Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2546: Start the game

   Chapter 2546 Start the game

  Seeing Princess Yuchi appearing in front of him, Liu Deyu walked up and asked: "Princess Yuchi, it's really not easy for me to find you!"

Princess Yuchi just glanced at him and did not continue to speak.

  Liu Deyu continued to chase him up, and reluctantly surrounded Princess Yuchi.

  "Who are these people?" Liu Deyu asked.

   "My friend." Princess Yuchi replied.

  Afterwards, Liu Deyu ordered several servants and said to them: "Since you are friends of Princess Yuchi, then I will give you the quota for the soul refining tower."

   Liu Deyu's eyes showed a gloomy look, and then a servant gave them a few tokens.

After    received the token, he ignored Chen Xuan and everyone, and instead surrounded Princess Yuchi.

  Beside, Chen Xuan everyone took advantage of this opportunity to slip away.

  Half an hour later, there was a clearing above.

  Li Qiuyu said: "Who is that woman?"

   "I am afraid it is from the Dragon Blood Tribe," Ouyang Yu said.

  Ouyang Yu was born in the Qiushuang Empire. He had also dealt with people from the Dragon Blood Tribe. Naturally, he had also met Princess Yuchi, but he did not say anything.

  For several months, Chen Xuan had been cultivating in this forest. Before the demon soul swallowed back, his strength was lost a lot, and now his cultivation has once again entered the realm of the gods.

   Feeling the strong power coming from his body, Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart: "If I touch him again, I will definitely have a chance to kill him."

After returning to the Yunye Empire, Chen Xuan obviously felt that his cultivation level had improved a lot, and now he has fully grasped the power of the demon soul. Although the demon soul will appear in his consciousness from time to time, Chen Xuan is now Can control the powerful power of the demon soul without being backlashed by the demon soul.

  In the Yunye Empire, in Lu Yu City, here is the largest Tianyuan Palace in the Yunye Empire, and there are still a few days before the competitions of the various empires.

  Chen Xuan just rushed back, so he returned directly to the Tianyuan Palace.

  Two months later.

  As soon as I entered the hall, I saw the hall where everyone was sitting, not knowing what they were discussing.

   "It's actually Chen Xuan, he's back." Li Qiuyu said.

   "How? Are there any dissatisfactions?"

  "Not satisfied?"

  "The first time I saw that a person who had just turned on the first profound strength would be so strong." Li Qiushui looked at Chen Xuan with more admiration.

   "It seems that after two months of the competition, there is finally hope for victory..."

  When Chen Xuan stepped into the door, many disciples in Tianyuan Hall looked over, and then he was stopped by the constant applause.

   "What are you doing?" Chen Xuan was puzzled.

Li Qiuyu and Sun Zhou laughed and greeted him with a haha, and said, "Isn't this thanking you? If it weren't for you to bet from Li Dan, how can we people have time to practice by the waterfall? During the time of cultivating Taoism in the waterfall, our strength has been improved. Finally we have a chance to shame!"

  Chen Xuan heard the words, couldn’t help laughing, and said, “It seems that everyone has made great progress.”

  Everyone said, the three of us who have been connected to the eighth layer of the gods and demons have already moved forward more than two levels! "Sun Zhou said.

  Chen Xuan pursed his lips and chuckled.

Sun Zhou and others also laughed hahaha: "It is also due to Chen Xuan who went to the north of the Cangyuan Mountain Range to re-cultivation. Otherwise, it will probably be a month from now before we can connect with the ultimate profound strength. !"

Chen Xuan’s face was full of surprises. Looking at it this way, the time that he and Li Dan won the bet gave these people a lot of time to cultivate in the waterfalls of the Cangling Mountain Ridge, and they really did it. Great dedication.

   "Then Li Dan only has a little time to practice in the waterfalls of the Cangling Ridge. I want to come to them for more than a few months to cultivate at a slow pace." Chen Xuan was very happy.

  Li Qiuyu thought about it, and said, “When you went to Cangyuan Mountain, many people on Li Dan complained. I think it’s a lot lower, and their resentment towards Li Dan is also great."

