Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2397: mission accomplished

  Chapter 2397 Complete mission

  At this time, the middle-aged man took a step forward slightly. He took out a silver-white token from his storage ring, only to see that token was taken out by him.

The face of a guard next to    changed drastically. "It turns out that you are from Tianyuan Palace... I didn't expect to blame us for being blind to Mount Tai, please come in!"

  The guard stomped at the guard beside him and said.

   "You guy, you don't even know the people of Tianyuan Palace, so you dare to let him wait outside for so long.

Then the body of the middle-aged man walked towards the city gate, but when Wang Lun and the others were about to step into the city gate, the guard stopped them again: "You guys didn't show that their identities were actually returned. I want to go in, just now the adult is from Tianyuan Palace, but you and I don't know what your identity came from."

  Hearing that guard said this, Wang Lun was also completely angry. They had left their lives in the forest. After such a long period of time, they were actually stopped by the guard now.

   Suddenly a bit of profound energy emerged from Wang Lun's body, directly shaking the body of the guard.

  Then the guard shouted loudly at the people next to him, and then a large number of guards appeared from the city gate and surrounded them.

  One of the guards said to the person behind him: "Hurry up and inform the captain that there is a disturbance outside this city gate!"

  The guard ran towards the inside of the city gate. After seeing the guard walking inside, Wang Lun relaxed instead. He knew the captain of the guard, and he had some friendship.

   "If you want to do it, you have to weigh it. You must know that this Black Rock City is not the place where you made trouble."

The middle-aged man turned his head after seeing Wang Lun’s blooming profound energy, and said to the guards: “Everyone, don’t use force. We are indeed together. If you trust me, let them go. Up!"

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, the guard turned his head and glanced at him: "This lord, this is not something we can decide. Now there are some things in Black Rock City. Anyone who can't identify themselves can't enter. inside."

   "Didn't I just show you the token? Didn't you see what was written on it!?" Wang Lun shouted sharply.

  The guard looked at Wang Lun and said to him: "Your token is already blurred, and you can't read any words clearly. How can you tell me to confirm your identity?"

After Wang Lun heard what he said, he took the black token in his hand and placed it in his eyes. After observing a few times, the guard was indeed correct. His token passed by. After so long of combat wear and tear, I can't read the writing on it.

  Wang Lun smiled bitterly, and said, “It seems that the brand of the Demon Hunter’s Guild has been worn out. If you go back, you will have to change it, but the material is too shabby...”

   Then a man in iron armor walked over from the city. After he walked over, the guard said, "My lord, these are these people."

The captain of the guards walked over and looked at Wang Lun and said to him: "If you want to make trouble here, you have to distinguish the occasion. Although Black Rock City is no longer such a powerful city back then, it's not just you guys. It can be wild."

  Wang Lun’s clothes are now in tatters. After seeing that the captain of the guard did not recognize him, Wang Lun smiled bitterly at him: “It’s me, Wang Lun.”

  After hearing Wang Lun’s voice, the captain of the guard showed a surprised expression on his face. Then he leaned close to Wang Lun's body and looked at Wang Lun.

  "Are you really Wang Lun?" The captain of the guard said to Wang Lun.

  Wang Lun nodded, and then took out the black giant sword from his back, and suddenly burst of profound energy on the giant sword.

  At this time, the captain of the guard showed a waking expression on his face. Seeing this familiar profound energy, he knew that this was what Wang Lun did.

  Only when the captain of the guard came up to hug Wang Lun, and said to him: "I really didn't expect you to be alive!"

  After hearing that the captain of the guard had finished speaking, surprised expressions appeared on the faces of everyone else.

   "What is meant by that I am still alive? Didn't I show up in front of you? And I have just completed my mission, but I was actually blocked by these guards!" Wang Lun shouted at the captain of the guard.

  At this time, the guards saw this situation, and they immediately started talking.

   "I didn't expect that they would even know our captain. It seems that these people are indeed members of the Power Demon Guild.

   "But those people had been there for so long, and they didn't come back until now, and when they came back, they said that the mission had failed..."

  After hearing the comments of the guards, Wang Lun's face also showed a trace of dissatisfaction.

  Then the captain of the guard explained to everyone.

"One week after you went to play, a few people fled from the forest back to Black Rock City, saying that the mission had failed, and it has been so long now, and they haven’t seen your reply. Now the Demon Hunter The union has cancelled this task..."

   "What mission was actually cancelled!?" Wang Lun stared at the captain of the guard and said.

  They went to the forest this time, but the entire Black Rock City was well-known. After all, this matter also had a great impact on them. Once those monsters became very violent and attacked Black Rock City, everyone would be affected.

  So they were released into the forest to investigate the reason for the violent beasts, almost everyone in Black Rock City knew.

