Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2544: Demon Soul Power

   Chapter 2544 Demon Soul Power

  It can be imagined that the popularity of his Li birthday in Tianyuan Palace will be destroyed by more than half after this incident.

  And this time, they lost the time to enter the waterfall practice.

  The output of the waterfall practice time on the Cangyuan Mountain layer reached half an hour in the morning. It can be imagined that these Tianyuan Temple disciples, even if they don't speak much, they will definitely blame him in their hearts.

Gu Mei nodded when she heard Li Dan’s words. After all, Li Dan was not stunned by anger. On the contrary, she began to regard Chen Xuan as a competitor, and she believed that with Li Dan’s ability, as long as it was not as small as in the past. Looking at Chen Xuan, then Chen Xuan is not Li Dan's opponent at all.

  Li Dan's clenched hands slowly loosened, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and there was a hint of resentment in his eyes.

   "Chen Xuan, you will remember it to me!"

  Inside the house.

   "Chen Xuan went to the northern part of the Cangling Mountain Range?" Li Dan's face was gloomy, and he looked at a middle-aged man behind him, slowly saying.

   "Yes, and Li Yuan led someone to pick him up in person. It should be honed in the northern layer of the Cangling Mountain Range."

  The middle-aged man has sunken eyes and dull skin, like a rock formation.

Li Dan was stunned and couldn't help but smile, his eyes flickered, and he said to himself: "Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan, if you always stay in the main hall, I really can't take you, but you are I ran to the northern level of the Cangling Mountain Range, what are you? I don't know what is good or bad."

  "Second brother is going to do something to him?" Gu Mei frowned and said: "If it is discovered, it may cause Li Yuan and the others to fight back."

   Li Dan smiled lightly and said: "You must do it, but you also need a careful plan. Moreover, even if you want to do it, you can’t kill you."

He thought, and said indifferently: "I think we can have a dragon blood tribe hunting troupe. You pretend to be a dragon blood man to attack and chase it into the northern part of the Cangling Mountain Range. Other things, just Give it to the people of the Dragon Blood Tribe to do it."

   "What happened was done by those dragon blood men. It has nothing to do with us. You hired a few dragon blood men nearby and killed them in a short time. No one can say anything."

  Gu Mei was taken aback, and smiled directly: "It's a very good way."

Li Danyin smiled, and took out a jade jue from his arms. In the jade jue, there was a faint light flashing, as if remembering a layer of text with a long history. In this way, it was a bit of confession, if it was dragon blood People attacked them, forgive him that Li Yuan had nothing to say, only a bitch, there was hardship to say. "

  Li Dan's sound is cold, and this vicious strategy made the ancient charm nodded.

"Okay, I think it is perfect!" The middle-aged man cracked his mouth and grinned and followed Li Dan. They had long stopped seeing Li Yuan in their eyes. Even if they wanted to deal with Chen Xuan right now, they were very arrogant. .

  Li Dan’s family has a deep position in the Yunye Empire, so naturally he is not afraid of Li Yuan. Because Li Yuan himself was not from the Yunye Empire, but from the Tianlu Empire from the north.

  Li Dan smiled lightly, raised his head, and stared at the direction of the northern part of the Cangling Mountain Range, with sinister and vicious eyes.

   "Chen Xuan, you want me to lose face in Tianyuan Palace, then I want you to die this time!"

  It has been two months since the gambling game with that Li Dan. Before Chen Xuan, after more than 20 days of practice, his ninth level was finally connected!

  Northern mountain range...

  In the gloomy forest, towering trees stand tall, with yellow leaves covering the ground, and deep in the thick leaves, dark shadows pass by, full of crisis.

In a clearing in the forest, Chen Xuan's body is low, his whole body is tense, his eyes are staring straight ahead, inside, a monster with a silver body and big horns, and a monster with black horns. Staring at him with cold beast eyes

  This is a horned beast and a powerful monster.

  At this moment, the body of the Horned Beast slowly came over, and in the next instant, it shot out fiercely, like a black shadow, directly attacking Chen Xuan.

  The horn beast's speed is so violent that Chen Xuan dare not slack off, his steps are oblique, and his body is faintly blurred. The sharp claws of the horned beast swept across Chen Xuan's face.

  Chen Xuan clenched his five fingers tightly, and the light flow of aura wrapped around his fist, directly hitting the back of the Horned Beast with a fist.

The horn beast wailed and fell heavily, smashing the ground out of a hole, but when it landed, its tail whizzed like an iron whip and hit Chen Xuan's arm. Chen Xuan's figure was swept out, and the soles of his feet stepped on the ground for more than ten steps before they stabilized.

   Regardless of the hot pain on his arm, Chen Xuan threw out again, patted his palm horizontally, and all the aura in his body surged along the meridian and poured into his palm. Gathering the profound energy on his body, he hit the horned beast with a punch,

   The low voice of shouting, the breaking wind resounded, and there seemed to be a faint sonic boom. Before the horned beast got up, Chen Xuan's fierce punch was already slapped on his head. Suddenly its hard skull was shattered, and the silver-horned beast's body crashed to the ground. Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, his tight body seemed to relax.

  However, at the moment when he relaxed, in the shadow of the big tree behind him, a black shadow suddenly shot up, and the sharp fangs flashed with cold light, biting Chen Xuan's throat fiercely.

