Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2376: Fierce Fighting Mystic Fire Wolf

  Chapter 2376 Fierce Fighting with Profound Fire Wolf

   After Chen Xuan felt his body was hurt, a warm feeling came from his dantian, and then he felt that his body felt better. It's not as painful as before.

After being swept by the huge tail of the beast, Chen Xuan originally felt very painful, but after a period of time, he felt a lot more relaxed. Chen Xuan now doesn’t care where the warm power comes from. .

  Now he can barely resist the attack that the monster launched against him. After Chen Xuan was hit by the mysterious fire wolf, he wanted to chase him quickly but was blocked by everyone.

  Xuan Fire Wolf was also very angry at this time. It seemed that it was very upset that so many people besieged him, so it let out a roar.

   Then rushed towards Chen Xuan. At this time, Chen Xuan was already ready to resist the mysterious fire wolf.

  The huge profound energy also attacked the profound fire wolf, but Chen Xuan only slowed the speed of the profound fire wolf temporarily, and could not cause any harm to the fire wolf.

   And after the siege of so many people, the Profound Fire Wolf was no longer as violent as it was just now, as can be seen from the blood released from its fur.

Such a long battle has caused this mysterious fire wolf to receive some minor injuries. Although it is not serious, it is very obvious that its speed is not as fast as before, so Chen Xuan can escape quickly. If it is replaced in At the beginning.

  The profound fire wolf moved so fast, Chen Xuan certainly couldn't escape the past. The middle-aged man was also quickly running his profound energy at this time, focusing on the body of the monster.

After a few loud noises, the mysterious fire wolf's figure quickly retreated backwards. It seemed that the attack just now made him uncomfortable. After all, he has been attacked by many people many times, so the speed is now Not so fast, Chen Xuan saw this situation quickly running the profound energy in his body, sneaking on the profound fire wolf.

He cannot confront this mysterious fire wolf head-on, because its power is very powerful. If it is swept by his huge tail again, Chen Xuan cannot guarantee that he will not be harmed, although he can recover from his injuries. .

However, the mysterious fire wolf attack is very fierce. If it is attacked, it is likely to be chased by the mysterious fire wolf. If it is approached by the profound fire wolf, he cannot guarantee it again. I can escape.

  I saw the Profound Fire Wolf let out a roar, and the humans in front of him had been following him, constantly launching attacks against it. Although the Profound Fire Wolf was very angry.

But there is no way to take these humans, because they are very dexterous. Whenever this profound fire wolf wants to attack the past, the bodies of these humans have already escaped early, and he finally caught an opportunity just now. He attacked Chen Xuan, but did not expect Chen Xuan to recover his injuries and avoid his attack.

  What's more, the humans next to him are also constantly releasing the attack group to change his speed and a man, and they also hold the dagger in their hands and surround them from time to time.

  Once the monster shows its flaws, he will quickly attack the past, leaving wounds on the body of the mysterious fire wolf. From just now to now, the black-clothed man and the red-clothed man have joined forces on the body of the monster.

   There were 5 wounds left, and now Chen Xuan and the others understood that they could not be touched by the monster at close range, once the monster touched them at close range. The power released was extremely powerful. The power on the tail alone made Chen Xuan and the others unable to resist. Obviously, they couldn’t fight the monster in close combat, so they kept pulling apart their body and that one. Warcraft fights at a long distance,

However, some fierce fires burned up around them from time to time. The flames that the beast spit out were very fast, and if one couldn’t dodge, it would be burned by the flames spit out by the beast. Chen Xuan was okay because of his speed. very fast.

  So the profound energy sprayed by that monster cannot hit it every time. But in comparison, Wang Lun was a bit miserable, because he had been hit by that monster just now.

  So there were some minor injuries on his body, and the flame that the beast spit prevented him from avoiding it, so many times he was almost burned by the flames spit out of the beast.

  If he wasn't holding the black giant sword in his hand to defend, he would have been burned by the flames of that monster. The flames spit out by the mysterious fire wolf were very aggressive, and its flames were also sticky.

  Once they were touched by the flame, it would be difficult to get rid of the flame, which Chen Xuan had just experienced. If he hadn't hurriedly tore off his clothes, the flame would definitely burn to his body.

  So they could only use 12 points of energy to watch the mysterious fire wolf's attack closely. At this time, after seeing that he couldn't attack Chen Xuan, Xuan Fire Wolf changed its direction miraculously and turned to attack the middle-aged man.

