Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2403: Enter the Dark Shadow Forest again

  Chapter 2403 Entering the Dark Shadow Forest again

Moreover, the president of the Demon Hunter Guild also really wants to see this situation. Now the number of Demon Hunters has been reduced a lot from before, although there are still many powerful Demon Hunters, such as Chen Xuan just watching the mission version. At that time, several demon hunting groups also came here to accept missions.

  But this kind of demon hunting group must have good strength, I am afraid that they have reached the realm of the gods and demons, and at the worst, they must have reached the level of the gods and demons.

After accepting this task, Chen Xuan bid farewell to Wang Lun briefly in the evening.

  Wang Lun also knew that Chen Xuan had a storage ring, so Wang Lun was happy this time. Every time he went to the forest to hunt the beasts, he had to prepare a lot of supplies. Not only did he need to consider the seasoning of the beast meat, but also the camps where he lived and the things to light the campfire, and even many miscellaneous things .

  But now because he has Chen Xuan, he doesn't need to bring anything, so Wang Lun's face looked happy at this time, but Chen Xuan was busy during the two days of preparation.

He and Wang Lun agreed that three days later, they would meet outside the gate of Heiyan City, so during this time Chen Xuan not only practiced enough pills at night, but also during the day, Chen Xuan also kept going. Running in various markets.

Chen Xuan now needs to buy enough seasonings and water. They came out of the forest before, so knowing that the water in the forest is not drinkable now. In order for them to survive in the forest adequately, Chen Xuan bought a purple one at a time. The water source of the crystal nucleus.

  The water source purchased by a purple crystal core is enough for him and Wang Lun to drink in the forest for two months.

If it weren’t for Chen Xuan’s storage ring that there are too many things that need to be installed, Chen Xuan would take them all, and then Chen Xuan bought some spices. These are the guarantee for their survival in the forest. , Even including tents sold exclusively by the Demon Hunter's Union.

This kind of tent not only has strict protective measures to eliminate the profound energy on the human body and avoid being attacked by monsters at night, but also this kind of tent is also rainproof and has a certain defensive ability, because this kind of tent is It is made of a kind of warcraft fur.

  And the price is not cheap. Chen Xuan spent five high-level crystal nuclei before purchasing these two tents, because Wang Lun now has only two purple crystal nuclei left on his body.

  Chen Xuan ignored Wang Lun’s wailing and snatched the last crystal nucleus directly from his hand.

  After all this time of purchase, Chen Xuan's crystal nucleus is also insufficient. If you add the two crystal nuclei on Wang Lun's body, you can just make up five purple crystal nuclei.

The tents of the Demon Hunter’s Union are indeed very affordable. If this tent is put on the market, I am afraid that it will be able to sell more than 30 purple crystal cores. This price is something that Chen Xuan can’t afford now. They brought it before they went out. The kind of tent is just a very ordinary one.

But this time, seeing the mysterious power revealed on the tent, Chen Xuan felt confident. Although there was a glorious light on the tent, Chen Xuan knew that the mysterious power could be hidden in the body of the person inside the tent. Profound strength.

  This kind of tent is very useful for them, at least it is not necessary to have a person to go out to guard whether they will be attacked by Warcraft at night.

After purchasing the tent, Chen Xuan added his own practice at night. Tomorrow he will meet Wang Lun at the door of Heiyan City. Chen Xuan doesn’t know why Wang Lun is at the door of Heiyan City. meet.

  Both of them are now special-level members and live in the Demon Hunter Guild. You can see him after a few steps, so why choose such a far place.

Chen Xuan did not think so much. Tomorrow he could ask Wang Lun directly, so Chen Xuan lay in bed and fell asleep. During this time, Chen Xuan has been running around and wasting a lot of his own experience, so he quickly decided Fell asleep.

But at this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt that he had entered a completely red world like the last time, but this time without the red eyes, Chen Xuan turned around indiscriminately, and finally found that it was just him. Of a dream.

   However, after waking up, Chen Xuan also began to beware, although this time he didn't see the red eyes like he did at the beginning, and Chen Xuan directly entered his consciousness like last time.

  Although it was just a dream this time, Chen Xuan also paid attention to it. He didn't know if it was caused by the demon soul in his body interfering with him.

  Chen Xuan slowly condensed the profound energy in his body, exhaling a long breath, and then Chen Xuan took out a piece of clothing from his storage ring.

  This dress was made by Chen Xuan during this period of time, using the fur of that monster. Chen Xuan put this dress in the inner hanging of the robe he is currently wearing. Then he went out.

  Chen Xuan didn’t know why Wang Lun had to arrange for the two of them to meet outside Black Rock City yesterday, so now Chen Xuan didn’t think so much, but walked directly towards the third floor.

After seeing Wang Lun's room, Chen Xuan knocked on the door without even thinking about it. But after a long time, Wang Lun did not answer Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan felt a little weird.

   "Could it be that Wang Lun ran out at night and was not in this room at all?" Just as Chen Xuan was thinking about it, a sound suddenly came out from the room.

