Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2578: Suddenly

  Chapter 2578 Suddenly

  "Do you think the movement in this area is a bit special," Wang Lun said.

  Chen Xuan nodded, and he also felt a **** aura swirling nearby. This power was clearly emitted by the demon soul.

  Even his strength is very strong, but Chen Xuan alone is not necessarily his opponent.

  The two people shook their bodies and sprinted towards the place where this breath exudes.

It has been a long time since the blood demons in this group of black blood appeared, presumably the beasts in this place have been hunted by them, and after these blood demons appeared, they quickly spread to the entire Yunye Empire, and even let them The several elders of the Cloud Yemen were worried, which was enough to show how strong their cultivation base was.

  In the dark shadow forest, the shadows were dense, and the fingers could not be seen. In the middle of the night, Chen Xuan could only rely on the power of his Vermillion Bird to illuminate his front.

  After they discovered the breath just now, it dissipated in a blink of an eye. When they rushed to this place, they only found a cave and the corpses of monsters all over the ground, but nothing was left.

   "It seems that they must have fled to the front, and we will continue to walk towards the inside of the forest. It is very possible that these guys are already waiting for us in front." Chen Xuan said.

Wang Lun nodded. They did find a large number of beast corpses here, and according to the way these beasts died, they must have been done by blood demons, because the blood of these beasts had been absorbed by them, and they were Their footprints were also found on the ground.

  "Let's continue walking into the forest!"

  The two people continued to walk towards the inside of the forest, when they suddenly heard a grotesque laugh.

   "Haha, I didn't expect to be able to absorb human blood today, and my cultivation base can be improved again!".

A hoarse voice came into their ears, making Chen Xuan feel a little scalp tingling. When they turned their heads, they found that there were actually two men looking at them with their gloomy teeth, with red eyes, as if they were turning their heads. As prey.

They found that there was still a monster in the hands of these two Gorefiends. The body of this monster was very large, but it seemed very relaxed in the hands of the two of them. It seemed that they didn't need much effort to lift this monster. Up.

   Obviously, the physical strength of the two men in front of them is very strong. Even Chen Xuan may not be qualified to compare them with them. After Chen Xuan discovered that these men appeared, he immediately condensed the Liaoyuan Sword.

With a cold smile on the faces of the two men, and their blood-red eyes constantly exuding brilliance, they walked towards Chen Xuan and Wang Lun step by step. The two men opened their blood-red tongues and kept licking. With the fangs on their lips, they felt that Chen Xuan was already terrified to the extreme now, so there was a gloomy smile on his face.

   "I really didn't expect that we would meet two guys who are not weak in this forest. It seems that Lord White Devil did not deceive us." A man said.

They don’t seem to intend to kill Chen Xuan and Wang Lun right now. For them, once they kill their prey, they lose their fun. They like to let their prey try to play with fear, and then later. Killing them will give them a different feeling, and the blood will stimulate their senses more.

   "It is because of you practitioners of the blood demon soul that the reputation of the demon soul becomes worse and worse." Chen Xuan said solemnly.

  He found that one of the men’s cultivation had even reached the five-fold realm of the gods, and this man had a grinning smile on his face.

"It seems that this kid is also cultivating a demon soul, but what kind of cultivator is he doing!" The man looked at Chen Xuan with a yin smile, he suddenly opened his mouth, and his body unexpectedly appeared. The red lines, the eyes turned blood red, and the long fangs sticking out of his mouth.


The blood demon's body suddenly turned into a cloud of red blood. Chen Xuan directly stretched out the Liaoyuan sword, and a golden flame of fire suddenly slashed towards him, and suddenly he saw a path formed in mid-air. Dazzling halo.

  The bodies of the two people collided in mid-air, and then moved back.

  Chen Xuan had not displayed the power of his demon soul just now, but after this brief collision, it also discovered that the man's physical strength was obviously very strong.

  The physical strength of these two Gorefiends is not as strong as that of them. Obviously, they have absorbed a large amount of the blood of monsters and used it as the blood source for tempering their bodies.

Chen Xuan directly wielded the Liaoyuan sword, and red lines appeared quietly on his body. Chen Xuan also directly displayed the power of the demon soul. The speed of the demon soul and the like Chen Xuan was greatly increased, and in a blink of an eye He came behind the gorefiend.

Now Chen Xuan and Wang Lun have dealt with a blood demon one after another, and they still have enough power to use Wang Lun's strength to deal with the four-fold blood demon of the gods. Now Wang Lun's cultivation has reached the peak of the three-fold gods, and the one in front of him has just reached it. For the blood demons of the four gods, Wang Lun would not appear stretched.

Chen Xuan also didn't use too much strength. Although the apparent blood demon strength is very strong, and relying on the power of the demon soul, it can obviously suppress Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan has not yet fully exerted his full strength. .

Then I saw the red lines on Chen Xuan's body looming, just listened to two pounces, Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword directly split a blood demon's body in half, and then saw the blood demon's body plop down. On the ground, his body was still constantly moving, and his face even gave Chen Xuan a hideous look.

   "It seems that this guy was not killed." Chen Xuan secretly said in his heart.

