Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2380: Nine Gods and Demons

  Chapter 2380 Nine Gods and Demons

  All of them dare not relax now, not only are they running the profound energy in their bodies, but they also have to beware of whether the monster behind will keep up.

Once the monster came up with him, all of them could only escape quickly. They had already escaped once just now. If the monster catches up, I'm afraid they will not be able to avoid the monster. attack.

  Because they had already consumed a lot of profound energy just to speed up their own speed.

   "Don't let it go, that monster might still be sensing our profound energy behind it. If that monster catches up, it won't be easy." Wang Lun said to everyone.

  Chen Xuan also knew that the monster was very powerful, so they still marched forward.

  After traveling for several miles, they finally stopped.

   "It's really dangerous. I didn't expect such a powerful monster to live in that water source." Wang Lun was in the forest, going in and out for such a long time, and it was the first time he encountered such a powerful monster.

  Although he had encountered some powerful beasts before, none of them had such a strong pressure on him.

  Now that they have explored the water source in this forest, there is indeed a problem, so they don’t need to stay here.

  Except for the lost companions that are no longer found, they have no reason to stay here, except that they also want to find the black robe man for revenge.

  But now the forest is very dangerous, they can only go back and make plans. And this time they also provoke the Pantheon, it seems that it has not been so easy.

  So they continued to walk toward the south without abating.

  At this time, Chen Xuan also felt that his body was very tired. They encountered some powerful monsters in succession in the past few days, and they had exhausted a lot of profound energy. Chen Xuan kept moisturizing his bones because of the warm flow in his body.

So now Chen Xuan feels okay, but the red-clothed woman is clearly showing a state of exhaustion. As he walks, his demon soul blooms, sensing the fluctuations in the profound energy displayed by the monsters nearby, so the pace has been slow. a lot of.

  Wang Lun looked at the woman in red and asked, "Did the monster behind follow up."

  After hearing Wang Lun finished speaking, the woman in red turned on her profound strength induction, and then a red profound strength wave rippled from the surroundings.

  After a while, the woman in red slightly opened her eyes, looked at everyone, and said, “It seems it should be safe. I didn’t feel the profound power displayed by that monster.”

   "In this case, let's rest for a while, and then go forward." Chen Xuan looked at Wang Lun and said to him.

Wang Lun also nodded. Now their team is very exhausted. It’s okay to take a break in this place, otherwise, if they continue to rush on, they will only consume a lot of profound energy. If they encounter some monsters It would be difficult to attack them.

   "Everyone, be careful. I don't know if there will be any monsters and suddenly attack us." Wang Lun reminded.

  Chen Xuan nodded. Although they are temporarily safer in this place, they still have some monsters suddenly attacking them. Now they want to get out of this forest, it seems that it will take three or four days.

Then Chen Xuan checked the materials in his storage ring, and now their seasonings have been exhausted, but there is still a lot of meat in the monsters, and the water in the middle-aged man's storage ring can only support them. They have stayed in this for three days, and if they exceed three days, they will not have enough supplies to survive in the forest.

So at this time they left here at the right time. Regardless of whether they can find the water source, they must leave, but before leaving, although they encountered a powerful monster attacking them, but The water source problem in this place was also detected.

  At that time, there is a problem with the water source in this place. After reporting it to the Demon Hunter's Union, nothing will happen to them. If the Demon Hunter's Union continues to investigate, it will definitely issue a task.

   "It seems that there are many problems in this place, but we can't explain them clearly." Wang Lun said.

  Chen Xuan also nodded. Although they already knew the reason why these monsters had become violent, it was probably because of the water quality problems, but they had no way to figure out the culprit.

  Now everything is just speculation, but they think the biggest suspicion is the Pantheon.

  Of course, besides the Pantheon, it was the mysterious man who killed the powerful master. But maybe that mysterious person is inextricably linked with the Pantheon.

  If this matter involves the Pantheon, then their rights will not be enough to investigate. This is bound to be a battle between the Pantheon and Tianyuan Hall, and it has nothing to do with them.

As for the middle-aged man, even though he is a member of the Tianyuan Temple, he cannot conclude that this matter was done by the Pantheon. Although the Pantheon has many battles due to its integration, it can also divide the borders. Those in the Pantheon The powerful at the dominating level control the power of this world, and the powerful at the Pantheon dominate the beliefs of these people.

  But this is only relatively speaking. The Pantheon now has many fields, and they have established their own power in the Western Regions.

  Not to mention that the Pantheon still has its own troops. Although the power of Tianyuan Palace is very extensive, the masters are all at odds with each other.

   Even many times, they will make big shots themselves, and the Pantheon is relatively unified, although their territory and power are not as vast as the Tianyuan Temple.

   But in fact, the things they control are not weaker than Tianyuan Palace, and even stronger than Tianyuan Palace in some respects.

  After they rested in this place for a while, they continued to travel a few miles to the south. The monster was confirmed to have been left behind by them, and now everyone was relaxed.

