Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2570: Elder Nangong

  Chapter 2570 Elder Nangong

Chen Xuan snorted coldly and said to them: "How many spars you have gotten from other disciples these days, you all give me truthfully, if you don't return these things to them, then I will give you All of his arms are also scrapped!"

  Chen Xuan's eyes were cold, like a killer, standing in front of the Central Plains, making the hearts of both of them begin to tremble.

They used to show off in front of other disciples, collected a large amount of spar, and threatened that it was a premium, but they still have the slightest arrogance before, and they hurriedly covered their arms one by one, for fear of being chopped off by Chen Xuan. Drop.

   "We will bring all the spar, and then return all of them to the other disciples!" Wang Lu's men said.

Chen Xuan nodded lightly. Now he has cut off Wang Lu's arm. These people already know how powerful they are, and will never come to trouble him again. Moreover, Chen Xuan still pushed the boat along and made a favor. At that time, even if the elders in the Yunyemen came to him, Chen Xuan could also push off.

After   , Chen Xuan, Li Qiuyu and Wang Lun left here. Wang Lu looked at Chen Xuan with a stern look, and then asked the two disciples around him to pick up a large amount of spar and distribute them to the disciples who had been bullied by him.

  After getting their own spar, these disciples had some hesitation at first, but in the end they all talked about it.

And what Chen Xuan didn’t know, this incident also led to a few old disciples in the Cloud Yemen. They were all people who had joined the Tianyuan Palace long ago, so the cultivation base was naturally more powerful. They are newcomers to the Cloud Yemen, now they are in the imperial establishment, and it can be said that they have officially entered the imperial establishment.

On the second day after Chen Xuan abandoned Wang Lu’s arm, an old disciple came to Chen Xuan’s residence. After watching them come, Chen Xuan stared at the old disciples coldly. Don't know what to do.

  Unexpectedly, Wang Lu moved out of her background and asked these people to trouble him.

"Chen Xuan, you are so bold. Don't forget your identity. Now you have just joined the Yunye Gate, and you have been expelled from the Tianyuan Palace before. You have to know that now you Just a newcomer, if you continue to be arrogant, some of us can completely abolish you!" Li Qing said.

  As a senior disciple in the Tianyuan Hall, he has been in the Tianyuan Hall for several years, and he has long been known as a genius in the Yunye Empire.

"Since you want to come and ask me for an explanation, then I will tell you that that guy not only collected the spar from other disciples, but also harassed me over and over again. They not only bullied their alliance, but also injured him. The disciples on our side, if I can bear it, it can show that Chen Xuan is a waste." Chen Xuan said.

Chen Xuan directly said Li Qing was speechless. Although he was very angry now, he also appeared a little guilty. He also knew what Wang Lu’s style was in his daily life, but he also received a lot of money from Wang Lu. Spar, so he's only coming back to take photos of Wang Lu now, otherwise, he would definitely not come to help Wang Lu get ahead.

  In fact, after Chen Xuan saw Li Qing, he was very clear that he must have a great relationship with this matter. Although Chen is not his opponent now, he is reasonable, so Li Qing dare not act on him.

"Li Qing, you can be regarded as a person with a face in our Yunye Empire. It seems that you have received a lot of benefits from him. Otherwise, you won't come here. Others ask me for an explanation. You are like this. As a person, how can you be a big responsibility in the Yunye Empire? And you don't have to worry about such nostalgia. You are not qualified to manage my affairs." Chen Xuan said coldly.

Li Qing was speechless and immediately exasperated: "Chen Xuan, I have heard about you. Last time the rookie contestant won the first place, but you think you are a genius. You are so arrogant. I will teach you a lesson."

  Li Qing was also very angry. He didn't expect that his mood would turn the bottom of everything. There are still many disciples watching, making him unable to bear his face.

  Li Qing's cultivation is very powerful. The five fingers clasped tightly and grabbed Chen Xuan like lightning.

  Chen Xuan also gave a cold snort. Suddenly, a sword blade protruded from the top of his arm, directly blocking Li Xin's palm, and vigorously shattering the profound energy in his body.

  The power of the Vermillion Bird suddenly appeared, Li Qing did not expect Chen Xuan's cultivation base to be so powerful that it could directly block his attack.

  In the blink of an eye, the bodies of the two of them collided again, but Li Qing's cultivation was indeed very powerful. Even with the power of the Suzaku, he was still knocked out.

  Wang Lun saw that Chen Xuan was not Li Qing’s opponent, and suddenly waved the black giant sword in his hand to help Chen Xuan take a step.

  Li Qing's hands showed a hint of cyan light, and his palms clasped tightly and slammed into Wang Lun's black giant sword.

With a bang, Wang Lun was also knocked out, and now his cultivation might have already reached the sixth level of the Divine Sovereign Realm. Even if the two of them were added together, they would not be able to defeat Li Qing.

Seeing that the two of them are not a man's opponent together, Chen Xuan directly displayed his power of demon soul. In the blink of an eye, Chen Xuan's body was covered with red lines. Now Chen Xuan releases The profound energy that came out was extremely shocking.