Chen Xuan's hand pulsed with light, and an orange profound energy flashed out. That profound energy gradually closed, with strands of spiritual energy wrapped around it. With a scream, it pierced the air and opened from the dark shadow. The blood basin pierced into the big mouth, pierced it through, and nailed it firmly to the tree.

  This is a horned beast with black lacquer horns, and it is also a seventh-grade monster.

"It seems to be a family." Chen Xuan smiled. At the beginning, he suffered a lot. If it weren't for the strength of the eighth gods and demons now, and his perception is very keen, he has a demon soul. I'm afraid I was killed the first time I met this thing.

  Chen Xuan retracted the profound energy in his body, then bent over and carried the corpses of the two horned beasts, and walked towards the outside of the forest step by step.

  Out of the forest, after walking for more than ten minutes, he came to a valley. On the edge of the stream, Li Qiuyu was sitting on the blue rock, with his bare jade feet, stretching into the cold stream, playing leisurely.

   Hearing the sound, Li Qiuyu turned her head and glanced, and said, "This time is not bad, at least not injured."

  Ouyang Yu said: "Then we will walk inside. Anyway, it's nothing. With our current strength, even high-level monsters can work together to deal with it."

Chen Xuan nodded and said, "Then let's walk inside. I now feel that the demon soul on my body is getting better, but I still need the blood of a few high-level demon beasts. If you get inside, We don't want to spread out so much.

   "Ahem!" Li Qiuyu said, "Master Li told us not to go too deep into the Cangyuan Forest, but it will be dangerous!"

  "Li Qiuyu, he told us not to go to the central forest, but we can walk inside. After all, there are now fewer and fewer intermediate level monsters!"

  "Which way should I go inside?" Li Qiuyu asked.

   "I know, when Ouyang Yu came out, it was thanks to this." As he spoke, he took out a small cyan circle from his arms. There is a needle above the circle that gradually changes its position following Ouyang Yu's voice and shadow.

  "This is called a compass. It is made of magnets from the north layer."

   "Can you find the direction?"

   "We are now in the middle of Cangyuan Forest. If you go inside, this direction."

   Speaking, Ouyang Yu pointed to the forest to the north and said, “Where you go, you will go to the north. However, the deeper you go, the more advanced monsters will appear.”

   "Well, you can lead the way," Chen Xuan said.

  Forty minutes later, in the center of Cangyuan Deep Forest, next to Yuhu Lake.

  In front of Chen Xuan, a tree was shrouded in jade light at a distance of several tens of meters.

   "What is it." Li Qiuyu asked.

Before Chen Xuan had time to think, he felt that there was a sudden roar in his brain. Right now, in front of their eyes, a whole piece of desolate ground appeared. The ground was desolate. In front of them, there was a large, verdant, towering tree standing in the sky. between.

In front of the giant tree, they were like ants, with a sense of discomfort enveloping them, making them feel a deep sense of fear. Under this sense of fear, Chen Xuan's demon soul actually began to tremble, and it was actually possessed that slowly faded away. sign.

"Chen Xuan, no wonder you are coming to the Azure Spirit Forest. It turns out that you are practicing this kind of sorcery. I have been with you for several days to see you drink the blood of that beast and absorb the mysterious crystal of the beast. I see what else you can do. Explained!" Feng Jianyi said.

   "I remember you, you are from Li Dan's side." Chen Xuan looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. I remember that I had seen this face when I was gambling with that Li Dan, but now that I think about it, I know that Li Dan obviously sent someone to follow him.

  This Feng Jianyi has obviously entered the strength of the realm of the gods, but according to Chen Xuan's estimation, the purity of his profound strength should be the first level of the gods, that is, he has just entered the realm of the gods not long ago.

At this moment, Ouyang Yu looked at the water and saw that Chen Xuan had stopped, lying motionless, a little doubt flashed in his heart, passing a ray of anxiety staring at Li Qiuyu, and said: "Li Qiuyu, what's wrong with Chen Xuan? Who is that person?"

Li Qiuyu frowned, and said, "Big Brother Chen Xuan should have been suppressed by the power of the demon soul just now. If I remember correctly, that guy is from Li Dan's side. It's not good now! Chen Xuan has fallen into trouble. In the demon soul attack, even the demon soul will be crushed and broken if it can't bear it. I want to come here to ambush for a long time."

On the side of Ouyang Yu, Li Qiuyu's complexion changed. If the demon soul breaks, Brother Chen Xuan will become out of his control, and the impact can be said to be extremely serious.

   "Be sure to save it." Ouyang Yu said Shen Leng.

  Li Qiuyu shook his head and said softly: "Don't worry, he won't be defeated easily."

  While they were talking, there was a sudden wave on the surface of the water, and the few remaining figures suddenly fell to the sky, Chen Xuan's eyes were cracked, and his mind faded.

  At the same time, the bodies of a few monsters on the shore suddenly fell into the lake water and into the bottom of the river. Eventually, they were crushed by the soul patterns all over the bottom of the river into a whole piece of blood that slowly rose up.

  As soon as the number of interest is turned, there are only two figures left on the water.

  Chen Xuan and Feng Jianyi are facing each other, and the jade tree next to it, like the Optimus Prime, stands right under the eyes and is enveloped by oppression.

  (End of this chapter)

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