Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2449: The power of the demon soul appears

   Chapter 2449 The power of the demon soul appears

Then he looked at the torso of the giant rock snake. There was also a dagger of Wang Lun on the torso of the giant rock snake, but Chen Xuan couldn't find where the dagger he threw was going to. It must be because of the power he threw. It was so powerful that it had penetrated into the body of the giant rock snake.

So Wang Lun took the dagger in his hand and cut the giant rock snake, but the skin of the giant rock snake was still very hard, so Chen Xuan could only split the head of the giant rock snake with the long sword in his hand. .

Seeing that the dagger was inside the head of the giant rock snake, Chen Xuan sighed and took the dagger out of the head of the giant rock snake. However, Chen Xuan later discovered that the horn on the forehead of the giant rock snake seemed to be also A baby.

  Chen Xuan used his long sword to cut off the giant rock snake horn, and then put it in his storage ring.

   "It seems that this thing can also be refined, a lot of good treasures..." Chen Xuan said.

  The horns of this giant rock snake are indeed very useful. Wait until they cut the heart of the giant rock snake. Inside it is an orange crystal core. It seems that the level of this giant rock snake has reached the orange level.

  Although this giant rock snake is very rare, its strength is weaker than they thought. It should be understood that the giant python they encountered before is not a rare level in itself, but its strength is very powerful.

  However, the horns on the forehead of this giant rock snake are very useful to Chen Xuan. When Chen Xuan refines this horn, it can even blend the characteristics of this giant rock snake.

At the next moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt that a shocking force seemed to be coming from the giant rock snake, and then that force slowly gathered in Chen Xuan’s chest, and Chen Xuan did not expect that force would suddenly happen. appear.

   "What's the matter, where did this power come from..." Chen Xuan felt that the power in his chest was actually absorbing the body of this giant rock snake.

   Then Chen Xuan hurriedly took his body back two steps, and the blue lines of profound strength on his forehead gleamed, and then Chen Xuan felt the power in his chest disappear.

  Wang Lun was packing things up just now, so he didn't see what Chen Xuan had done, but when he turned around, he found that the body of the giant rock snake on the ground had turned into a mass of bones.

   "What happened!?" Wang Lun asked in shock.

  He was busy packing things just now, so he didn't see anything. When he turned his head and saw the skeleton of the giant rock snake lying on the ground, how could he not be surprised.

Originally, they had to figure out a way to take out the meat from the giant rock snake for the two of them to use, but now there is only a trace of bone left. Chen Xuan is now gathering the profound energy in his body, so I didn't hear what Wang Lun was saying.

After more than half an hour, Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes. The power just now was clearly caused by the power of the demon soul. If it weren't for the blue lines on Chen Xuan's forehead, it is very likely that Chen Xuan just now Xuan is about to be swallowed.

  This kind of demon soul power is indeed very insecure. If Chen Xuan did not stop in time, he would be swallowed by that profound power.

Chen Xuan looked at Wang Lun with a surprised face and replied: "I don't know. Just now, I seem to feel that some power has emerged in my body. It may be the demon soul. I didn't expect to give the body of this giant rock snake. Absorbed…"

  Before, Chen Xuan also saw how the woman in red had absorbed the giant rock snake, but now that the giant rock snake was absorbed in front of his own eyes, Chen Xuan felt a little surprised at this picture.

  But the next second Chen Xuan felt that his body was a little strange. He only felt that his blood was constantly boiling, and then Chen Xuan felt that power seemed to gradually converge on Chen Xuan's skin.

  Next, Chen Xuan saw that his skin had turned into the color of a rock. Seeing that color, Chen Xuan was exclaimed in his heart: "Isn't it because I absorbed the power of this giant rock snake."

  The look of surprise on Wang Lun’s face was even more obvious at this moment: "Brother Chen, don’t you tell me that the power of the demon soul you cultivate has already occurred..."

Although Wang Lun knew that Chen Xuan had practiced the power of the demon soul before, he also heard that Chen Xuan could not control this power, and the middle-aged man also suggested that Chen Xuan should not be practicing before, and Chen Xuan did not use it at all. Having experienced the power of this demon soul, but now he suddenly absorbed the body of the giant rock snake, which made Wang Lun feel very surprised.

   "I don't know. Just now I felt a little discomfort in my body. Then I touched the skin of the giant rock snake and absorbed the giant rock snake without expecting it..." Chen Xuan replied.

Chen Xuan really didn’t know how this happened, and he didn’t know how to use the power of the demon soul to absorb the corpse of the giant rock snake, but this incident had already happened in front of Chen Xuan. It cannot be denied.

  If it hadn’t been for the blue spiritual power lines on his forehead that had just flashed out, Chen Xuan would probably have lost his reason now.

