Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2562: Black robe old man appeared

   Chapter 2562 The black robe old man appears

There was a noise in front of him, and Chen Xuan suddenly realized that there was a lion in front of him with flames all over his body. Those fierce eyes stared at Chen Xuan unblinkingly. It seemed that he had been hungry for a long time. There was saliva in his mouth.

  Chen Xuan licked his mouth, and a powerful system spouted from his body.

The Liaoyuan Sword emerged, and the strong fire light immediately ignited his surroundings, and moved towards the mysterious fire lion’s attack. At the same time, a huge flame energy ball was spit out from the mysterious fire lion’s mouth. Chen Xuan did not He knew how powerful the flame ball was, but he immediately noticed that the flame burst out suddenly, and the mid-air was surrounded by intense flames.

  The flame lion roared again, and flames shot out from his body. The powerful energy fluctuations directly burned all the gans near Chen Xuan, just like a volcano suddenly erupted in half.

   Feeling the vibration from the ground, Chen Xuan immediately displayed the Liaoyuan sword, and the Zhuque technique was directly used. A pillar of fire also emerged from Chen Xuan's blade, and the two flames collided with each other in the air.

  The air was constantly being burned by flames, and between the two of them, a sea of ​​flames formed, filled with strong and terrifying flames everywhere.

The cultivation base of this Profound Fire Lion also entered the realm of God Sovereign. After more than half an hour of fighting, the strength of the Profound Fire Lion finally became weak. Chen Xuan took advantage of this opportunity to pierce the Profound Fire Lion’s body with a sword. This mysterious fire lion was knocked out.

   Just when Chen Xuan thought that he was about to win, he suddenly found that the flames spitting out from the mysterious fire lion in front of him suddenly changed from one to nine.

Chen Xuan can’t tell which is the real flame. This is the unique technique of the Black Fire Lion. It can create flame shadows, and these shadows are exactly the same as the real ones. They can be used to confuse opponents. Chen Xuan is now Can't tell which is the real flame.

  A flame suddenly emitted, and Chen Xuan was directly enveloped by a few flares, only hearing a bang, Chen Xuan's body was wrapped in flames.

   With a low growl, Chen Xuan absorbed all the flames from his body into his body, and the horror of the Vermillion Bird technique was manifested.

  Xuanhuo lion showed a look of surprise. She obviously didn't expect Chen Xuan to absorb the flame it spit out, and a sneer appeared on Chen Xuan's face.

  Although this mysterious fire lion's cultivation base is very powerful, even if it encounters an opponent of the same level, it can be killed by this mysterious fire lion, but it is a pity that the mysterious fire lion is now encountering Chen Xuan.

Seeing Chen Xuan approaching him, Xuanhuo Lion's eyes trembled fiercely. He had a bad premonition. In a blink of an eye, Chen Xuan held the Liaoyuan Sword in his hand and attacked the Xuanhuo Lion. After the past, there was a bang.

  Xuanhuo lion was immediately knocked into the air by Chen Xuan. The profound energy blooming on the Chen Xuan Liao Yuan Sword was too terrifying, and the subtle grasp and sharp blade directly penetrated the body of the mysterious fire lion.

  The Profound Fire Lion let out a miserable cry, and the flames above its body burned. The Profound Fire Lion that was shot out was not dead yet, but the Profound Fire Lion had been seriously injured. It can be said that it was the end of the force.

  Chen Xuan lightly held the Liaoyuan sword in his hand and walked towards the mysterious fire lion. A sword stabbed him in the head and ended the life of the mysterious fire lion.

   Slowly sat down, Chen Xuan refined the blood of this mysterious fire lion into a part of his body.

   Just when Chen Xuangang wanted to refine the blood, a black sword light pierced the flame, and the speed reached the extreme. He came to Chen Xuan's side in the blink of an eye.

   Feeling the profound energy carried on the blade, Chen Xuan knew that this must be a human being sneaking on him, and the profound energy emanating from this must be a very powerful master.

  Chen Xuan's face changed drastically, he quickly retracted the flames in his body, released the power of the demon soul, and dodged toward the back.

  Even so, it was still a bit slow, and Chen Xuan's arm was cut through a wound.

Only Chen Xuan can hide. If he changes someone else, he will be given his life directly by this sword. This sword has no warning at all. If it weren't for Chen Xuan's very fast speed, it would have been early for this sword. It has already been killed.

   Accompanied by a sound of breaking through the sky, Chen Xuan saw a black figure appearing in front of him like a ghost.

  He was wearing black clothes and a heavy robe draped outside, only showing a pair of cold eyes, looking at him.

   Seeing Chen Xuan avoiding his sneak attack, the black-robed man made a hoarse voice: "You can actually avoid my attack. It seems that you have really improved during this period."

  Chen Xuanxin faintly felt that something was wrong. The profound energy carried by the black-clothed man made him feel a little familiar. After a while, Chen Xuan realized that this was the black-robed old man he had met before.

  "Are you coming out of the secret realm?" Chen Xuan asked.

The black-robed old man showed a sinister smile and said, "I came out of it a long time ago. Last time I said I wanted to kill you, I rushed here today. After I kill you, I will kill that little girl. , Get rid of my troubles!"

As soon as the voice fell, the black-robed old man immediately raised the sword in his hand and rushed towards Chen Xuan. The black-robed old man's current cultivation has reached the fourth level of the realm of gods, and now he has locked in Chen Xuan's breath. Chen Xuan couldn't avoid it at all. His cultivation base was higher than Chen Xuan's attitude, and Chen Xuan was only just entering the realm of the gods.

