Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2555: Escape from Dragon Sparrow City

   Chapter 2555 Escape from Dragon Bird City

His figure flickered, and the profound energy on his body quickly flew towards Chen Xuan. Facing the flying spirit, Chen Xuan could only use the profound fire on his body to form a protective shield in front of him. This was not Chen Xuan. Xuan's technique was completely condensed by his profound strength. If you want to use profound strength to condense the entity, this requires extremely large profound strength to provide this continuous consumption.

  This method consumes a lot of spiritual energy, and in this realm of God Sovereign, only Chen Xuan can do it.

   Seeing that the blow did not hit Chen Xuan, his figure dodged and hid to the side. At this moment, the man had condensed a light blue-red aura by his side. Suddenly shouted at Chen Xuan, the sound almost broke through all the air glass, and even the air was somewhat torn. Chen Xuan was caught off guard by his sudden attack, feeling that his internal organs were all shaken apart.

  This dragon bird technique seems to be really not to be underestimated, Chen Xuan said secretly.

He saw that Chen Xuan had not been harmed, and now he wanted to attack Chen Xuan again, but Chen Xuan was not attacked by him. If he could think of other ways, he used his profound strength to form a protective film in his ears.

  Chen Xuan looked at the man faintly and said, "No matter what you want now, you can't stop me."

  Chen Xuan used his aura to support most of the damage, after all, Chen Xuan had never seen the dragon bird technique.

   "I don't think you have any other abilities." Chen Xuan mobilized the aura of his whole body, and behind him saw an illusory figure unfolding vividly, and the phantom was impressively Chen Xuan's current intermediate skill.

  Now Chen Xuan suddenly felt that his restrictions had been lifted, and it only took one step for the Vermillion Bird Technique to lift the seal.

   Suddenly, Chen Xuan's voice appeared on the side. The voice became stronger and stronger, and the spiritual energy accumulated more and more. A flame blade turned into a spiritual energy appeared behind Chen Xuan.

  When the sword appeared behind Chen Xuan, he quickly stepped over to the man. He didn't expect Chen Xuan to be so fast this time, knocking down his left arm in an instant.

  The king’s chaser immediately broke off his left arm and shouted. "Boy, I really didn't expect your strength to be so strong, but you caused such a big thing in our Dragon Sparrow City, I think you are really tired of life, even if you kill me now, I think you can't escape Out."

Chen Xuan saw that his attack had already made him lose the ability to move, and didn't think much about it. He came to him in an instant. At this time, Chen Xuan raised his palms, and the fiery profound strength condensed into a blade. A faint flame appeared on the top of the blade.

   "If that's the case, then you go to death now." Chen Xuan doesn't care about anything else now. Since this guy has already figured out, there is no need to keep him.

  I want to come to the middle-aged man who just entered the auction house and defeat, I want to come to the city lord who has already provoked this Dragon Sparrow City. If he worried too much, then obviously this person would definitely kill him. He raised the weapon in his hand to his head, and immediately pierced it with a sword.

  Blood flowed out and stained the ground. Li Qiuyu on one side covered her ears at this time. Only the Green Rabbit Monster actually jumped at Chen Xuan. It seemed that the Green Rabbit Monster also liked **** things.

"It seems that there is no chance to think so much now. It seems that this Dragon Sparrow City is not a good place to stay." Originally, Chen Xuan wanted to buy the medicinal materials he wanted in this Dragon Sparrow City to refine it. The pill to make your demon soul more stable.

"Big Brother Chen Xuan" Li Qiuyu ran over in a hurry, and said to Chen Xuan: "We have already provoked the Dragon Sparrow City Lord, and I don't know why they have such a prejudice against us. I doubt whether this is the case. Is it related to Li Dan?"

   "It is possible." Chen Xuan replied.

Seeing Li Qiuyu’s worried eyes, Chen Xuan thought for a while. What she said is indeed very reasonable. Then the Li family is also very powerful in this Yunye Empire. He has already abolished one of his arms last time. Definitely find a way to retaliate against Chen Xuan.

   Thinking of this, Chen Xuan looked at Li Qiuyu who was a little flustered and said, “We can’t stay here anymore. If we run now, we may still have a chance.”

  In the dim city background, Chen Xuan, Li Qiuyu and Green Rabbit Monster are already figuring out how to escape from the city, but now it is clear that the lord of the Dragon Sparrow City will not easily let Chen Xuan and the others leave.

"But medicinal materials, I think if you are going to collect it, it may be difficult to come across. I have also stayed in the forest for a long time. If you want to contain the demon soul, you must use red grass, and Xu Many medicinal materials." Li Qiuyu looked at Chen Xuan and said.

  "Don't worry about so much, we have been hunted down now." Chen Xuan replied while running away.

   "Brother Chen Xuan, now if we want to leave here, then we must do it as soon as possible. I vaguely feel that there is already a spiritual energy nearby that has locked us in. This is my instinct." Li Qiuyu continued.

  At this moment, a dark and evil back figure appeared in the distance, and that back figure was like a murderous **** and swept towards Chen Xuan and the others.

  Only from the powerful aura radiating from his body, one can guess that this man’s cultivation level may already have the ninth level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, and now Chen Xuan is clearly not his opponent.

