Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 248: Qinglongwei

  Chapter 248 Azure Dragon Guard

  Hearing what Chang Qing said, Jiang Ye himself was shocked. This is quite reasonable. If it is not stopped in time, then the Star Mountain will have sufficient reasons to deal with the Chiffon Empire in the future.

   "No, it is absolutely impossible for Chen Xuan to kill the elders of Star Mountain."

  Thinking of this, the two of them didn't hesitate, and together with the Azure Dragon Guards, they shot together and killed the five elements in front of them.


Chen Xuan is still restoring his profound strength wholeheartedly. This big formation does not even need to be manipulated to be able to kill the elder of the sky. It can be seen that the power of this three-level rune formation is strong, even if it is an emperor-level powerhouse. Here, that would have to suffer a big loss.

  The sudden sound of violent collision also made Chen Xuan open his eyes.

   "Does the Shangguan family still have helpers."

   There was a trace of murderous in his eyes, and when he raised his hand, he released Changqing, Jiang Ye and others in, which can be seen from the aura of several people.

   "You shouldn't be relatives of this Shangguan family."

  Chen Xuan looked at the two headed.

   Judging from the breath, these people should not be in the Shangguan family, because Chen Xuan had already felt these people nearby.

   "Master Chen Xuan, I am Jiang Ye, the imperial vanguard general. This is Evergreen, the imperial general of Nagasaki."

  Jiang Ye first introduced it, while Chen Xuan raised his hand. The thunder and lightning storm in the sky was even more violent, and it was the general who hit the sky.

   "Oh, what's the matter?"

   Chen Xuan asked lightly, it turned out to be from the empire.

   "The elder of the sky is sensitive. If he died in the Chiffon Empire, it would cause great harm to the Chiffon Empire."

   Jiang Ye quickly said.

  "Yes, Master Chen Xuan, please raise your hands high. Regarding the Shangguan family, your Majesty will reward you separately."

  Changqing also added.

Anyway, I said before when I came here, if this Shangguan clan shows defeat, then the Shangguan clan will be solved first. If it can’t be solved, then Chen Xuan will be solved. No matter what, the empire will be the same. Earned, but now the elder Changkong is here, if the elder Changkong dies, the empire will lose a lot.

  If there is any problem in the future, even if Chen Xuan is handed over, it will not help.

   "It turns out to be from the Empire, sorry, this person offends me, he will definitely die. Even if you come, you have nothing to talk about."

   Chen Xuan said lightly.

  Even Chifeng the Great, Chen Xuan didn't necessarily give face, and there was nothing to talk about.

  The enemy is the enemy. It is impossible that I will not kill you because of your strong status.

  "Master Chen Xuan, please think twice. If the elder Changkong is dead and the emperor is to blame, this matter is not that simple."

   Jiang Ye said suddenly.

  As a general of the empire, he naturally chose to protect the interests of the empire,

  If it were not for Chen Xuan's strength, it would be enough to be beheaded to show the public by relying on the words that despised the emperor just now.

  "Blame it? I, Chen Xuan, murdered, and you still need your emperor to nod. If you have the ability, come to me to settle the account."

Chen Xuan said coldly, even the emperor-level powerhouse was beheaded. If you change to a previous life, a great emperor in your area would dare to be so arrogant. You have never seen the power of violent killing of the gods. If Chen Xuan gets angry, there is room for regret.

  Look at the fate of the Shangguan family.

The huge Shangguan family has a foundation for thousands of years, but now in Chen Xuan’s hands, it was destroyed once, all destroyed, and no one stayed behind. Even some who fled were only young. It’s just blood.

  Even if these people were killed by themselves, even if these offspring grew up, it would be very early.

   "Since Master Chen Xuan insists on doing this, then I will be offended. No matter what, this elder Changkong can't die!"

Both of them were violent tempers. They talked to Chen Xuan in a good voice for so long. It depends on your strength, but now it seems that the communication in language is not justified, so you can only use it. Sword and blood will let you understand what it is like to fight against the empire.

   "Qinglongwei, make a formation!"

  Qinglongwei immediately set up a large formation of blue dragons, and the auras intersect with each other, which turned out to form an earth-level blue dragon ghost.

