Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2504: Wake up

   Chapter 2504

  Chen Xuan came out of the haystack, and he saw the scene in front of him by the sunlight. I found that there are still several huge warehouses where I am now. I am in one of the warehouses now. Now he didn't make a big move either.

   "It seems that going out now is obviously not good, and there is no way..."

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan dragged his injured body out. There is no other way, after all, he can't always stay here, if he stays for a long time, he will starve to death!

  Want to come, since this is a warehouse, there must be some food. Chen Xuan, who has been hungry for a day, feels that he can eat whatever it is now, even if there is a monster here, he will swallow it in one bite.

   "I'm afraid it's noon now, and I can't go out yet. Be careful!"

   Chen Xuan looked at the blazing sun and said secretly.

  He quietly opened the door from the warehouse and poked his head out. After making sure that there was no one nearby, he hurried to a warehouse next to him. He found that the warehouse was indeed a frozen warehouse as he had imagined.

  Looking at the aura crystals hanging above.

  This is a mysterious ice crystal, which can keep a certain amount of freezing space in nearby places tens of meters. Obviously, there are a lot of the meat of Warcraft is preserved here.

  I don’t know what place this is, how much monster meat there is.

  Although there are a lot of monster meat, these meats are already standing there like ice sculptures. Chen Xuan can't chew this kind of thing, so it seems better to take some out first.

  Chen Xuan took a few small pieces of monster meat. He put the monster meat in his storage bag. Looking at the time, it seemed that it was almost the afternoon, and Chen Xuan's stomach was groaning non-stop.

   "It's so fast, how come these monster meats haven't been thawed yet."

   Just when Chen Xuan was thinking about how to eat the meat of these monsters, he found that there was a sudden noise from the door.

Chen Xuan saw a young girl coming in at the door of the warehouse. The young girl was looking at Chen Xuan in front of him in surprise and Chen Xuan could see it. The young girl was trying hard to control what she wanted to scream out. Chen Xuan saw In this situation, a figure rushed over in a hurry. She covered the girl's mouth that wanted to scream.

   "Don't make any noise!" Chen Xuan said, looking at the girl's horrified eyes.

  The girl was obviously frightened. Without saying a word, he quietly looked at Chen Xuan's eyes, as if now he didn't know if Chen Xuan was the collaborator who killed several guards.

  It seems that Chen Xuan does not intend to kill him. He also gradually eased from the panic just now.

  "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

  Faced with this girl’s question, Chen Xuan felt that he didn’t know how to answer it, so it was difficult for him to tell her all of his experience? Chen Xuan couldn't trust this girl at all. If he said it out, he might mislead the residents of this city, thinking that he really killed those guards.

  So Chen Xuan could only explain: “I don’t need to know my name. You only need to know that I am not malicious to you. I’m just a little hungry now, so I want to find something to eat now.”

   "Looking for food? Why did you come to us to find food."

  Looking at the girl is still a little horrified. Chen Xuan couldn't kill people out of his mouth, so he explained patiently: "It seems that you now suspect that I am the collaborator who murdered me?"

  The girl nodded and did not speak.

   "I am not. I was just being chased and killed here to hide."

   "But why did you hide here? You still seem to know what the passer is like."

  The girl still said tremblingly.

"That's right. I have nothing to do with the man who killed the guard. I was chased by him. The murderer has nothing to do with me. Don't tell me that I am here, it seems Everyone thought I was a murderer, but they misunderstood me."

  Looking at the girl’s eyes gradually letting go, Chen Xuan hurriedly said, “I’m a special member of the Chen Xuan Alchemy Association. If you don’t believe me, you can ask.”

  Chen Xuan looked at the girl in front of her sincerely and said, that girl is faintly convinced that Chen Xuan is not the murderer.

   just heard the voice of a middle-aged man: "Xie'er, come to eat, where did you go? I asked you to get some monster meat. How long did it take?"

   "Here is here." Xier looked at Chen Xuan as she said. After a while, he whispered to Chen Xuan, "Then, am I leaving now?"

  Chen Xuan looked at Nangongxi in front of him, and said, "Okay, I can let you go, don't tell me, you know. I can't expose it yet. If you tell me, it will cause misunderstanding."

  Chen Xuan had nothing to do. The girl did not pose any threat to him, and he could not coerce the girl to stay in this warehouse. If his family came over, he would also find out.

  In any case, Chen Xuan can only temporarily trust that the girl will not tell him the news.

  If he really said it, Chen Xuan would have to slip away from the Golden City. Chen Xuan is now betting that this girl will not reveal his whereabouts.

  If you are blacklisted in this golden city, you will completely mess up your plan. Seeing that girl left here, Chen Xuan quickly ran back from the warehouse with the beast meat.

Now that the beast meat is still cold, Chen Xuan took out the beast meat from his storage bag and looked at the frozen meat in front of him. Chen Xuan had no choice but to wait quietly beside him. .

