Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2355: Kill those skeletons

  Chapter 2355 Kill those skeletons

  But at this time, there were more and more white skeleton soldiers. Every time one was killed, one emerged from behind, and it was like endless. Chen Xuan raised the long sword in his hand. After killing a white skeleton soldier in front of him, he hurriedly retreated back, because these white skeleton soldiers would immediately position Chen Xuan in the center, so in order to avoid being trapped inside, he could only retreat back quickly.

   "These things are too much, it seems like they can't be killed!" Wang Lun looked at the white skeleton soldiers and said to Chen Xuan.

"Where did these things come from?" The woman in red said to Chen Xuan while slashing and killing the white skeleton soldiers. It seems that no one knows where the white skeleton soldiers came from. of.

  "Don't worry about us, first think of a way to retreat from here." Chen Xuan said while slashing the skeleton soldiers in front of him, and at this time they were already surrounded by the skeleton soldiers in front of him.

  Those skeleton soldiers will always emerge from the side after killing one, and they have weapons in their hands. They kept slashing at them. At this time, they were in a bitter battle with the white skeleton soldiers, while figuring out how to retreat from this side. After all, there are too many stories here, and they can’t be here with those. The white skeleton soldier is consuming time, if it does.

They didn’t know how many skeleton soldiers they would kill. In short, it didn’t make sense to consume them with these skeleton soldiers. At this time, those skeleton soldiers continued to emerge from the forest, one after another, Chen Xuan didn’t know how to kill. After how many people died, he hurriedly roared, and then golden profound energy burst out from his body.

  The few white skeleton soldiers in front of him were shocked by Chen Xuan, but after those skeleton soldiers were killed by Chen Xuan, they continued to replenish them from behind and kept approaching.

  Looking at the skeleton soldiers approaching, Chen Xuan swept the long sword in his hand, and then the golden profound energy lightened.


  After a loud noise, all the skeleton soldiers two meters near Chen Xuan were swept to death by him.

At this time, Wang Lun also took the black giant sword in his hand and slashed the skeleton soldiers, but because the giant sword in his hand was too heavy and the giant sword was also very large, he could kill every time he swung a sword. Many skeleton soldiers died.

   "Let's find a way to retreat from here first, is there any good way, we can't spend time with them here..." Wang Lun killed several white skeleton soldiers in front of him and said to Chen Xuan.

  But at this moment, I suddenly heard a whistling sound from the front, and then a huge white figure walked towards them.

"What is that..." Wang Lun raised the black giant sword in his hand, and after beheading a skeleton soldier in front of him, he looked at the huge figure walking towards them and said to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan also saw it. A huge figure.

  But he just felt very familiar, but he didn't know what the huge figure was. At this time, the woman in red also closed her eyes and looked at the figure thinking of them coming.

  Chen Xuan suddenly felt very bad, because the figure was a bit familiar, but he didn't believe it was really the white monster. At this moment, the white figure was getting closer and closer, and they could see clearly.

Chen Xuan saw that figure, which was the white monster he encountered in the cave last time, and this time Chen Xuan really saw exactly what his looks looked like. The two noses were turned outwards, and there were still Two white fangs stretched out of the lips, the eyes were also red, and red blood vessels could be seen on the skin. It made Chen Xuan feel very horrified. The cave was very dark last time, so he didn't see the appearance of the white monster.

  Today, I saw the look of the monster that looked terrifying. I didn't expect that the white monster actually looked like this, and there was a steel knife on the waist of the monster...

   "Boy, you dare to steal my pill, I think you are really tired of living!" The white monster stared at Chen Xuan with his red eyes and said to him.

   "Your pill has been eaten by me now, you are coming to me now, and I can't vomit it back to you." Chen Xuan looked at the white monster and said to him.

  He didn't expect that he would be able to find himself after taking the pill of that white monster, and he could actually control these white skeleton soldiers.

At this time, the white monster smiled coldly at Chen Xuanyin, and then said to him: "Boy, don't think that I will take you if you eat it. I will catch you back and refine you. My pill, the remaining two people, should also be taken back together, hahaha!"

The white monster looked at the three of them arrogantly and smiled. At this moment, he waved to the white skeleton soldiers, and saw that the white skeleton soldiers raised their broken weapons and launched against Chen Xuan and the others. Offense.

At this time, Wang Lun and the woman in red surrounded Chen Xuan. They obviously didn’t know how Chen Xuan provoke the white beast, but they heard that the white beast said that Chen Xuan had eaten him secretly. Of that pill.

   "Brother Chen, when did you take his pill? Why didn't I know..." Wang Lun slashed and killed the skeleton soldier in front of him as he asked Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan heard Wang Lun asking him, so he said to Wang Lun: "When I was chased by that monster a few days ago, I fled into a cave and happened to eat his pill. I didn't expect the enemy to look for it. We’re here, let’s find a way to retreat first."

