Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2567: Save Li Qiuyu

   Chapter 2567 Save Li Qiuyu

  The patriarch of the Zhao family saw Chen Xuan appear, his face showed a gleam, looked at Chen Xuan with both eyes and said to him: "It is you who injured our family?"

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, but there was no fear on his face. Although he knew that the Zhao family had a lot of power in Lu Yucheng, and he also felt that the man in the white robe had a very strong cultivation level, but Chen Xuan had the slightest bit of power. Don't be afraid, he doesn't believe that these guys can face him in such a place.

  The rushing crowd saw Chen Xuan one after another. They all surrounded the place, and suddenly a few guards drove the crowd away.

Chen Xuan originally thought that they would continue to question themselves, but did not expect that the patriarch of the Zhao family took a look at Lu Chengzhu, and then said: "It seems that our people are really getting more and more rampant, and they actually ignore Lu Yucheng's laws. The smashing of the shop here is indeed because our person had the fault first, so we will no longer hold him accountable. All the losses will be paid by our Zhao family!"

When these words came out, Chen Xuan looked at the patriarch of the Zhao family with a surprised look. Originally, Chen Xuan thought that there would be a fierce battle. It seems that the patriarch of the Zhao family also knew that the city lord was disturbed, so now it can only be temporary. Serve softly.

  The city lord also stepped up and said: "If this is the case, it would be great. After all, we have to abide by Lu Yucheng's laws. In this case, this shop will continue to be maintained here."

Chen Xuan saw that the patriarch of the Zhao family was obviously frowning, with a trace of anger on his face, but he did not dare to attack. He really needs to consider the consequences of attacking Chen Xuan and the others now, although the Zhao family can count in Lu Yucheng. There are a handful of big families, but even he dare not fight against the lord of Lu Yucheng. After all, the lord of Lu Yucheng is a member of the royal family.

   Seeing the back of the Zhao family chief leaving, Chen Xuan said to the shop owner next to him: "I didn't expect that he would really let go."

The owner of the shop saw that his shop had been maintained, and said with a pleasant expression to Chen Xuan: "Thank you so much this time, little brother, the patriarch of the Zhao family is very powerful in Lu Yucheng and can manage one. Family, he must have some means, otherwise he would have been swallowed by other families in Lu Yucheng."

  A few days later, the shop owner gave Chen Xuan a lot of magic bullets, and the shop was also brand new.

  Afterwards, Chen Xuan left here, found an inn, and temporarily settled down.

  Unexpectedly, two days later, Chen Xuan suddenly saw a man in a white robe, with several men standing beside him, walking towards him.

The man in the white robe was Li Yuan. He didn't expect to see Chen Xuan inside and said directly: "Chen Xuan, the last time that happened in the Tianyuan Palace, I could not keep you, but our Tianyuan Palace alliance is now about to be dissolved. But now the old emperor is preparing to form a sect, and now he has absorbed all the outstanding talents in the Tianyuan Palace into this sect. I came here today just to invite you to join."

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and now he had nowhere to go, so he replied: "Of course I can join, but at the beginning Li Qiuyu and I left the Tianyuan Palace, now I have not found Li Qiuyu, wait until I find Li Qiuyu Join again."

  Li Yuan nodded and said, "Since you are ready to join, I am naturally relieved."

Although Chen Xuan said that he wanted to find Li Qiuyu, Chen Xuan also knew that it was not so easy to find Li Qiuyu. Now he had no news of Li Qiuyu at all, so Chen Xuan felt that he was worried about Qiuyu being caught by the dragon bird. The people in the city were caught. If Li Qiuyu were really caught by them, it would be very difficult for Chen Xuan to rescue Li Qiuyu by himself.

After bidding farewell to Li Yuan, Chen Xuan set off for Dragon Sparrow City three days later. This time Chen Xuan didn't carry anything on his body, but wanted to go to Dragon Sparrow City to inquire about the news and see if Yu Qiuyu was true. He was caught by the lord of Dragon Sparrow City and let Li Qiuyu escape in front of him, but Chen Xuan had not heard of Li Qiuyu until now, which made him feel very nervous.

   Soon, Chen Xuan came to Dragon Sparrow City. This time Chen Xuan was not in the mood to look at the appearance of Dragon Blood City. When he came to an inn, Chen Xuan directly asked the shop's second child.

  "Is there any news coming out recently? I want to inquire about a woman, I don't know if you can tell me." Chen Xuan said as he took out a few spars from his storage ring.

  Purple spar is very expensive, just cheaper than the crystal core, for ordinary people, this can naturally stop their mouths.

   "What kind of woman?" Xiao Er asked the shop.

