Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2484: Keep catching up

  Chapter 2484 Continue to catch up

  The humanoid monster behind Chen Xuan was tirelessly chasing the two of them behind. Chen Xuan yelled, and the red profound energy on his body burst into light.

  Chen Xuan attracted the attention of one of the humanoid monsters, only to see that the light from the golden long sword in Chen Xuan's hand gathered the light from the entire forest.

Finally, Chen Xuan strode out and stabbed at one of the monsters. The humanoid monster suddenly wanted to pull away the bow and arrow in his hand and shot an arrow towards Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan hit his attention and moved the profound energy in his body. Blocked the arrow that came.

   "Not good, I am afraid that after a good time with these guys, the power in my body will be exhausted..." Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

The pill that Chen Xuan eats now can only maintain its power for more than 20 minutes. If it exceeds this time, then Chen Xuan will definitely be besieged to death by those humanoid monsters. After all, Chen Xuan has seen it before. The bows and arrows of these humanoid monsters are how fierce the power contained in them is.

One of the humanoid monsters was full of bows and arrows in his hand and shot towards Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan quickly jumped up, leaving a group of red shadows in the middle of the woods. The bow and arrow that Xuan shot directly hit another humanoid monster.

  At this time, Chen Xuan saw that Wang Lun's body had been running farther and farther, so he simply roared with the violent profound energy in his body, and the red light burst out.

   Suddenly, the red light had already blocked the eyes of those humanoid monsters, and Chen Xuan took this opportunity to quickly flee outside the forest, but Chen Xuan fleeed in a completely different route from Wang Lun.

   "It seems that it is not easy to escape now." Chen Xuan said when he saw the humanoid monsters following his body.

It's just that the speed of those humanoid monsters can't catch up with Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan knows very well that the reason why its speed is so fast is because he swallowed the pill, which made his speed twice as fast as before. .

"I must escape from this forest before the effect of the medicine dissipates, and I will be caught up by those guys." Chen Xuan twisted his head while escaping, looked behind him, and found that the monsters were still there. Chasing after himself reluctantly.

  I am afraid that now those humanoid monsters have completely discovered Chen Xuan's whereabouts.

   "There are so many weird things here." Chen Xuan thought to himself, while running away.

  It's just that although Chen Xuan's speed is fast, the speed of the humanoid monsters behind him is not slow, especially since these humanoid monsters all move on the tree, it seems that their bodies are very dexterous.

  When Chen Xuan escaped, he could always keep the wind down. This made Chen Xuan feel a sense of crisis. After all, Chen Xuan was now able to pull away these humanoid monsters because of the effect of the pill.

  If the effect of Chen Xuan's pill was lost, Chen Xuan would definitely be chased by these guys, and the humanoid monsters behind Chen Xuan actually shot at Chen Xuan while chasing them with their bows and arrows in their hands.

"These beasts are still endless? They really don't give me face!" Chen Xuan yelled, and then a burst of profound energy bloomed on his sword blade, and the red profound energy was the same on the body that appeared. Emit a strong group of light.

  After this profound energy was attached to Chen Xuan's body. It made Chen Xuan's speed faster. At the same time, Chen Xuan turned around and waved a trace of Wuhen sword energy towards those people who were chasing him. This time, the red Wuhen sword energy was surging, directly. Hit the body of a humanoid monster in the back.

Just now I was chasing the humanoid monster like Chen Xuan and was hit by Wuhen Jianqi. Then it fell to the ground. It seemed that it was dead now, and Chen Xuan killed the humanoid monster. After that, he did not stay in place either.

  Chen Xuan quickly ran the profound energy in his body and continued to run away. Chen Xuan knew very well that even if he stayed in place for a second, he would attract a huge disaster.

"It seems that it's still not possible now. If I want my strength to kill all those humanoid monsters, I definitely need to take another pill, but my current body is definitely not enough to bear those pill belts. The consequences of coming." Chen Xuan retracted the pill in his hand into the storage ring at this time.

Chen Xuan knew very well that the side effects of this pill might have immeasurable consequences for him, and the consequences might be permanent, so Member Chen Xuan now decided not to use this pill to gain his speed again. Improved, but Chen Xuan still couldn't get rid of the humanoid monsters that followed immediately behind his body.

   "I'm really mad at me. I can only get rid of these guys first. If I still can't get rid of these little beasts, then I will have to fight with them and the net will break!" Chen Xuan gritted his teeth.

