Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2597: Escape

  Chapter 2597 Escape from birth

   Then they saw the body of a man who was blasted out by Chen Xuan, who was the white-robed gorefiend who had been following their team.

   "Run, don't think so much now, leave the rest to us, you can just run towards the front." Chen Xuan shouted.

These girls showed grateful eyes at Chen Xuan, and immediately fled in the direction ahead. They all knew exactly what Chen Xuan said. Even if these girls didn't run away, it was very good. They may be caught up by the white-robed gorefiend, which is very dangerous for these girls.

They don’t have enough strength to resist the White Demon’s attack. Although the White-robed Gorefi’s cultivation base is not that strong, it is easy to kill these hostages. Chen Xuan cannot guarantee that it can protect the team. Everyone in is safe, after all, now Chen Xun can't see all directions.

Although the white-robed blood demons were afraid of Chen Xuan's attack, there were still some white-robed blood demons following them. It was obvious that these white-headed blood demons still wanted to attack them.

It took a full night before they left the position of the other half. Chen Xuan looked around him and found that they had now arrived in the middle of the forest.

   "Unexpectedly, it took such a long time to get here." Chen Xuan sighed.

Now they don’t have the time to waste time here. If they didn’t meet these hostages, then they would probably have left here from the original direction, but now there are still these young girls so they can only return from the road in the middle of the forest, and this also pulls. Slow them down.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly heard a bang from the front, and then he saw a vibration coming from under the ground.

Chen Xuan's expression changed, and immediately said to everyone: "Everyone, be careful. I am afraid we have encountered the monster group now, and the number of them is still very large. Now we must be tightly gathered together to avoid being caught. These groups of beasts will disperse."

Wang Lun nodded. He naturally knew what kind of monsters he encountered in the forest. Based on the ground shaking, Wang Lun could estimate that they encountered a large group of monsters, and this group of monsters still lived in groups. Living.

   "I didn't expect that there would be a group of monsters in the forest, and we could encounter them. It seems that our luck is really good." Wang Lun joked.

Now Chen Xuan had no chance to tease Wang Lun. Then they saw monsters as tall as hills appear in front of them. The bodies of these monsters were covered with heavy mechas, and they were also very weird. There is a pointed bulge on the nose, and the mouth is actually very wide, and a few sharp teeth have emerged from it.

   "What kind of monster is this? How come I have never seen it before." Wang Lun's face was puzzled.

He has never seen such a beast. Although Wang Lun hunted many beasts in the Black Rock Forest, he has never heard of this kind of beast. Not to mention Chen Xuan has never heard of such a beast. , So Chen Xuan set his sights on Liu Tianming.

   Liu Tianming knew that Chen Xuan wanted to ask him what the name of the monster was, but he also shook his head, not knowing what the monster in front of him was.

  There was not only one monster in front of him. When Chen Xuan reacted, he found that they had already surrounded this monster.

   "I'm afraid this group of guys still have a certain IQ, otherwise they will definitely not surround us in this place." Wang Lun said.

  Chen Xuan turned around and looked around him, and found that this group of monsters surrounded them by a cliff. Originally, they wanted to climb over this cliff, but they didn't expect to encounter this group of monsters.

   "I'm afraid they want to push us to the front of the cliff." Wang Lun said.

  Warcraft had already blocked their way from other places, and the only way left for them was the cliff in front of them, but Chen Xuan's face showed a trace of cruelty.

   "This group of guys are really too simple to think. If that's the case, then we will kill this group of monsters, just so that we can eat the meat of monsters." Chen Xuan sneered.

Although the cultivation bases of these beasts are not strong, they win in the quantity. Most of the cultivation bases of these beasts stayed in the sixth level of the gods and demons, as well as the seventh level of the gods and demons. But at this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly heard the legend of the earth There was a tremor.

   Then they saw a monster with a red halo on its body. This type of monster was almost similar in appearance to other monsters, except that the lines on the body were a bit different from other monsters.

   "It seems that this should be their leader, but the aura emanating from this guy's body is indeed a bit strong." Wang Lun said.

Chen Xuan felt that the aura from the huge monster that came just now was indeed stronger than that of other monsters, but Chen Xuan was not afraid now, there was nothing to deal with this group of monsters with his current cultivation base. I'm scared.

  The only thing Chen Xuan worried about now was these ordinary people. They were not able to deal with this group of monsters, and the powerful aura exuding from the body of the monsters also made these people show a look of fear.

  This group of girls obviously have never seen such a scene, and their faces are scared.

  Chen Xuan said to these girls: “Don’t worry, just follow us closely, as long as you don’t escape to other places, I can guarantee your safety!”

  But one of these girls was already scared. After seeing the appearance of the monster, he hurriedly found a gap and prepared to escape. Chen Xuangang wanted to stop the girl, but it was too late.

A turbulent fire radiated from the nose of the monster, and it sprayed at the girl in the blink of an eye. Chen Xuan burst out of his demon soul power in an instant, and wanted to pull the girl's body back, but Chen Xuan reacted. It was too late. The flames of the monsters had already burned the girl. When Chen Xuan arrived, she found that the girl's body had been pierced by a flame.

  The faces of the other girls became more frightened, but after Liu Tianming's appeasement, these girls finally settled down and did not make a lot of noise like just now.

