Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2500: Mystery killer

   Chapter 2500 Mysterious Killer

The black phantom was sent to the temple, but apart from the Pantheon, Chen Xuan did not provoke anyone else, so now I don’t know where the phantom came from. As far as Chen Xuan is concerned, he can only keep his own. Life, kill the black phantom first before talking about anything else.

After all, judging from the spiritual swordsmanship of the black phantom, he was clearly aimed at killing Chen Xuan, so Chen Xuan quickly gathered the profound energy in his body, and the flame was on Jin You's life. , The flames on Chen Xuan's body continuously filled his limbs.

The flames burned all over the body of the ship's side. These Heavenly Profound Fires can not only be used to refine pills, but also be used to make powerful tricks. It is also because of the Liaoyuan that Chen Xuan now refines. sword.

It can help it gather the profound fire in its body. After all, relying on these profound strengths is far from enough, but this Flowing Cloud Sword can condense profound strength and profound fire. With the blessing of these two forces, the Singyuan Sword The powerful power exuding made the black phantom dare not carry it head-on.

   Chen Xuan faintly felt that the strength of the black phantom might have reached the seventh level of the gods and demons, so Chen Xuan did not dare to relax now, facing the seventh level of the gods and demons, even if he could deal with it, he was obviously not an opponent.

   Feeling a strong shock coming from his body, Chen Xuan quickly retreated two steps behind him, and the desperately burning violent flames directly engulfed his body.

Then, the golden flame rushed directly to the black phantom. The black phantom obviously felt the heat of the flame, so it quickly withdrew to the back. The black phantom also gathered the body and other mysteries. force.

Chen Xuan actually blocked Chen Xuan’s profound fire. After realizing that his profound fire was blocked, Chen Xuan was not anxious. He condensed the profound energy in his body again, and the flame sword burned once again, watching the flames continue. Chen Xuan's sword was attached to Chen Xuan, so Chen Xuan roared, and the violent spiritual power on his body continued to emerge.

It was only in the blink of an eye that he had come to his body, banging in the midair with an astonishing explosion, and then saw Chen Xuan's body being knocked out, although Chen Xuan had now reached the gods and demons. Sixth layer, but it was obviously not the opponent of the black phantom that reached the seventh layer of the gods and demons.

  "Who are you?" Chen Xuan asked.

  The black phantom didn't seem to answer his words. In the blink of an eye, he saw the black phantom, and stabbed him again.

  Chen Xuan squatted down quickly, and as the black phantom attacked, an astonishing light wave of spiritual power spread over Chen Xuan's body.


   There was a strong explosion in the air, and on Chen Xuan's left arm, red lines began to show up.

The red lines that bloom this time are undoubtedly the power of the demon soul, only now when Chen Xuan uses the power of the demon soul, the power that can be exerted is not as strong as before, but it will not let Chen Xuan be swallowed by the demon soul. Lose your own sanity.

   "If you still don't say who you are, then don't blame me for being rude!" Chen Xuan said with a murderous look in his eye gel.

Just now, she clearly wanted to refine the pill, but she was suddenly attacked by this man. She asked him repeatedly and did not answer her own questions at all. This made Chen Xuan very angry, but the man's strength was also reached. The seven-tiered gods and demons, this strength made Chen Xuan feel very difficult, and for the time being, he couldn't do anything with that man.

  Seeing that the black phantom hadn't answered his question, he was slightly angry. The next moment, he saw a trace of violent spiritual power blooming on his body, which swept over his body in a blink of an eye.


  This time Chen Xuan directly knocked the body of the black phantom into the air. It was precisely because Chen Xuan used the power of the demon soul that he could now draw a tie with the black phantom by relying on his own strength.

The strength that Chen Xuan displayed became very violent, so he practiced the black phantom, and he hesitated a bit. It is precisely because the power of this demon soul can suddenly increase his own profound strength, so he is The increase is very obvious.

During the period when Chen Xuan was blind, he was still cultivating his brother, so he has now reached the five-fold pinnacle level. Even with the power of the demon soul, Chen Xuan can make his strength reach the sixth stage of the gods and demons. weight.

It is precisely because Chen Xuan has other techniques that he can now draw a tie with the black phantom in the magic weapon. Although on the surface Chen Xuan is not the opponent of the black phantom, Chen Xuan is very clear. He was able to fight the black phantom for so long now, completely relying on the power of the violent demon soul in his body.

This power of the demon soul has increased his strength very obviously. The original Chen Xuan was not the opponent of the black phantom at all, but within these short minutes, Chen Xuan's strength began to slightly suppress it. Up him.

  The black phantom obviously felt that Chen Xuan was very surprised, because he was almost blind when he saw Chen Xuan's eyes.

Feeling a trace of hatred in the eyes of the man looking at him, Chen Xuan had to carefully brew his profound strength. After all, the man was like a hungry wolf, and he didn't know when he would attack him. .


Once again, a strong explosion of profound energy exploded in the sky. This time Chen Xuan waved the sword in his hand and attacked the man. The violent profound energy that flashed in the midair instantly condensed on them. In the middle of two people.

With a booming explosion, the bodies of the two people retreated violently. The powerful light waves caused by the collision between the two of them felt a bit terrifying to everyone on the training field, but now Chen Xuan can only continue to move towards the black void. Ying launched an attack. After all, he couldn't relax at all now. Chen Xuan's eyes couldn't see the direction of the black phantom's attack. He just relied on his profound strength to feel its movement.

