and actually stepped back a few steps, and saw another stream of water approaching Chen Xuan.

  But Chen Xuan didn't directly resist the water flow, but dodged his body a little to avoid the attack of the water flow.

   Then Chen Xuan lifted the long sword in his hand, and then swung a few sword auras. He found that his sword aura wanted to concentrate on the corner of the beast's forehead, but he never attacked.

  Because that monster was very concerned about his weaknesses, Chen Xuan failed to damage his weaknesses in several attacks.

  The monster had obviously noticed, so at this moment, the monster could only control its bulky body and constantly avoid Chen Xuan's attacks.

  Chen Xuan slashed towards the body of the monster. The monster saw Chen Xuan actually coming. At this moment, the heavy body of the monster raised his hands, only to see two water streams forming beside the monster.

  The water formed a whirlpool and slammed heavily on Chen Xuan's long sword. At this moment, Chen Xuan was knocked out by the monster.

  He didn't expect this monster to react so quickly. Just now Chen Xuan quickly scratched a few sword marks and attacked the monster, so he had the confidence to approach the monster.

   However, the beast's reaction was very fast, which Chen Xuan did not expect.

  At this moment, after the beast escaped Chen Xuan's attack, it actually grew a few more times, and then a huge ice-blue profound energy condensed in the beast's mouth.

  The profound energy condensed from the beast's mouth was as if it had been compressed.

  At this moment, I suddenly thought of Chen Xuan coming. When Chen Xuan saw the Xuan Li ball coming, he ducked aside. Chen Xuan's agility was very high, so he didn't attack Chen Xuan.

Although he did not attack Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan was also terrified, because he turned his head to look at the attack of the monster. A large pit of more than ten meters was punched behind him. In that pit, Chen Xuan was standing inside. no problem.

  Warcraft also saw that he hadn't attacked Chen Xuan, so his body suddenly became bigger a few times, and then spit out another one, but Chen Xuan took it down this time.

  This time Chen Xuan also transferred all the profound energy in his body and received an attack from the monster.

  Warcraft suddenly roared a few times after seeing that his attack was resolved by Chen Xuan. The roaring sound made Chen Xuan tremble. At this moment, Chen Xuan said in his heart when he saw the beast's angry look.

   "The opportunity is here."

  It turned out that when the monster was angry, the protective layer on his body suddenly fell off.

   Chen Xuan saw that the protective layer on the monster body fell off and immediately mobilized the golden profound energy in the capital body, covering the golden profound energy on Chen Xuan's blade.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan swung his sword away at the two tentacles of the monster, only to see golden light.

  Like a thunderbolt, rushing towards the monster.

  Warcraft did not have the agility of Chen Xuan. Seeing the sword mark that flew toward him quickly, the face of the Warcraft showed a panic.

   said that he was panicked and saw that all his eyes were squeezed into one piece. Looking at the golden sword light, the monster wanted to make a protective film next to him, but it was too late.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan saw that the monster wanted to protect, so he waved another sword aura.

   Suddenly the two sword auras collided together, and the two sword auras were mixed and attacked towards the monster. The weather of Chen Xuan was confiscated, but it was too late to dodge.

   is in the middle of the forehead of the monster.

  Warcraft let out a roar, and then his huge and heavy body fell to the ground.

  When the body of the beast was lying on the ground, Chen Xuan felt that his feet were shocked.

  Chen Xuan did not expect this monster to be so heavy. I'm afraid it weighs five or six tons like this?

  Chen Xuan looked at the corpse of the Beast at the moment, cautiously temptation can pass.

   Just when Chen Xuan was halfway away, he saw many monsters that were only ten centimeters in length but with very long hands crawling out of the bodies of those monsters.

  The bodies of these little monsters are white like the salamander horned beast.

  Bald forehead, huge eyes, shining green. Instead, all of their fingernails bend down, like a hook.

After seeing those little monsters coming out, they looked at Chen Xuan one after another.


  These monsters made a sound, and then stood in a row, staring at Chen Xuan closely.

   Chen Xuan only felt terrified when these monsters came out. He couldn't think of these monsters crawling out of the swollen belly of that monster.

  And they will come out in such a bizarre way.

  Chen Xuan only felt that seeing those little monsters was a bit disgusting. But those monsters had obviously locked Chen Xuan.

