Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2411: Avoid the hurricane

  Chapter 2411 Avoiding a hurricane

  Although close combat is Wang Lun’s strong point, humans are not the opponents of Warcraft after all...

  These monsters in the forest not only have very powerful melee combat capabilities, but the monster in front of them is not purely attributed.

  Wind-type monsters and these hurricanes, if Chen Xuan didn't help him in the back, I'm afraid Wang Lun would have been defeated now.

   "I didn't expect that the strength of this six-tiered monster is so powerful..." Wang Lun fought the monster while watching the hurricanes.

  Although Chen Xuan helped him withstand a large number of hurricanes, there were still some fierce storms around him. Those packets were spit out from the mouth of the beast, possessing powerful killing ability.

  Once Chen Xuan was accidentally hit by that storm, he would probably be knocked out directly, so Chen Xuan could prevent those storms from forming around him.

  At this time, the air made this booming sound. Chen Xuan knew that the air contained the profound energy spit out by the beast, and could make the air into waves of powerful storms.

  The power of those storms was very powerful. At this time, Wang Lun's body was knocked out by the packet spit out by the monster. Chen Xuan caught Wang Lun's body behind him.

   "Thank you..." Wang Lun said to Chen Xuan next to him.

   "Now let's quickly figure out how to deal with this monster, let's not talk about it..." Chen Xuan said to Wang Lun.

   Just now, he also saw how Wang Lun was knocked into the air by that monster. Originally, Chen Xuan's golden sword aura and Wang Lun's black giant sword were about to focus on the body of that monster. The monster suddenly spit out a powerful storm from his mouth.

  The storm could actually knock Wang Lun in mid-air several meters away. If Chen Xuan hadn’t caught him behind him, I’m afraid Wang Lun would have to fly more than 30 meters behind him.

  I didn't expect this monster to spit out. Before this storm, they hadn't found it when they were fighting with the monster. "It's not too late to find out now..." Wang Lun said to Chen Xuan next to him.

Although Wang Lun was knocked into the air by the monster, he still had confidence. He believed that as long as he raised the black giant sword in his hand and blocked the storm of the monster, he could not be knocked out.

  While fighting with that monster, Chen Xuan also saw the huge iron claws of the monster, and could not penetrate his mysterious iron heavy sword.

  Although the giant sword's defensive ability is very strong, Wang Lun can not have the upper hand in front of the monster, but when he fights with that monster, he has sufficient physical strength to fight against that monster.

  Although the two are both the Sixth Level of Gods and Demons, it is also the monster that has the upper hand. Chen Xuan cannot rush to support Wang Lun because he has to fight the hurricanes behind him.

  Also, Chen Xuan didn't have a black profound iron heavy sword like Wang Lun did, which could defend against the huge claws of that monster.

  So Chen Xuan has been attacking the monster behind to help Wang Lun resist the violent giant claws of the monster, but even so, they can't win quickly. The monster is very scheming.

After the monster saw that Chen Xuan wanted to attack him, it also set up fierce storms in front of him. Those storms and hurricanes attacked Chen Xuan from time to time. For his own safety, Chen Xuan could only evade. In the past, every time this time, the opportunity to attack that monster was lost.

   "Brother Chen! You cover me, and I will fight him again!" Wang Lun shouted loudly, and then raised the black giant sword in his hand and rushed directly to the monster.

  After seeing Wang Lun rushing over, WoW's mouth let out a sharp roar.

   Then a hurricane emerged around him. Chen Xuan quickly held the long sword in his hand, and the golden profound energy covered the blade of the long sword.

  Chen Xuan quickly avoided a sharp blade to the side.

   "Good risk..." Chen Xuan did not expect that he would be attacked by the monster next to him.

  At this time, Wang Lun and the beast were fighting together, and on the surface they looked evenly matched, but Chen Xuan also knew that Wang Lun had exhausted his profound energy now, and they were also consuming the beast.

  Although Chen Xuan could block the profound energy spitting out from the mouth of the beast behind him, he did not have the upper hand. Chen Xuan did not use his Wuhen sword energy at all.

  The strength of that monster is too powerful, and now it seems that it is impossible to use his Wuhen Jianqi.

Chen Xuan roared sharply, squeezing the long sword in his hand, and then a burst of golden profound energy appeared on his body, and then a golden iron tower slowly floated behind Chen Xuan's. The fiery red golden profound energy on his right hand burned again.

   Then all these profound strengths were attached to the long sword on the right hand.

Chen Xuan coldly watched the beast's attack on Wang Lun from left to right. After seeing that the beast's figure fell to the ground, Chen Xuan quickly bombarded the beast. past.

Wuhen sword energy was directly concentrated on the body of the beast. He was still fighting the beast. Wang Lun saw the body of the beast that had been hit by a beam of golden profound energy and flew far away. .