After escaping for a while, they also feel very hungry now, so they set up a camp in this place to roast the meat of the beasts, which is still a woman in red, and then Wang Lun went to gather dry wood nearby, although now The sky hasn't dimmed yet.

  But they couldn't wait any longer. In the morning, they hurriedly set off to explore the water source. They haven't eaten anything yet, and their stomachs are already groaning with hunger.

  Although they lacked seasonings now, they couldn't control so much. After the red-clothed woman had just roasted the meat of the monsters, everyone hurriedly took the meat of the monsters into their hands and ate them.

  Stayed till the evening, they became silent, thinking about the reason why the monsters here became violent, and what it was like to go to the Demon Hunter Guild after returning.

They have now completed the task. Chen Xuan had already received a bottle of water when approaching the water source just now. These were all contaminated water sources. He was going to bring these water sources to the Demon's Guild, and the task was considered complete. .

  At that time, he will also receive the amount of 100,000 gold coins, and Chen Xuan is also going to update his weapons after returning.

Now his long sword is slightly damaged. He is going to re-customize his long sword, but Chen Xuan does not have an alchemy furnace yet, so he must buy an alchemy furnace and put it in his own storage. Inside the ring.

  And he also got a lot of monster cores. As well as the sharp teeth and claws of those monsters, including fur, Chen Xuan can refine a lot of things, and after returning this time, Chen Xuan also needs to buy some healing pills, even though he bought the healing pills last time. The pills have not been used up.

However, the healing pills he bought last time were not as effective as Chen Xuan imagined. Although they can temporarily relieve the pain inside the body, they cannot completely repair the injury. Wang Lun now has many wounds left in his body, all of them are here. Stayed after fighting with those monsters for a few days.

  Chen Xuan thought about it and it was late at night. At this time, everyone had fallen asleep. Chen Xuan stood alone on the tree and looked at the entire forest. Now the forest is quiet and terrifying.

   Chen Xuan was in charge of the night watch tonight, and Chen Xuan carefully thought about what happened after he came into this world. From the very beginning when he came into this world, he encountered a violent monster attacking him, and then he saved a woman, and then came to a secret room with that woman and met a black-robed old man and His brother fights.

  Then the black-robed old man took his grudges, causing him to cultivate his own strength now.

It was because he wanted to improve his strength, he joined the Demon Hunter's Union and went to this forest to practice. Then he encountered so many things and walked all the way here. Chen Xuan felt that he had just arrived in this world After encountering so many things, he didn't have the slightest preparation...

   "Forget it, that's it, go back and cultivate a weapon first." Chen Xuan is now determined to refinish his weapon when he returns.

  Now they are ready to return to Black Rock City, but Chen Xuan feels a little at a loss. I don't know what Nangongxi's woman is doing now, Chen Xuan thought about it and the sky lit up.

  He saw Wang Lun walk out of the tent first, and then greeted Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan also jumped down from the tree and began to prepare their morning food.

  He took out the last of the meat of Warcraft from his storage ring and grilled it. Then, they talked around a campfire.

   "Do you have any plans after Brother Chen?" Wang Lun looked at Chen Xuan and asked.

At this moment, the sky was still dimly bright, and everyone did not get up. They Chen Xuan looked at Wang Lun’s eyes in the night and said to him: "I don’t know if I go back, I will refine a crystal weapon first. Talk about you. His black giant sword is very hard, I don't know what it was made of."

  Wang Lun heard Chen Xuan's question, so he replied: "My black giant sword is made of nine-day profound iron. In terms of hardness, it is the first to bear the brunt. No weapon can be harder than it."

  Chen Xuan looked at Wang Lun’s black giant sword. He had also seen Wang Lun use that black giant sword to withstand the impact of many beasts before, and he knew that the hardness of that black giant sword was the strongest that Chen Xuan had ever seen.

  While the two of them were chatting, everyone else woke up and saw Chen Xuan and Wang Lun eating the meat of Warcraft. The woman in red walked over and took a piece of meat from the Warcraft and ate it.

  After a few of them finished eating the meat of those monsters, they continued to walk towards the south.

After walking for about a dozen miles, it was already noon. At this time, Wang Lun looked around him and said to everyone: "Everyone, we can speed up, and we don’t need to hide our profound strength anymore. We are now At the outskirts of the forest, there must be no very powerful monsters appearing."

  The middle-aged man nodded when he heard it, and then a few of them speeded up and set off toward the periphery of the forest, but they used their full strength to increase their speed and they must have attracted the attention of a few monsters.

I saw a few noises suddenly heard in the forest ahead, and saw a giant python with horns on its head suddenly attacked from the side. The woman in red did not turn on her profound strength for investigation, so she was almost caught by that one. The python attacked.

  I saw the majestic profound energy in the python's mouth, and then he hurled toward them.

   "Everyone, get out of the way!" Wang Lun roared, and then held the black giant sword in his hand to block him in front of him.

  (End of this chapter)

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