   "Just because you and these guys want to fight with me?"

  Chen Xuan couldn't help but sneered.

  Then the hand immediately instilled spiritual power into this rune formation, and the five elements rune formation suddenly became powerful, and the elder Changkong who killed him complained endlessly.


  The elder Changkong was blasted out, and the thunder hit the latter, actually shaking it hundreds of meters away.

   passed out in a coma.

   "Not good, block the attack of that rune formation!"

  Qinglongwei whistling away, blocking the thunder chasing.

  The dragon wobbles its tail. ,

The huge tail smashed the thunder to pieces, and the sky fire and other forces were also blocked by the Azure Dragon Guard. The strength of the Azure Dragon Guards is quite tyrannical, and it is comparable to the imperial powers. Up.

Each of the Azure Dragon Guards is carefully selected from among the masters of the Ouchi. When teaching the exercises, everyone can count as ten. Basically, a small team will be formed between four people, and ten people will form one. The brigade, and the eighteen people, is already a very powerful and extremely well-equipped team.

  Almost all kinds of occupations are sandwiched in it, and each other can help each other to form a more powerful force. Ordinary forces will also call these eighteen blue dragon guards a perfect killer.

Because the standard organization of the eighteen blue dragon guards evolved from the empire with various top masters over the centuries, they are extremely powerful, and it is already quite powerful that the eight blue dragon guards can be motivated by ordinary tasks, but Now, Chen Xuan has directly attracted these eighteen Azure Dragon Guards to take action, which shows how much the Chifeng Great Emperor attaches importance to Chen Xuan, or the importance of this Shangguan family.

   "Master Chen Xuan, please stop quickly, otherwise, even if I wait, I won’t be able to hold the emperor’s anger."

   Jiang Ye said.

   "What are you doing with so much nonsense? First break his formation and talk to him."

  Changqing shouted, and at the same time his body turned into a tiger and rushed to the sky.


   was picked up by a violent wind, and couldn't tell the direction. It actually fell from the sky to the ground.


  The ground trembled violently.

  Evergreen is also dizzy.

   "Damn, this formation is so powerful!"

   Chen Xuan pushed both palms, and he also shook Jiang Ye in front of him hundreds of meters away.

  After all, both Changqing and Jiang Ye only have the strength of the fifth imperial rank.

   such a skill can survive in Chen Xuan's large formation, that is also thanks to the Azure Dragon Guards for holding most of the power of the large formation.

  Chen Xuan needs to concentrate the power of the talisman formation against the Azure Dragon Guard, otherwise the Azure Dragon Guard may dismantle the large formation.

  After all, the current five-element talisman formation is not complete and mature yet, and Chen Xuanshang needs time to run in and revise it.

  In the distance, Huang Mengjing rushed forward.

  A thousand meters away, you can see that Shangguan City is already burning with flames. It seems that you have come to this **** on earth, which makes people feel deeply shocked.

   "How could it be... whose masterpiece is this..."

  Huang Mengjing looked at the picture in front of her with some sluggishness. Shangguan City was already dilapidated and turned into a ruined city. It was as if millions of troops broke through the city and then ransacked it.

  But what made Huang Mengjing feel relieved was that Chen Xuan was still alive, and he was still fighting with others. It seemed that he had encountered a strong enemy.

   "That's the Azure Dragon Guard? Why did the Empire's Azure Dragon Guard appear here!"

  Huang Mengjing looked at the Azure Dragon Guard in the formation, she was also quite surprised.

  This Azure Dragon Guard represents the sword of the empire, no matter where it goes, it represents the Chifeng Empire, and no one dares to defy it.

  "Not good, this Azure Dragon Guard is strong. Once the formation breaks, Chen Xuan will definitely be besieged by a powerful enemy. I must take action!"

   Huang Mengjing thought of this, and immediately pulled out her Yu Xiao.

Turning lightly in the hand, her figure suddenly rushed into the formation. However, when Huang Mengjing just entered the Chen Xuan formation, a figure on the ground suddenly followed The ground exploded.


   Seeing the elder Changkong whistling, he slammed in front of Huang Mengjing and grabbed the latter as a shield.


   Chen Xuan immediately noticed this place, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

  (End of this chapter)

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