Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2462: The demon soul broke out again

  Chapter 2462 Demon soul erupts again

I saw that when those people were besieging him, Chen Xuan's figure moved, and he killed a man in just a few seconds. The man didn't even dream that he would eat the pill to improve his strength. Will be easily killed by Chen Xuan.

   However, Chen Xuan borrowed the elixir of the demon soul. For Chen Xuan, not only could he quickly improve his strength, but also he could fully control the power of the demon soul.

The man suddenly held the steel knife in his hand and slashed at Chen Xuanxuan's neck. Chen Xuan moaned silently, and then his neck turned into a layer of rock. The man's long knife made a noise when it chopped on the rock. There was a loud noise, but Chen Xuan's defense was not broken.

Chen Xuan's red eyes stared at the man coldly, and then slowly raised the long knife in his hand and stabbed the man in the chest. The man didn't expect Chen Xuan's attack to look slow, but very fast. A mouthful of blood was spit out, and then it slowly fell to the ground.

Seeing that he killed two people easily, Chen Xuan's face was dark and more violent than before. He stared at the captain of the team and said, "It seems that you have estimated my strength by mistake. You can’t kill me. I’m stepping on my bones just now. It seems that I’m going to use my own way to treat my body now!

Hearing Chen Xuan's icy voice, the man showed a panic face. Although he had taken the pill and his strength had reached the fourth level of the gods and demons, the power that Chen Xuan had exploded now had clearly reached the fifth level of the gods and demons. Strength.

Under this kind of strength, even if the man can quickly reach the fourth level of the gods and demons, he cannot defeat Chen Xuan, and the lineup they originally relied on can withstand Chen Xuan's attack, but he did not expect that in a short time In fact, Chen Xuan had already knocked them apart.

If they can maintain their lineup, then Chen Xuan may still have to deal with them for a while, but after they took the kind of pill that can enhance their strength, they suddenly became arrogant, so they have now automatically disarmed themselves. In the face of Chen Xuan's current strength, wanting to kill them is simply a breeze.

The captain of the squad showed horror on his face. He obviously did not expect that Chen Xuan's burst of strength could reach such a terrifying realm. Seeing that red profound energy keep walking by Chen Xuan's side, it was like a flash of lightning. Braving next to Chen Xuan.

The man was really scared at this time. He originally thought that after taking the pill, he would have a strength comparable to Chen Xuan, but all this happened too quickly, since Chen Xuan took the pill. , The man really panicked.

He was already very terrified at this time. He didn't expect Chen Xuan to come to him in a flash. The long sword in Chen Xuan's hand was blooming, and the red demon light was on it, and there was a group of delicate flames on it. Burning, the flame wrapped around Chen Xuan's scene like **** fire, making the man feel like he was being stared at by a poisonous snake.

Since Chen Xuan took this pill, his temperament has also undergone earth-shaking changes. Not only has he become very cold, but the strength that has bloomed is also very cold, really like a flame from hell. In general, a powerful force continued to emerge from Chen Xuan's long knife.

At this moment, the man’s face was pale, and he didn’t know whether it was because of taking the pill, or seeing Chen Xuan’s burst of strength, which made him frightened. In short, the man is now very aware of Chen Xuan’s burst of strength, it is not at all He could resist it, and Member Chen Xuan was not in a hurry to kill it.

  Because the man knew Chen Xuan's current strength very well, he couldn't deal with it at all.

Chen Xuan coldly looked at the man in front of him and asked again: "I just asked you if you want to trample me on the ground. If you didn't answer, then I can only tell you and return it to you. Up."

After Chen Xuan finished speaking, he raised his feet and kicked the man fiercely. The man was panicked, so he had no defense. Then Chen Xuan kicked the man out. Fly away towards the distance.

At this time, the head of the fire lion hunting group also saw it, and Chen Xuan's face was now exposed. When he turned around, he saw that the team leader in his mask group was killed by Chen Xuan in seconds, and it looked like Chen Xuan didn't use his full strength at all, and now Chen Xuan's strength may have reached the peak of the five gods and demons.

What happened just now was all between the electric light and flint. The group leader did not see how Chen Xuan improved his strength in an instant. He just gave the order and turned his head to deal with Wang Lun, so he didn’t know Chen Xuan. Xuan also swallowed a pill, and it seemed that the pill that Chen Xuan swallowed made his strength even stronger.

  Even he is now the same as the five-tier strength of the gods and demons. Seeing the power that Chen Xuan burst out, he was a little trembling.

  At this moment, the head of the Fire Lion Demon Hunting Group had already regretted it. He did not expect that the two men he had provoked were hiding such powerful powers.

Originally, they saw that Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were two people, so they wanted to **** the bodies of those two monsters from their hands, but they saw the red profound energy emerging from Chen Xuan's body now, under this power. , Even the two of them can't get out of their bodies.

