Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2492: Blind eyes

  Chapter 2492 Blindness in eyes

  And it is precisely because Yu Wenjing helped them lead away that monster, so now they have a chance to escape.

  "Don't think so much now. Let's wait outside the walls of Black Rock City. Maybe Yu Wenjing is already waiting for us there now?" Wang Lun said.

  Chen Xuan nodded slowly, and then let out a deep breath. The depressed feeling just now made Chen Xuan breathless. Now Chen Xuan finally feels that his body feels much better.

Originally, there were many healing pills in Chen Xuan's storage ring, but Chen Xuan had completely consumed the pills in such a long time, and even Chen Xuan didn't know how he ate up all these healing pills. , After all, they hadn't been seriously injured before.

"It's really bad. I don't have a healing pill now. I remember there were a dozen pills when I saw it a few days ago, but now I don't even have one." Chen Xuan stroked his head, trying to remember this. What happened in the middle.

  But I can only think that there were more than a dozen pills in the pill bottle three days ago.

   "It's okay, now we should also be in Black Rock City, we don't need those healing pills, and we can buy as many as we want in Black Rock City at that time." Wang Lun said in a magnificent manner.

Not only did they get information about the reason why the forest beast became violent, but also completed most of the missions of the Demon Hunter Guild that they received. They could obtain hundreds of purple crystals just by relying on the rewards of the missions. stone.

  Moreover, this also excludes the corpses of the monsters they hunted in this forest, and there are many precious things that can be sold at a good price. They feel a lot easier when they think of here.

  "This time when we go to Black Rock City, we must invite Yu Wenjing to have a good meal. If it weren't for Yu Wenjing to help us this time, it would be dangerous!" Wang Lun said emotionally.

   "Yes, what you said is very reasonable, if it weren't for Yu Wenjing's sudden appearance, then we might not be able to defeat the guy in the Pantheon." Chen Xuan said weakly.

  "But where did you meet him?" Wang Lun asked.

Chen Xuan cleared his throat. Just now, Chen Xuan felt that there was a thick sputum in his chest. At this moment, Chen Xuan slowly said: "When I just escaped from the forest, I saw him outside as well as us. They shared a common experience and were chased out by those humanoid monsters. Then I waited for you outside with him. After waiting for more than half an hour, I saw you being chased out by the Pantheon guy."

An awkward smile appeared on Wang Lun’s face, and then said to Chen Xuan, “I can’t help it. When I ran away from the chase of those humanoid monsters, I suddenly felt a powerful force coming from behind. The guy from the Pantheon we met last time."

  "Just why is this guy following you?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

"I don't know... Didn't you notice that these humanoid monsters are already operating outside the forest? It is very likely that it has something to do with the man in the Pantheon who was just killed by you. I am afraid they are still plotting something now. "Wang Lun said.

   "It's just a pity that we didn't search his body just now. If we collect the man's body, it is very likely that we will find some useful information." Chen Xuan said slowly.

   "Don't think about it so much. We are now alive. It is already a blessing." Wang Lun grinned.

   "That's the same, but now I can only pray for Yu Wenjing to get away like us." Chen Xuan said.

Finally, the two of them continued to walk in the direction of Black Rock City. They did not see a pedestrian on this road, which made Chen Xuan feel a little surprised, and then said to Wang Lun beside him: "Why is there no one on this road as usual? Are there scattered scavengers too?"

"Maybe these monsters have become more violent recently, I don't know what they are like now? But judging from the current level of violent monsters, it is very likely that they have already rushed out of the forest. Those people are not strong. If There is a monster that is not weak in strength, and they definitely can't deal with it." Wang Lun replied.

   "How many guards there seem to be patrolling over there?" Wang Lun suddenly pointed to the direction ahead and said to Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan tried to keep his eyes open, but felt that what he saw was a little vague. He didn't know what Wang Lun was talking about, so he asked, "Where are there guards, why didn't I see?"

  Wang Lun took a close look at Chen Xuan’s eyes, and then said to Chen Xuan: “No way, right in front, can’t you see it? Isn’t it obvious?”

Chen Xuan grew up trying to look at the direction Wang Lun was pointing, but he still didn’t see anything. Chen Xuan now found that everything he saw had become very blurred. It might be the demon soul. Side effects of strength.