  Chen Xuan noticed that his skin had turned into a rock and the color was exactly the same as the skin of the giant rock snake. Chen Xuan knew that he had mastered the power of the giant rock snake.

But this force of Chen Xuan could not be retracted and retracted freely. Although the power became very strange, Chen Xuan could not retract and control freely. Although Chen Xuan now knew that this force could bring him many benefits, but Chen Xuan didn't want to get the benefits of this power, because this power might bring a lot of dangers, and Chen Xuan couldn't control this strange power freely now.

   "I really didn't expect this power to appear suddenly in my inadvertent time. If I can't control him, it will probably cause me a lot of trouble." Chen Xuan whispered.

Wang Lun obviously heard it. He saw that Chen Xuan's skin had turned into the color of rock, and suddenly said to Chen Xuan: "Brother Chen, I'm afraid you have absorbed the power of that giant rock snake just now. You don't know your defenses. If your abilities have become stronger, don’t keep showing such a strange look. This may be a good thing for you!”

Hearing what Wang Lun said, Chen Xuan also cheered up his spirit. Although he could not control the power of the demon soul freely now, Chen Xuan really felt this power. He looked at the skin that emerged from his body. Xuan knew that his defensive power had now increased.

  Afterwards, Chen Xuan slowly controlled the power in his body, so that all the lines of profound strength disappeared. Seeing that his skin returned to its previous appearance, Chen Xuan also felt that there was a difference.

After all, Chen Xuan still cannot control this power, and this power is indeed very unsafe. If you want to absorb the power of this giant rock snake, you will definitely pay some price. Although Chen Xuan has absorbed the body of this giant rock snake, But it also brought potential dangers to Chen Xuan.

You know that the more you can absorb the rock snake, the easier it is to be swallowed by the rock snake. Just like the white rock snake, now it has become inhumane and ghostless. Chen Xuan does not want to become that. Look like.

   "Forget it, let's take a step by step now. Since I haven't lost my mind, it means that this power is still useful to me." Chen Xuan said.

This kind of power can indeed increase Chen Xuan's defensive power, and it can just make up for Chen Xuan's shortcomings in melee combat ability. Chen Xuan could have relied on Wuhen Jianqi to cause very strong lethality, but the only thing lacking is sufficient defensive ability. .

Now Chen Xuan’s ability is even stronger than that of Wang Lun’s hardened skin. You must know that the power of the demon soul is very powerful. The reason why many people enjoy the power of the demon soul is because the power of the demon soul can be exerted. It is more powerful than ordinary exercises.

Although Chen Xuan has already tasted the benefits that this demon soul power brings to him, Chen Xuan is still guarding himself and will not indulge in this power. To know this power, it is very easy to make people. Conscious, just like the power you have, it will only get deeper and deeper.

In order to keep himself awake, Chen Xuan rarely uses this kind of power. Once he becomes dependent on this kind of power, he has to rely on the existence of power, and the power of this kind of demon soul is indeed very insecure, and therefore a lot of it. People did not cultivate the demon soul.

Killed the giant rock snake, they took out the crystal core and walked towards the front. Now the two of them still target the monster beast, and the giant rock snake that normally lives in the middle of the forest can't even see the shadow at this moment. , Not to mention that this giant rock snake can be invisible.

If they want to know where this giant rock snake exists, they probably need to rely on some other methods. There was a way to find this kind of monster beast before, that is, to find the residence of this kind of monster beast, and then in his A lot of ink is used in the shack.

Once the demon beast is stained with ink, it will show up. Of course, it is not easy to spray ink on the body of the demon beast, because the demon beast is very fast and wants to capture that. The body of a demon beast can't be done by ordinary people.

  But Chen Xuan's speed can really be tried. Because Chen Xuan's steps are very vigorous, if they encounter a demon beast, Chen Xuan is sure to pour the ink on the body of the demon beast while approaching the demon beast.

  The only thing that makes them feel entangled now is that they have never encountered that demon beast, and now they can’t even see the shadow. It is their two wishes to capture the demon beast these days.

They have entered the middle of the forest in order to capture this monster. As a result, they have encountered nothing in the past ten days. Although they have encountered three monsters intermittently, these monsters are not there. They accept the task bar above.

  So when they are ready to go back, read the taskbar again to see if there are these giant rock snake tasks, if there are, they can double their rewards.

It is precisely because they have never encountered the demon beast that they two are eager to catch it, because they are getting deeper and deeper. If they return without success, they will be very desperate, especially Wang Lun, he would feel that not being able to catch the giant rock snake he wanted was a shame of being a demon hunter.

  But Chen Xuan really needed the body of the giant rock snake to help him refine his own magic weapon, but it was also not easy for Chen Xuan.

  (End of this chapter)

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