Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2416: Toxin of Thorns

  Chapter 2416 The Toxin of Thorns

After seeing Chen Xuan's eyes opened, Wang Lun hurriedly pushed to the side of Chen Xuan and said to him, "What happened to Brother Chen? Are your injuries okay now?"

  Chen Xuan replied: "The wound was still very painful just now, and it is better now. Let's get rid of the mysterious fire leopard in front of me."

  Chen Xuan sorted out his wounds after speaking. The blood flowing out of the wound just now had been cleaned up by Chen Xuan. At this moment, he saw the blood dripping on the ground, even turning black.

Sure enough, Chen Xuan did not think of it. The thorns that I encountered just now were poisonous. Otherwise, Chen Xuan would not be like this at all. If he was just knocked out by the profound fire spirit leopard, Chen Xuan would not suffer such severe injuries at all.

  It's just that what Chen Xuan did not expect was that he was simply stabbed by the thorns, which caused such serious consequences.

  Chen Xuan looked at the broken thorns on the ground and carefully picked up the thorns. Now Chen Xuan dare not be touched by the thorns.

After seeing Chen Xuan opened his eyes, the Xuanhuo Lingbao let out a roar, and saw a few flames flashing on its tail, and it immediately attacked Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan saw the mysterious fire leopard attacking him, and used his right hand to pick up the long sword with profound strength attached to the long sword. Seeing that Chen Xuan was about to attack the mysterious fire leopard, Wang Lun hurriedly blocked Chen. Xuan's side said to him: "Brother Chen, if you are injured, don't fight anymore. Just leave this Xuanhuo Lingbao to me."

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly, but after more than half an hour of repair, Chen Xuan felt that his injuries were mostly healed, and it seemed that he had expelled all the toxins.

  Chen Xuan's newly swollen wound has now gradually become its original appearance, but there are still some scars left on it.

Even so, Chen Xuan felt that he was very tired, but now he has no time to waste on this matter. If he can't quickly kill the Xuanhuo Leopard, he will get rid of Wang Lun's hind legs. Up.

If you don’t kill the Profound Fire Leopard in time in this forest, it is very likely that you will attract other Profound Fire Leopards, not to mention that at this stage, it is a dangerous stage, and the Profound Fire Leopards will change. It was extremely violent.

  Originally, these Profound Fire Leopards would attack humans, but now these violent Profound Fire Leopards will launch fierce attacks whenever they see humans. Even Profound Fire Leopards, which did not attack humans before, always launch sneak attacks against humans.

After Xuanhuo Lingbao made a sound, he saw a golden flame spewing from his huge fangs. Chen Xuan hurriedly avoided. Wang Lun wanted to block his black giant sword in front of Chen Xuan, but he saw Chen Xuan had already jumped out, so he stepped forward and raised the weapon in his hand to fight the Profound Fire Spirit Leopard.

  After Chen Xuan recovered part of his physical strength, he joined the camp and fought with Wang Lun against the mysterious fire leopard.

  The attack of the Profound Fire Leopard was still very violent. Although Wang Lun was also the Sixth Divine and Demon, and had the upper hand in this battle, he could not immediately eat the Profound Fire Leopard.

Although Chen Xuan was injured and poisoned now, after joining in, he obviously suppressed the Profound Fire Spirit Leopard. When the Profound Fire Spirit Leopard saw Chen Xuan lying on the ground just now, there was still Some surprises, but now I see Chen Xuan stand up again and attack him.

It made the Xuanhuo Ling Leopard become very angry, and this Xuanhuo Ling Leopard also found that Chen Xuan was very weak now, so he always wanted to find a chance to attack Chen Xuan, but Wang Lun was in the front, otherwise Then Chen Xuan was taken into his body by the Profound Fire Spirit Leopard, and if he was approached by the violent Profound Fire Spirit Leopard, Chen Xuan was not sure that he would be able to evade his attack again.

  He had already overdrawn his stamina after putting it on just now. Dobby's flames spit out from the profound fire spirit leopard. The flames spit out from this profound fire spirit leopard was very fierce, the most fierce Chen Xuan had ever seen.

  The flame of this mysterious fire leopard even has attachment properties, which can burn all matter.

"Brother Chen, you must be careful. If you can't fight, you can hide aside. I still have the ability to deal with this mysterious fire leopard." Wang Lun's black giant sword resisted the mysterious. The golden power that the fire spirit leopard spit out responded to Chen Xuan next to him.

  He could see that Chen Xuan was still a little tired and couldn't use his previous strength at all, so for Chen Xuan's safety, he kindly reminded him.

   However, Chen Xuan didn't want to hold back at this time, and hurriedly mobilized the profound energy in his body. Although the wound was still very painful, Chen Xuan could only wield a golden traceless sword aura and attacked towards the profound fire spirit leopard.

Chen Xuan’s golden non-mark sword energy can only exert half of its power before, but the mysterious fire spirit leopard still pays attention to it, because he has been attacked by Chen Xuan several times before, on his body. A few scars were left.

