Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2394: Buy black iron

  Chapter 2394 Purchase of Xuan Tie

   Although Chen Xuan is a master of alchemy, he can also refine some weapons. In his previous world, customizing such weapons also required extremely superb skills.

  While Chen Xuan was still thinking, the ice crystal wolf suddenly approached him alone with an ice arrow. Chen Xuan couldn't dodge, and the ice arrow suddenly penetrated his arm.

  Chen Xuan endured the pain, and the profound energy in his body covered his arms. Only then did he feel his body feel more comfortable.

  When the ice arrow hit him, Chen Xuan felt as if he had fallen into the eternal ice.

At this time, the middle-aged man quickly rushed to Chen Xuan's side. They all saw that Chen Xuan was actually hit by the ice crystal wolf. At this time, the middle-aged man quickly ran the profound energy in his body, a golden halo. Attached to Chen Xuan's body.

  The woman in red quickly came to Chen Xuan's side, looked at him and asked, "What's the matter? Nothing, right?"

  Just now they saw Chen Xuan seem to be stunned for a few seconds, and then they were hit by the ice crystal wolf, thinking that something was wrong with Chen Xuan.

After Chen Xuan spoke to them, he quickly took out a bottle of healing pills from his pocket, and then swallowed it in his stomach.

  When he took the healing pill, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a little more comfortable. He didn't expect that the ice crystal wolf would take this opportunity to attack him, and it succeeded.

  The ice arrow pierced Chen Xuan's arm and made Chen Xuan feel very painful.

  They thought that Chen Xuan had lost the ability to fight, but at this time Chen Xuan felt like his body was hiding endless anger, and a red spirit pattern appeared on the surface of Chen Xuan's body.

When Chen Xuan felt the power appearing on his body, he knew that this was the power released by the demon soul, so Chen Xuan stared at his body guardingly, not allowing the demon soul to live on himself. Mind.

Every time Chen Xuan was very tired, the power of the demon soul would invade her body. At this time, Chen Xuan originally wanted to attack the ice crystal wolf, but that powerful force was almost necessary. Occupy his mind.

   Then Chen Xuan raised the dagger in his hand and violently attacked the ice crystal wolf, and a sharp sword light directly knocked the ice crystal wolf away.

  The ice crystal wolf didn't think that Chen Xuan suddenly had such a powerful force, even though it was knocked out by Chen Xuan.

  But the ice crystal wolf kissed his body in the air, staring closely at Chen Xuan's movements, and there was a hint of horror in his eyes.

The others looked at Chen Xuan in surprise. They didn't expect Chen Xuan's power to be so powerful. At this time, only the middle-aged man and the red-clothed woman noticed Chen Xuan's changes. They all knew that Chen Xuan was about to be demolished now. To occupy one's own mind.

The woman in red quickly rushed to Chen Xuan's side, held down Chen Xuan's people, and then said to Chen Xuan: "Run the profound energy in your body, seal your acupuncture points, and don't let the power of that demon soul occupy you Mind."

Chen Xuan yelled, but the power was terrifying. Chen Xuan couldn't help but wanted to take that power as his own. Just when the ice crystal wolf attacked Chen Xuan, the middle-aged The man and Wang Lun quickly got in front.

At this time, Chen Xuan broke free from the shackles of the woman in red, and also attacked the ice crystal wolf. Red profound energy bloomed on his body, and he attacked the ice crystal wolf fiercely. past.

   And this time, Chen Xuan's attack was very effective, and he directly hit the ice crystal wolf's body to the ground with just two strokes.

  Although the ice crystal wolf felt Chen Xuan's weirdness, it was also very angry. He lifted the two pairs of iron claws in his hands and crawled out from under the pit and patted Chen Xuan fiercely.

  Chen Xuan was fighting this demon soul wholeheartedly at this time. He didn't expect that the ice crystal wolf suddenly attacked him, instantly condensing his profound strength and resisting the ice crystal wolf's attack.

  However, Chen Xuan did not completely resist the ice crystal wolf's attack, and as a result, his body was knocked out by the ice crystal wolf.

After being hit by the ice crystal wolf, Chen Xuan felt that there was a powerful force in his body that was swelling, but if Chen Xuan wanted to use that powerful force, he had to pass through levels one after another, and those levels represented Chen Xuan was gradually losing consciousness.

At this moment, Chen Xuan felt a cool sensation on his forehead. The blue spiritual text appeared on Chen Xuan’s head, and then the violent force gradually made Chen Xuan’s The heart was calmed down.

  Chen Xuan didn't know if this mysterious power pattern was caused by the blue-haired **** his forehead, but it was this mysterious power pattern that helped him many times when he was about to go violently.

