Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2552: Escape Ningkang City

   Chapter 2552 Escape Ningkang City

  The head of the Liu family roared when he saw it. The plan of the Liu family's soul refining tower was broken by Chen Xuan today. In the future, the Liu family must be extremely difficult. If he is allowed to run away, they can be suffocated to death.

  Today, we must take the lives of the kid and the little girl!

The Liu family’s long eyebrows flashed, and he saw a condensed shadow-like aura appearing on the Liu family’s head. That aura and Liu family’s usual height turned into a strong light, and they faced each other at an indescribable speed. With Chen Xuan and Li Qiuyu shooting violently.

   Chen Xuan's face changed when he saw this. He could feel how strong the aura of the Liu family chief was. If he was hit, he would be hit hard.

  Chen Xuan shook his hand, and several traces of light came out from between his sleeves and turned into a scroll. On the scroll, colorful light patterns appeared.

  Boom boom boom!

  The scroll burst open, and all kinds of evil profound energy ran rampant. "Mysterious thunder art, fire extinguishing scroll, and thunder rushing technique, exploded back the aura of the head of the Liu family.

  And Chen Xuan, Li Qiuyu and Rabbit Monster shot out in a flash, panting, ran out of the black tower, and went straight to the gate of the palace!

   "Block him!"

Outside the tower, everyone in the Liu family who had been on standby got out of their hands together, attacked with a spiritual energy, and bombarded them in a blinding manner.


  Facing an offense, the Green Rabbit Monster exudes a low cry, a fierce mouth, and black light rushes, blowing away all the offense!

  The three of Clan Chief Liu chased them out, their faces were black and blue when they saw Chen Xuan and the others walking away, they were basically unable to catch up...The Clan Chief Sun sighed and looked at them fiercely.

  As he left, Li Qiuyu turned his head, threw the black jade stone in his hand, and looked at them with a big smile.

  The head of the Liu family saw this. At that time, his eyes were about to split, and he roared: "Little girl! Put down my Liu's treasure!"

  The reason why our Liu family can become a distinguished family in Ningkang City is because the black jade is now lost. It’s really a great loss.” Seeing them walking away, Patriarch Sun could only shout helplessly at this time.

  However, facing his violent howl, Chen Xuan and the others ignored him, and quickly dissipated at the end of the road, leaving behind the chaotic Liu family.


  Liu's family chief watched them walking away, angrily attacking his heart, and blood spurted out wildly.

  Looking at the direction in which Chen Xuan was escaping, he grabbed a subordinate and said bitterly: "Spread the news to Master Yuchi, saying that the jade of the soul-refining tower he gave us in the Liu family has now been taken away by that kid."

  "He is the younger brother of Yu Chitao, and he will surely be able to slay these two small pieces and regain my Liu family treasure!"

  Chen Xuan didn't expect this Rabbit Monster to run so fast, almost in a blink of an eye, he already ran out of the city.

After coming out of the Soul Refining Tower, Chen Xuan sat cross-legged on the rock at the moment, with his eyes slightly closed, three feet of a fist-sized silver jade suspended above his head, descending like a holy light. Surrounded by Chen Xuan.

  At the center of his eyebrows, the phantom-like soul pattern absorbs the trace of holy light, and there is a little more condensed and powerful vigor in the aura.

  About ten minutes, Chen Xuancai slowly opened his eyes.

The silver jade on his head gradually fell, and finally it was submerged in his eyebrows. At this time, at the center of his eyebrows, the illusory spiritual energy was sitting cross-legged, and a silvery stone appeared on Chen Xuan’s head. The jade emits holy light, and the strands of condensed spiritual energy.

  The holy light radiating from Ru silver jade covered Chen Xuan's forehead, and the soul pattern protected Chen Xuan from infestation.

  Chen Xuan finished his cultivation and said with a bit of a pity: “Although you can feel that the profound strength is becoming more and more condensed, you can't break through the heavy level from beginning to end.

   "This spiritual energy cultivation is really troublesome." Chen Xuan sighed with emotion.

  Chen Xuan also knew that there was no rush for quick success and quick gain in the matter of cultivation, so he immediately caught the mood of eagerness for quick success. At this moment, his posture fell down the rock.

  In the empty forest.

When Chen Xuan came back, he saw Li Qiuyu sitting beside him, and in front of Li Qiuyu’s eyes, he was very slow...Under Chen Xuan’s gaze, the Green Rabbit Monster was holding a beast that had just been hunted in his mouth, and ran to Li Qiuyu. .

  Obviously, it wants Li Qiuyu to bake it up and eat it.

   "Impossible." Li Qiuyu just glanced at it lightly and said.

  Green Rabbit Warcraft was stunned, then looked at Chen Xuan again.

  Chen Xuan blinked and smiled, then shook his head and said, "I don't want to move either."

   But it is obviously bad-tempered, and it has made his body bigger several times in an instant...

   "Really?" Chen Xuan didn't expect to go to the Rabbit World of Warcraft and change as soon as it changed. There is no way. So Chen Xuan walked up, and the Green Rabbit Demon screamed joyfully at him.

   "My demon soul faintly felt that it was in conflict with profound strength just now, I don't know if there is a problem with cultivation..."

   "If you can absorb a drop of the blood of a high-level monster beast, you can refining it together with several medicinal materials, it should be resolved." Li Qiuyu thought for a while.

  Chen Xuan frowned, and said: "This high-level monster is not very common, and we can't deal with it now. Besides, what kind of medicinal material, how do you know?"

