Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2531: Draw

   Chapter 2531

   "Awesome." Chen Xuan dragged his tired body in admiration, and his muddy eyes gradually brightened.

  Yi Chi Ling obviously wanted to compete with Chen Xuan. The long clothes he was wearing were tied to the ground, stained with blood, but he didn't care.

The sound coming out of his mouth was very arrogant and old. It didn't look like a Wei Chiling at all. He suddenly unfolded a strange hand, and suddenly the purple light came out. Chen Xuan guessed that it was their dragon blood tribe. In one of the techniques of, countless large purple handprints flew on all sides, shooting indiscriminately, and all the purple rays between the sky and the earth.

This palm hit the space, and the space made the sound of being crushed. With the mighty power, Yu Chiling's tall body was slaughtered in a long roar, and profound energy flowed in his body, suddenly beside him. There appeared one by one purple words, which were the words of their dragon blood tribe, strokes, strokes, like purple sword light condensed, murderous aura boiled, like ghosts and gods appeared, and it enveloped Chen in an instant. mysterious.

Chen Xuan was not to be outdone. At this moment, his profound strength was enough to support him to transform his profound strength into form. At this moment, behind Chen Xuan, a faint orange light rose up and turned into five sword hilts, facing the Yu Chi Ling. The purple light hurriedly passed by with a palm.

  There are many people onlookers who were shocked by the confrontation between the two of them.

  At this moment, the dark clouds above immediately exploded, and the smoke disappeared.

  The destructive power of this weird technique is surprisingly amazing. The entire playing field is like being plunged into deep magma like a beast, splashing around, and flooding half of the playing field in the blink of an eye.

  The big purple hand attacked Chen Xuan again. When Chen Xuan saw his appearance, he also condensed his profound strength. Then this big hand Xixiang is Chen Xuan.

   Seeing Yu Chiling, who was dyeing her cheeks in purple, Chen Xuan's sword hilt was also fast. At this moment, Chen Xuan's face showed a scream: "Fuck me!"

Those sword hilts burst out with blue light. Although Chen Xuan’s profound strength is now the orange of the divine emperor’s period, the technique he is currently using is not controlled by his profound strength, but uses profound strength to absorb the surrounding energy. The spiritual energy is used by Chen Xuan, in fact, this is the top secret of profound strength!

  Although Chen Xuan mastered this technique, he himself was extremely unfamiliar. After all, they hadn’t practiced the city for generations in the Pantheon!

   Chen Xuan saw this scene, and urged his profound strength all over, and sent it towards Yu Chiling's purple air mass with all his strength.

   Seeing the situation reversed, Chen Xuan was about to arouse the profound strength of his whole body, but at this time, there was really a silent thunder.

  I also relieved his cough and made Chen Xuanhan stand upright, and he really felt the terrible crisis! Since he came out, almost none of the enemies he has encountered is his opponent, and the scene that has just appeared really makes Chen Xuan feel terrible!

  It seems that Yu Chiling's dantian lacks profound strength, so there is a list of exercises.

"It's a pity..." Seeing Yu Chiling split out with a palm, it condensed into a purple palm the size of a fan in the air, although he saw this palm collide with Chen Xuan's orange sword fiercely, and even exploded violently. , It was their profound strength that was turbulent and fiercely clashing with each other, and it only lasted for a while before that palm disappeared.

  Wei Chi Ling's energy was no longer enough for him to maintain his own practice, saying that he could only helplessly unload his profound strength.

At this moment, Ouyang Yu saw this scene and said with excitement, "It's a pity, Brother Chen Xuan's technique is really amazing, is it the transformation of the Pantheon of ten thousand swords? It's really amazing, as if it is similar to our Qiu Shuang Kingdom's sword art. Place!

  It's a pity that I can't keep watching, and that Yu Chiling released his power.

  Two masters of the gods stage fighting, the noise can be said to be the shaking of the earth and the mountains, and the entire square must be violently shaken at this moment, even if it is the aftermath that spreads, many people feel fainted. And when Chen Xuan's strong voice sounded, there was a large number of Xiaoguo dripping down at the side of the arena.

  But at the same time, in Taichung, the opposite side of Chen Xuan had already slid back to the place where he was holding the equipment, and withdrew his weapon. At this time, he had vaguely possessed Chen Xuan. Everyone is on guard. In an instant, the tension on the entire arena was going to become severe, and the spheres of influence on both sides were secretly shocked, could it be said that this person's already strength is so unfathomable. There is no plan for each other at present. If Chen Xuan is rashly attacked, he will surely mess up his Zhouzhang, and if his techniques are leaked too much, it will attract many peeping...

Chen Xuan's face was cold and stern, and vigorous orange profound energy roared out of his head in an endless stream. In it, there was a faint thunder star coming from it, entrenched in the midair above, releasing a shocking spirit .

  Yichiling stared at Chen Xuan coldly, and if the latter dared to have other abnormalities, he would take action. Under Chen Xuan's gaze like a sparrow eagle, his face was slightly drawn. Although his eyes were filled with anger and killing intent, he was no longer Chen Xuan's opponent. Knowing that if you expose your identity at this time and use that trick... then it will definitely hurt both sides. At that time, I gave people a wedding dress.

  So he took a sharp breath, and the powerful profound energy roared out of his forehead, suddenly rolled back and didn't enter his body. There was a smile on his gloomy cheeks, and he suddenly hugged Chen Xuan and smiled: "Chen Xuan, I was too anxious for a while, and I was a bit reckless. Don't be proud. You will cry sooner or later. When the time comes, don’t blame me."

As he said, he looked at Li Yuan on the stone platform, and said, "I had lost this time before." Li Yuan looked at the smile on Yu Chiling's cheek, and couldn't restrain himself: "This Yu Chiling, why not? It's a real hero, capable of bending and stretching."

