Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2506: Inside the Jincheng

  Chapter 2506 Inside the Golden City

  Tidy city streets are all telling the prosperous city inside. The Golden City still retains the appearance of a prosperous beginning.

Just in front of a stall, you can see a man in torn clothes and shirts eating famous food in the city. It can be said that Chen Xuan is not very important to him to buy a piece of clothing. Chen Xuan thinks here. There are so many good things sold in the market, not only a lot of panacea, but also a lot of clothes.

  Chen Xuan has discovered that the storm seems to have faded a lot. Many people are buying peace of mind on the street, and they have not talked about what happened a few days ago.

  Seeing that Chen Xuan here was relieved a lot, so he turned around randomly on this street.

  Looking at the many foods, Chen Xuan ran to the other side after paying the money. It seems to be selling a barbeque of water-quality monsters. Chen Xuan is obviously very interested in this thing.

   Seeing the eyes of those people, Chen Xuan thought that his clothes had rotten many big holes, and said in his heart: “If these people do something improper, that would be terrible.”

  If something happens, it won’t work without clothes, the previous clothes have been taken out by Chen Xuan. I came out in a hurry this time, so I can only buy it in the Golden City now.

  Chen Xuan has reached the door of a clothing store.

  The boss was measuring the body of a rich woman. Chen Xuan opened the door and stepped in.

  After turning for a while, Chen Xuan whispered when he saw a piece of clothing that suits his taste.

"how much is it?"

  The man obviously ignored Chen Xuan.

   Chen Xuan saw that this guy hadn’t said anything, and asked again: “Hello, how much is this.”

  The shopkeeper didn't seem to want to pay attention to Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan saw that he had waited so long, but the shopkeeper ignored him. Suddenly felt a little angry, so he said: "Boss, can you ask, there is something else."

Unexpectedly, he looked at Chen Xuan arrogantly and said, "Boy, I see you, in tattered clothes, dare to come to my place. Don’t you know that my place is one of the most expensive places in the Gilded City? Is it?"

The luxuriously dressed aristocratic woman next to him seemed to be amused by the tailor's words, and she also said to the side: "I spent a lot of money in this place to make such beautiful clothes. Look This poor boy doesn't look like a rich man. It's really unexpected that he has the courage to come to this place."

  Chen Xuan obviously did not intend to pay attention to these two people, but calmly asked the shopkeeper again: "I ask you if you have any clothes to buy?"

But the shop owner seemed to be impatient with Chen Xuan, so he said to Chen Xuan: "Boy, it's not that I scared you. This place is the most famous clothing store in Lujin City. Go and inquire, we have no cheapness here. Goods."

   Chen Xuan felt a little angry, so he hurriedly took out his storage bag from his pocket. Chen Xuan reached into the storage bag and took out a well-designed wooden box. Inside the wooden box there were many exquisite spars. Chen Xuan looked at the shopkeeper and the lady and said, "I came out in a hurry, so I didn't bring any money. I can buy these two things from your broken shop. I think you'd better be polite."

Chen Xuan held the two spars in his hand. It was obvious that one of the spars was the spar of the Black Flood Dragon, and the other was the spar of the Ice Wolf, although Chen Xuan did not intend to make all his wealth worth. When he came out, he took out some precious things and opened his eyes to the ignorant shopkeeper, apparently bluffing him.

The shopkeeper seemed to be trying hard to wipe his eyes. The lady next to him also gave Chen Xuan a strange look. Obviously he did not expect this young man in tatters in his twenties. Can actually come up with this kind of thing.

  Although they are not cultivators, it can be seen that the light that blooms on the two crystal stones is obviously a rare treasure, so they also stared at Chen Xuan.

The shopkeeper obviously felt that he couldn't let go of his face, so he walked over and looked at the two spars in Chen Xuan's hand and said, "You don't know where you stole these two pieces, kid, I think if you steal something, you'd better return it as soon as possible. The security of our place is good beyond your expectations."

Obviously Chen Xuan felt that he was a little bit amused by this guy. He wanted to buy a piece of clothing and put it on, so as not to make his movements too loud and be discovered by the security forces of Jincheng, but this person did start to make things difficult for him. , Now that he took out the spar, this guy actually thought he had stolen it.

   Chen Xuan felt a little angry, so he said to him, “I think you’d better pay attention to it. I’m genuine.”

  Looking at the shopkeeper who was a little bit stubborn in face, Chen Xuan's body was already ignited with raging strength, and that spiritual energy had already shown that Chen Xuan's strength had reached the stage of God and Demon!

The shop owner was overwhelmed by Chen Xuan’s explosive strength. He did not expect that this young young man was already a cultivation base of the gods and demons stage. It seemed that his cultivation base was not superficial, so he took it out. As for the two high-quality spar, it is obviously very likely that this young man had killed him himself.

  This shopkeeper has also practiced spiritual energy, so looking at the two spars in his hand, he recognized the black spar of a different kind at a glance. It was obviously the spar of a black dragon.

