Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2471: Skeleton soldiers appear

  Chapter 2471 Skeleton soldiers appear

Seeing that there were a few skeletons gathered in the dark cave, Chen Xuan's expression was also nervous and said to Wang Lun beside him: "It seems that these guys are the skeleton soldiers of the white devil, but we still don't want it now. Acting rashly, the last time he wanted to come over and kill us, he was repelled by me, and now I don’t know if he has regained his ability, and everything must be steady."

  Wang Lun also nodded at this time, and then said to Chen Xuan: "What you said makes sense, but the skeleton soldiers may not even know that we are following them."

  As soon as Wang Lun’s voice fell, he suddenly saw that the skeleton soldier in front looked in a direction that was arguing for them. Then the skeleton soldier summoned several other partners and pointed in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  Seeing what the white skeleton soldiers were talking, but Chen Xuan couldn't hear them clearly, and the skeleton soldiers suddenly shouted inside.

After seeing the skeleton soldier's movements, Chen Xuan was shocked: "Did these skeleton soldiers discover our existence..."

It’s just that Chen Xuan thinks he shouldn’t have been hiding from him just now, and at the same time, he also hid the profound energy in his body. With the strength of those skeleton soldiers, they shouldn’t be aware of their existence, but the white skeleton soldiers clearly They were summoning their companions, and they had already looked in their direction nervously.

So Chen Xuan quickly looked in Wang Lun's direction and said to him: "No, now we may have been discovered by those guys. If they chase us, then we will be in danger, although the white demon may not be required. Our lives, but these guys are really tricky enough."

  Know that these white skeleton soldiers attacked them like a steady stream. If the white skeleton soldiers besieged them at this time, it would be very dangerous for them.

   "Then let's get out of here as soon as possible, this place is too dangerous, I don't want to stay any longer for a second." Wang Lun said anxiously.

  Chen Xuan also nodded immediately and said to Wang Lun: "It makes sense, but we must be careful now and don't reveal the profound energy we radiate, otherwise they will really discover it."

  However, at this moment, I saw a roar in the black cave, and then I saw a white skeleton with a huge steel knife in his hand and a heavy armor.

  I saw the white skull slashing into Chen Xuan's eyes, suddenly flashing red light, and then the body was filled with amazing profound energy.

  The skeleton looked completely different from other skeleton soldiers. Not only did the armor on the body give people a very majestic feeling, but the weapon in his hand was obviously not ordinary.

I saw that the white skull suddenly looked at Chen Xuan and Wang Lun’s direction and waved an amazing profound energy towards them, but when the amazing profound energy hit Chen Xuan’s side, Chen Xuan also realized it at this moment. The profound energy in the body hurriedly and quickly evaded.

   "It's not good we were discovered!" Chen Xuan said loudly.

They never thought that they were just following those little skeletons, and they would come in as a big skeleton, and the power emitted by the white skeleton was indeed very powerful, and they were not even sure what level the white skeleton had reached. strength.

It is conservatively estimated that the strength of this white skeleton may have reached the eighth level of the gods and demons, but although the strength of this white skeleton is strong, it cannot come out of the cave. This also makes Chen Xuan feel a little doubtful, since their strength is so strong. Tough, why can't you come out of that cave? Is there any seal there?

But after seeing Chen Xuan and Wang Lun running away, the white skeleton suddenly gave orders to the skeleton soldiers next to him, and saw red light flashing in the corners of the huge skeleton's eyes, and the bones of those skeleton soldiers were also inside. The same twinkling light, it seems that they are communicating in this way.

  Then those skeleton soldiers turned towards Chen Xuan and they noticed and remembered, but Chen Xuan also obviously noticed that these skeleton soldiers were completely different from before.

The weapons in the hands of these skeleton soldiers were obviously much more refined than those before. Chen Xuan turned his head while escaping. Now Chen Xuan was very nervous. If the white skeletons attacked them, the two of them would definitely not be opponents. If it hadn't been for Chen Xuan to evade quickly, he would have been hit by the silver-gray profound energy waved by the white skeleton.

"No, let's run away now. The interior of this forest is really not a place for people to stay, and I don't know what the bad luck is. I have never known before, this cave is actually inhabited by such a powerful monster!" Wang Lun Said loudly.

  Both of them were very excited. On the one hand, they were worried that the scarlet skeleton was chasing toward them. On the other hand, they were also worried that the white demon they had met last time would appear again.

