Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2557: Ice crystal bird?

   Chapter 2557 Ice Crystal Bird?

  After a night of running, Chen Xuan now only feels that his strength is almost exhausted. His legs are already reminding him that he has no strength to run down.

  After all, after a night of fleeing, Chen Xuan has now almost ran for more than three hundred miles, and has run out of the border of the forest. If Chen Xuan is correct in guessing, he will go a little further to the middle of the Dragonfinch Forest.

"Although there is no guarantee that you will not be caught there, but now it seems that you can only run in the direction. Now if you run to a crowded place, you will be seen by others. At that time, if those chasing people come over, obviously You can ask a lot of information about me." Chen Xuan looked at the forest a few miles away...The tall woods plunged into the sky.

  This place is as famous as the forests of the Black Rock Mountains. It is a place where a large number of monsters live, but it is stronger than the monsters of the Black Rock Mountains. It is one of the places with the most advanced World of Warcraft.

  Chen Xuan is also thinking that it is safer to run somewhere. He has his own sixth sense, and those people will definitely continue to follow him, and he can't delay it for too long in this place.

   "Go and hide in the forest first, time waits for no one!" Chen Xuan thought secretly.

  Although it was only a few miles away, Chen Xuan also speeded up his pace, and he was not sure whether the few people would follow him.

   plunged into the forest, and there were a few beasts eating spirit fruits in the outer areas. fix At the moment, seeing the few beasts that eat spirit fruit, Chen Xuan's stomach is absolutely hungry. After all, I ran for a whole night without rest. And Chen Xuan's stomach screamed in despair at this moment.

  "Let’s eat something first. I'm so hungry now that those people won't notice." Chen Xuan has already activated the profound energy in his dantian. He attacked the grass and land beasts.

  The few grass-land beasts hadn't seen Chen Xuan before, and the next moment they saw that Chen Xuan's profound energy had trapped them like a cloud of white mist. Then, the few grass-land beasts were killed immediately.

   "They are all low-level beasts, but they can fill my stomach." After speaking, Chen Xuan looked at the grass and land beasts that were frozen into ice sculptures.

  "Don't worry about those, let's get some spirit fruits to eat." Chen Xuan said secretly.

  Thinking about that, Chen Xuan picked up the frozen grass and land beasts, and then plucked many fruits from the tree. The fruits are very fresh, and it seems that it hasn't been long since they just came out.

  Chen Xuan took it down and took a bite, and the scent filled his surroundings. “I’ve never eaten this kind of fruit. It’s very sweet and contains a lot of juice. It’s delicious, so pick some more.”

  Said that Chen Xuan had already jumped to the top of the tree, picked a lot of fruits and put them in the storage ring.

   "I'll hide here for now."

  Chen Xuan now needs to avoid those chasing soldiers here, and now Chen Xuan also needs to hunt down some monsters here to complete his own demon soul cultivation. Now Chen Xuan is about to reach the first stage of the demon soul, if he can reach the first stage, then he can use more of the power of the monster.

  The so-called demon soul is just taking advantage of the abilities of those monsters, but if it can hunt very advanced monsters, then the demon soul will be correspondingly stronger, which is somewhat similar to the spirit runes. However, the only difference is that the spirit runes will not be eaten back by the demon soul. In other words, many people who practice demon souls are controlled by the hostility of that beast and go crazy and lose their minds.

  As for Chen Xuan's demon soul, it has a larger background. Last time Yu Wenqiu had told Chen Xuan that he lived in a very powerful demon soul.

   "Now I am about to enter the first level of Demon Soul cultivation. If I can enter, I can increase my strength!"

  It seems that recently, first think about how to stay in this forest, and come out to find a way to find Li Qiuyu.

  Chen Xuan did not stop his steps, and soon Chen Xuan came here to a stream.

"At that time, Li Qiuyu and Ouyang Yu chose the location of Xidi. I remember that Li Qiuyu had been in the forest for a long time and had been proficient in all the skills of survival. Now I can only find this place, but sleep in this place. It's not that safe, there are still many monsters who come here to drink water." Chen Xuan said secretly.

  Chen Xuan built a simple living place, and placed the trench formed by the condensation of profound energy underground. In half a day, Chen Xuan had already recovered a lot of profound strength, so he condensed it into a sword blade with his profound strength. The blade of the blade suddenly appeared cold and cut off a tree.

   After all, Chen Xuan's swordsmanship is not as good as Ouyang Yu's. At that time, they relied on Ouyang Yu's sword aura to build the place of residence at that time, but now they can only do it themselves.

  Chen Xuan closed his eyes, and the sword became unusually sharp.


  A few swift slashes of profound energy, the trees had been chopped into many sections by Chen Xuan's profound energy, and then the pieces of wood rolled by themselves.

"It's just a tree, but I need a lot of wood. After all, I have to get a lot of wood to burn those monster meat." Thinking of this, Chen Xuan walked to a tree next to him, and several profound energy flashed past. , The tree has been chopped down into dozens of layers and fell to the ground.

