Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2464: Become a monster

  Chapter 2464 Becoming a monster

   Chen Xuan quickly attacked the monster with the long sword in his hand. At this time, a powerful profound energy burst out on the ground, and in the blink of an eye, he directly knocked the monster back by two steps.

The saw in the monster's hand was the steel knife in the man's hand. I saw the monster's sharp claws, and instantly grabbed it towards Chen Xuan. The red lines on Chen Xuan's body sparkled once again, and I saw Chen Xuan's red mystery. The force came out instantly, directly resisting the steel claw in the monster's hand.

  At this time, Wang Lun also helped Chen Xuan withstand the monster's attack. Chen Xuan and Wang Lun fought the monster together.

   "I didn't expect this guy to be so strong after taking the pill, but the current appearance is too much changed from before." Wang Lun preached while fighting the monster.

  Chen Xuan continued to gather the Wuhen sword energy in his body at this time, and attacked the monster. Now the Wuhen sword gathered by Chen Xuan showed a strange red color.

  The profound strength that the magical red power converged was stronger than the previous attacks. Since taking this pill, Chen Xuan's attack power has become more fierce than ever.

At this moment, in the monster’s eyes, Chen Xuan constantly turned into a red light and attacked him. When he hit the monster’s body with the red profound energy, he saw that the monster’s body was Chen Xuan repelled two steps.

Chen Xuan roared, and powerful spiritual power bloomed on his body. Under the guidance of this spiritual power, Chen Xuan kept getting closer to the strongest stage of his body. Now Chen Xuan can release more profound power than before. Must be tough at all times.

  At this time, Chen Xuan also felt that he had reached the best condition. Now Member Chen Xuan could not only control his sanity, but Chen Xuan also felt that his power was much stronger than before.

Fortunately, the power of the demon soul did not affect Chen Xuan's thinking. At this time, Chen Xuan followed the steel claws in the monster's hand. The steel claws of the monster were extremely sharp. Chen Xuan did not know how this monster evolved. Of these steel claws.

  It seemed that the man had just grown out of his nails. Although the steel claws that had grown out did not pose too much threat to Chen Xuan, it seemed very strange.

  Even Chen Xuan felt a little creepy. A person who was good at living would actually evolve into this way. Although his strength has become much stronger, the man seems to have completely lost his consciousness.

  This also means that if Chen Xuan hadn't killed him, this man would definitely continue to survive in this situation.

At this time, the monster was constantly attacking Chen Xuan. What surprised Chen Xuan was that the monster could no longer use the profound energy in his body, but even if he caused the monster to continuously move towards him again and again. Chen Xuan's attack also made Chen Xuan a little anxious.

After all, the monster’s attack was very rapid. Chen Xuan’s long sword in his hand made a banging sound. Just accepting the attack of the monster’s huge claws, Chen Xuan felt like he was being given a huge force Hit in general.

  Wang Lun is obviously not much better. Although Wang Lun's strength has now reached the sixth level of the gods and demons, the strength of the monster in front of him is probably close to the seventh level of the gods and demons.

Do not! It is completely entered into the Seventh Layer of Gods and Demons!

  Chen Xuan was constantly fighting with the monster at this time, and at this time, Wang Lun also raised the black giant sword in his hand and approached from behind the monster's body.

But the monster had keenly captured Wang Lun's figure, quickly turned his body and grabbed Wang Lun, took it directly on top of the steel claws, and turned into flashing rays of light, and at this time, Wang Lun actually directly Knocked out by the monster.

Wang Lun can only use the black giant sword in his hand to defend against the monster’s bombardment, and the power of this monster has become stronger than before. Fortunately, Wang Lun just blocked it with the black giant sword in his hand, otherwise we Must be seriously injured.

  And all this was within Chen Xuan's expectation. The strength of this monster is now stronger than Chen Xuan and Wang Lun.

   After all, this is the strength that can only be achieved at the expense of his own body, but Chen Xuan does not feel sorry, after all, these people are trying to **** their prey.

  And in this forest, you can’t feel sorry for your enemies at all, or you will suffer defeat.

  Know that if Chen Xuan doesn’t kill them, then the people of these demon hunters will definitely find a way to kill them two. In this forest, a very simple principle is that the weak eat the strong and the fittest survive.

Chen Xuan didn’t dare to carry the strong power on the monster’s steel claws. Although the monster could not use the violent spiritual power in his body now, Chen Xuan knew that if he was hit by the steel claws, I'm afraid I can't bear it either.