Fortunately, they did not feel the emergence of powerful profound energy. It was just that the few skeletons who were chasing after them had been chasing them, and after a while, Chen Xuan and the others felt that the skeletons were tracking behind their bodies. The number is actually increasing.

   "It doesn't look like they are the guys I met last time. It seems that the white skeleton and the white devil have a lot of connections. I don't know if these guys know each other!" Chen Xuan said.

Chen Xuan saw the white bones piled up on the back of his body. He held the weapon in his hand and threw it at them suddenly. At this moment, he was immersed in the air and quickly turned his body. An astonishing profound strength came from Chen Xuan's body. Emerged, and immediately after that Wuhen Jianqi directly threw in mid-air, all the sword blades fell on the ground, and Chen Xuan immediately roared.

I saw a golden light blooming on Chen Xuan’s body, but it had no effect on the white skulls. Chen Xuan muttered in his heart: “It seems that my method has no effect on these skulls. The white devil has an effect."

   Chen Xuan saw the white skeletons behind his body, and he was still following them, so he raised the blade in his hand and quickly slashed the holes in the back.

I saw a skeleton soldier standing in the forefront, actually holding a huge blade, and a layer of armor on his body. It seems that this skeleton soldier should be called Captain Skeleton, and the price on his body is indeed available. With some defensive abilities, Chen Xuan swung Wuhen Jianqi just now, but he didn't even break his body.

At the same time, in the cave just now, the skeleton in heavy armor suddenly came into a secret room. In the middle of the secret room, I saw a white demon sitting in it. The white demon’s eyes were red, as if already Lost eyesight.

  Then the white skeleton sat next to him and said to him: "There were a few boys wandering at the entrance of the cave just now. I'm afraid they were the ones we wanted to hunt down last time. I didn't expect them to come back now!"

"What!? Those guys still had the guts to come to me. If it wasn't because my eyes couldn't see, they would definitely kill those little beasts. Now that they have the guts to come over, Let none of them go back!" said the white demon.

"I know this naturally, but we are all sealed in this place. If we want to go out, we will spend our life. We must know that this is very dangerous for us. We have stayed here for thousands of years. After exhausting our lifespan, I'm afraid we won't be able to go out alive." The white skeleton said.

I saw the white demon snorted coldly: "I was imprisoned here when we built this underground palace. When we go out, we must remove all the seals that are blessed on me, and then re-establish it. A country, hahaha!"

The white demon's face gradually became squalid, and the white skeleton said immediately: "As long as you give the order, the king, I will definitely follow you, but now these two boys dare to come and offend us. There is no way now, as long as we can go out again, there will be a chance, but you have consumed a lot of your life last time, king, if you create another clone to go out, I am afraid there will be a certain degree of danger!"

I saw that the white demon's face became more terrifying, and lightly tapped on the stone table next to it and said: "There is no way. As long as a few more decades, I will be unable to fight out of this seal. It seems that this For a while, I have continuously gathered the strength in my body to impact the seal and have achieved some success. Then I will make the people of Tianyuan Palace pay the price!

"Well, it's just that our current strength is all sealed, and we can only use a small part of the previous strength. If we can restore our strength now, can we do what we want to do by then!?" White Skeleton's Said.

   "All the masters mentioned in the Tianyuan Hall and the Pantheon are liars. I was deceived by them at the beginning, otherwise I would not be reduced to this, the so-called god..." said the white demon.

  Many years ago, he was naturally very strong, but those strong at the dominating level were still rare, and in the tens of thousands of years of evolution on this continent, there were already more than a dozen strong at the dominating level.

  Once the strength reaches the dominance level, it means that one's life span has hundreds of thousands of years at the same time, and the strength is already close to the **** level. As long as it can have its own chassis, it is equivalent to a god.

It’s just that they never show up, just show up in the legends on this continent, and there are many temples depicting their names, and even now many people just take this as propaganda, because never No one has ever seen those who dominate the ranks.

Not to mention the civilians on this continent. They just feel that this is just a lie. There are no people who have reached the dominance level and can change the space, but sometimes it is indeed unexplainable, because it is true. There can be people who create space, they are called space makers, and these people can make space rings.

At this time, Chen Xuan integrated a white skeleton soldier behind his body and was fighting. Although the strength of these skeleton soldiers was not that strong, they gathered slowly, and they continued to gather in their direction. He didn’t know. Where did these skeletons come from?

But this time it can be seen that the number of skeleton soldiers is extremely limited. Last time, those skeleton soldiers surrounded their bodies from all directions, but this time the number of skeleton soldiers is not as high as last time. The strength has improved a bit.

  (End of this chapter)

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