Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2346: Defeated that monster

  Chapter 2346 Defeated that monster

   Chen Xuan saw the monster attacking, raised the long sword in his hand and chopped it on the armor of the monster.

  Only heard a bang, the beast was knocked into the air by Chen Xuan far away, and Chen Xuan followed the beast to attack. At this time, the beast was obviously exhausted.

Chen Xuan had just pierced his belly, so his efforts made a mark on the ground. Looking at the marks, Chen Xuan's confidence increased. The golden light on the long sword triumphed, and then Chen Xuan jumped. When he reached the side of the monster, Long Jianhui cut, and the golden light continuously hit the body of the monster.

  After more than 30 minutes of war of attrition, Chen Xuan finally let the monster lie on the ground, looking at the huge body of the monster, Chen Xuan smiled.

He had never encountered such a huge monster before, and the size of this monster is now very large in the monsters he encountered. I don’t know what the crystal nucleus in this kind of monster looks like before. Killed the iron armor monitor lizard, but although the crystal core of the monster was orange, it was actually much smaller than he thought.

  Thinking that Chen Xuan had already raised the long sword in his hand and walked over. This is the size of a monster, but it is very huge. If Chen Xuan only uses a short sword, he obviously cannot break this monster, so he can only raise the long sword in his hand and walk over, the long sword for a while. , And then I saw the heart of the monster, and then blood poured out. Chen Xuan took out the crystal core from the heart of the monster. This crystal core was different from what Chen Xuan had imagined. The crystal core was blue. Colored.

  However, the volume is much larger than the orange crystal core of the iron-clad monitor lizard he killed before.

Chen Xuan was holding the crystal nucleus of the monster at this time, and it felt heavy in his hand. It was the first time he had encountered such a large crystal nucleus. He had encountered those monsters before and took them out after killing them. The crystal nuclei are not that big.

  At this time, Chen Xuan had obviously taken out the crystal core of the monster, but he was not in a hurry to consume the crystal core of the monster, and now he had cut the meat on the monster with a short knife.

  Moreover, the powerful armor of that monster was very rare to Chen Xuan. At this time, he also wanted to peel off the armor of that monster. However, he found that his short knife did not break the armor of that monster at all. The skeleton of this monster was too strong. It could be said that it was one of the strongest armors among all the monsters that Chen Xuan encountered, Chen Xuan. I have never seen it before.

  So at this time, I don’t know what way to get the shelf of this monster. It took him more than ten minutes because it was too long.

He had to give up this idea, so he put all the meat of the cut monsters into his storage ring. Now he already has a lot of meat from the monsters. It can be said that Chen Xuan will have a lot of meat in the future. In the sky, there is no need to worry about lack of food, and moreover. When there was such a heavy rain in this forest, Chen Xuan already had enough water to support himself for several days in the future.

Chen Xuan let out a sigh of relief. Now he doesn’t lack anything anymore. As long as he doesn’t encounter any very powerful monsters and suddenly attacks him, then he will definitely have a chance to walk out of this forest when he wears it. After all, now Chen Xuan was already lacking anything. There was meat for the beasts, and there was enough water for what he wanted to eat.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan also started to feel proud, so after unloading the meat of the monster, Chen Xuan was already ready to continue walking towards the south, but the battle with the monster just now delayed him too long. Time, and now Chen Xuan was not sure if his direction was right, so he brought out the golden compass again.

   "It seems right, it's in this direction."

  Chen Xuan looked at the direction pointed out by the golden compass, and then continued to walk towards the south.

Now in this forest, Chen Xuan brakes everything urgently. After several experiences, Chen Xuan knows that those monsters will attack him at any time. It can be said that Chen Xuan is very unsafe in this forest, so The long sword in his hand was gripped tightly.

Today Chen Xuan has to walk a bit more than the previous few days. After all, Chuan feels that he is very physically strong now, and he is not lacking in anything. At this time, he is also gradually approaching the outskirts of the forest. It can be said that At the periphery, the level of the beasts will obviously not be so high, although there will be a certain chance of encountering some very high-strength beasts, but Chen Xuan can also be said to be very lucky.

When he walked from the inside of the forest to the periphery, he did not encounter any very powerful beasts. This has to be said to be a coincidence. Generally speaking, many of the beasts in the forest are very powerful, and some are even close to the level of gods. , But even so Chen Xuan didn't meet him, all he encountered were some monsters that were not much different from his strength.

Although there is not much difference in strength, those beasts have also caused Chen Xuan to suffer. Some beasts Chen Xuan has no way to defeat him. He has also constantly found the weaknesses of those beasts to defeat those beasts. Otherwise, Chen Xuan just consumed most of his time.

   also couldn't kill those monsters, and at this time North Korea had continued to walk forward, and he didn't encounter any monsters on the road, except for those on the road. There were a few low-level monsters, but those monsters were obviously conscious. They didn't even attack Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan also felt a little surprised.