   "Who?" Chen Xuan couldn't think that Wang Lun actually made this lazy voice.

  When he and Wang Lun were fighting in the forest before, Wang Lun gave him the impression that he was a very reliable teammate, but at this time he opened the door sleepily and took a look at Chen Xuan.

   "Brother Chen!? Didn't you meet at the factory gate? Why are you here now?"

  Chen Xuan saw a woman lying inside through the crack of the door, but immediately Wang Lun closed the door of the house, leaving Chen Xuan alone outside in a daze.

After more than ten minutes, only the sound of thunderbolt was heard from inside. Then Wang Lun put on his clothes and appeared in front of Chen Xuan in a formal suit. At this time, the woman in the room also heard a groan. Lazy voice: "Lunlun, where are you going?"

  Chen Xuan felt a little nauseous, the woman actually called Wang Lun that, and at this time Wang Lun also felt very embarrassed, and the atmosphere suddenly became self-evident.

  He pulled Chen Xuan aside: "Brother Chen listen to me, now you go to the gate of the city and wait for me, I'll be there later!"

  Speaking of Wang Lun quickly returning to the house, Chen Xuan secretly shook his head, and then walked towards the city gate alone.

After more than half an hour, he saw Wang Lun running towards it in a panic, but at this time Wang Lun's speed was very slow. It seems that he wasted a lot of energy yesterday.

  Wang Lun came to Chen Xuan's side: "Let's go, Brother Chen."

  Looking at Wang Lun's refreshed appearance, Chen Xuan could only follow behind him. Wang Lun actually walked in front of Chen Xuan now, and he looked very lively and vigorous.

  I didn't expect that after leaving the city gate, Wang Lun had completely changed his appearance. In Black Rock City, the frivolous appearance had all shrunk, but Chen Xuan didn't often think it looked a little different.

  Although Wang Lun completely relaxed himself in the city, he came to the outside of Black Rock City and was facing life danger at any time. At this time, Wang Lun became the reliable appearance before, and appeared a little more stable.

  Chen Xuan was still worried about whether Wang Lun had awakened in the past few days, otherwise he was really not good, so he decided to go out with Wang Lun to hunt the beasts.

  After all, the contrast between Wang Lun and Chen Xuan was a bit big, and Chen Xuan felt a little admired that Wang Lun had such thoughts the day before.

  It seems that they are going to hunt in the forest tomorrow. If Chen Xuan does not finish this matter, he will feel very anxious, so even if Chen Xuan is asked to spend time and drink, he will not be happy.

Wang Lun was in front of Chen Xuan at this moment. They were already a little more adept in going to the forest this time, especially for Chen Xuan. This time, Chen Xuan was here for the third time, so I feel that I am familiar with the road.

  But when you see Wang Lun, you can find the direction of the forest even if you close your eyes.

  It took a long time for the two of them to reach the entrance of the Dark Shadow Forest. At this time, the Dark Shadow Forest was as dark and quiet as last time.

  But Chen Xuan and we both knew exactly how dangerous this forest was. The last time they encountered an ice wolf on the outskirts of the forest.

  Seven Gods and Demons!

  This kind of beast is very rare, at least in the periphery of the forest, so this time Chen Xuan also played up his own one-two spirit, after all, they were not sure what kind of powerful beasts would encounter in the forest.

  Chen Xuan and Wang Lun both walked out of this forest before, so they are naturally very clear about the situation here, although many demon hunters came here at this time.

But they probably didn’t have Chen Xuan and Wang Lun as clear about this place. Just now, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun saw a demon hunting team entering the forest. The team saw it just a few days ago. Of those who accepted the task.

  However, the team is far away from them. If it weren't for Chen Xuan's eyes, you would definitely not be able to see that team. Although the Warcraft Forest has become very violent now, there are still many demon hunting groups going to hunt for Warcraft.

  Even Chen Xuan and the others had seen a thief who wanted to rob them before.

In this forest, danger is synonymous with it. Not only are there many powerful beasts, but the most terrible are many people who are greedy. Many demon hunting groups have seen powerful beasts hunted out, and even Take a shot and grab, and this is the most common thing in the forest.

Not to mention that there are even some primitive tribes living in this forest. Although Chen Xuan has not met them, and these are only heard, but Chen Xuan also knows that those tribes live in such a large forest. All have very strong strength.

  And there are not many people in a tribe, but they have basically reached the strength of gods and demons.

  This kind of strength is many times stronger than the people in the city. After all, if they don't have such a strong strength, they will definitely not be able to survive in this kind of forest.

It can be said that this forest is full of various dangers, and even many of them are beyond Chen Xuan’s imagination. On the way, Wang Lun also told Chen Xuan many that he had encountered in the forest, even those primitive tribes. Like to eat other people's meat.

The people of the primitive tribes can absorb the nutrients of profound power from their flesh, but just listening to it makes Chen Xuan shudder. These people can actually rely on this power to improve their strength. I am afraid that these people are the power of the demon soul. source.

  (End of this chapter)

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