, Seeing this, the demon soul on Chen Xuan's body was fully unfolded, and the power of the second-level demon soul allowed Chen Xuan's speed to fully bloom. Then Chen Xuan's eyes gradually filled with flames. This flame made Chen Xuan It looked particularly dazzling against the dark night, and now Chen Xuan stood in front of them like a **** of war.

Seeing the flames burning on Chen Xuan's body, the group of girls finally calmed down. They weren't screaming like just now, and Chen Jun directly killed a monster. Although the body of this monster is very powerful, but But it couldn't withstand an attack by Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword.

  A sword swung out the flames above Chen Xuan's body, and directly killed a monster. The Liaoyuan sword picked up a ball of sparks on the head of the monster and directly knocked their bodies away.

  With Chen Xuan's current strength, it is easy to defeat a few monsters.

  "But there are a lot of these monsters, we will kill them as soon as possible." Chen Xuan shouted loudly.

If they are procrastinating for time, they are likely to cause other changes. There are many dangers in this forest. One carelessness is likely to cause other dangers. Besides, they are still being tracked by the White-robed Gorefiend, the White-robed Gorefiend. He would definitely take advantage of this opportunity to launch a sneak attack on them. Although Chen Xuan could feel that there were several white-robed blood demons following them all the time, but so far, the white-robed blood demons are afraid of Chen Xuan and Wang Lun's strength, so Has not come up to launch a sneak attack.

  But now that Chen Xuan and the others are surrounded by monsters, the White-robed Gorefiend will definitely not let this opportunity pass.

  Sure enough, just when they were worried, Chen Xuan saw this familiar figure coming from a distance, it really was these white-robed blood demons.

The white-robed gorefiend and the monsters attacked their team together. Because of the increase in the speed of the demon soul, Chen Xuan came behind a white-robed gorefiend in the blink of an eye. The sparks of the rising prairie sword, suddenly During that time, the entire deep forest was shining, and everyone was attracted by Chen Xuan.

  After quickly killing a white-robed gorefiend, Chen Xuan hurriedly returned to the rear of the team, and now a few of them had formed a tacit understanding.

Chen Xuan is guarding the entire rear defense of the team, while Wang Lun is protecting the left side of the team. Several other people are protecting the front and the right side of the team. With their strengths, the blood demon in white robe can't wear it at all. Through their defenses, however, for the White-robed Gorefiend, any one person's attack can kill them.

The White-robed Gorefiend is very fierce in the end. Even if he knew that he would be killed, he rushed forward without hesitation, and those monsters would also attack this group of White-robed Gorefiends. At the same time, a scene was staged in this forest. The three melees.

However, Chen Xuan and the others still won in the end. It is true that there are only a dozen white-robed blood demons. The other white-robed blood demons don’t know where they have gone. Although the strength of these beasts is not weak, they are against Chen Xuan. As far as they are concerned, they can be killed easily.

  Three days later, they finally walked out of the forest, and the city lord really waited for them outside the forest.

And the news that Chen Xuan and the others killed the White Demon was spreading to the vicinity of Black Rock City at the fastest speed, so that when Chen Xuan returned to Wukang Town, they were greeted with a piece of welcome, and their faces were full of welcomes. With the color of surprise, now that the White Devil was killed by Chen Xuan and the others, it means that Wukang Town is temporarily safe.

  Everyone shouted Chen Xuan's name. They also knew that if it weren't for Chen Xuan, Wukang Town would face greater danger.

  Chen Xuan’s reputation has now been thoroughly beaten near Black Rock City, and no one does not know Chen Xuan’s name.

Moreover, they wanted to treat Chen Xuan graciously, but Chen Xuan did not accept it. Instead, they returned to their residence directly with Wang Lun. They did not force Chen Xuan to participate. They also knew that Chen Xuan must be very exhausted after the battle with the White Demon. , So I won't bother Chen Xuan anymore.

Chen Xuan had just returned to the room, and he felt a sharp pain in Hun’s mouth. At that time, he was hit by the white demon’s red blood hand. Fortunately, Chen Xuan was not seriously injured, so Chen Xuan took it from his storage ring. I took out a few pills and swallowed them. When the pills were swallowed, Chen Xuan felt his body feel better.

  This time, Chen Xuan gained a lot in the vicinity of Black Rock City, and it also improved Chen Xuan's cultivation.

  The next morning, Chen Xuan woke up from quiet cultivating. At this time, Chen Xuan's aura was stronger than before. It was precisely because he killed a large number of blood demons that he formed a kind of majesty. Before killing the Gorefiend, Chen Xuan only reached the first level of the demon soul. Chen Xuan's current demon soul strength has also been upgraded to the second level, and the strength is even further. The demon soul's improvement to Chen Xuan is naturally very huge.

  When Chen Xuan walked in, he found that Liu Tianming was already waiting for him outside.

  So Chen Xuan made some arrangements, and then, with Liu Tianming and Wang Lun, they prepared to return to Lu Yucheng.

   "Brother Chen, I didn't expect you to take us to kill the White Devil this time. If you return to the sect, you will definitely be able to complete the task reward. I think the sect master will be very happy too." Liu Tianming smiled.

  Wang Lun also showed surprise on his face. He originally thought that Chen Xuan was not the opponent to execute the White Devil, so he asked the sect master and Chen Xuan to complete this task together.

  (End of this chapter)

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