So he began to think carefully. The monster he encountered today was obviously sensible when he first encountered the monster, and by looking at his eyes, he knew that the eyes of the monster did not become Red, but after Chen Xuan fought the monster for a long time, the eyes of the monster suddenly turned blood red.

Although he was already thinking about why the eyes of the Warcraft turned red when he was at war with the Warcraft, the Warcraft continued to attack Chen Xuan, so Chen Xuan did not have enough time to think carefully. Why did that monster's eyes turn red.

  Now when I want to come to Chen Xuan, I feel that that monster must have been affected by something, or some mysterious profound energy has been affected.

In addition to the things he encountered in this forest, first he was chased by that very powerful monster into the dark cave, and Chen Xuan unexpectedly encountered a very powerful one in that dark cave. World of Warcraft, and a black pill was found there, which increased his strength.

Then he met the girl with blue hair, and the girl's origin was very mysterious, and she actually left a cloud of profound energy in his body, although Chen Xuan didn't know what those profound energy were used for. Yes, but the girl would not hurt herself if he wanted to come. After all, if he wanted to kill him, he would have done it a long time ago, and then he encountered that very strange humanoid monster. The attacks of those monsters made Chen Xuan very surprised. , It's almost like a human being attacked.

After killing a few monsters on the road, there was also the tree spirit that made Chen Xuan leave here quickly. Obviously, the tree spirit did not intend to harm Chen Xuan. Generally speaking, those tree spirits lived for a very long time. , And the way they cultivate is not through crystal nuclei, so humans have no idea of ​​hunting those tree spirits. Therefore, if humans do not destroy those trees, tree spirits will not take any enemies with humans.

But Chen Xuan believes that this matter must have something to do with the tree spirit. Chen Xuan now feels a little shaken. He is wondering whether he is going to find those comrades or exploring in this forest. The reason why the beast has become violent, he is now I can guess some of them faintly, but he is not very sure. If Chen Xuan goes to his companions now, he is not sure that he can find them, but Chen Xuan still wants to give it a try. After all, if it's just him As a person, there is still some loneliness.

   "Forget it, let's find them first, now I can't walk in this forest alone, it's still a bit too dangerous."

Chen Xuan said, and then he continued to walk towards the south. After a short period of thought, Chen Xuan still felt that he was a little dangerous alone. After all, they were always a team member. Although Chen Xuan felt that there was no centripetal force, If those people could gather together, it would obviously be a help to Chen Xuan.

Moreover, Chen Xuan still needs to find the man in the black robe to settle accounts. If it were not for the monster to chase him, then Chen Xuan would obviously not fall into such a situation. Obviously, if the situation at the time, Chen Xuan could run out. Yes, but Chen Xuan simply didn't have time to distinguish the direction.

   was chased by that very powerful monster, and it was obvious that the black man could control the magic hand, which made Chen Xuan feel very surprised. He also heard that there were only a handful of people in the world who could control the monster.

  Generally speaking, it is not a very strange technique, that is, there are some humans who have raised those monsters since they were young, but Chen Xuan also noticed that the huge monster eyes she encountered at the beginning were also blood-red.

Obviously, that monster must also be a monster after violent, so Chen Xuan felt very surprised that that person could control that monster. It is very likely that the reason why the monster in this forest became violent was the black-robed man. What your organization does.


   Chen Xuan thought as he walked, he didn't know everything about this pantheon.

Just knowing it is also from other people’s mouths. He only knows that the Pantheon is a very large organization. This organization is generally a group composed of some very powerful people, and this group is similar to a religion. , Is able to contend with the strong masters in this world, and is the only one that can fight against the strong masters in various fields. It is said that the Pantheon is located in the center of the Black Rock World, and there is no distance from this place. far away.

  If this thing was really done by the Pantheon, then Chen Xuan would have reason to believe it. However, he had just arrived in this world, and he was not very clear about everything here. Now it was only his own inference that he could not be sure that it was made by the Pantheon, and even if it was made by the Pantheon, it had nothing to do with Chen Xuan.

After thinking about Chen Xuan, he stopped thinking about it. After all, he came to investigate the reason why the monsters in this forest became violent this time because he wanted to earn more extra money. They lived very cautiously. If he could complete this task or if he could investigate some clues, then the Demon Hunter Guild would definitely pay them the money.

Chen Xuan is a utilitarian, and now he has received some information, so Chen Xuan has no idea to investigate it very clearly. After all, the Demon Hunter Guild also knows the degree of danger of this matter, so he organized it. Go in and explore them.

Now if Chen Xuan goes directly back, the Demon Hunter Guild will pay him, but Chen Xuan is still a little curious about the truth of the matter. He wants to find out the truth about this matter. This is a natural instinct. If It’s not that Chen Xuan felt that there were a lot of dangers in that forest. He has already gone back now, but now that he has gone outside, Chen Xuan doesn’t want to go back anymore. His current plan is to find his previous companions and then Organize them, and then advance to the inside of the forest.

  (End of this chapter)

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