Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2358: No more water

  Chapter 2358 There is no water source

Chen Xuan reluctantly took the water bag back and put it in his storage ring. Then Wang Lun had to reserve some more, so Chen Xuan handed it to him again and watched Wang Lun skilfully move from there. There were bags of things in the spring water, and then Chen Xuan could only take those things back one by one.

  At this time, what Chen Xuan was thinking was that he would never shake hands with Wang Lun anymore. After all, the white mucus of the beast had melted into the underground spring water, and he didn't know if the efficacy of the medicine was so vivid.

  But since Wang Lun had already filled the slime in, Chen Xuan now had the idea of ​​refining the slime from that monster.

After Wang Lun put those into their sleeping bags, they continued to move forward. After all, the spring water was obviously not drinkable anymore, but Wang Lun also seemed to be able to guess that there was a larger water source in front of it. It was also inferred from the nearby water flow, and Chen Xuan did know that there was a water source in front, but that place was not drunk either.

  So Chen Xuan also felt that our speculation was actually very concerned, but Chen Xuan did not say about the water source. When they continued to walk forward, they found that the sky had gradually become darker.

They are now close to the water surface in front, and only then did Chen Xuan see the huge pond, where the strange tentacle monster he encountered last time, and at this time there are still a few monsters quoting the water source. .

  The monsters also saw Chen Xuan and the others coming, and then the eyes of the monsters suddenly turned bright red.

   "No, be careful everyone!" Wang Lun said to Chen Xuan and the woman in red behind him.

   Just when his voice fell off, those monsters suddenly attacked them. The few monsters spit out blue profound energy from their mouths, and then caused an explosion on the ground.

A few of them didn’t expect that there were monsters in this place, and their eyes turned red just now. This also made Wang Lun’s judgment very true, because they just saw those monsters. At that time, the eyes were obviously the original colors, but they didn't expect to encounter a few monsters here. After all, the woman in red didn't tell them that there were still monsters here.

  The woman in red also felt a little difference at this time, obviously because she did not feel the profound energy fluctuations on those monsters. But the top priority is to kill all those monsters, otherwise they will not be able to spend the night safely, and they will not be able to investigate and point out the secrets of the water source.

   When only the few monsters pounced, they suddenly crossed the waterhole.

Although the water pool is not big, it has a distance of tens of meters. Those monsters can cross over easily. Although Chen Xuan can do it, it will not be so easy. Only the legs of those monsters are very difficult. It’s long, and its jumping ability is also very strong.

  There were still a few horns on their heads. After seeing the monsters coming towards them, Wang Lun raised the black giant sword in his hand and blocked a monster's attack.

   Then he brandished the black giant sword in his hand and slashed on the forehead of the monster. The monster suddenly staggered back a few steps towards the back, and instantly killed the monster when he saw Wang Lun.

  Chen Xuan also waved the long sword in his hand, and several golden rays of profound energy volatilized out. When the golden profound energy was about to hit the monster, the body of the monster suddenly twisted, and then saw that the monster escaped Chen Xuan's attack.

But the woman in red had predicted the trajectory of the monster, and saw that he suddenly appeared behind the monster, and the dagger in his hand was skillfully inserted into the neck of the monster, and blood flowed out suddenly. , The monster fell to the ground.

  After the few monsters came over, they were killed in an instant. Looking at the momentum, they were actually very weak. Obviously, these monsters are also the strength of the gods and demons.

It didn’t take much time to kill these beasts. When Wang Lun waved the black giant sword in his hand, when the beast collided, he was shot to one side by the black giant sword, and the other one was shot. WoW attacked Chen Xuan from the back.

  Chen Xuan raised the long sword in his hand and attacked the monster in red with the woman in red. The monster was killed instantly, and blood was still splashed on Chen Xuan's face.

   "These beasts really don't know good or bad, they dare to attack us." Chen Xuan looked at the monster he killed and said.

Although they said that, they also felt a little happy. After all, the meat of the monsters stored in his storage ring has now been reduced. It was when they were in urgent need of replenishment that they encountered those monsters to attack them, and it seemed that these monsters Although their size is not big, it is enough for them to eat for several days.

After slaying the group of monsters, Chen Xuan was responsible for taking out the crystal cores of those monsters. Then, Wang Lun used the dagger in his hand to get the meat of those monsters.

  Now there are four monsters, so they chose the most delicious parts of the monsters, and the meat of the other parts of the monsters was discarded by Wang Lun.

After killing the beasts, Wang Lun came to the pool. He looked at the unfathomable pool and picked up a handful of water. Then he said to Chen Xuan, "It seems I think about it. Sure enough, there must be a problem with this water source, but it's not suitable for those monsters to become violent. I don't know..."

   Chen Xuan felt that Wang Lun’s words made sense, but they couldn’t do this experiment. After all, all the monsters in the forest had become very violent now.