At this moment, Wang Lun also saw the power erupting from Chen Xuan's body, but Wang Lun knew very well that Chen Xuan must have taken that pill. Wang Lun had also eaten that pill before, so he is now facing Chen Xuan. The expressions on his face were also very clear, but Chen Xuan's current appearance made Wang Lun a little dare not recognize, because Chen Xuan's face was expressionless now, and he was full of murderous aura.

It’s not like the Chen Xuan he knew before, but now Chen Xuan still retains consciousness, so he looked at Wang Lun and said to him, “Brother Wang, I underestimate these people, so I can actually eat this one. Pill, but now we are about to end the battle, kill these guys and I will go over and help you."

  Wang Lun looked at Chen Xuan, and then preached to Chen Xuan: “Okay, wait for you to help me when you kill these guys!”

Chen Xuan then gathered the profound energy in his body and launched a fierce attack on the only two people left. Although the strength of these two people was also improved by the pill, they were knocked into the air by only meeting Chen Xuan. After going out, the power Chen Xuan is now displaying is simply not something they can resist. Chen Xuan yelled, and then more violent red profound energy bloomed on his body.

   Before the two could react, Chen Xuan pierced the skull with a sword, and blood splashed on Chen Xuan's long sword, but on the palm of Chen Xuan's hand, there was a mouth that greedily sucked the blood.

Chen Xuan also noticed at this moment. The mouth on the palm of his hand made Chen Xuan feel a little scared, but now Chen Xuan is still in a violent state, and what Chen Xuan thinks is not where the mouth comes from. It came out, but thinking about when I can kill these people.

  But only a few minutes later, Chen Xuan pursued the team leader, and saw that the team leader's face was full of fear.

  But Chen Xuansi didn't care about raising the blade in her hand and stabbed him at him, but the team leader shook his head and avoided the past.

It's just that he didn't expect that Chen Xuan actually slapped him with a palm. Chen Xuan would never use this kind of attack against his enemies when he was normal, but now the mouth in Chen Xuan's hand can actually control Chen. Mysterious thinking.

  So this also made Chen Xuan feel a little scared, but the palm of his hand had already shot the man's body and then he shot him away.

The man's body was shot and flew out, and he fell to the ground and struggled a few times. Chen Xuan quickly stepped out and approached the man's side. Then Chen Xuan slapped the man's heavenly spirit cover with a palm, and then his flesh and blood were all gone. Gathering out, the man exploded and died.

  On the palm of Chen Xuan's palm, the mouth continued to **** blood greedily. At this time, Chen Xuan killed the men and turned his head to look at the two commanders of the demon hunting group who were fighting Wang Lun.

  While fighting with Wang Lun, the two regiment leaders watched the movement here, and apparently saw that their own people had been killed by Chen Xuan, and only then did they truly become terrified.

   Dealing with a Wang Lun had already made them stretched, and now they suddenly added a Chen Xuan who was also the five gods and demons, and they also knew that they would definitely not be able to win.

  So the bald head captain suddenly looked at the two people in the deputy regiment next to him. The figures jumped quickly, and they ran away without saying a word.

Seeing the two of them running away, Chen Xuan yelled, red profound energy bloomed from his body, and pursued one of them. At this time, Wang Lun also wanted to follow Chen Xuan's steps, but Chen Xuan was already close. The head of the team.

The bald head held the sharp blade in his hand at this moment, and stared at Chen Xuan closely and said: "Don't deceive you too much, kid. Just now several of my teammates were killed by you. Now these two monsters belong to you. Up!"

  The bald man saw Chen Xuan continue to approach him, so he held the sharp blade in his hand and cut it towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's body didn't move at all. He just hardened his skin and watched the man chop on Chen Xuan's body. Although Chen Xuan felt that his body had been cut with a knife mark, but However, Chen Xuan's body was not cut off.

Chen Xuan then slammed it out with a palm, and saw the violent red profound energy rushing to the man's chest. Then the man felt that he was hit by a hammer by gravity, turned his head and fell silently. On the ground.

   "Are you okay! I didn't expect this kid's strength to improve so quickly, this guy turned out to be a demon soul!" The deputy commander saw the bald head being knocked to the ground by Chen Xuan, so he said nervously.

The bald head that was just knocked out by Chen Xuan spit out a mouthful of blood, but he immediately picked up the weapon in his hand and said to the deputy commander next to him: "Don't worry about so much, now we can't beat them both. Come on, run! Keeping your life is the most important thing."

  As soon as the bald head spoke, he fled out with his body flashing, but what they thought was too simple. At Chen Xuan's speed, both of them were too slow.

  Sure enough, Chen Xuan was already close to the bald-headed man who escaped in an instant: "It might not be that easy to run!"

  (End of this chapter)

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