Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2466: Loss of efficacy

   Chapter 2466

  Wang Lun hurriedly raised the blade in his hand to block under him, blocking the monster's sneak attack, which made Wang Lun feel a little angry.

   "Why is this beast so nasty and shameless, dare to do such a thing." Wang Lun said angrily.

  He did not expect that this monster would launch a sneak attack on him from that direction. Originally, Wang Lun had just realized the power in his body and was quite confident.

  But being attacked by the monster, Wang Lun was immediately discouraged. At this time, Wang Lun seemed to be helpless with the monster.

  Although this monster has lost its sanity now, it clearly still has its previous human nature.

  It's just that the appearance of the monster now is completely different from before. The original bald head has now grown a few stray hairs, and the arms seem to have many barbs.

Chen Xuan didn’t know why the man turned into this after taking the pill. It was too frightening, but Chen Xuan didn’t have time to think about so much. This monster is not only powerful, but Wang Lun took the pill. After that, you can't win quickly.

  Chen Xuan watched calmly from the sidelines. The current Chen Xuan can only wait for the effect of the pill he just took, otherwise Chen Quan is taking the pill now, which will bring serious side effects to his body.

At this moment, Chen Xuan watched while holding the sword in his hand. After taking the pill just now, Chen Xuan's body felt very tired, and Chen Xuan also faintly felt that the pill he had taken did indeed have many side effects. But Chen Xuan definitely can't hide his strength now.

  Chen Xuan could see that Wang Lun and the monster were basically evenly divided, but the monster could suppress Wang Lun.

This is all because Wang Lun was sneak attacked by the monster just now, so it became frightened, like a deflated ball, the original aggressive Wang Lun is now not as fierce as before, and even at this moment Chen Xuan also paid attention to the monster's attack all the time.

The trickiest thing about this monster is the knives on his body. Not only are they very hard, they are also very sharp. Even if they attack the monster's body, they will cause a strong resistance. So now they two are for a while. The monster couldn't be killed yet, Wang Lun fought the monster vividly.

   "Brother Wang, wait a minute, until the red lines on my body disappear, I can take those pills, otherwise I will not be able to get through it at all, and I will not be able to defeat this monster if I helped you in the past." Chen Xuan said.

  Now Chen Xuan took off his coat and watched the lines on his chest gradually disappear.

  When all the red lines disappeared on this, Chen Xuan let out a low roar, and then swallowed a pill.

  When the pill was swallowed by Chen Xuan's mouth, the red lines rose slowly on Chen Xuan's body.

Feeling that his body was once again full of violent power, and his face returned to the previous calmness. At this time, Chen Xuan had gradually realized the power of the demon soul, and the red lines on his body seemed more than ever before. Must be distinct.

  Chen Xuan watched confidently that the monster was fighting Wang Lun, and shouted. At this time, Wang Lun turned his head and saw Chen Xuan's eyes once again turned red, shining with strange red lights.

  Chen Xuan strode out and directly attacked the monster. At this time, all of Chen Xuan's profound strength had turned crimson. That time, the red profound energy attacked the monster's chest and knocked the monster into the air.

  After the monster was knocked out, he twisted his body in the air, changed its direction and attacked Wang Lun again. Chen Xuan also knew very well that the monster would definitely not be repelled by one of his own attacks.

So Chen Xuan hurriedly followed Wang Lun and fought with the monster. Because of Chen Xuan's participation, the two of them can now beat the monster, and the monster is no longer as good as before. So violent at first.

  Anyway, I don’t know why all those monsters have become so violent, and at this moment Chen Xuan immediately attacked one of them.


There was a violent explosion in the sky. The monster suddenly rotated its body and launched a fierce attack towards Chen Xuan behind. It was also at this time that Chen Xuan saw the monster. A few sharp thorns were sent towards him.

  If it wasn't because of Chen Xuan's avoidance in time, then he would be caught. The spikes were attacked, although Chen Xuan could use the hardening of the rock in his body to defend against those ground spikes.

At this moment, Chen Xuan also gathered a violent profound energy towards the monster, spreading out on the left and right sides of his body. Once Chen Xuan's hand, the red profound energy quickly blasted towards the monster. It was too late to dodge and was directly attacked by Chen Xuan.

And the monster obviously didn’t know when Chen Xuan approached him. At this time, Wang Lun kept making huge crit attacks with the black giant sword in his hand, and chasing the monster to bombard the monster. It's not clear why the two men can keep attacking him, just defending.