These people originally wanted to watch the jokes of the Yunye Empire, but Li Dan lost. At that time, many people were talking about Li Dan, thinking that they could buy more time for the cultivating waterfalls on the ridge of the Azure Spirit. I thought of losing one-half by Li Xuan silently! This is a big difference. No wonder they have grievances.

   "Li Qiuyu? I haven't seen you for so long, and it has changed so much!" Chen Xuan said.

  Li Qiuyu smiled and said: "Yes, it has been a long time since I saw you."

   "I think you are okay in Cangyuan Forest! Now Li Qiuyu is already eightfold."

   "Yes, but no better than Brother Chen, now he is in the realm of the gods!"

  At this moment, Li Qiushui said: "The few people have come back and haven't taken a good rest. Let's go back and rest now. We will prepare for this competition in two days!"

  Two days later...

  The bell rang, and the atmosphere of the surrounding teams in front of the competition platform of Tianyuan Hall was soaring in an instant.

Li Qiushui’s back figure appeared in front of the main hall, and his profound energy rushed from his dantian to his throat, and it shook everyone’s ears: "The four-year competition in Tianyuan Palace is still the same. It’s an old example. Four people from each of our empires come here to fight. If you defeat the people on the other side, you will win!"

   "Participants in each category, now on stage!"

  Following Li Qiushui’s shout, all the disciples in the various sects stood up, insinuated, and landed on the martial arts stage in the Yuan Palace that day.

  Chen Xuan and the people here have already chosen Chen Xuan, Ouyang Yu, Sun Zhou, and Yu Wenqiu.

   "Come on!" Many of the disciples of Tianyuan Hall looked at the martial arts stage and yelled.

Chen Xuan and Ouyang Yu looked at each other, nodded, moved down, and swept to the martial arts platform of Tianyuan Hall, and the position of the disciples was located in the third row in the order, and beside them There was a young man standing there, and Huo Ran was a disciple headed by Li Dan.

  Li Dan stood with his hands behind him, and in front of him was ancient charm. Many people looked at Chen Xuan and others uneasyly at the bottom.

  Li Dan's eyelids moved slightly, and he lost to Chen Xuan in the waterfall of the Cangling Mountains, which made him have a bad reputation among the disciples of the Tianyuan Palace.

"Hmph, what are you proud of? After the four-year martial arts competition, you will have to be stepped on by me, these disciples of the Yunye Empire! Sun Zhou, Li Qiuyu, can't stand up! You are still rubbish. "Li Dan and Gu Mei in front of him said.

   "Who loses and who wins, it is still too early." Chen Xuan looked at Li Dan and preached.

   "Little Chen Xuan, just joined our Tianyuan Palace, what you are worthy to speak to me" Gu Mei said with a nose.

  Li Qiuyu's eyes drooped slightly at this moment, and said: "If you lose on this stage, it will only add irony to yourself."

   Gu Mei's eyelids jumped, frowning and said: "The guy with the sharp teeth and the sharp mouth, you are in my hands later, how I look to you!"

   "What happened last month, I also plan to compare it with you!" Chen Xuan looked at Gu Mei, angrily appeared.

   "I'm afraid you are not that capable!"

  The battle hasn't started, each other smells like gunpowder, and they are facing each other.

   Chen Xuan, who was on the stage, narrowed his eyes and glanced at Li Dan. At this moment, there were also a few tall young people in Gu Mei's place, and the rise and fall of profound strength flashed all over his body.

"The two people, the taller is Wei Lu, and the shorter one is Fan Wu. They are both underachievers in the Qingliu Junior High School, Yu Chiyu. They have now escaped from the Tianyuan Palace, and there is no one to find, otherwise they can see it. He's here. If the guess is right now, maybe the two of them are also connected with the eightfold profound strength of the gods and demons." Li Qiuyu preached softly in front of Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and took a few more glances at the two people, faintly, he seemed to feel that there was a strange fluctuation in these two popularity fields.


  Participants who accompanied all the gates came on stage, the bells gathered together, and finally accompanied by the long-term bell ringing, the four-year competition in Tianyuan Palace, even if it was announced!

  "In the first game, the Mofeng Empire defeated Sun Li duel and Qingliuguo Changqi Liao Wen!" said the referee.


  At the moment when the bell rang and slipped down, I heard it steeply, a low drink sounded, and then one person fell into the wide stone platform.