  These scars are very obvious on the body of the Xuanhuo Lingbao, because the whole body of the Xuanhuo Lingbao is golden yellow, and even a faint golden flame is wrapped around its body.

  It’s just that this flame is very similar to the color on his body, and it won’t be obvious if you don’t look closely.

  The Profound Fire Spirit Leopard spewed out flames and attacked Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan quickly avoided. The Profound Fire Leopard fought Wang Lun in close combat, spewing out a golden flame from time to time, launching a long-range attack on Chen Xuan.

  Although the wound was very painful, if the flames of this mysterious fire leopard burned, Chen Xuan would not be able to eat it and walk away.

Therefore, Chen Xuan also mobilized his 12 points of attention. Although Wang Lun could also help Chen Xuan withstand the golden flames of Xuanhuo Lingbao before, at this time Wang Lun had already put all his thoughts on and The mysterious fire spirit leopard in front of him was fighting.

And when this Profound Fire Spirit Leopard allocated energy to attack Chen Xuan, it was directly hit by Wang Lun’s black curved giant sword. When the black giant sword slashed on the body of the Profound Fire Spirit Leopard, it directly hit him. The body was knocked into the air.

  This surprised Chen Xuan slightly. Wang Lun’s black giant sword directly slashed into the body of the Xuanhuo Lingbao, but it did not break through the Xuanhuo Lingbao's defense.

  The Xuanhuo Lingbao's body is not covered with thick armor and bones.

  But the Profound Fire Spirit Leopard actually has such a strong defensive power, you must know that Wang Lun’s black giant sword also has very strong attack power and lethality.

This also made them discover a common problem. After these Profound Fire Spirit Leopards became violent, their body's defenses were stronger than before. Although the Profound Fire Spirit Leopard became very violent, it launched a violent brainless attitude towards humans. attack.

But this defense made Wang Lun and Chen Xuan feel a bit tricky, not to mention the giant python they had encountered before. Thinking of the hardness of the scales on that python's body, Chen Xuan shuddered. But now the scales of the Xuanhuo Ling Leopard were already lying obediently in Chen Xuan's storage ring.

  It is completely possible to break their defenses, but this mysterious fire leopard attaches its profound strength to the surface of its body, so Wang Lun has not broken its defenses.

  Although Wang Lun was knocked out far away, the Profound Fire Spirit Leopard did not lose its fighting ability, but it was very obvious that the Profound Fire Spirit Leopard was no longer as fierce as before.

   was attacked by Chen Xuan and Wang Lun one after another. Although the defensive ability of this Xuanhuo Lingbao was very strong, it could not bear the crazy attack of two people.

   Although Chen Xuan's current strength was greatly reduced, he could not display half of his previous strength, but the lethal power of this Wuhen Jianqi still caused damage to the Profound Fire Spirit Leopard.

  I saw that the mysterious fire leopard originally wanted to attack Wang Lun’s huge claws, but after being hit by Chen Xuan’s golden profound power, he immediately retracted it.

   "Good job, Brother Chen." Wang Lun also saw Chen Xuan's golden sword aura just now and helped Wang Lun a bit.

When Wang Lun and the Profound Fire Spirit Leopard were in a spiritual battle, they couldn’t take into account all the directions. Just now, the Profound Fire Spirit Leopard had hooked its tail like an iron hook towards Wang Lun, and at this moment, the Profound Fire Spirit The leopard slapped Wang Lun abruptly.

  After Chen Xuan saw it next to him, he quickly circulated the golden profound energy in his body and helped Wang Lun withstand the attack of the mysterious fire leopard.

Now this Profound Fire Spirit Leopard is not as fierce as just now. After being attacked by Chen Xuan, the Profound Fire Spirit Leopard would actually look at the two of them, obviously thinking about the strength of the two of them, after being attacked by Chen Xuan. Xuanhuo Lingbao imagined that it was much stronger.

  Moreover, this Profound Fire Spirit Leopard also faintly felt that it could no longer capture the two prey in front of him.

This mysterious fire spirit leopard has been hungry for two days recently, and finally caught a spirit fox and wanted to have a full meal, but did not expect that these two humans would actually appear here. Ling Leopard's prey was snatched away, the strength is still very strong.

If it were in normal times, this Profound Fire Spirit Leopard would definitely kill these two humans, but now this Profound Fire Spirit Leopard has a sword that is so ferocious just now. Seeing the strength of these two humans bloom , Xuanhuo Lingbao unexpectedly hesitated slightly.

Seeing that the mysterious fire leopard did not attack them, Chen Xuan sighed in a hurry. He launched an attack just now, causing Chen Xuan to overdraw his profound strength. In order to repair his wound, Chen Xuan swallowed it just now. After the pill, a large amount of profound energy was used to repair one's own injuries and resist the intrusion of toxins into one's blood vessels.

  The Profound Fire Leopard still did not launch an attack on them. Chen Xuan took advantage of this moment to quickly regain his strength. At this time, Wang Lun was also holding the giant sword and stared at the opposite Profound Fire Leopard.

  (End of this chapter)

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