  After they saw Chen Xuan, they yelled in a low voice. Then Ju Chen Xuan saw those little monsters roaring towards Chen Xuan.

   Seeing those little monsters rushing towards him, he raised the long sword in his hand and slashed at the monsters.

   hacked a monster to death, and the monsters retreated in a short time. However, Chen Xuan discovered that the speed of these little monsters was very fast, not even slower than him.

  So the monsters stepped back, and then drew a black line in the sky like a spirit snake and rushed over again, seeing the monsters rushing over.

  Chen Xuan shook his sword towards the sky, only to see the golden light burst out suddenly, and the monster fell to the ground.

After killing the three monsters, the remaining dozen little white monsters looked at Chen Xuan vigilantly.

  Looking at the monsters, the white liquid suddenly spit out from the mouth, only to see the liquid directly hit the ground below Chen Xuan.

  The ground was corroded with small holes in an instant.

   "I really didn't expect these little guys to spit out these things"

   Chen Xuan walked two steps to the front after speaking, and he saw that the monsters actually stepped back a few steps.

   Seeing those monsters stepped back a few steps, Chen Xuan raised the long sword in his hand to kill the little monster in the front. Only a few little monsters remained, and he looked at Chen Xuan vigilantly.

  Looking at those little monsters, Chen Xuan did not relax. He knew that these little guys were not as weak as they seemed on the surface, although their defense power was not very strong.

  But the acid liquid protruding from these little monsters can cause harm to Chen Xuan, so Chen Xuan also looked at those little monsters with caution.

   "What is the origin of these guys?"

  I wanted to look at those white monsters, and I couldn’t help but say, I didn’t expect that this monster that was killed by him would have such monsters. Is it parasitic in his body or passed down by him? Or maybe these little monsters are his clones, but Chen Xuan wanted to come for a while and found that those little monsters actually attacked him again, but these little monsters certainly did not complete the opponent, but they still rushed over, Chen Xuan looked at those The monsters that rushed toward him stared at each other. They were all about to die, but he raised the long sword in his hand. The golden light gleamed on the long sword. The light immediately caused the little monsters to retreat, but the little monsters did not. . I didn't know what death was, and continued to roar and rushed over. When they were halfway through, Chen Xuan slashed with a sword aura.

Then I saw that the sword qi killed 6 little monsters. However, after seeing that their attack on Chen Xuan was actually blocked by him, the little monsters immediately spit out white acid to Chen Xuan, and the sun also arrived at Chen Xuan. When I was around, I really wanted to throw the long sword in my hand. I saw that you were all blocked by those monsters that stood out. Even you little things wanted to fight me. Chen Xuan just finished talking, and in the end there was nothing left. All of the 45 little monsters rushed to the back. Seeing those little monsters, I actually wanted to escape to a great place. I opened the long sword in my hand and saw the golden light unfolding. I really wanted to roar. , I saw that all the little monsters were receivable and shattered, and their bodies were all cut in half by Chen Xuan.

Although these little monsters made Chen Xuan feel a little creepy, they were definitely not Chen Xuan’s opponents. Although these little monsters were very agile, their defense power was very low, so Chen Xuan was nothing but a palm to kill them. Looking at the corpses of those little monsters at this moment, Chen Xuan only felt a little sick.

Then he walked over and came to the side of the monster, and saw that the body of the monster gradually turned into a puddle of white water on the ground. Looking at the monster's body, Chen Xuan also felt sick now, so he thought now Yes, the blood of this monster can still be used for alchemy, but

, Now looking at the monster's body has turned into pus, he has no thoughts at this moment, he just wants to leave here far, never see the disgusting beast, Chen Xuan can't help but want from this dark shadow at this moment Go out there.

Because he stayed here for a few hours, he encountered so many things. Originally, he still wanted to cultivate here, but he didn't expect that the forest was so dangerous, and these monsters would actually be crazy. Come to attack him.

   "Okay, don't get this slime back. It's disgusting when you look at it."

  At this moment, Chen Xuan looked at the clothes on his body, and they were all broken. Chen Xuan looked at the places where his clothes were broken, but they were all red blood.

   "It seems that I was injured not long after I came in."

  (End of this chapter)

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