Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2469: Wang Lun and the tree spirit

  Chapter 2469 Wang Lun and the tree spirit

  Fortunately, these two monster meat can be used, and Chen Xuan storage ring also has enough water for them to drink.

  Then the two of them began to discuss, Wang Lun also advocated that they should return now, but they want to return now, it is not so easy.

And Wang Lun is also eager to try, after all, it’s not so easy to get into the forest in this forest, not to mention that when they first came into the forest, they encountered a battle between two monsters, and those two No one can beat anyone in World of Warcraft.

  If they hadn't met this demon hunting group, they would definitely be able to reap the benefits of the fishermen.

   "How about? Brother Chen would you like us to wander in this forest for a few days, maybe we can meet many more rare beasts, we can ask for wealth and danger." Wang Lun said.

This Wang Lun indeed had a retreat just now, but he suddenly changed his mind, he could meet more rare beasts in this forest. If he could do it, then he would not have to spend his energy in hunting in this forest. World of Warcraft.

  At that time, they will hunt and kill a few more monsters in this forest, so Wang Lun can not come to this forest for half a year, but this is only his intention.

   Chen Xuan is very aware of how dangerous this forest is. Although Chen Xuan wants to leave now, Chen Xuan is more eager to improve his strength and explore the magical elixir in this world.

  Not to mention those miraculous grasses, many of them grow in this step of the forest, and there are also unique noctilucent grasses in this forest.

  The luminous grass can also exert unique medicinal effects, and even Chen Xuan can refine a herb that enhances night vision ability, and when exposed to the energy of that luminous grass, Chen Xuan can also exert different combined effects.

  You must know that alchemists are constantly exploring, and under different effects, the effects of those magic herbs are also different.

"In this case, let's wander around the forest for two days, but don't hold too much hope. It is more likely to be attacked by some fierce monsters. What if we are attacked by that monster?" Chen Xuan asked .

Wang Lun looked at Chen Xuan and replied, “Don’t worry, Brother Chen, can’t you now use your profound energy perception to detect those powerful auras? As long as we avoid those powerful monsters, then we can go sideways here. gone?"

  Chen Xuan felt that Wang Lun’s changes were a bit big. Just now, Wang Lun seemed to want to return from the inside of the forest, but now he seems to have figured out something. He actually wants to hunt more powerful beasts in this forest.

However, Chen Xuan did not reject his idea, because Chen Xuan also wanted to wander around the forest twice to see if he could meet the mysterious blue-haired girl last time. He asked Chen Xuanhun to dream about it because Chen Xuan. Hyun felt very grateful to the girl.

  Chen Xuan only remembered that the girl's skin was indeed very fair, and her face was very delicate. Not to mention, the mystery revealed on the girl's body made Chen Xuan want to know where he came from.

   "Forget it, I still can't think about it so much now. It is very possible that I have been eaten by the mighty monsters before I met the mysterious girl." Chen Xuan thought secretly.

Wang Lun heard the murmur in Chen Xuan’s mouth, so an indescribable smile appeared on his face: "What’s the matter, Brother Chen, I didn’t expect you to have lovesickness, so I was still thinking that the girl would ask me to find him for help. Do you thread the needle?"

  Chen Xuan kicked Wang Lun's body. He didn't know what Wang Lun was thinking about. These things were in his mind every day.

   "What do you think? I just want to be grateful to the girl, and I have no other meaning." Chen Xuan said.

  Wang Lun seemed to ignore Chen Xuan and kept showing this weird smile. Then the two of them found a safe place to camp nearby.

  After this battle, both of them were very tired, but they only chose the place to camp, and be sure to stay away from the corpses of the two beasts, because the corpses of the two beasts would definitely attract other beasts.

  After all, some monsters rely on hunting the corpses of other monsters to try them out, and there are many decaying monsters.

  The kind of beasts specially selects the corpses of other beasts to eat. If the two of them are in their current physical state, it is very unsafe to encounter those beasts.

  Not to mention that both of them are in the forest now. Not only are the monsters here stronger than the outer forest, but there will also be other demon hunters.

Chen Xuan can guess that since he can encounter a demon hunting group operating here, there will definitely be other demon hunting groups, and even many sectarian disciples will come here to experience, of course, this possibility is actually relatively slim. Yes, since this happened, which sect disciples have not come here to exercise.