   Immediately afterwards, he saw the blood demon's corpse constantly moving, and a red strip of light emitted from the body.

The   Liaoyuan Sword came out again, ready to kill the Gorefiend completely. The fire blazed into the sky, and in a blink of an eye it burned onto the Gorefiend’s corpse, directly stopping the moving corpse from moving.

After more than half an hour, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were together before they solved the two blood demons. The exercises performed by these two blood demons were very strange, and even their body broke in two. Able to continue to attack them.

Both of them cultivated blood demon souls. This blood demon soul is very weird. There are many techniques in it. Many of these techniques need to **** the blood of others, so they are also in the black blood sect. Called a bloodthirsty monster.

This kind of demon soul cultivation method is extremely cruel. It not only requires a lot of demon spirits to improve one's own energy, but also absorbs the blood of others to improve one's own cultivation. Although this method of cultivation can quickly improve one's cultivation, But in this black rock world, almost everyone shouted and beat.

  It was precisely because they were so violent back then that they were suppressed by the major empires, otherwise they are very likely to be a powerful force in the Black Flame World.

"Unexpectedly, we only came here for a few days and met these blood demons. It seems that the blood demons have not only been active in the forest for more than half a month, I am afraid there are many other places, since we have killed two of them now. Gorefiend, can we go back and hand in the task?" Wang Lun said.

  Chen Xuan shook his head. Although he has completed the task now, Chen Xuan does not intend to go back in a hurry. Now it is a very good opportunity for him to refine his cultivation.

  So several of them continued to walk forward, and at this moment, the two of them suddenly heard a scream from the front.

  When they arrived, they found that several gorefiends were besieging a demon hunting team.

  Chen Xuan hid behind the branches, and when he saw that the blood demon was about to kill the man in front of him, Chen Xuan directly turned on his power of the demon soul, and appeared behind the blood demon in a blink of an eye.

  Several young people in this hunting group were scared to pale. They obviously did not expect to come to this forest to hunt warcraft, and they would encounter these cruel blood demons.

When they saw Chen Xuan directly beheading the blood demon in front of them, the faces of several young people showed joy. Just now they thought they were about to be killed by the blood demon, but they did not expect Chen Xuan. They appeared so timely that none of them were stupid, and naturally knew that Chen Xuan was here to save them this time.

The remaining two Gorefiends hurriedly turned their heads, their faces changed drastically as they watched Chen Xuan and Wang Lun walking towards them. At this moment, he saw Chen Xuan's body appear in front of him in the blink of an eye. Although the blood demons were extremely cruel and inhumane, they were not stupid. Naturally, they knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation skills could even compete with him.

Chen Xuan unlocked the power of the demon soul, coupled with his own Liaoyuan sword, can even reach the triple peak of the gods in one body, and the blood demon in front of him only reached the triple peak of the gods and demons, he naturally knew that Chen Xuan He and Wang Lun are stronger than them.

  When Chen Xuan came here, he found two corpses who had been sucked from Gan's blood nearby. There was a trace of anger in the corner of Chen Xuan's eyes. He did not expect that the methods of this group of blood demons would be so cruel.

   "Since these blood demons are so cruel, let's use the same method to deal with them." Wang Lun said.

Suddenly, I saw Chen Xuan's body move suddenly, holding the Liaoyuan Sword in his hand, bursts of yellow light radiated from his body, and then I saw Chen Xuan's body moving quickly, in the blink of an eye Rushed behind a blood demon.

The blood demon obviously did not react. Chen Xuan directly cut off one of the blood demon's arms, and the miserable screams passed into Chen Xuan's ears. Bai Sensen's bones were exposed from his arm. It emerges like a fountain, which is especially weird in the dark night.

After cutting off the arm of this demon, Chen Xuan did not leave her a chance to react, and immediately slashed towards the other arm of the blood demon. The blood demon obviously did not expect Chen Xuan's speed to be unexpectedly high. So fast, almost all the movements were done in the blink of an eye, and he also chopped off his two arms.

  Now that he has been locked by Chen Xuan's breath, he even finds it very difficult to breathe.

After Chen Xuan succeeded in one blow, he did not continue to leave no chance for the blood. Now he must kill with one blow. The sharp blade left a deep wound on the mouth of the blood demon. The upper part of the chamber was cut open, and the flesh was turned outside, which looked very horrible.

Now Chen Xuan also shows the ferocity of the demon soul. Although Chen Xuan also possesses the power of the demon soul, his training method for the demon soul is completely different from that of the blood demon. The fierce star and explosive abuse in his body showed up, and a ball of fire rose above his body, and in the blink of an eye he quickly slashed towards the Gorefiend.

  Just two seconds later, Chen Xuan quickly chopped out several wounds on the blood demon's body, and there was no complete place.

  The blood demon's companion just wanted to come to rescue him, but Wang Lun had already rushed to meet him and fought another blood demon.

   "Hurry up and kill that guy." Wang Lun shouted loudly.

  Chen Xuan naturally knew what their tactics looked like now, and quickly killed the blood demon in front of him, and then Chen Xuan quickly supported Wang Lun, relying on the cooperation of the two of them to quickly kill the blood demon in front of him.

  (End of this chapter)

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