  He is now planning how to get out of this place at night. After all, I can't stay here forever, but I think that the Gilded City must be searching for my own news.

  Chen Xuan hesitated a little, but he didn't expect that his journey was not going well. First he met the ice wolves, then he encountered a black flood dragon that he could barely deal with, and also met the owner of the black flood dragon.

It is the body of the black dragon. Chen Xuan can use the scales of the black dragon to make the scabbard of his Liaoyuan sword, or use the bones of the black dragon to make a good medicine. The biggest gain this time is the black dragon. It also provoked a master of Wuhen Jianqi strength.

  Unknowingly, it was night. After more than two hours, Chen Xuan looked at the monster meat in front of him, but there was still no trace of freezing.

   "It's really weird. This meat hasn't been defrosted after a long time. It's really unreasonable. Why hasn't it been defrosted for a long time? It's strange." Chen Xuan kept looking at the piece of meat and said:

  Although it is about to enter winter, the temperature is not very high, the weather, let alone two hours, should be defrosting even an ice sculpture.

"It seems that this can only be done." Chen Xuan, who wanted to eat the meat raw, could only take out a flint in his storage bag. When the flint was on fire, Chen Xuan's expression became solemn. stand up.

   is in the warehouse now, and I don’t know if there will be any smoke coming out, it is very likely that those people will know that they are hiding here now.

  Looking at that girl has been out for a long time and no one came to look for herself. It seems that no one came to catch me.

  Chen Xuan checked where he was now, and found that there was obviously no place to ventilate in this place. The only thing that could emit smoke was a small passage.

   "In this case, it happens that I don't have to eat raw meat."

  After speaking, Chen Xuan took the meat of the monster from the ground.

  The fire is gradually burning up now. Chen Xuan did not find a better way to remove the ice cubes on this monster meat. 1 As the flame rose, Chen Xuan felt that he was in a better mood. After all, the previous Chen Xuan was almost two days away. No food, the body of the black dragon is too big after all, so obviously he can't put it in his storage bag.

Seeing that the beast meat in front of him has not defrosted after being roasted for a long time, Chen Xuan felt that the ice crystals on the beast meat were not simple. It seems that this is no longer a simple ice cube, it is a gathering of spiritual energy. of.

   "It seems that what I think is really too simple. You can use a warehouse with many monsters, how can it be possible to use simple ice cubes to maintain the meat quality."

  Only the warehouse door creaked.

  Chen Xuan tensed his nerves, and instantly hid behind an invisible place.

  "It's me. A girl's voice rose.

  Chen Xuan heard that this was the girl he met in the warehouse in the afternoon. After seeing the girl coming, Chen Xuan moved his body forward.

   "Why are you here?"

  The girl held a piece of meat that had been prepared with a monster in her hand, and said to Chen Xuan: "I just finished eating, I think you haven't eaten it either."

   "How do you know that I didn't eat." Chen Xuan said:

  The girl actually laughed, and said: "If you don't tell me, I also know that the meat of the monsters in it is kept with black ice crystals. Even if our family is quenched, the meat ice crystals can't be unlocked at all."

  No wonder, Chen Xuan thought, no wonder he racked his brains and couldn't thaw.

   "The ice crystals of our family are different from the ice crystals of other families, and your strength cannot easily be transformed into the ice crystals of our family!"

  Speaking, the girl seemed to be a little proud.

  Chen Xuan didn't think he was very strong, otherwise he could give himself a look at that time. Obviously, this girl was not capable of doing that. But that quenching, listening to it can make one's alchemy strength even more diligent. Now Chen Xuan didn't want to ask the girl's appearance.

   "You are making too much trouble now, why not eat me first." The girl said, handing over the piece of meat.

  Chen Xuan looked at the girl and seemed to have no intention of deceiving him, and Chen Xuan, who had been walking for many years, did not take it lightly.

  Although Chen Xuan took the piece of monster meat that the girl gave him now, Chen Xuan secretly probed the piece of meat with the spirit energy in his body, and after discovering that it was not poisoned, Chen Xuan ate it with peace of mind.

  The girl has been watching next to Chen Xuan. But he didn't say a word, just watching Chen Xuan quietly eating that piece of barbecue.

   "I baked this myself."

  Listening to the girl, Chen Xuan looked at the girl. She had light red hair and very long eyelashes. Now Chen Xuan realized that the girl was very beautiful, so she asked, "What's your name?"

  "My name is Nangongxi. Just call me Xier."

   Xier? Chen Xuan looked at the girl and asked.

"okay then."

  Chen Xuan has nothing to ask the girl again, and the girl is obviously interested in Chen Xuan.

"You talked and said in the afternoon that you were the pill refining association... which kind of person refining many powerful pill?" Chen Xuan heard the girl ask him, and became curious at random. The girl asked this question, and let him Chen Xuan felt that the girl said: What kind of thing quenching is.

  Chen Xuan continued to be silent, he was quietly waiting for the girl to continue talking.

  (End of this chapter)

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