   Chen Xuan returned to Xidi, looking at the pieces of wood and wondering what to do with them, Chen Xuan obviously didn't know how to build a residence. So I could only flatten the trees, and then put the woods together diagonally. Chen Xuan didn't know if he would fall in this way. But as long as it can look decent inside.

  This kind of monsters on the periphery of the forest are very low-level monsters, and at best they are equivalent to the strength of the first layer of the gods and monsters. Therefore, Chen Xuan killing these monsters can be said to be a breeze.

   and don’t use much aura. Those monsters were cut into several pieces by Chen Xuan with a sword and put aside. Seeing the things he has made so hard to make, Chen Xuan exhaled happily.

   "It's not easy. If I waste so much energy every day when I eat something, then I might not have time to cultivate profound strength."

  But now Chen Xuan didn't think about how to arrange the time to cultivate profound strength, but looked at the piece of monster meat he put on the fire.

  Although the taste is not very good, Chen Xuan has already rested his body.

Lying on top of the residence he built, Chen Xuan gathered his demon soul, but... still the same as that time, Chen Xuan felt that this demon soul was still somewhat out of his control, and could only helplessly activate his own soul. Wen, cultivated profound strength.

   Chen Xuan felt that the aura in this forest was very abundant. It is more natural aura, which is similar to the profound strength of the grass element, but Chen Xuan did not give up. If you can practice more, then practice more.

  Now Chen Xuan has adapted to the cultivation of profound strength, so he can't let himself absorb ordinary spiritual energy. Although it can be said that the speed of cultivation has slowed down, it has also gained a lot of benefits. Now Chen Xuan can already use his profound strength to condense all kinds of things he needs, providing a lot of convenience.

  Chen Xuan said to himself: "The only bad thing is that this profound strength cannot last for a long time, otherwise Chen Xuan can control his profound strength arbitrarily."

  At this moment, Chen Xuan, who had eaten and drunk enough, felt that there was nothing to do. At this moment, he suddenly discovered that there was a strange monster watching him on the other side of Xidi.

  Chen Xuan looked at Warcraft, and Warcraft was also looking at Chen Xuan at the moment, and the two stared at them for a long time. Chen Xuan moved his body, but he was obviously frightened by Demon, and the little Demon spread his wings. I don't seem to know what Chen Xuan wants to do to him now.

Chen Xuancai discovered that it was a blue monster that looked like a bird, but Chen Xuan had never seen such a monster. After all, he didn't know where it came from or whether it was a group of monsters, so he focused his attention on it at this moment. With Warcraft.

  "Couldn't it be caused by me, right?"

  In that way, Chen Xuan also found that the bird-like monsters seemed to peek at the unfinished grass-land beast entities on Chen Xuan's left from time to time.

   "This looks like an ice crystal bird." Chen Xuan said secretly.

  He had seen the ice crystal bird last time. It is said that this bird is also a rare beast, but Chen Xuan has no interest in it, so he did not continue to look at it.

   Chen Xuan smiled and said to Warcraft: "Little guy, come over if you want to eat."

  However, the monster obviously didn't listen to what Chen Xuan said, and Die continued to look at Chen Xuan very vigilantly.

  Seeing this, Chen Xuan also knew that this could not continue, so he threw those pieces of physical flesh in the past.

   Before the meat fell to the ground, the monster had fluttered its wings and bit the piece of meat.

  The meat was eaten clean after a while, and Chen Xuan looked at it and felt that this monster's appetite was really great.

  Looking at a body that is less than a meter or less, it can actually open its mouth so big, and it seems that it wants to eat more.

  But Chen Xuan looked at him, and didn't continue to throw the meat to him.

   Instead, he said: "Little thing, you have eaten a piece of my meat. I can't give it to you now. If you want to eat it, then go hunting by yourself. I can't give you so much. Let's go. I want to rest!"

  However, it seemed to ignore what Chen Xuan said, but continued to stare at the meat of the Cao Lu Beast on Chen Xuan's left. Seeing that little thing was still looking at his own things, Chen Xuan also felt helpless.

So he pointed to the piece of meat next to him, and said to him: "If you want to eat it, come and get it by yourself. I don't bother to throw it to you." After speaking, Chen Xuan fell to his own shop and fell asleep. Go down.

  The monster saw that Chen Xuan had ignored him, so he wanted to come to Chen Xuan's side. At the same time, he was watching Chen Xuan vigilantly, as if he was afraid that Chen Xuan would do him any harm.

  But now Chen Xuan obviously has no interest in this strange bird beast. If he wants to eat the meat of the beast, then the grass and land beasts are the best food, and the low-level beasts don't need a lot of effort.

  Furthermore, this monster looks less than one meter, obviously because there is no meat to eat. Therefore, Chen Xuan has no interest in this monster.

  Although this monster looks very similar to the ice crystal bird he saw in the Black Rock Forest last time, he took a closer look at this monster and found that it was actually quite different from the ice crystal bird.

  The ice crystal bird he met last time had a long tail feather, and the gorgeous feathers dragged to the ground. And this Warcraft is obviously not.

  (End of this chapter)

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