He is now chased by those humanoid monsters, not to mention that the humanoid monsters behind him are still shooting sharp arrows at him, if Chen Xuan is shot by those arrows. The body, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured directly, and it may be that Chen Xuan will be killed in serious cases.

  At this time, Chen Xuan could no longer feel the position of Wang Lun's profound strength. Just now, Chen Xuan could perceive where Wang Lun had gone now by relying on the profound strength perception in his body.

   "I can't feel Wang Lun's position now. I don't know how he is now...Isn't he killed by those little beasts?" Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

Soon Chen Xuan rejected what he had just thought. With Wang Lun’s strength, he would certainly not be killed by those humanoid monsters, but unless Wang Lun had escaped from the forest now, Chen Xuan didn’t believe that Wang Lun could. Escape in such a quick time.

  Chen Xuan knew that Wang Lun’s speed would definitely not get out of this forest in such a short period of time, but Chen Xuan did not notice Wang Lun’s current location.

"Forget it, don't think about it, as long as I can escape, I am afraid that Wang Lun is already waiting for me outside the forest, and I don't know if the humanoid monsters chasing after will get out of this forest. Chase it out inside." Chen Xuan gathered the profound energy in his body silently, but after running for ten minutes, Chen Xuan's body finally felt exhausted.

"No, I am afraid that the effect of my pill is about to pass! If I can't replenish it in time, then I might fall down here." Chen Xuan had already taken out one from the storage ring at this time. A pill, but Chen Xuan knew that if he took this pill, he would lose his sanity waiting for it.

  Before, Chen Xuan took this medicine, and then caused the demon soul to enter his soul. In the end, Chen Xuan always relied on his strong willpower to subside the power of the demon soul.

"No, if I take this medicine, I am afraid that the power of the demon soul will penetrate my will by that time. I have almost been driven out of reason by the power of the demon soul many times. If this time I have to bear great danger, It must be very dangerous for me."

  Chen Xuan was very hesitant at this time, not knowing whether he should take this pill or not, but even if Chen Xuan didn't take it, he would be chased by the monsters chasing after him.

At this time, Chen Xuan's heart was stunned, and he swallowed the pill: "Follow him, instead of being killed by these guys behind, it would be better for me to be given the power of this demon soul to occupy my body!" The pill was run into his Dantian. After the pill was in Chen Xuan's body, Chen Xuan's body was bursting out with a powerful force.

And now Chen Xuan's eyes have gradually turned blood red, and then a wave formed around Chen Xuan's body, and the wave spread out instantly, knocking all the bodies of the humanoid monsters who were catching up. Got out.

Chen Xuan knew very well that as long as he took the second pill, the power of the demon soul in his body would bloom, and this power could not be controlled by Chen Xuan at all, if it weren't the one on Chen Xuan's forehead. With the blue spiritual power lines, I'm afraid Chen Xuan has lost his mind several times before.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan's fierce power bloomed, causing those humanoid monsters who had caught up to stop on the tree and watch Chen Xuan's current behavior calmly.

Chen Xuan felt that his aura became more and more violent, and his power was much stronger than before, and this power was not easily controlled by Chen Xuan, even Chen Xuan could now use the power of this demon soul to resist himself. Those humanoid monsters. But Chen Xuan was also very clear about the consequences of taking this pill on his body.

  Since Chen Xuan took this medicine before, he found that he often felt inexplicable pain in his body, and sometimes he felt that his consciousness was being soaked by the demon soul when he went to bed at night.

Chen Xuan is a little better than last time. He can barely control his will, but watching Chen Xuan's red eyes makes people feel a sense of fear spontaneously. This is because of Chen Xuan. The murderous aura that bloomed out of his body now was too violent.

   "It seems that I still have 20 minutes to go, but I must control my sanity and cannot kill! Otherwise, I will only waste time here." Chen Xuan exhausted his sanity to control the profound energy in the body.

  It's just that it made Chen Xuan feel very difficult. At this time, looking at the humanoid monster that rushed towards him, Chen Xuan's sanity finally collapsed, and a bright red mouth grew on Member Chen Xuan's palm.

Then a trace of red mysterious light appeared in the mouth, and then the profound energy was directly attached to Chen Xuan's body, and a cruel smile appeared in the mouth, and he looked at those humanoid monsters, although these The speed of the humanoid monster is very fast, but Chen Xuan's body only swayed slightly, and he actually came to the humanoid monster, and then Chen Xuan used his palm as a knife and slashed towards the humanoid monster's head.

  (End of this chapter)

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