  "I'll go first." Here in Chen Xuan, Sun Zhou stood up first, his eyes locked on Li Dan, and he sighed in a deep voice: "Li Qiu, the grandson of the water gate, confront the Qingliu Empire Wei Lu."

  On the stage, a young man named Wei Lu stood up with his gaze gaze, and flew to the stone stage.

  Sun Zhou swept up to the stone platform and hugged Wei Lu.


  When the judges just fell out, the shadows of Sun Tuue people met together!

   "Many people are about the same strength." Chen Xuan glanced at the two of them and spoke in a low voice.

  The two of them are all eight-fold strengths of gods and demons, and their overall strengths are comparable. If you want to separate the winners and losers, you have to see who has the stronger technique and the more dexterous body.

  His eyes looked at Li Dan’s position, and he noticed that the man behind Li Dan stared at the two men in the battle with a strange expression, his eyebrows were slightly frowned, and he was a little dissatisfied.


The battle between Sun Zhou and Wei Lu became more and more glued, and no one had noticed that Wei Lu’s eyes turned scarlet at this moment, and the profound power that came up from his body became more furious and heavy. Fierce.

  This kind of transformation, Sun Zhou is very clear, he has been suppressed after several hard bumps.

  "How could this happen?" Sun Zhou was amazed.

   "Fuck me!"

  With the lag of Sun Zhou's body shape, the green light in Na Wei Lu's heart surged, and his frantic voice suddenly sounded.

  As if a hungry tiger was rushing for food, suddenly that foot blasted the exhausted Sun Zhou out, and two mouthfuls of blood came out.

  Suddenly there was a series of stunned sounds in the Tianyuan Palace. No one could think that at the beginning, there was no distinction between superiors and inferiors, why suddenly Sun Zhou was defeated.

  Chen Xuan's eyebrows were frowning, and he felt vaguely, that the profound energy on Wei Lu's body went up and down very much, becoming more and more brave.

  On the stage, Li Dan watched with a smile, then turned his eyes to the position of Chen Xuan, and his eyes flashed coldly.

The four-year competition in the Tianyuan Palace this time is very important to many people, and Li Dan is the same. He gave Chen Xuan for nothing before, even if he used any method, he would not easily let Chen Xuan and the others win this time. game.

   "I'm going next." Li Qiuyu stood up and said with a serious face.

   "Be careful." Chen Xuan nodded slightly.

  Looking at Li Qiuyu to appear, Li Danzhen looked at the man next to him, and said shallowly: "Want to go?."

  The man got up, rushed to the spiritual platform, and Li Qiuyu followed closely.

  As soon as the referee’s shout fell, each other immediately opened up the profound energy, and the profound energy poured into the body, violently and violently, wandering in the hands and feet.

  Two silhouettes shot out, and the marble floor tiles under his feet suddenly cracked.

  Chen Xuan closely stared at the two men who were fighting on the table, as if the strength of the two of them was not very different, although they were both equal to each other in the fight.

  Moreover, Li Qiuyu has her own attribute profound strength blessing, as well as that strange step...

  However...when the battle froze, Chen Xuan's eyes were sharp and awe-inspiring to find something, because he felt that the profound energy in Su Bingjing's body was still vague at first, but then he became more and more angry.


  Su Bingjing attacked fiercely, and every foot was filled with profound strength. The profound strength smashed the gas and made a violent sonic boom.

  As a result, around the Tianyuan Palace competition field, shocks resounded again. Because of the Yunye Empire, it actually lost two straight heads...

  On the high platform, Li Qiushui's face became a bit ugly at the same time, and Li Dan had a mysterious smile on his lips.

Chen Xuan looked at Li Qiuyu who had just fought Su Bingjing with a cold look, and said quietly: "If I hadn't expected it wrong, you should have used an improper pill! And, still use the blood of Beasts to refine. Enraged Dan of the system.

"Enraged Pill, using the essence and blood of monsters to draw on the body, it can burn the essence and blood in the body, thus making the spiritual energy more vicious and violent, but this method is very vicious, after using it, the essence and blood will be abnormal and severe. It even hurts the profound strength in the dantian, it will be very difficult to cultivate in the future..." Chen Xuan said slowly.

  (End of this chapter)

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