  The white monster obviously heard what Chen Xuan said just now, so he smiled coldly, and then said to Chen Xuan and the three of them: "You want to run, I think you are really fantastic..."

  I saw the white magic hand lifted the steel knife in his hand and then lightly waved it at Chen Xuan, only to see a very powerful profound energy, and it shot at them without hate.

  The strength of that white monster is very powerful. Chen Xuan had already seen it in the cave before. At that time, Chen Xuan was only the dual power of gods and demons.

   But now when he saw the monster making a move, he knew that the white monster was very powerful, and he might have entered the seventh layer of the gods and demons.

Moreover, Chen Xuan ate the black pill at the time, but Chen Xuan did not intentionally eat it at the time. He did not expect that such a white demon lived in the cave, which made Chen Xuan feel the most. The weird thing is that the white monster can actually spit out words, only allowing Chen Xuan to break his previous cognition.

Chen Xuan always thought that monsters could not speak, and even in the world before Chen Xuan, those spirit beasts could not be seen. The white monster in front of him can not only speak words, but also his behavior is very similar. A human being, Chen Xuan felt very weird now, so he raised the long sword in his hand and hacked to death several white skeleton soldiers beside him. After that, he said to the white monster: "Then you have to Give it a try."

   However, the white monster will see that the profound power part is already close to Chen Xuan.

  Wang Lun stepped out quickly, lifted the black giant sword in his hand to block Chen Xuan's front, and smashed the wave of profound energy with a single sword.

"Good boy, I think you really want to die, then I will do it for you." The white monster saw it, and Wang Lun actually blocked his attack. At this time, he became furious with the steel knife in his hand. Suddenly mentioned it, and attacked Wang Lun.

Although Wang Lun has the strength of the fifth level of the gods and demons, he is too stretched to face the white beast. It is obvious that the strength of the beast must surpass the fifth level, but as for what level it is, Chen Xuan is not very clear either.

Seeing Wang Lun and the white monster fighting together, Chen Xuan was also refreshed, raised the long sword in his hand, and fought against the white monster. The strength of the two of them and the monster was still There is some disparity. Although they can barely resist the attack of the white beast, it is also obvious that they are not the opponents of the white beast. At this time, the woman in red also launched a surprise attack against the white beast from behind. Xuanmang kept shining, and the white monster was not afraid of the three of them at all.

I saw the white monster waving the steel knife in his hand, and even the white skeleton soldiers around him were blown away by the profound energy it bloomed. At this moment, there were a few skeletons who just wanted to approach the 4 of them, the battlefield. The soldier was shattered by a brilliant light and fell to the ground.

Now that the skeleton soldiers have learned to be smart, they hide on the battlefield while watching them, but now those skeleton soldiers have faintly surrounded them, while fighting the white monster, and Chen Xuan also paid attention at this time. When they arrived, the white skeleton soldiers had gradually surrounded them, and Chen Xuan felt that something major was not good at this time...

So while fighting the white monster, he hacked and killed the nearby white skeleton soldiers. Obviously, they all knew that they were not the opponent of the white monster, so now they have to figure out how to get from the white monster and the skeletons. The soldier got away from under his hands.

   "You just said that you want to escape, I don't think you have this chance!" The white monster's face showed a hideous face and looked at Chen Xuan and said to him.

  Chen Xuan had just taken over the steel knife of that monster. At this moment, he felt that his arms were numb. The white monster was so powerful that he knocked Chen Xuan away from a distance with just one blow.

Seeing that there is a huge gap between his own strength and the monster, Chen Xuan can only discuss with Wang Lun and the woman in red on how to get out of this place. If they continue to consume it here, all three of them will die. Not guaranteed.

   "You can't spend time with this guy here, we should quickly figure out how to get out of here." Wang Lun blocked the attack of the white monster at this time, and then said to Chen Xuan next to him.

  Chen Xuan nodded, but they still can't think of a perfect way. They must have that white monster. Now they are dead, biting them and there is no way to get out of him.

I saw that white beast, smiled and raised the steel knife in his hand, waving a brilliant light one after another. He must be very confident now, thinking that Chen Xuan and the others would have no way to escape, and this one It took him a long time to realize it.

  But there was still a little discrepancy. He originally thought Chen Xuan was nearby, but he didn't expect Chen Xuan not only not nearby, but also three miles away.

But what made him unexpected was that Chen Xuan was still approaching them. Although the white monsters didn’t know what caused the three of them to run in his direction, since they met the three of them, it would definitely not make them easy. Run away.

  (End of this chapter)

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