  Because of the blindness of his eyes, Chen Xuan's profound strength perception is many times stronger than before. Now he can fully rely on his own profound strength perception to discover the man's movements.

"It seems that he wanted to come and attack me just now." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart. As expected, the man instantly waved the dagger in his hand and came behind him, making Chen Xuan feel a little strange that the black phantom was actually. Can instantly appear behind him.

Although Chen Xuan had blocked many of his sneak attacks before, it also made Chen Xuan feel a little unbelievable. This black virtual image is not so much a killer, it is more like an assassin. His practice is always He unexpectedly appeared behind Chen Xuan's body. If it weren't for Chen Xuan's rapid reaction, he would have attacked him a long time ago.

The black phantom clearly felt that the attack of the young man in front of him was very weird. As expected, in Chen Xuan's body, golden profound energy instantly condensed, and then a layer of golden iron tower appeared behind him. With that golden light, Chen Xuan quickly condensed his spiritual power.


The golden iron tower directly hit the body of the black phantom. After the black phantom was repelled for a few steps, Chen Xuan strode out and followed the direction of advancement. A sharp sword net appeared on his sword. Above the blade.

The   Liaoyuan sword carried on it was extremely fierce and fierce, even the black phantom did not dare to carry it frontally, and the golden flame instantly appeared on Chen Xuan's body.

  Chen Xuan's body at this time is extremely weird, not only with golden flames, but also with many red lines on the body. This red pattern indicates that Chen Xuan has realized the power of the demon soul.

  But this power of the demon soul also has an unavoidable side effect on Chen Xuan, only Chen Xuan is now in order to kill the black phantom in front of him, and he can no longer care about other things.

   "No, now I rely on the power of the demon soul to improve my strength, I am afraid that will bring me greater consequences at that time." Chen Xuan secretly thought in his heart.

  After all, he was blind because of the side effects of using the power of the demon soul. Chen Xuan was also using the power of the demon soul for the first time in this month.

  If Chen Xuan didn't use this power, then what he brought to him might be even more powerful and dangerous.

Feeling the shock from her body, Chen Xuan strode out, and as the golden light appeared on her body, the Liaoyuan Sword turned into a fierce fire snake towards the black phantom. Go attack.

The flames soared into the sky, and there was a violent echo in an instant. Then, in the mid-air, it attacked the man like a snake. Chen Xuan felt the black phantom and was actually picked up in the air. He raised his sword and slashed at him fiercely.

  In an instant, he felt the shock of profound energy on his head, and then Chen Xuan also waved the Liaoyuan sword in his hand.

  Chen Xuan is not very skilled in using this Liaoyuan sword. Chen Xuan feels that the lethal power of this Liaoyuan sword refined is still very impressive.

   felt the blazing temperature above the Liaoyuan Sword. Chen Xuan stepped out, and immediately saw the flame above his body continue to burn, and the burning flame filled Chen Xuan's body.


  The flame burned around Chen Xuan's body in an instant, the burning flame soared into the sky, and the flames condensed all over the sky.

After feeling the hot temperature, Chen Xuan shook quickly and took two steps back. When the black phantom was about to attack her, Chen Xuan then roared, and then left and right around her body. All are fiery flames.

   "It seems that the black phantom already knows how good I am, so I was attacking when he was timid." Chen Xuan said with surprise in his heart.

After all, he also felt for the first time the power of the Liaoyuan Sword. This black phantom just provided Chen Xuan with the opportunity to use the Liaoyuan Sword. Since it was refined, Chen Xuan hasn't used it thoroughly yet. Now he is using it. Chen Xuan's attacks after becoming more and more proficient were already much fiercer than before.

That swordsmanship has also entered the next level. Chen Xuan clearly felt that his swordsmanship had entered a complete solution. This Huajing swordsmanship not only increased Chen Xuan's aggression by two levels compared to before, but also his speed. Much faster than before.

  In the blink of an eye, he saw Chen Xuan's body approaching the black phantom. It was the first time Chen Xuan saw what kind of face the black phantom had.

  Although the black phantom made Chen Xuan inaccessible, Chen Xuan relied on his weak perception and found that the black phantom was probably sent by the people from Wanxian Palace.

   "How is it possible? After I killed that person before, I shouldn't be discovered so soon." Chen Xuan felt a little surprised in his heart.

  After they killed the people from the Wanxian Temple before, they naturally knew that the people from the Wanxian Temple would definitely come, but Chen Xuan did not expect that they would come so quickly.

   "I see, you must be from Wanxian Temple, right?" Chen Xuan asked.

The black phantom moved visibly. It is probably because Chen Xuan had said it. Sure enough, the black phantom slowly opened his mouth and said, "It seems that you have seen it through. I see your eyes. I can't see it now, but I didn't expect to be able to fight with me for so long. It seems that the demon soul you used before hasn't made you lose combat power."

  Chen Xuan kept his eyes open, but still couldn't see the black phantom face. Chen Xuan suddenly replied: "I think your purpose is not that simple at all. Tell me who you are?"

  The black phantom sneered, and then said: "If I tell you, wouldn't it be digging your own grave? You should go to death honestly, because my current strength may surprise you! Haha"

  (End of this chapter)

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