  But they have also heard that this mission has failed, but they did not expect Wang Lun to come back alive and tell them that the mission is complete.

  Afterwards, Wang Lun and the captain of the guard continued to courteous a few times, and they were already welcomed into Black Rock City. The guards did not stop them anymore, and the friendship between Wang Lun and their captain of the guard was revealed.

  It seems that the two of them have a very deep friendship, and at this moment they have arrived in the hall of the Demon Hunter's Guild.

  The Demon Hunter's Guild at this time is still the same as it was two months ago. The only difference is that the Demon Hunter's Guild looks much deserted compared to before.

  It seems that this period of time is the reason why those monsters have become very violent. Everyone has left here one after another. They must have chosen other places. After all, the mountains near Black Rock City are no longer able to survive.

  And at this time, the middle-aged man and the black-clothed man also took the initiative to bid them farewell to their handling of the task, mainly because of the Tianyuan Palace, so the Demon Hunter Guild was not that important to them.

  And the mission channel they walked through is not here in the Demon Hunter's Union.

  Chen Xuan and the others bid farewell to the middle-aged man. At this time, the three women in the red dress of Chen Xuan Wang Lun stood in the hall of the Demon Hunter's Union.

  The clerical staff also showed a surprised expression on their faces when they saw these three people coming over.

   Obviously he did not expect that after more than two months, these three people would be able to come back alive, and their appearance would have changed so much that they could not be seen before.

  If it weren’t for Wang Lun’s black giant sword, he wouldn’t be able to tell whether it was Wang Lun or a beggar.

  Moreover, the woman in red also showed white skin, and the hideous scars on her face. At this moment, it has been covered up, but it looks a little charming.

   "You... are you Wang Lun?" The clerk looked at Wang Lun and said to him.

  Wang Lun nodded, he looked at the clerk and explained.

   "How did it pass? You won't recognize me in less than two months." Wang Lun said to the clerk.

  Wang Lun spent the longest time in the Demon Hunter's Guild, so he knew this staff member quite well, so after hearing what Wang Lun said, he also recognized that this man was Wang Lun.

"Aren't you dead...?" Wang Lun was immediately furious when he heard the clerk say this. He had heard the guards say this once before, and now this person actually said the same to him. .

  And now they are already alive and standing in front of them?

   "You tell the president that the mission has been completed!" Wang Lun shouted at the man.

  The man stopped answering, and hurriedly walked into the guild, and soon a middle-aged man walked out of it.

  After seeing Wang Lun, Chen Xuan and the woman in red, his face showed a look of surprise, but he was immediately covered up, and he walked over and hugged the three of them.

   "I really didn't expect that you can complete this task, come in! Let's talk about it here!" The president of the Demon Hunter Guild hurriedly greeted a few of them into a room.

  This room is dedicated to receiving VIPs, but at this time, Chen Xuan and others are VIPs to him.

After all, during this period of time, the Demon Hunter’s Union has lost a large number of personnel. Now the forest has become very violent. Many low-level Demon Hunters have left here to seek development elsewhere. If he can’t If this matter is investigated, then all these demon hunting groups will leave Black Rock City.

  After all, there are many low-level monsters in Black Rock City, so it naturally attracts some less powerful monster hunters, but after the monsters in Black Rock City become violent, some powerful monsters inside appear instead.

  So those low-level demon hunters were reluctant to stay in Black Rock City. They were originally from other cities. At this moment, Black Rock City had this problem, and there was no reason for them to stay.

  After entering the house, the president of the Demon Hunter's Guild looked at the three of them kindly and said, "You three can find a place to sit."

Chen Xuan also heard what he said, and sat down at a random place. At this time, the president of the Demon Hunter Guild asked: "I received the news at the beginning. Several of you have returned to Black Rock City and said It’s because the mission has failed. I met a very powerful person and was dispelled by a monster. So I thought you had lost your hand, so I cancelled the mission. I didn’t expect you to come back alive. , I will make this task re-release tomorrow."

  The president of the Demon Hunter Guild showed joy on his face and said continuously

   "You are now the heroes of our Demon Hunter Guild. Now you can tell me how this task is completed?"

  Chen Xuan looked at the president of the Demon Hunter Guild and said to him: "We have almost investigated this matter."

  But Chen Xuan didn't speak immediately. He felt that his mouth was dry now, and he didn't want to say extra words at all.

Wang Lun then explained to the president of the Demon Hunter Guild: “We found that many water sources in the mountains have been contaminated. If you guess right, the reason why these monsters have become so violent is because they have been contaminated. Source of water."

   "The polluted water sources, are there any problems with those water sources?" The president of the Demon Hunter Guild looked at Wang Lun and asked.

  Wang Lun nodded to him and then said: “We found several water sources in the forest that were all polluted. There was a strange substance in the water.”

  (End of this chapter)

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