  But the defensive power of this monster is also very strong, on his skin. It can be clearly seen that the defensive power of this monster is not only terrible, but the spikes on its body also bother Chen Xuan. Approaching the body of the monster would risk a certain amount of danger, and even so, the monster would continue to attack Chen Xuan.

At this moment, the monster's body suddenly burst out with a strange color. It seems that this monster has also realized the ability of its own body just now, and can actually use its profound strength to attack the two of them. I don't know what this monster is. It could not be used before, but because his body is very strong, he has never used profound strength to attack Chen Xuan and Wang Lun.

   After feeling the strangeness of the monster, Chen Xuan immediately flashed his figure, and now Member Chen Xuan didn't know if the monster would kill him.

Looking at the IQ of this monster, I don’t even know how powerful Wang Lun and Chen Xuan are together. At this time, Wang Lun and Chen Xuan also took those pills. Moreover, Wang Lun's strength has also increased a lot, not to mention that Chen Xuan's current strength has reached the fifth level of the gods and demons.

In addition, Chen Xuan also possessed the power of the demon soul, and his strength became stronger. Although the current Chen Xuan cannot say that he can defeat the current Wang Lun 100%, the Wang Lun before he took the pill is definitely not the current one. Chen Xuan's opponent.

  Chen Xuan and Wang Lun rushed towards the monster, and a strong explosion sounded in the air. After the explosion sounded back, the monster's body flew away in response.

This monster is indeed very powerful. Even if Chen Xuan and Wang Lun are working on this monster together, they still cannot break the defense on the monster's body. The persistence on his body seems to be connected to his own body. Regardless of how Chuan Xuan and Wang Lun attacked, they still failed to break through the defense on his body.

   "What should I do? Brother Chen? The bones on this monster's body are too hard. I'm afraid it's about to catch up with my black epee." Wang Lun complained.

  Although they can suppress the monster now, they cannot break the armor on the monster's body. I am afraid that Chen Xuan has also discovered what the monster has. Chen Xuan was looking at the monster's eyes.

  Although this monster has become like this, it seems that the previous reason still remains in his eyes, but there is only a trace of it.

   "It seems that this guy still has previous instincts. If we want to defeat him, we can only use the remaining instincts of this monster before." Chen Xuan said.

Wang Lun didn’t know what Chen Xuan was thinking now, but stared at Chen Xuan’s body closely. Chen Xuan had been moving his body constantly at this moment. Chen Xuan knew that this monster hated him very much. I have discovered that this monster is always staring at him.

This is also an opportunity for Chen Xuan. As long as Chen Xuan attracts the monster’s attention and asks Wang Lun to sneak attack him from behind, he can defeat the monster in one fell swoop. Chen Xuan just moved and attacked the monster. At that moment, I saw that the back of the monster was not covered with that heavy armor.

  The only weakness on this monster's body is there. As long as Chen Xuan and Wang Lun can seize this opportunity and attack the weakness of the monster, they can defeat the monster.

   "I have a way now. If it can be done, then the two of us can kill this monster." Chen Xuan said.

  Wang Lun didn’t know what Chen Xuan meant, so he asked: “Then you quickly tell me what the method is. If you don’t tell us how we can defeat this monster.”

Seeing Wang Lun’s anxious appearance, Chen Xuan didn’t sell it, so he hurriedly said, “Now I’m here to attract the attention of this monster. I just took this pill just now before I forced him into this situation. I’m afraid. He is also very familiar now. The red profound energy bursting out of my body now will come to attract the attention of the monster. You use the black giant sword in your hand to go around behind the monster and treat him Launch a sneak attack."

After Chen Xuan finished speaking, Wang Lun nodded his head immediately, feeling that what Chen Xuan said was very reasonable. The monster had been staring at Chen Xuan closely before, and he also constantly launched attacks on Chen Xuan. It seemed that the monster remained. His reason made him hate Chen Xuan very much.

  Furthermore, it was indeed Chen Xuan who had just pushed this monster into a desperate situation. If it hadn't been for the pill that Chen Xuan had taken and suddenly increased its strength, the Demon Hunting Group would not necessarily fail.

It was precisely because Chen Xuan swallowed the pill, quickly improved his strength, and killed all of his companions, that's why the fire lion hunting group suffered a disastrous defeat, and the culprit was naturally Chen. It's Xuan, let alone Chen Xuan ridiculed him before.

  (End of this chapter)

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