Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2515: Knowledge of elixir

   Chapter 2515 Pill Knowledge

"Your name is Chen Xuan, right? Just now you said that these two herbs can't be planted together. I wonder why? Is it because these two herbs are pure yang things?" the old man with white beard asked, and then put his eyes Put it on Chen Xuan's body, wanting to see how Chen Xuan answers.

"The plant on the palm of your hand is an exquisite herb with the attribute of fire. Whether it is just planted or mature, it is a herb that has just reached the sun, and the name of the herb you just held should be called fire dragon grass. The medicinal herbs are also very strong. If these two herbs are planted together, the growth of the other one will definitely be suppressed. The two herbs will check and balance each other and naturally they will not grow." Chen Xuan said.

Hearing this, the white-bearded old man’s eyes brightened and he looked at Chen Xuangao a little bit. Actually, he could tell the names of the two herbs only by relying on his nose, and his analysis of the characteristics of the two herbs was so thorough that he could see Chen Xuangao. How profound is Xuan's skills and understanding in alchemy.

"As you said, these two herbs contain each other, so there should be one herb that will continue to grow. Why are these two herbs wilted?" The white-bearded old man continued to ask. He wanted to know the reason very much. His identity is to refine these herbs here, not to mention that the prices of these two herbs are very expensive, if these two herbs die completely, then his loss can be great.

"It's very simple. The two herbs must have a lot of characteristics combined. When this fire dragon grass matures, because its characteristics cover up the original attributes, not to mention that it is still a pure yang thing, that is, it is in the seedlings. The nutrient needed in the period is even greater, so they will compete with each other for nutrients." Chen Xuan replied.

When Chen Xuan answered, he was calm and relaxed, causing the white-bearded old man to look at the black-robed young man in dismay with his mouth wide open. Although he was very reluctant to admit it, he wanted to admit this fact, the young man in front of him, his understanding of medicinal herbs, Actually still above himself.

"How can this kid know so much? I only know that this fire dragon grass has a fire attribute, but I don't know the origin of this herb. Does he also know the name of this herb?" The white-bearded old man looked at Lin Ting faintly. , His heart was amazed. Although he believed in Chen Xuan's statement, he was still a little surprised, because he was also regarded as a master in alchemy, and now he was given a lot of attention by a young kid. class.

   "Chen Xuan, where did you learn about these things?" the white-bearded old man asked.

  Chen Xuan shrugged slightly and replied, “I’m only interested in these, so I learned about the same, and I’m also refining many elixirs.”

There was a hint of joy on the face of the white-bearded old man, and then he said: "Good boy, then you see if these two herbs can save my life. If you can rescue these two herbs, I will naturally I will repay you!"

"Of course you can. As long as you plant these two herbs in different places, plant the fire herb in the highest sun, and the other herb can choose a darker place because of the properties of the fire dragon grass. The vitality is extremely strong, and you don't need to deliberately choose where to grow, and you don't need to deliberately apply fertilizer to them, they can grow naturally." Chen Xuan replied.

"Okay! Then I will ask you one more question. Do you know how can I prevent the effects of these two herbs from conflicting with each other when I am going to refine these two herbs?" This is also a function in the Alchemist Association. Only a master-level alchemist will realize it.

"If you want to refine these two kinds of pills, I'm afraid you have to add a kind of profound fire sand, otherwise the stove may be blown up. And this kind of sand can also fuse the properties of the two pills, and it can also improve the pills. The grade of the medicine."

  Chen Xuangang finished speaking, and saw the white-bearded old man stunned in place, staring blankly at the black robe youth in front of him.

  The white-robed old man was very shocked. Chen Xuan's words fell on his head like a thunderbolt in the sky. Some time ago, he was also refining the pill, but he could not merge the two medicinal properties. So many times, the two herbs were directly destroyed.

  Unexpectedly, Chen Xuan in front of him would actually solve his problem.

  The old man with white beard was completely convinced by Chen Xuan. It is precisely because of his failure to refine the pill before, that he is now planting two herbs.

   "Yeah, why didn't I think that this thing can neutralize the properties of two herbs to the pure sun!" The white-bearded old man suddenly realized.

  The old man with white beard is now looking at the bright and bright moon again as if he pushed aside the thick dark clouds. The student who felt like he was deeply confused by a question suddenly got answers from others.

   "Then I want to refine this pill, how can he improve his grade?" The white-bearded old man continued to ask.

"This kind of pill is not first-class, but this kind of pill can help practitioners condense their consciousness. Although the level of this kind of pill is not high, it is very difficult to refine because it must It can be done only by relying on the effect of a spar, otherwise this kind of medicine is completely useless Fei Dan." Chen Xuan replied.

The white-bearded old man's eyes lit up slightly, watching Lin Ting's eyes change. These problems have troubled him for a long time. The black-robed young man in front of him knew a lot, and just moved his tongue to help him solve it. Problems that have plagued for many years.

  "Can this kind of spirit grass be used to make soul pills?" The white-bearded old man continued to ask.

"Of course it can. Although the activity of this fire spirit grass is very violent, it should also be added with the heart of some other immortal grasses, so that its medicinal properties can be neutralized, and it can not only refine the fire spirit pill, but also enhance it. The medicinal properties of this pill." Chen Xuan said.