  Red flames emerged from Chen Xuan's arm, and the Liaoyuan Sword flickered with tyrannical spiritual power, and flooded in front of Chen Xuan in the blink of an eye.

Li Qing also clearly felt how destructive the flames carried by Suzaku's power, so he hurriedly withdrew two steps to the rear, at the same time Chen Xuan gently waved the Liaoyuan sword in his hand, but Chen Xuan displayed it. The power of his own demon soul was extremely fast, and he appeared behind Li Qing in a blink of an eye, feeling a powerful storm sound from behind him.

   After Li Qing noticed Chen Xuan's appearance, he quickly turned towards the back, but at this time Chen Xuan had already swung a sword and attacked directly towards Li Qing's back.


The bodies of the two people collided with each other in mid-air. Although they displayed the power of the demon soul, Chen Xuan was still not Li Qing's opponent. After seeing that he had avoided the past, the next moment: waving the sword in his hand, As Li Qing continued to pursue the past, Li Qing realized that Chen Xuan's attack had caused his life to be in danger, so he quickly retreated in the opposite direction.

  But Wang Lun was already approaching, and the black giant sword exuded a strong pressure, directly blocking Li Qing's attack.

The three people continued to fight in the air. After more than half an hour, none of them had a victory or defeat. Chen Xuan did not dare to take the pill to improve his cultivation, but Chen Xuan could feel it. , If he and Wang Lun both swallowed the pill, they would definitely be able to suppress Li Qing.

  The men who followed Li Qing were very confident in Li Qing. He thought that Li Qing’s cultivation level would definitely suppress Chen Xuan and Wang Lun.

However, after fighting for more than half an hour, the three people still have no idea of ​​who is high and who is low. However, Li Qing's current physical strength seems to be a little insufficient, but the demon soul pattern on Chen Xuan's body is gradually dissipating, now Chen Xuan Having cultivated to the second-level demon soul, it will naturally last longer, so the demon soul pattern on the surface of the body is only lighter in color, but Chen Xuan can still use the power of the demon soul.

The power of the demon soul not only increased Chen Xuan's physical speed, but also increased his physical strength, flexibility, and reaction speed several times. That's why Chen Xuan and Li Qing could fight each other, plus Wang Lun's help. , Chen Xuan could actually confront Li Qing head-on, which made the faces of the other disciples shocked. They never thought that Chen Xuan, who was only in the realm of God Sovereign, had the strength to fight Li Qing.

Li Qing’s strength is very strong, far surpassing these newcomers. As the newcomers of the Cloud Yemen, many of them were transferred from the Tianyuan Palace. Now that the Tianyuan Palace has been disbanded, they naturally also know that Li Qing was in the past. What kind of position is held in the Tianyuan Palace.

   Feeling that Li Qing's current physical strength is no longer as good as before, so Chen Xuan roared again in his whole life, the power of the Vermillion Bird above his body burst into flames, and he approached Li Qing's body in the blink of an eye.


The flames filled the middle of the two of them in an instant, and now Chen Xuan was able to control the power of the Vermillion Bird in his body freely, and the flame spread from the silent palm, attacking Li Qing like two flowing dragons. past.

   Feeling the wave of air coming from the flames, Li Qing held his palm tightly, and a green fist emerged. The two flame dragons that were bombarded by Chen Xuan immediately attacked, and the fist light directly blasted towards Chen Xuan's flame dragon, sending out a strong explosion in the air.

  However, Li Qing still attacked Chen Xuan, and felt the powerful profound strength carried on the cyan fist. Chen Xuan's body immediately retreated two steps back, but Li Qing still pursued him.

Seeing this, Wang Lun appeared in front of Chen Xuan’s body in time, and used the black giant sword to help Chen Xuan block the powerful explosion. Then Chen Xuan saw Wang Lun’s body being knocked out far away. .

   "Nothing, right? Wang Lun." Chen Xuan asked worriedly.

  Just now, he saw Wang Lun helping him stand in front. He thought that Wang Lun just wanted to attack Li Qing in the past, but he didn't expect that Wang Lun would actually help him with this attack.

Seeing that it was already a two-on-one situation, several disciples next to Li Qing also quickly followed up. Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were immediately at a disadvantage. Originally, the two of them could still slightly fight Li Qing. Fan, but Li Qing suddenly added three people over there, and the two of them are definitely not opponents.

At this moment, a gray-haired elder rushed over from a distance. They had been attracted by the sound of fighting here. When they first came here, they saw Li Qing carrying a wave in his hand. Cyan fist.

  Wang Lunzheng tightly held the black giant sword in his hand and looked at Li Qing vigilantly.

  The raging flames rising above Chen Xuan's body set off his body very coquettishly.

After seeing Li Qing, the elder Bai-haired suddenly scolded: "I said you kid didn't give me a good practice. What did you do when you came to this place where the newcomer was practicing? And he actually shot these guys, I see you I'm so tired of living!"

After seeing the white-haired old man coming, Li Qing also showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, and directly withdrew his profound strength and said: "I'm just discussing and discussing with a few juniors to see how their current cultivation level has improved. Anything else."

   "Hurry back to me!" the white-haired old man said angrily.

  (End of this chapter)

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