It's just that Chen Xuan can now use his own skin-enhanced moves to resist the monster's attack. At this time, the monster instantly bombarded Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan wanted to carry the sword in his hand to a low gear, but he did not expect that The monster actually grabbed Chen Xuan with the steel claw on his left arm.

  Chen Xuan's body quickly retreated two steps toward the back. Fortunately, Chen Xuan roared, and a halo of rock rose above his body. Otherwise, Chen Xuan is likely to be seriously injured, because the monster's nails are extremely sharp. When Chen Xuan used his blade to go to low gear just now, he also left a trace on Chen Xuan's blade. .

This blade is also left over by the man from the White Cloud School who was killed before. Although this weapon cannot be said to be the best, it is certainly not ordinary. It is enough to be able to be caught by this monster. Explain how strong his power is.

  Chen Xuan blinked his eyes and looked at the monster in front of him. The monster seemed to roar a few times, and the red eyes stared at Chen Xuan tightly.

And Chen Xuan’s eyes had also turned red. Chen Xuan didn’t know the power of the pill that the man swallowed. I’m afraid the pill he ate just now was also related to the demon soul. You must know that there are many refinements. The people of this kind of medicine are actually the soul cultivators of the demon soul.

Chen Xuan also checked the information some time ago, only to know that there are many types of alchemists in this world, and many alchemists will refine them differently because of the different methods they practice. And the strength of the top alchemists themselves are also very powerful.

  An ordinary person cannot refine a powerful pill. Of course, there are some special cases. After all, there are some ancient families who master the methods of refining pill.

They do not need their own powerful power to support the pill that they refine. Instead, they can rely on their own unique methods to refine the pill. Coupled with their own understanding and application of the pill, they can also refine the pill. Rare elixirs.

  It’s just that Chen Xuan only knew that there was a Nangong family on the mainland that could do it, and other Chen Xuan hadn’t learned about it.

  As Chen Xuan was thinking about the problem, the monster suddenly thought of Chen Xuan and grabbed it. The red profound energy on Chen Xuan's body immediately condensed into a storm, which kept spinning around Chen Xuan's body.

  Although it looked like just a storm, the power that bloomed above the storm was extremely powerful, and it knocked the monster's body into the air in the blink of an eye.

Wang Lun also blinked. The power that Chen Xuan used to knock the monster out just now was very fierce. Wang Lun believed that even if he was fighting against the current member of Chen Xuan, he might not necessarily be Chen Xuan’s opponent, although Chen Xuan It was because of taking the pill that he gained such a powerful force.

However, Chen Xuan has already mastered a part of the power of the demon soul. Although Chen Xuan’s power is not yet complete, Chen Xuan has not been swallowed up by the demon soul. He only saw that Chen Xuan’s body was red. The lines continue to shine.

   "Brother Chen, I didn't expect your current strength to improve so fast. I wonder if the effects of the pills you just took are about to pass?" Wang Lun reminded.

  He naturally knew that Chen Xuan gained this power because of the pills he had taken, but Chen Xuan also felt that his body was slightly weak now.

When I ate those pills just now, Chen Xuan felt that his body was full of power, but that was only temporary. At this time, Chen Xuan felt that his power was no longer the same as when he first took the pill. The time of medicine is so sufficient.

   "It doesn't matter, now I should be able to support it for a while, as long as this monster can kill me during this period of time, you don't have to worry about me anymore." Chen Xuan said.

  Wang Lun nodded immediately after listening. Now he also knows that Chen Xuan's improved strength is actually very powerful, even he can't help much now.

  So Wang Lun could only fight with the monster. Although Chen Xuan felt that his body was not as strong as before, Chen Xuan estimated that the power of his pill could last a while.

"It seems that the medicinal effect of this pill can only last for 20 minutes at most. If it exceeds the time of the medicinal effect, I am afraid that it will make my body very weak. It seems that I can only Kill the monster within these 20 minutes, otherwise it will be difficult to handle..." Member Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

  Although Member Chen Xuan could take another pill again, Chen Xuan didn’t know if he would cause any more severe side effects after taking that pill.

After all, the last time Chen Xuan took the two pills, he felt that the power of the demon soul in his body seemed to be loosened, and Chen Xuan borrowed the power of the demon soul, so the pills that Chen Xuan customized were all Added the crystal cores of those monsters.

  So different medicines also carry different powers. This is because the powers contained in the crystal cores of those monsters are also different.

  (End of this chapter)

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