Without time to think about it, Chen Xuan knew that he was not the opponent of the black-robed old man, so while using the Liaoyuan sword to block the black-robed old man's pursuit, he fled in other directions.

  Chen Xuan gave a low cry and hurriedly fled towards the middle of the Dragon Que Mountain Range.

  The black-robed old man sneered and turned into a black eagle to pursue him.

   Seeing the Liaoyuan sword in Chen Xuan's hand, his eyes also showed a greedy look.

   "The weapon in that kid's hand is definitely not an ordinary thing. If I can **** it, my cultivation will be improved again!" The black-robed old man said with a grim smile on his face.

   There was a loud noise, and the black-robed old man chased over again. Under the blessings of the demon soul, even if Chen Xuan is injured now, his speed is as fast as lightning, but the black-robed old man can still catch up.

  Seeing that Chen Xuan had fled towards the center of the Dragon Que Mountain Range. The black-robed old man immediately accelerated his speed. There are many powerful beasts in the center of the Dragon Sparrow Mountain Range, which are extremely dangerous. Even the black-robed old man would not dare to go deep into it.

  Chen Xuan was always paying attention to behind him while running away. Although the black-robed old man followed him closely, Chen Xuan's speed was still not slow, and it was not easy to catch Chen Xuan.

  The black-robed old man was already showing a panic. He originally thought that Chen Xuan's cultivation level would not improve so fast, but he did not expect that the speed of the program would increase so quickly that even he could not catch up.

  He originally thought that relying on his family's assassination skills, he could easily kill Chen Xuan, but he didn't expect it to become tricky now.

While maintaining the distance between himself and Chen Xuan, the old man in black robes took out a handful of silver needles from his sleeves without hesitation. This golden needle carried a gloomy light on it.

  It was obvious that the silver needle was carrying violent toxins. This poisonous needle was about an inch in size. If it really hits Chen Xuan's body, it is likely to kill Chen Xuan directly.

  The old man in the black robe also carefully wrapped the poison needle with profound energy, and did not dare to touch the poison needle directly with his hand.

This poison needle is made of a mixture of many kinds of herbs. After the toxins carried by the mixture of several poisons, the world is invincible, and there is no antidote at all. If it is under the realm of the gods, as long as it is stabbed by this poison needle , It only takes a few seconds to be poisoned to death, and its toxicity can even corrode the cultivator's Dantian.

  The black robe old man showed a vicious cold light on his face, slightly raised the silver needle in his hand, slammed it, and attacked Chen Xuan.


Chen Xuan did not react at all. He only felt a pain in his left arm. The poison needle pierced into Chen Xuan's body instantly, and the toxin on it turned and spread. Under the impact of the toxin, Chen Xuan felt that his body began to numb.

At the same time, Chen Xuan quickly gathered the Vermillion Bird technique in his body, and a ball of flames emerged from Chen Xuan's body towards the outside. Following this flame, Chen Xuan had already forced the toxin out, but Chen Xuan still felt a little numb in his body, so he fell directly to the ground.

   Seeing Chen Xuan fall to the ground, the black-robed old man stopped chasing. A grinning smile appeared on his face: "Hahaha, it seems that the toxin I refined really deserves its reputation. It seems that the restoration of my family is just around the corner!"

  He saw that Chen Xuan was attacked by his own poisonous needle into his body. And also saw Chen Xuan lying motionless on the ground, now he just felt that Chen Xuan had been killed by him.

   Seeing Chen Xuan's body motionless, the black-robed old man shook his sleeve and left here instead.

After the black-robed old man left here, Chen Xuan slowly stood up from the ground. Just now, he thought that the black-robed old man would continue to chase over. He didn't expect that the black-robed old man would stop attacking. The toxin produced was very confident, so I didn't come to inspect it.

  And this happened to allow Chen Xuan to slowly recover his physical strength. As soon as he got up from the ground, Chen Xuan looked around him with trepidation and directly found a safe place.

  His wound has changed from the blue color at the beginning to the pitch black color. Chen Xuan endured the pain, running the Vermillion Bird technique in his body, bursts of flames burning his wound, and finally forced the toxin out.

   With a low growl, Chen Xuan endured the pain and wrapped the wound with the cloth on his body.

"It seems that what Nangongxi said is right. The black-robed old man has indeed emerged from the secret realm, and he is still in control of this violent toxin. I am afraid his next goal is to go to Yunye City to find Nangongxi, see I must rush to Yunye City before him!" Chen Xuan thought to himself.

  He then continued to heal his injuries here, and it took more than half a month before Chen Xuan left here.

It took more than half a month before Chen Xuan arrived in Yunye City. Just when he arrived here, Chen Xuan asked about the Nangong family. Now the Nangong family is unusual and can only be regarded as one of the Yunye City. It's not a small family, and it's completely different from the prosperity of the year.

   went directly to the Nangong mansion, Chen Xuan knocked on the door and found an old man appeared in front of him.

After    expressed his intention, the old man hurried back to report. After a while, the old man came back and led Chen Xuan into the house.

  Chen Xuan saw two young men sitting in the middle of the lobby. One man was very stalwart, wearing a cyan robe, sword eyebrows and eagle eyes, and carrying a very powerful aura.

  The other man wore a white robe. Chen Xuan was very familiar with him. He was naturally Nangongtian.

   Sitting on the chair next to him, there is also a woman wearing purple sleeves, it is Nangongxi.

After seeing Chen Xuan's arrival, Nangongxi's face showed joy.

  "Why did you have a chance to come here." Nangongxi asked.

  (End of this chapter)

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