  During the period when Chen Xuan’s eyes were invisible, he had been reminiscing about the knowledge of herbs he had learned before, so he was able to answer fluently now.

  The white-bearded old man looked at Chen Xuan in amazement. Now he doesn't regard Chen Xuan as a junior at all, and there is a hint of admiration and thought in his eyes when he looks at Chen Xuan.

  "Then how can I solve the power of this medicine?" The white-bearded old man continued to ask.

   "If you want to solve it, you have to make slow and gradual refining, otherwise you won't be able to refine the pill you want." Chen Xuan continued to answer.

The white-bearded old man must have asked Chen Xuan many questions, but Chen Xuan answered one by one. Some of the questions she had felt puzzled before, and some that he had always puzzled. White-bearded old man I just feel that my haze has dissipated with Chen Xuan's arrival, and my understanding of alchemy has become more refined.

"Thanks to you, Chen Xuan, you are really a master of alchemy. You can understand so much and help me solve so many problems. Thank you this time. Don’t come to me if you have any difficulties. , I will help you if I can help." The white-bearded old man said to Chen Xuan with a laugh.

   "You are polite." Chen Xuan replied.

This old man with white beard looks like a man of temperament. He does things in an eclectic manner, and he does not hide anything. Chen Xuan likes this kind of personality, so he has been with white beard during this time. The old man studies pill.

   "Thank you so much. If you weren't here, I don't know when these problems can be solved, but I feel very puzzled, who are you learning from?" The white-bearded old man asked.

Then the white-bearded elder continued: "You need to know that all the alchemy things need to be learned step by step. With your knowledge, I am afraid that you will not be able to learn it for decades, but your age is not that old. , I am really curious about who your master is!"

The old man with white beard was very surprised. He could not imagine that the young man in front of him would have such high attainments in alchemy techniques. If he had never believed it before, but now he saw it with his own eyes, heard it with his own ears, and watched. Seeing that Chen Xuan helped him solve many problems in alchemy.

   "Didn't I say it? I'm just interested in alchemy."

  And I am also a master-level alchemist.

Chen Xuan did not say this sentence, but then the white-bearded old man admired: "Sure enough, you are a genius. If you can concentrate on studying alchemy techniques, I am afraid that you will definitely become a master of alchemy in the future, and you will definitely be able to surpass me by then. !"

   "I heard that you were chased by the lord of Jinluan City?" the white-bearded old man asked.

   "Yes." Chen Xuan nodded.

  He was hunted down by the lord of Jinluan City. The white-bearded old man said: "That city lord can be regarded as a master of the world, and his strength is also very strong. How can you be hunted down by him?"

   "I will definitely kill him then." Chen Xuan said.

  The old man with white beard was slightly surprised and said: "Just relying on you alone, how could he kill him?"

  Chen Xuan looked at Murongxi next to him, and said to the white-bearded old man: "Do you know Murong Xiao?"

  The old man with white beard looked surprised and said: "Of course I know that their Murong family was famous all over the world."

   "She is Murong Xiao's daughter, and her name is Murong Xi." Chen Xuan said.

  Murongxi stepped awkwardly behind, the face of the white-bearded old man was suddenly full of curiosity, looked at Murongxi and said: "What! You said this little girl is Murong Xiao's daughter."

  Chen Xuan nodded, and then said: "Yes."

  At night, Chen Xuan was about to retire. The white-bearded old man patted Chen Xuan on the shoulder and said to him: "Little brother, if you have any trouble in the future, come to me."

   "Okay!" Chen Xuan replied.

Chen Xuan continued to open up his profound power perception, left this mountain, and then continued to walk towards the south. He originally wanted to hunt some spirit beasts, but he didn't expect to make his own scabbard. There will be so many things.

   "I see, now your father doesn't know where it is, and we are not so safe outside now, so let's hide here first." Chen Xuan said.

It is also a good thing for Chen Xuan to know this white-bearded old man. If he needs to refine some pills in the future, he can go to the white-bearded old man and get some help from him, but Chen Xuan is now He wanted to improve his strength, so he didn't continue to refine the pill at the moment.

  Three days later, Chen Xuan hunted and killed the Warcraft, but suddenly the voice of a middle-aged man came from behind.

  Chen Xuan immediately turned around and found that it was Murong Xiao who came. At this time, Murong Xiao seemed to have suffered some minor injuries on his body, but it was not a major problem. After seeing it, Murong Xi ran over with broken steps.

   "Are you okay, father." Murongxi asked worriedly.

  Murong Xiao waved his hand, and then said: "I have no problem, but the guy is dangerous. The guy was seriously injured by me, but we definitely can't return to Jinluan City now."

   "In this case, it's better to go to Black Rock City. The two cities are not far apart."

  The distance from Black Rock City to Jinluan City is only a few hundred miles. If the speed is fast enough, it only takes two days to reach it.

  Murongxi nodded and said, "Well, in this case, let's go to Black Rock City first."

  Two days later, Chen Xuan and the others returned to Black Rock City. Murongxi still had a lot of savings, so Bian separated from them temporarily, and Chen Xuan returned to his residence. However, outside of Chen Xuan's residence, several people were waiting outside the Demon Hunter Guild.

  Chen Xuan felt that the profound abilities of these two men were very familiar, one was Wang Lun, and the other was naturally the woman in red.

   "What's wrong? What happened?" Chen Xuan asked.

  (End of this chapter)

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