  Chen Xuan also said: “Where is me, you and I have not yet determined the victory or defeat, and I dare not pretend that I can beat you.”

Chen Xuan was therefore more alert to Yu Chiling, but on the surface he maintained a smile and apologized: "Don’t blame Wei Chiling, he really couldn’t take his hand before. If he didn’t hide in time, he might have been almost there. I broke Tuoba’s arm, so I have to pay for it.” Chen Xuan glanced at Yu Chiling, who was holding his arm, and the corner of his eyes jumped. If an accident happens, Yuchiling can avoid my profound strength sword, then it would be great."

At this time, Ouyang Yu also took a sigh of relief and said happily, "Hahaha." He was still thinking that if Chen Xuan and this Yu Chiling are intractable, then it would be a bad thing for him. . At this time, Ouyang Yu also smiled lightly, his eyes flashed, and said: "It seems that what he has developed before is the Hu family's innate technique? I don't know how this technique is unique, and where did it come from? "That Wei Chiling suddenly had a hint of alertness on his face when he heard this. He smiled and said, "When I was cultivating in the Black Forest Mountains some time ago, someone wanted to assassinate me, but after I counter-killed, he discovered this technique on him." Seeing this Wei Chiling said directly. Came out.

   Ouyang Yu also said: "So that's the case, I don't know if that person is still alive now?"

  It seems that the cause of the harassment of Yuchiling should be the descendants of the Hu family. There is no doubt that the Hu family is also related to the Qiu Shuang country. He does not believe that the descendants of the Hu family will sneak attack on this Yuchiling for no reason. So Ouyang Yu smiled softly, and said: "Then this is also due to the fact that the Hu family's exercises are also passed on in one line. Otherwise, our profound power continent will have to lose this technique."

  Wei Chi Ling raised both eyebrows slightly. This Ouyang De made it clear that he was embarrassing him, and he was also very cunning. He wanted to get the Hu family's exercises back. That's such an easy thing. In time, Yu Chiling sighed twice and said: "If this Hu family's innate practice is still in my hands, it would be natural to keep their family's practice, but it's a pity that I was caught in it some time ago. When the monster attacked and fought, I was accidentally bitten by a monster and broke my clothes. The Hu family's exercise secret was also in my clothes. It was a pity, so I threw it away. ."

Although the smile on Ouyang Yu's cheeks stagnated, but from his hands hard, he could not help but clenched. If Yu Chiling like this, a five-year-old child would not believe it. Obviously, the former is clearly not. Return the Hu family exercises. But he couldn't find much way, unless he had to tear his face with the Dragon Blood Tribe now.

When Ouyang De saw this scene, his heart was secretly angry, and afterwards his gushing profound energy was restrained. Although he was quite angry at the bottom of Yu Chiling's arrogance, he also understood that it is not now When declaring war with the Dragon Blood Tribe, he also had no power. With the courage of the two individuals, the tight atmosphere of the people around can slowly relax. Although everyone knows that the Dragon Blood Tribe and the Profound Power Continent have certain opposites, the final layer of film has not been pierced after all. If it were to be pierced here today, then their Autumn Frost Nation, even the whole The imperial city will inevitably be turbulent.

  At that time, no one could prevent it. Ouyang Yu waved his hand to indicate that he was no longer talking to Yu Chiling. At this moment, Yu Chiling also said: "That person is also a god, and he wants to attack me with his strength. It's really like death." Ignoring Chen Xuan and Ouyang Yu, they turned aside and left. Then, Chen Xuan saw that there was a shadow rushing to the competition arena, which made Chen Xuan notice that the result of the match had come out.

The black shadow rescued Huai Ke from the screaming scream that had just come, and at this time, the chief referee of the Tianyuan Temple on the side could react to God's coming, and shouted in a loud voice in time: "Two groups, Show grace to win!" Everyone in the second group has lost all the damage. In this trial, the second group won! The second group that Yu Chiling was in was slightly weaker than Chen Xuan's first seven group, and it was now second.

When the referee's sound resounded across the sky, the remaining three people in the second group suddenly cheered and made noises. Compared with the laughter of the second group, the other group was a whole piece of quietness. There were many people watching the competition in the competition platform. There was another roar of applause. Those eyes were full of astonishment, towards the thin young man's shadow on the stone platform, to Chen Xuan's surprise, this time he was hit by the dantian with profound energy, and no one could do anything in his eyes. Then use one's own profound strength to be kind, can guarantee these levels.

  For a while, Chen Xuan also sighed secretly that under the original circumstances, he could turn defeat into victory. He had already missed the competition, otherwise he would be curious about how Shi En won. Although these people are only the strength of the gods, they are all unable to compare with that Yu Chiling's complete destruction. What makes Chen Xuan curious is that they have many strange methods, just like their unique method of cultivating profound strength in the Pantheon. , Xuan Li Hua Jian.

  It is not difficult to see how hard Chen Xuan's numerology is after all. No one in their Tianyuan Palace can learn how to transform swords with profound strength. However, the predecessors of the Pantheon were said to have damaged the emperor’s original sacred dragon spirit, so the emperor united many masters to encircle and suppress the predecessors of the Pantheon. This is just a rumor, after all, it was a long time ago. , And the ancestor of their Pantheon was not caught either.

It is difficult to determine how far Chen Xuan can go in the future. After all, the current profound power continent is already respected by the strong. And the place where the emperor is, is almost no one cares about it.

One person in the third and second group has withdrawn from this competition in disappointment. For him, their group has lost three consecutive times. Now it is difficult to wait until tomorrow to have any chance to occupy the upper reaches of this competition. It is also possible that they None of the four people in the group had the opportunity to participate in the next competition.

  (End of this chapter)

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