  Chen Xuan then sighed and said to Wang Lun: "Forget it, I can't see it. If it's really a guard, then you can stop them and let them take us back to Black Rock City."

  Wang Lun then stopped the guards, and those guards obviously saw them both, at this time the guards had already walked in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  "Where did you two come from?" The voice of a guard entered Chen Xuan's ears.

At this time, Chen Xuan could see clearly that there was indeed a guard standing in front of him, and Chen Xuan’s sight was beginning to become more blurred. Even at such a short distance, Chen Xuan could not see the man’s face clearly. I was in a daze, and I didn't hear the guard saying just now.

   So Wang Lun replied: "We just came out of the Black Shadow Forest."

The guard was obviously surprised, and then looked at Chen Xuan and Wang Lun: "You dare to go to the shadows in there now, and now even the outside of this forest has been blocked by the city lord. It is not allowed. Anyone approaches."

   "There is no way, we went in more than a month ago." Wang Lun replied.

  This time the guard's face was even more surprised, and he asked emotionally: "You actually stayed here for nearly two months, don't you? Now in this forest, unusual people can stay."

  The guard clearly felt in front of him. The strength of these two men must be very good, so he said to Wang Lun, "What happened to the eyes of the person next to you?"

He saw Chen Xuan looking around, and his pupils were also faintly red, and his eyes were covered with red bloodshot eyes. Wang Lun quickly said: "My friend just said some minor injuries. I need to see a doctor quickly now. I don't know. Can you help us get to Black Rock City as soon as possible."

   "Okay." The guard promised, and then followed Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, and walked in the direction of Dark Shadow City.

  At this time, the streets of Black Rock City seemed to be deserted a lot, and the faces of the guards guarding at the gate of Black Rock City were all very nervous.

  After arriving at the gate of Heiyan City, Wang Lun suddenly stopped the guard next to him and said gratefully: "Thank you, but we have to wait for a companion here. Why don't you go back first."

  Wang Lun then took out a few high-grade spar from his body and handed it to the guard. After the guard director Chen Xuan took the crystal core from his hand, he left.

   "We are still waiting nearby. We don't know where Yu Wenjing is now." Wang Lun said.

Now the two of them are very nervous. I don’t know if Yu Wenjing will return safely, so they waited for more than 20 minutes outside the city gate before seeing Yu Wenjing’s figure walking towards them. come.

  It’s just that Yu Wenjing seems to be seriously injured now, and red blood is flowing out of Yu Wenjing’s arms, forming a color with the red clothes on his body.

   "Why are you injured?" Wang Lun asked.

  Yuwenjing sighed lightly, and replied to Wang Lun: “There is no way, the effect of the medicine suddenly lost its effect when I was lying just now, and then I was shot in the arm by the arrow of the humanoid monster.”

   "Then where are those humanoid monsters now?" Wang Lun asked again.

   "Those guys have returned now, they have all dispersed in a wilderness not far from Black Rock City, I am afraid they do not want to reveal their whereabouts." Yu Wenjing replied.

  Chen Xuan already felt that his line of sight could only stay about one meter, but now he can no longer see Yu Wenjing's appearance.

  At this time, Chen Xuan slowly touched his surroundings, and said to Yu Wenjing, “Since it’s safe now, let’s get into this city as soon as possible and don’t delay any longer.”

   Seeing Chen Xuan's appearance, Yu Wenjing also showed a hint of surprise, and then asked Wang Lun: "What happened to Chen Xuan?"

Wang Lun sighed slightly, and said to Yu Wenjing: "I don't know, it's probably a side effect caused by the pill. Let's go to the medical hall in Black Rock City to take a look, otherwise it will I don’t know what side effects there will be."

   "Yes, I am also injured on my arm now, so I must bandage it." Yu Wenjing said softly.

Then since they helped each other and walked towards the inside of Black Rock City, Chen Xuan now felt that everything he saw had become very blurred. Even Wang Lun, who was walking next to him, Chen Xuan began to lose sight of him. Body, so Chen Xuan said to Wang Lun: "Brother Wang, you get closer, I can't see you anymore."

Wang Lun suddenly came next to Chen Xuan and said to him: "The flow of people in Black Rock City has become much deserted than before. Now we will help you to the medical hall in Black Rock City to see how your eyes turn back. thing."

  (End of this chapter)

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