Chen Xuan felt that his body was gradually being surrounded by a stream of cool water, and gradually got rid of the state of anger, and then Chen Xuan slowly stood up to his body, now he feels that his body is a bit tired, but Still attacking the ice crystal wolf in the past.

  At this time, everyone was fighting the ice crystal wolf, and at this time the ice crystal wolf was already showing a state of fatigue. Obviously their attack was very effective, and the ice crystal wolf's physical strength was not as good as before.

  Each attack of the middle-aged man made the ice crystal wolf feel very powerful, and now he added Chen Xuan's attack just now. The ice crystal wolf was a little overwhelmed, only to see her let out a sharp roar.

   then attacked Chen Xuan. He was attacked by Chen Xuan just now. Now that Chen Xuan's state is not as good as before, he wants to attack Chen Xuan quickly.

But the middle-aged man had already seen the ice crystal wolf's thoughts, and instantly came to Chen Xuan's side, a golden profound energy covered Chen Xuan's body, and then, his left hand turned down a golden profound energy, once again Attacked the ice crystal wolf.

Obviously he did not expect that the middle-aged man would come to Chen Xuan's side quickly and could attack him, but now he can't think about that much, because the middle-aged man's attack already made him feel overwhelmed. His current profound strength has gradually been overdrawn.

After all, chasing it out from the forest, it wasted a total of more than three hours of time. After that long time of battle, and it was still consumed by 5 human beings, he originally thought that the power of these humans was not so powerful, but Now it seems that he may not be able to hold on anymore.

At this time, Chen Xuan also quickly attacked the ice crystal wolf. Although he had been injured continuously just now, Chen Xuan had an attitude of reluctance in his heart, even if he killed the ice crystal wolf. Wound the ice crystal wolf in front of these people.

  At this time, Chen Xuan quickly avoided the back, enduring the severe pain on his shoulders, while the middle-aged man and woman in red were also discouraging Chen Xuan from letting her take a rest next to her.

  Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were the most injured in this battle. Not only did Chen Xuan's left arm be pierced by the ice crystal of the ice crystal wolf, but he also felt very tired now. If it weren't for Chen Xuan's sufficient profound strength, then he would definitely be unable to hold on.

  Wang Lun is now bruised all over, all caused by the ice crystal wolf flying out.

  At this moment, the ice crystal wolf had no sufficient profound energy, and made a whimper.

  The woman in red and the man in black were also constantly flickering beside him. At this moment, the middle-aged man violently waved toward the ice crystal wolf, and an astonishing golden profound energy concentrated on its head.

  The ice crystal wolf let out a roar, and then fell to the side. Seeing this opportunity, the woman in red quickly walked forward.

  When she and the black-clothed man attacked the ice crystal wolf together, their attacks were very heavy, and the two attacks together launched a crazy attack against the ice crystal wolf.

  And the ice crystal wolf obviously did not expect the attacks of these two humans to be so powerful. Although Chen Xuan was injured at this time, his attack was also very effective.

Chen Xuan’s golden profound energy can still stop the ice crystal wolf’s attack, and at this time the middle-aged man also quickly waved his arm, and one after another golden profound energy bombarded the ice crystal wolf from the palm of his hand. Past.

  At this time, the ice crystal wolf could not produce a large number of ice crystals in front of him because it did not have enough profound energy, so each of their attacks could hit the ice crystal wolf's body.


  Chen Xuan's golden sword aura was on the surface of the ice crystal wolf's body, and he saw golden sword marks on the ice crystal wolf's chin.

   Soon the golden sword soul turned black again. After the ice crystal wolf was attacked by Chen Xuan, he let out a sharp roar, and Chen Xuan's attack made him feel very painful.

When he was about to attack Chen Xuan in the past, the woman in red next to her flashed her figure, holding the dagger in her hand and suddenly attacked the eyes of the ice crystal wolf. The ice crystal wolf did not expect the red clothing. The woman would actually attack him at this time.

  I saw a blood stream flowing out of the ice crystal wolf's eye. The red-clothed woman's sneak attack was very successful, and the ice crystal wolf was blinded by one eye.

  I saw the ice crystal wolf let out a few sharp howls, and then violently attacked to the side.

  I saw the ice crystal wolf attack very fiercely, and at this time the man in black also kept dodge to the side.

  Just now, he wanted to sneak attack on the ice crystal wolf, but the red-clothed woman had taken the lead. After the black-clothed man failed to attack, he had no choice but to retreat to the back.

  The ice crystal wolf is now constantly attacking everyone as if going crazy.

  Now the profound strength of the ice crystal wolf has been exhausted a lot, so now the ice crystal wolf can only reluctantly approach Wang Lun and use his sharp iron to grab him.

  (End of this chapter)

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