  "About a teenage girl with a monster in her body, I want to ask if the lord of Dragon Sparrow City has issued a general order recently?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

Now Chen Xuan has covered his face, so the second person in the shop doesn't know what he looks like, so he directly replied: "There is indeed a notice now, but only the little girl was caught. It's exactly the same as what you said, that little girl did bring a monster, and the city lord brought many talents to capture this little girl."

  Chen Xuan took out a spar again and handed it to Xiao Er in the shop.

So Chen Xuan left here directly. It seemed exactly the same as he thought. The city lord really caught Li Qiuyu, but he didn’t expect Li Qiuyu to be caught by the lord of Dragon Sparrow City so easily, although Li Qiuyu His cultivation base only reached the eighth level of the gods and demons, but even a person of the 9th level of the gods and demons might not be Li Qiuyu's opponent.

After confirming that Li Qiuyu is now being held in the prison of Longque City, Chen Xuan couldn't help but aroused a wave of anger. He originally thought that Li Qiuyu had escaped, so he was still walking outside for a long time. Now, he has a moment. I couldn't wait, and I was going to the prison in Longque City tonight to rescue Li Qiuyu.

   Soon, the dusk fell, and a black shadow suddenly appeared outside the door of the Dragon Sparrow City prison.

  The guard saw a group of dark shadows suddenly appeared, and immediately walked towards him, but when they got there, they found that the dark shadows suddenly disappeared, and they fainted the next moment.

  Chen Xuan appeared on the spot and saw that the guard had been stunned by him, so he quietly flowed into the prison.

  As soon as he entered the prison of Longque City, Chen Xuan discovered that many criminals were being held here, so Chen Xuan continued to walk inside, but still did not see Li Qiuyu.


   At this moment, there was a violent noise from the top of the prison, and the next moment Chen Xuan found himself enclosed in a pair of iron nets, and several men walked out of the prison.

A man clapped his palms while showing a joking smile. He looked at Chen Xuan and said, "I didn't expect that you kid would really dare to come back. Today Elder Long said that a familiar profound energy appeared, but he didn't expect it to be true. It's you kid."

  Chen Xuan didn’t know who the man in the red robe in front of him was. I’m afraid he must also be from the City Lord’s Mansion, so Chen Xuan struggled, but found that he couldn’t get rid of it at all.

Seeing this situation, the young man in the red robe laughed loudly on his face: "Don't continue struggling. I think you will stay here today. Do you know that this iron prison is not made of ordinary metal at all, and I used the first-level profound iron! If you want to break free from this, I am afraid it is a foolish dream!"

   Seeing the mocking color on the face of the young man in the red robe, Chen Xuan did not continue to answer, it was the power of the Vermillion Bird that was secretly condensing the body.

The young man in the red robe immediately asked a subordinate to bring Li Qiuyu over, and said to Chen Xuan: "It seems that you came here today to save this little girl. I didn't expect to be caught in our ambush now. This trap was set three days ago. I thought you would not come back. I didn’t expect that you would be caught today, hahaha!"

  Li Qiuyu also saw Chen Xuanzheng trapped in the dungeon, with a trace of worry on his face: "Chen Xuan..."

After seeing Li Qiuyu, Chen Xuan suddenly showed a sinister smile.

The next moment, red lines appeared on Chen Xuan's body, and then his eyes began to turn bright red. Seeing Chen Xuan's change, the young man in the red robe was surprised. He didn't expect Chen Xuan to be surprised. Mastered the power of the demon soul, and the power released far exceeded his imagination.

Chen Xuan used the power of rock and roll, and the strength of his body became stronger, and a burst of red spiritual power emerged from his body. Chen Xuanjinjing stared at the red robe man tightly and held it tightly. I stayed in the iron prison made of profound iron, and gently swayed the iron prison with his hands, only to see the iron prison swaying constantly.

  The red robe young man's face showed a look of surprise: "I won't let this kid have such a great power to shake the iron prison made of first-class profound iron!"

  The next moment, the man in the red robe showed surprise and opened his mouth.

  Chen Xuan had now broken out of the iron prison, directly smashing the iron prison, and saw that Chen Xuan could actually break the iron prison.

The man in the red robe just wanted to escape and found a ball of flames emerging from him. He saw that he could no longer escape from the front. The man in the red robe immediately wanted to escape from the direction where there was no flame, but he just wanted to escape. Found that Chen Xuan had appeared in front of him, taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Xuan swung a sword.

The   Liaoyuan sword burst into turbulent flames instantly, beheading several guards who had surrounded it with one sword, and then Chen Xuan attacked towards the front.

After    rescued Li Qiuyu, Chen Xuan immediately went to pursue the man in red.

  The man in red showed a look of panic, constantly fleeing towards the outside of the prison, and Li Qiuyu had returned to the center of the prison to rescue the Green Rabbit Monster.

  (End of this chapter)

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