  Li Qiuyu smiled and said: "Don’t worry, we should be able to buy the spirit material when we get to the nearby Dragon Sparrow City. As for the monsters, I’ll talk about it later."

  Dragon Sparrow City is one of the largest cities in the northeastern part of the Yunye Empire. The city lord of Dragon Sparrow City is also one of the strongest in this open area in the north, and his cultivation has reached the realm of the **** king.

  Chen Xuan's purpose of their trip was Dragon Sparrow City. Chen Xuan nodded, and now it seems that this is the only way to go.

   "We took the treasures of their Liu family, I'm afraid it's impossible to let go." Chen Xuanran said.

  Li Qiuyu said: "We have discovered their tricks. Now the Liu family may be overwhelmed. I am afraid that we will not have the time to pay attention to us, but... more defense is also good."

  Chen Xuan nodded.

  It took half a time to bake the monster. Chen Xuan took out the dagger and cut it open for Li Qiuyu. Later, he divided it into half and gave it to the green rabbit monster on the side.

   "Boom boom!"

  At this moment, when they were enjoying it with great concentration, they felt that the ground was shaking.

   Both raised their heads and looked at the mountains, and found that a lot of monsters rushed out suddenly, just like escaping from something terrifying.

   "Can't it be the Liu family who is chasing it?" Li Qiuyu asked in surprise.

  Chen Xuan frowned slightly, his whole body surged with spiritual energy, his eyes were fixed in the depths of the forest, and inside he vaguely felt an extremely sharp spiritual power.

  Is the Liu's chaser?

  In Chen Xuan's alert eyes, the sound of brushing came from the forest, and then he saw a figure slowly walking out of the mountain.

   Following the figure's step, Chen Xuan just saw him clearly.

  It was a young man in a white robe. The young man carried a black long sword. Around his eyes, a black cloth was entangled, but even if he did, his steps were still in order.

Chen Xuan looked at the young man wrapped in black cloth, his eyes became extremely dignified, the spiritual power floating on his body made his skin all over his body continuously emit a faint light, it is obvious that this is carrying a black sword. The young man has extremely powerful spiritual power.

  The gray-robed young man strolled over and came to Chen Xuan's side.

   The rabbit spirit beast suddenly transformed, and its size became a bit huge.

  At this moment, the gray-robed young man's steps paused, obviously aware of the danger in front of him.

  Chen Xuan stared at the young man alertly, as long as the latter changed slightly, Chen Xuan would let go and attack.

  The atmosphere became silent for a while

  The next moment, suddenly pierced by a voice, Chen Xuan's eyes became weird, and the sound came from the belly of the young man in white robe in front of him.

  The young man in the white robe trembled unconsciously, and finally said hoarsely: "I haven't eaten for several days.

  Li Qiuyu couldn't help laughing out loud.

  Chen Xuan tugged at the hand that wanted to urge profound strength, but he was relieved, and he looked like it was not the Liu family's chaser.

   "If you have something to eat, let's eat together." Chen Xuan pointed to the remaining monster meat.

  The young man in white robe nodded to Chen Xuan, sat down to the side, took the roasted monsters unceremoniously, and ate the meat of the monsters in a vicious way.

  Chen Xuan was frightened by his eating, and said: "This deep mountain is full of monsters, can't you kill it and eat it?"

  The young man in gray robes swallowed the meat in his mouth and said: "I can't do it, it will be unpalatable..."

  Chen Xuan chuckled, it seems that this young man can't even start a fire. Compared with him, Chen Xuan is almost a young man.

  At this moment, Li Qiuyu supported the fragrant cheeks and stared at the white robe young man in front of him with a smile, and said leisurely: "Where are you from?

  The white-robed young man paused, his eyes entangled with black cloth raised, and looked at Li Qiuyu, his voice hoarse: "I didn't expect to meet someone who can psychic with Warcraft here."

The gaze of the young man in white robe suddenly turned to Chen Xuan, his somewhat dull face seemed a little more solemn, and he slowly said, "Although you have no spiritual fluctuations in your body, I am talking about you very well."

   Chen Xuan's eyelids twitched, and he actually saw clearly better than anyone else, knowing that his current Wuhen spiritual power had not fluctuated.

  Li Qiuyu ate the barbecue with elegant sips, and ignored the white-robed young man unreasonably.

   "The other monster..." The young man in white robe looked at the Green Rabbit Monster.

  Green Rabbit Warcraft turned his head and ignored him, instead eating meat by himself.

  The young man in white robe calmed down after speaking, and ate up all the barbecue on his hands, and even cleaned his fingers.

After he was full, he looked up at Chen Xuan and said, "Thank you, I owe you a favor."

  Chen Xuan waved his hand indifferently.

  "Farewell." Since the white-robed man was directly preparing to leave.

   Chen Xuan appreciated his simplicity, and then said: "Are you going to Dragon Bird City?"

  The young man in white robe nodded and stopped.

   "Then we can join hands on the road and go together." Chen Xuan said.

  The young man in white robe shook his head and said, "I am used to being alone."

  Chen Xuan nodded, and said, "I just want to tell you, the direction of Dragon Bird City is inside."

  He stretched out his finger and pointed at other directions.

  The young man in the white robe finally stopped, and the atmosphere suddenly became embarrassing.

   After a moment of embarrassment, he turned around rigidly and walked quickly towards the deflection pointed by Chen Xuan. A few breaths disappeared in Chen Xuan's line of sight, his back seemed a little embarrassed.

  (End of this chapter)

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