  The Wuhen Jianqi that Chen Xuan just displayed used a large amount of profound energy in his body. If it hadn't been for being harassed by the hurricane nearby, Chen Xuan would not have overdrawn his own power to use such a powerful attack.

  Wang Lun looked back, and Chen Xuan, who had just displayed the Wuhen Jianqi, said: "Good job, Brother Chen!"

  After Wang Lun finished complimenting, he quickly attacked the front. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him. The body of the monster was shot down to the ground by Chen Xuan, and he let out a sharp roar.

  Wang Lun raised the black giant sword in his hand and attacked forward. At this moment, an astonishing storm swept towards Wang Lun from the position of the monster.

  Wang Lun quickly raised the black giant sword in his hand to block him, but the storm still knocked him far away.

   "I didn't expect this demon beast to have this kind of method of pressing the bottom of the box..." Wang Lun felt a little scared. If he hadn't resisted it just now, the storm might have penetrated his body directly.

   Chen Xuan also saw the amazing power that the storm possessed at this time, and rushed towards him again, a golden profound energy bombarded the storm, causing a huge energy explosion in the mid-air.

  Then the storm did not dissipate, it revolved around, and it took a while to slowly dissipate.

   "I told you all, be careful, don't get too close to that monster..." Chen Xuan said to Wang Lun.

  Wang Lun also felt terrified at this time. If he had not defended in time, he would have been hit in the chest by that storm.

  At this time, Chen Xuan also quickly held up his golden long sword and came to Wang Lun's side. In the time just now, Chen Xuan had dispelled all the storms and hurricanes around him.

  At this moment, the monster also noticed that the hurricane had been destroyed by Chen Xuan, and the monster uttered a sharp roar, and the huge claws were flying towards the two in the air.

  Several fierce storms rushed towards them, Chen Xuan quickly dodged, but Wang Lun could not dodge, and was almost hit by the storm in his body.

At this time, hiding from the tree next to him, raising his long sword in his hand, and bombarding the monster, a shocking golden profound energy exploded around Chen Xuan, directly focusing on the body of the monster. , The turbulent profound strength suddenly exploded.

  The monster did not expect Chen Xuan's attack speed to be so fast.

  After Chen Xuan attacked, Wang Lun quickly obtained his giant sword and attacked the same. Chen Xuan’s profound strength was not as fast as Wang Lun’s body. He saw Wang Lun holding the black giant sword and rushing to the beast’s side instantly, holding it high above his head, and then severely slashing at the beast. past.

Although Warcraft did not expect the accurate attack to be so fast, Warcraft had already seen Wang Lun attacking him, so he raised his huge claws and blocked him.


  A huge roar came from between them.

The violent energy immediately radiated, and even Chen Xuan's body stepped back a few steps. The dust lifted up lost Wang Lun’s eyes. I saw that the monster blows out a few storms and the dust radiated into the sky. Above.

   "I told you, don't get too close to that monster..." After seeing Wang Lun's attack, Chen Xuan did not have the upper hand at all, so he reminded him.

  But Wang Lun was not convinced. Although he did not have the upper hand when attacking Warcraft, he could chop the black giant sword on the body of Warcraft several times.

After seeing that he could not dissuade him, Chen Xuan also quickly came to Wang Lun's side, the golden long sword flashed out in an instant, and then attacked the monster.

After the astonishing energy exploded on the body of Warcraft, the body of Warcraft was hit by Chen Xuan in the hollow. Chen Xuan had already displayed his own Unmarked Sword Qi, if it weren't for Chen Xuan's powerful Unmarked Sword Qi. Power, simply can't knock the body of the beast into the air.

  At this time, after the monster crawled out of the pit, it stared at Chen Xuan fiercely with red eyes. Chen Xuan attacked him twice just now and bombarded its body into the ground.

  Warcraft stared at Chen Xuan with red eyes, let out a sharp roar, and attacked Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan did not expect that the Warcraft would suddenly attack him.

  Hurrying up the long sword in his hand to defend, Chen Xuan was directly knocked out by the monster...

  Although Chen Xuan now has a lethal Unmarked Sword Qi, his own defensive ability is not very strong. If he is approached by that monster, Chen Xuan will definitely be hit by it.

Once Chen Xuan was hit by that monster, he would definitely be seriously injured. If Chen Xuan hadn't just evaded in time and let the huge iron claw of that monster hit his long sword, I'm afraid Chen Xuan Xuan Xiao's life is not guaranteed.

  Seeing Chen Xuan being knocked into the air, Wang Lun quickly raised the black giant sword in his hand and came between Chen Xuan and the monster.

   "Brother Chen still follow the method just now. I will prove to delay him and you will attack from behind!" Wang Lun shouted at Chen Xuan behind him.

   Then he twisted his body and looked at the monster in front. Wang Lun felt a little excited at this moment and licked his lips.

  (End of this chapter)

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