  And now Chen Xuan and the others are also very short of water. The rainwater that Chen Xuan collected when it rained on Sunday, now only two bags are left.

  It was originally enough for Chen Xuan to quote for several days by himself, but I am afraid that they can't survive for three days now...

  However, they dare not drink the water easily. It can be said that one of the difficulties they are facing now is the lack of water.

   "I wanted to find some water to drink by the way, but it seems that I can't drink these." Wang Lun looked at Chen Xuan and the woman in red and said to them.

  Chen Xuan nodded, but he was still not sure if the only water source in this place was polluted.

   Then Wang Lun said to Chen Xuan: “We will look for other water sources until tomorrow. If those water sources are all polluted, then it is very likely that these water sources have a problem.”

  After discussing for a while, they made up their minds. Now it’s getting late, so they can’t search for other water sources, but those water sources are definitely problematic.

Only the water source in front of them has been confirmed to be polluted, and just now they saw that the beasts had drunk the water here, and then their eyes turned bright red, and then violently faced them. Launched an attack.

   "Let's go to see it tomorrow. Let's rest here today." Chen Xuan said to Wang Lun and the woman in red.

The two of them nodded and said that Chen Xuan also made sense, so the ship first took out the meat of the beasts that had just been killed from his storage ring, including some seasonings, and the woman in red was still responsible for roasting at night. Wang Lun was responsible for making the meat of the monsters, and Chen Xuan took the responsibility to find some dry wood.

  At noon on the second day, Chen Xuan and the others were already up and ready to find those water sources, but when Chen Xuan, Wang Lun and the woman in red were resting in the forest.

Suddenly heard a person’s voice coming from behind them: "Everyone, now you dare to move in the forest. It seems that all of your things are ours." The person showed a grim smile at them. Said.

Chen Xuan didn’t know how to be fierce, he didn’t know where these people came from, but looking at the five people with murderous aura, they also knew that these people were unkind, and they definitely wanted to take their things. Some demon hunting groups.

  Or other organizations. Therefore, Wang Lun raised the black giant sword in his hand and looked at the five people. At this time, the five people seemed to be very light. It was Wang Lun and the others. Obviously he didn't know Wang Lun's exposed strength.

  But Chen Xuan also felt that there was some surprise, because he didn't know that there were other people moving in this forest.

  At this time, the five people took out their weapons one after another: "I think you honestly handed over all the valuable things in your body. If this is the case, I might be able to give you a way out."

Chen Xuan finds it very ridiculous. Now that these people are so dangerous, these 5 people actually have the courage to come in, presumably their strength is not weak, they have such a strong strength, it is better to hunt those monsters by themselves, how can they come here to **** them? s things.

  But Chen Xuan had also heard before that there are many thieves who like to **** other people’s belongings, and there are quite a few of these people in the forest.

   "I think you'd better stop here, then turn your head back, otherwise your life will stay here." Wang Lun looked at the five men and said to their leader.

At this time, Chen Xuan and the woman in red also took out their weapons. The woman in red held the two daggers tightly in their hands, and Chen Xuan also took out the long from his storage ring. Sword, now, the three of them are looking at the 5 people who are staring at each other.

   "Since the toast does not eat or drink fine wine, don't blame me, brothers killed all three of them!"

  After the leader finished speaking, he raised the steel knife in his hand and rushed towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan saw that his target was actually himself, so he hurriedly ignited the profound energy in his body, and then the thief leader fought against him.

"I told you a long time ago. If you handed over your things earlier, you won't be killed by me here, hahaha!" The man said while smiling arrogantly, obviously not taking Chen Xuan put it in his eyes, in his eyes Chen Xuan was the people who were struggling to survive in this forest.

And that man has indeed seen it. After the monsters in this forest became violent, many people were undressed and struggling in the forest. He had robbed a person who had been attacked by monsters before, so look now To Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, their clothes were tattered, so they were very arrogant thinking that none of the three of them were very strong.

  But then he was shocked. "Triple Gods and Demons..."

Chen Xuan watched it ignite the profound energy in his body, and a golden sword beam suddenly saw the leader next to him. When he saw Chen Xuan's attack, he was immediately dumbfounded, although his strength was also a **** and demon. triple.

  But he didn't think that Chen Xuan was actually a triple layer. He originally thought that Chen Xuan was just the strength of the first layer of the gods and demons, so he was so miserable in the forest, even his coat was torn.

He originally thought that Chen Xuan and the three of them were so miserable in the periphery of the forest, and their strength must be very weak. As a result, Chen Xuan's ability surprised him when he shot. Chen Xuan's strength was very strong. The one next to Chen Xuan A man with a black giant sword is even more powerful.

  They had been killed two people in the blink of an eye. At this time, the bandit leader looked at Chen Xuan and Wang Lun nervously.

  And the woman in red didn't take any action at all, just watched their battle quietly from the side.

  The bandit leader shouted, then raised the steel knife in his hand.

  (End of this chapter)

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