And he must have been attracted by the fighting power of Chen Xuanhe just now. If you want to come, this person is likely to be a person in the Dragon Sparrow City Lord’s Mansion. You must know that the strength of Dragon Sparrow City is obviously very terrifying, and the Lord of Dragon Sparrow City Chen Xuan's cultivation base is also extremely tough, and Chen Xuan will certainly not let go of him if he kills his people.

  The city lord of Dragon Bird City is very powerful among all the lords of the Yunye Empire.

   "Not good, run quickly!"

  Hearing what Chen Xuan said, Li Qiuyu hurriedly said to Green Rabbit Monster: "Transform quickly, we are leaving here."

Chen Xuan thought that when he escaped from the soul refining tower, it was also thanks to this green rabbit beast, and after the transformation of this green rabbit beast, the speed was very fast. It must be difficult for a master of the realm of gods to chase at full speed. The pace of the rabbit monster, after all, the rabbit runs very fast.

  The body of the Green Rabbit Monster suddenly grew up several times after Li Qiuyu finished speaking. That figure must be able to hold Li Qiuyu and Chen Xuan on top of his body at the same time.

   "Run the Green Rabbit Monster!" Li Qiuyu said hoarsely.

  The Green Rabbit Warcraft had already run forward with great enthusiasm, but the master behind did not seem to want to let Chen Xuan and the others go.

   "You kid actually killed my brother, I see where you can go!" The man in black had already chased him up, and he said angrily when he saw Chen Xuan and Li Qiuyu running away.

  Looking at a dark figure in the back chasing after him. Chen Xuan didn't think too much, but tried hard to stabilize his body on the Green Rabbit Monster, and turned to appear in a nearby place.

  If this guy chases over, then they are obviously not easy to escape, and before that, Chen Xuan had asked Li Qiuyu to follow him out of the Tianyuan Palace.

  So Chen Xuan also felt that he was ashamed of Li Qiuyu.

   "I didn't expect you to be able to chase over so soon." At this moment, Chen Xuan saw the appearance of the man who was catching up. He wore a pair of black clothes, and his eyes were like a sparrow.

  Chen Xuan now has no time to think about the origin of this man. Although Chen Xuan is a bit suspicious that this person is the lord of Longque City, now Chen Xuan thinks that if it is really him, then Chen Xuan's strength should not be enough to deal with him, and now Chen Xuan is already thinking about how to retreat safely. Methods.

  Chen Xuan glanced at Li Qiuyu and said: "Li Qiuyu, you and Green Rabbit Monster are going now, I want to fight with this guy, I can only delay a little time."

  At this moment, Li Qiuyu revealed a little touched, so she said: "Even if you let me go now, I won't go. I have been with you for so long now, what should I do if something happens to you."

Seeing Li Qiuyu’s sincere eyes, Chen Xuan was also a little unbearable. At this moment, the man suddenly interjected: "You two guys, now is not the time for you to flirt. I think you will kill you. Come down, maybe I can save your life, I can make the little girl immortal."

Looking at the man, Chen Xuan also felt a little angry. He just came to this Dragon Sparrow City and wanted to buy some elixir, but he didn't expect to be stopped by someone when he first came to the auction house. Instead, he looked at him. It seemed that he knew his origin, and then he was chased by a man. Now another man with stronger strength came. Chen Xuan knew that he was not the opponent of this man, so he could only delay time.

  After all, he can reach the strength of the realm of the gods, and he must have a very high identity in this dragon bird city.

  At this moment, the man's feet cracked cracks, and then the figure quickly passed to Chen Xuan's side. The figure in the air was getting closer and closer, and Chen Xuan hurriedly lifted his hands.


  Chen Xuan's body was knocked out.

It seems that this person must have at least the fifth level of strength in the Divine Sovereign Realm, and Chen Xuan only has the strength to have just entered the Divine Sovereign Realm, and it hasn’t been long since Chen Xuan just finished fighting with that person, so he also consumed part of his profound strength. , Faintly feel that the body is a little weak.

Seeing Li Qiuyu running over, Chen Xuan didn’t want to drag Li Qiuyu into the water, so he shouted at Li Qiuyu: “Run Li Qiuyu quickly, we can’t beat this person, and leave now, maybe I’ll just wait. Can escape!"

"Still thinking about running? I think you are really naive, you are still a disciple of Tianyuan Palace, don't you know where the gap is between us? A kid who has just entered the realm of gods, dare to say that he can escape from my hand. "As the man approached step by step, Chen Xuan felt that there was no other way. I can only fight to the death.

After coming over for a while, Li Qiuyu left Chen Xuan's side with some dismay. Li Qiuyu seemed to be still worried about Chen Xuan's safety, and turned his head to look at Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan felt her worry about herself. However, Chen Xuan was not deceiving Li Qiuyu, after all, Chen Xuan had had several escape experiences before.

  At this time, the man's figure suddenly flashed, as if he wanted to catch Li Qiuyu.

But how could Chen Xuan let her succeed? After a sound, several sword blades appeared behind Chen Xuan's back. The speed of the blade was extremely fast, surpassing the speed of the man, and the man Ye felt it. A gust of wind came from behind.

  At this moment, the man looked at Chen Xuan behind him, and said: "Boy, I think you don't want to go out alive, then I will clean up you first. Let you not worry about it."

  (End of this chapter)

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