Although it is a bit small, it is genuine, so the look he looks at Chen Xuan now is starting to be a little different. When he got up, he made things difficult for Chen Xuan, so he could only watch Chen Xuan staring at him eagerly. , The lady next to him didn’t know anything and continued: "I said kid, don’t just take out a broken spar just to protect us. I tell you, I also have it in this gilt city. People Qian, I’ve never seen your broken spar before. It’s really funny."

  The owner of the shop couldn’t hold on to the color anymore. He looked at the noble lady everywhere and whispered to persuade him: "I think this person may be very powerful, we better not provoke him."

Although the noble lady did not regard Chen Xuan as a master, she continued to speak without words, "Just now the old lady was testing her measurements, and this kid is going to buy clothes without saying a word. I think it’s just a poor kid. After practicing aura, For such arbitrary actions, you must know that this gilded city is not a place to let him go, do you know, my husband is the captain of the border defense of this place, if this kid wants to move me, he has to weigh it."

  Chen Xuan stared at the woman a little funny and did not speak, watching him constantly move his body, as if to show how luxurious his body is and how good her worth is.

  Chen Xuan did become impatient. He walked over and looked at the woman and said, “I don’t care what your husband’s status is in this Golden City. If you meet me, it will only show that you are unlucky.”

Seeing that the poor boy in front of him dared to talk to him, the woman also strayed and said to Chen Xuan: Good boy, I think you are really tired and crooked, you don't know who is in charge of this place, now you are actually If you dare to speak to me like this, believe it or not, I will call someone over now to settle you down and let you vomit everything that I just said. "

A rising aura appeared on Chen Xuan’s body. The aura almost swallowed the woman. The woman was so scared that she slumped on the ground and couldn’t say a word. Chen Xuan didn’t stop there. The woman lifted it up.

  The woman was still yelling loudly, as if she didn't conceal what Chen Xuan was doing to her now.

   "Boy! Do you dare to touch me!" the woman yelled.

  How could Chen Xuan let him go, his aura had become stronger and stronger, and then he threw the woman across the street heavily.

  All the onlookers on the street gathered around, seeming to wonder why this woman suddenly flew over from the window over there, but Chen Xuan was not concerned about his problem.

He continued to look at the shopkeeper who was already in a daze and said: "Now I don't care what is wrong with you here, you just need to give me the clothes I want to buy, you can just bring me any clothes." Although he didn't expect Chen Xuan could do such a thing arbitrarily, and actually threw the woman out. He was already stunned by the sight before him.

In his opinion, the person in front of him is already the cultivation base of the gods and demons stage, so he also understands that he is not Chen Xuan's opponent. It seems that Chen Xuan has thrown the woman out without mercy. Obviously there is also With a certain background strength.

  The shopkeeper came over from the silence just now, took a look at the dress, and said to Chen Xuan, "What do you call this uncle?"

Chen Xuan really didn't mean to take care of him. He walked forward and changed a piece of clothing of the same size, and then threw an ice wolf crystal to the boss, so he walked out of it. For Chen Xuan, he didn't want to. In the gilt city to provoke this basket, but since that woman provokes him, he will not let her go for nothing.

   Just when Chen Xuan went out, he saw the lady lying on the ground just now, obviously he would not let Chen Xuan go.

  The woman pointed to his figure behind her back and said, “Boy, don’t let me catch you. Even if you are anywhere in this golden city, I will pick you out. I will definitely make you worse off than death.”

  Everyone stared at the lady lying on the ground and rubbing his feet, it seemed that he hurt him a lot.

Where did Chen Xuan pay attention to the woman, but walked forward with her head buried, but the woman put her eyes on Chen Xuan and said to Chen Xuan: "I advise you not to leave now, even if you leave, I will find you. , And then teach you a lesson."

  Chen Xuan ignored the woman and left here.

  Now this woman is really hate Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan does not want to have too many theories with this woman, because Chen Xuan knows that it is useless for this woman to tell him more things.

  After all, he may just want to find his face now. Just after Chen Xuan walked a few hundred meters forward, the woman saw a guard approaching him, and he wanted to grab a life-saving straw and said to the soldier: "Come here, come here."

   "It turned out to be Mrs. Li, what's wrong?"

When the woman saw the guard, she felt confident, so she said, "Did you see the man coming just now? He pushed me to this place. This is a gilded city. This man is simply a sight. There is no king's law. You dare to do such an excessive thing. You can get him up quickly in the past. Maybe you can ask my husband to add an official or something to you at that time."

  The soldier looked at the direction Chen Xuan was walking away, and saw a figure from behind. He did not rush to catch up, and said to the woman: "Madam, I don't know which one it is. Can you describe it clearly?"

The woman saw that Chen Xuan was about to disappear, so she said bitterly: "Forget it, it seems that I can't count on you. I will tell my husband when I go back and let him arrest the kid. Let him be so rampant that he dared to throw me on the street. No one has dared to do such a thing to me yet!"

  (End of this chapter)

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