  Even if there is, it will be leaders with their own masters who will come here, but those big sects will probably not **** their things.

After all, some people in the big sects value their own face very much. They will feel that it is disgusting to **** other people’s items. Of course, this is just an ordinary situation. If there are really rare items, or when others absolutely don’t know about it. , Many people will also do very outrageous things.

  Wang Lun had a deep understanding of this matter. When Wang Lun was a member of the Demon Hunting Group, he had encountered a disciple of the sect, and the strength of that disciple had reached the fifth level of the gods and demons at that time.

At that time, Wang Lun was still young, and he didn’t know what that sect was, but he only remembered that the disciple in that sect was indeed very powerful, and at that time their demon hunting group had just hunted down a monster, that disciple actually They wanted to come over to **** it, but the strength of their demon hunting group was not weak, so they took a tie with that disciple and drove that person away.

  However, this also made Wang Lun distrust those sect disciples from the bottom of his heart. The people of these sects are nothing but wolves in sheep's clothing. Even if they speak justice on the surface, they don't know what they will do secretly.

You know that Chen Xuan and the others met a person from the White Cloud Sect before, and the guy from the White Cloud Sect also wanted to rob them of their belongings. Compared to those people who also experienced in this forest, but now they have returned. If you don't go to your own sect, if it weren't because they underestimated Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, they wouldn't end up like this.

Not to mention that all the weapons in the man’s hands have fallen into Chen Xuan’s hands. Although Chen Xuan found it very uncomfortable with his weapons, but now it can only do so. After all, Chen Xuan has no weapons to use, so he can show all of himself. Strength.

  At this time, the two of them had already set up a camp two kilometers away from the corpse of the monster. Although it was a camp, it was just two tents and a bonfire.

At this moment, the sky was getting dark. Wang Lun quickly went to collect the dry wood and placed it next to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan put the excess dry wood into his storage ring, and then stared at him closely. In front of myself.

Now the two of them must pay attention to their own safety. You must know that the inside of this forest is not like before. Although these beasts have become violent, many of the beasts in the forest have also rushed to the periphery of the forest, but the inside of the forest is always those tough. The home of Warcraft.

  Many powerful monsters will act here, not to mention that when the two of them just came into the forest, they encountered two magical monsters and fought with them.

  The strength of the Seventh Gods and Demons is already very powerful, and one of them is about to reach the 8th Gods and Demons.

  After resting in the forest for a while, the two of them were roasting monster meat nearby.

  On the second day, the two of them hurriedly got up. After Chen Xuan woke up, he felt that his body had returned to its usual state. Now Member Chen Xuan was not as tired as his body just after taking the pill.

   "I still think that the forest is very dangerous now. It's better for us to wander around here for two days. If we don't encounter any rare beasts, then let's leave here." Wang Lun said.

  Yesterday, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun also discussed how many days to stay in this forest. Although they wanted to hunt more rare beasts, the degree of danger of this forest is well known.

  Even if it is possible to hunt those rare beasts, it must be established on a safe premise. If the two of them cannot safely hunt those rare beasts, it will be very dangerous.

"You see, there are no thorns around now, but we still need to pay attention to safety now. I don't know where the thorns spread from, but I guess there must be a reason for the thorns in the forest." Chen Xuan Said.

"I've thought about it before. These thorns are probably made by the dryads, but I haven't seen them yet. These guys often move their gathering places, so I can't infer it now. They did it when they came out," Wang Lun replied.

   "Forget it, don't think about it anymore. We didn't come out this time to find out why these thorns appeared." Chen Xuan said.

   "That's the same, but I still have a lot of intersection with those tree spirits." Wang Lun said.

   "What intersection?" Chen Xuan asked.

Wang Lun then opened the clip and preached to Chen Xuan endlessly: "When I came to the middle of the forest with the demon hunting squad before, I met some tree spirits. At that time, we were caught by a powerful The Beast of War broke up the team, so I wandered around here on my own, and then I met a tree spirit, but that tree spirit also acted alone, and seemed to be pulled away by his team. At that time, I was young and didn't know where to go, so I chased his companion with the tree spirit."

  (End of this chapter)

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