  Because the middle-aged man was constantly attacking her just now, he let out a roar, and then attacked the middle-aged man. I saw a wave of turbulent profound energy emerging from his body, and the middle-aged man used golden profound energy to resist the flame that the profound fire wolf swallowed, but the profound fire wolf's figure was incomparable. It was huge, and when he rushed over, the middle-aged man couldn't help him. I saw the black fire wolf let out a roar,

The huge tail suddenly slapped the middle-aged man, and at this time the middle-aged man also hurriedly ran his profound energy in his body and wanted to go to a low level, but the power of the profound fire wolf was too great, so the middle-aged man’s body It was also knocked away by the profound fire wolf far away.

This is the first time that a middle-aged man has been attacked by that mysterious fire wolf. Even he is no exception. After being attacked by that powerful mysterious fire wolf, he thinks of backing back several meters to stabilize himself. Shape, it seems that the strength displayed by the profound fire wolf is indeed very powerful, after all, the middle-aged man is also the strength of the sixth layer of the gods and demons.

  Moreover, the middle-aged man and Wang Lun were a little different, because the middle-aged man made preparations when he saw the mysterious fire wolf attacking him.

   But even so, he was repelled so far by the profound fire wolf.

   is enough to see how powerful the mysterious fire wolf’s tail is.

  At this time, the mysterious fire wolf saw his tail, and after the middle-aged man knocked it into the air, the mysterious fire wolf instantly let out a roar and chased in the direction of the middle-aged man.

Sharp claws emerged from the palms of his two hands. It could be seen that he wanted to kill the middle-aged man with a single blow, but the middle-aged man reacted very quickly. He hurriedly twisted his body and avoided it. The attack of a mysterious fire wolf,

  After seeing that his attack had not succeeded, the profound fire wolf let out a roar, and it seemed that he was very angry now. But he still didn't succeed, because the middle-aged man had already started to operate, and the profound energy in his body attacked him, and the power of that profound energy bloomed was also very great.

  Although the two of them differed by a lot of strength, the profound fire wolf couldn't be underestimated. After all, the mist that bloomed from the profound strength was also very powerful, so after the profound fire wolf let out a roar.

No longer relying on its strong defensive power and huge body to resist the attack of the middle-aged man, but chose to bypass from the side, and then launched an attack on them, but at this time, the red woman is already running the red The profound strength attacked the profound fire wolf, and his speed was very fast.

  There is no chance for that mysterious fire wolf to evade. At the same time, a series of profound strengths also attacked him. This made the profound fire wolf become very ferocious. He glanced at the middle-aged man and let out a roar.

  Sprayed out a series of flames. Just now, he was blocked by the mysterious fire wolf, so now he has become very violent again.

I saw the Profound Fire Wolf roaring, and suddenly rushed towards him. Chen Xuan didn't avoid it. He was almost hit by the body of the Profound Fire Wolf, but the flame he spit out burned to Chen Xuan’s. On his body, therefore, Chen Xuan hurriedly mobilized the profound energy in his body and extinguished the flame, but Chen Xuan also wasted a lot of time.

  I saw the Profound Fire Wolf rushing towards him again, but fortunately Chen Xuan had already made preparations. So after the Xuanhuo wolf rushed over, Chen Xuan avoided it.

  But this made Chen Xuan feel terrified. If he hadn't dodged in time just now, then it was very likely that the mysterious fire wolf would attack him.

  Furthermore, Chen Xuan let out a roar, and then gathered the two profound strengths in his body, and the two profound strengths condensed into one piece.

  The two profound strengths gradually condensed by Chen Xuan's side, and then Chen Xuan concentrated his two profound strengths on his long sword, waving a sword aura, and attacking the monster.

  The body of the monster was very large, so when Chen Xuan attacked him, the mysterious fire wolf had no way to avoid it.

   There was another loud bang, and Chen Xuan's attack directly hit the body of Xuanhuo wolf.

It can be seen that the mysterious fire wolf also knows that Chen Xuan's attack is very powerful, so he hurriedly avoided his body, but to no avail, Chen Xuan's two profound strength softened attacks were very fast, and it was too fast to cover his ears. At the time of the momentum, it was concentrated on his body.

The body of the Profound Fire Wolf was repulsed by Chen Xuan. After several hours of fighting, the strength of the Profound Fire Wolf was gradually not as good as it was at the beginning. I saw it spit out flames, thinking of Chen Xuan’s attack. After going over, Chen Xuan hurriedly turned the profound energy in his body to avoid the impact of the profound fire wolf.

  Now the speed of Xuanhuo wolf is not as fast as before. When he rushed to Chen Xuan's side, Chen Xuan's profound energy in his body evaded from the past.

  (End of this chapter)

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