Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2616: Accidental anti-kill

   Chapter 2616 Accidental Anti-kill

   "This kid's cultivation base is indeed a little unpredictable. We'd better retreat as soon as possible. We must ask the great elder, because the intelligence is wrong!" the guard leader said loudly.

Several guards beside   : "Sir, you retreat first, let's hold this kid!"

  The leader of the guard took a look at his companion, and immediately stretched his body and fled in the direction of the north.

   "I want to run, but there is no door!" Chen Xuan. Said coldly.

If these guards don’t come to provoke him, then Chen Xuan will naturally not take the initiative to deal with them. However, they have provoke Chen Xuan now, so Chen Xuan must kill them now. If a few guards are killed, it will cause endless trouble for Chen Xuan and the others, and it is even possible to attract nearby guards to chase Chen Xuan and the others.

For Chen Xuan, he would not let his enemies go. Originally, Chen Xuan and the people of Yunshuang Kingdom had no intersection at all, and he would definitely not hate each other with them, but these people need Frost Rhino most in Chen Xuan. When Chen Xuan’s heart was blocked, he was blocked in front of Chen Xuan. This was a stumbling block that stood in front of Chen Xuan. If Chen Xuan didn’t get rid of it, not only would his strength not be improved, but also very It may put Li Qiuyu in danger again.

  Every time Chen Xuan walks in this ice field, he wants to quickly find the frost rhinoceros, but the number of mysterious monsters in the ice field is also very scarce, and it is very difficult for them to find him.

The name   Frost Rhino is very weird. The appearance of these mysterious monsters is actually completely different from the rhino in conventional knowledge, but Frost Rhino has got such a name.

  Chen Xuan was obviously distracted when he was fighting just now. At this moment, Chen Xuan saw the guard leader in front of him preparing to escape, with a strong killing intent on his face.

The next moment I saw Chen Xuan's body suddenly appear next to the guard leader. After the guard leader discovered Chen Xuan, he once again took out the silver-white spar from his arms, and he moved towards Chen in a silver-white form. Xuan threw it over fiercely.

Chen Xuan did not expect that there was a frost spar hidden in his arms, and he was directly hit by the spar. The next moment the frost began to spread from Chen Xuan’s mouth to the top of his head, the speed at which the frost spread. Very quickly, he reached Chen Xuan's ankle in the blink of an eye.

  Wang Lun saw Chen Quan trapped inside by Frost, and suddenly raised the black giant sword in his hand and came towards Chen Xuan's direction.

Wang Lun originally thought that Chen Xuan could easily break free from it, but he waited for a few seconds, only to see that Chen Xuan did not move at all, so Wang Duan could only point the black giant sword in the direction of the guard leader. Threw it over.

The head of the guard saw Chen Xuan frozen by his frost spar and was about to find a way to kill Chen Xuan, but he saw Wang Lun's figure and chased him.

The battle just now was too fierce. All his thoughts were placed on Chen Xuan's body, so he didn't notice that Wang Lun had been watching the battle. When he reacted, it was too late, and Wang Lun’s black giant sword hit directly. Cut off one of his legs and cut off his legs directly.

The guard leader roared loudly. Wang Lun didn't want to give him too much pain. He controlled the black giant sword in his hand and directly killed the guard leader. After seeing that his leader had been killed, the group of guards immediately scattered like birds and beasts. They also knew that they weren't opponents of this kind of people at all. Instead of being buried here with their leader, it was better to run away and report to their guards.

I'm afraid that to deal with Chen Xuan, we can only invite the guards of the Kingdom of Frost. Their cultivation bases are not Chen Xuan's opponents, and the leader of the guards was killed by Chen Xuan. The cultivation bases of these guards are basically all. Under the four levels of the gods, as for the guard leader's cultivation base, basically under the sixth level of the gods, almost no one can deal with Chen Xuan at this stage of strength.

If it weren’t for Chen Xuan to underestimate the enemy, he would have no way to freeze Chen Xuan’s body. After a few more seconds, Wang Lun saw a fire radiating from the ice crystal, and then saw Chen Xuan’s eyes move. After a move, I saw that the flame broke through the ice crystal's limit and burned the ice crystal completely.

  After Chen Xuan came out of the ice crystal, a trace of anger suddenly appeared on his face. Although his life was not in danger just now, because the leader of the ice crystal protection guard had no way to take it out, Chen Xuan felt a sense of crisis.

  "There are many unusual things in the hands of these Frost Lands. We must be careful, otherwise we will be recruited." Wang Lun reminded.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly. It was the first time he had come into contact with people in the Kingdom of Frost. He didn't expect that they would have such a magic weapon in their hands. Just throwing out the spar in their hands could exude such powerful power. Moreover, the power emanating from the ice crystals inside could directly seal Chen Xuan's body.

  Chen Xuan has never seen such a magic weapon. It is normal to be attacked by them. He looked around him, and only the body of the guard leader, so Chen Xuan asked, "Where are those guys."

   "Those guys have escaped now. He estimated that he saw that the cultivation of the two of us far exceeded their estimates, so he knew that it was not our opponent, so he could only escape." Wang Lun said.

"Didn't you chase them? If I let these guys go, it is likely to cause us a lot of trouble, and then they will bring stronger people to kill us, the Frost The cultivation base of the people of the country is indeed very powerful. These people can reach the realm of the gods only with the cultivation of ordinary guards. If a stronger person comes, what should we do?" Chen Xuan said.

   "That's right, but you were frozen by the frost at the time, so I can only guard by the side." Wang Lun said.

"Since there is no other way, we can only hide the breath in our body as much as possible, and avoid contact with these guards. If they are found, we will most likely notify their chief. If those people come to us It is very likely to be life-threatening." Chen Xuan said.

Chen Xuan also knew that the current cultivation base of the two of them could not deal with the entire Frost Nation at all. Chen Xuan really felt that the cultivation base of the Frozen Nation had far surpassed the Yunye Empire. Of course, this It’s just a small part. After all, the Kingdom of Frost developed from a sect. The entire institution of the Kingdom of Frost is equivalent to a sect. Although their sect has existed on the ice field for thousands of years, they It has only been a few hundred years before the establishment of a country, and it has not yet been recognized by the Yunye Empire. It is precisely because of this that the talents of the Frost Kingdom will hate the Yunye Empire, because the Yunye Empire also wants to occupy this ice sheet. There are very rich resources on this ice sheet.

Moreover, there are many rare beasts in the depths of the ice field. These beasts are different from the beasts in other places. There is also a secret realm in the deepest part of the ice field. The secret realm also exists for thousands of miles. No one knows when he appeared. of.

There are many dangers on this ice sheet, but there are also many opportunities not only to hunt more powerful monsters, but also many rare medicinal materials. This time Chen Xuan officially wants to find a kind of name in the ice sheet called Bingpo Grass. Now Chen Xuan needs Bingappao grass to refine a different kind of pill. The medicinal effect of Bingappao grass can prevent the profound energy in the human body from spreading to the body. Chen Xuan wants to heal Li Qiuyu’s injuries, he must use this ice spirit. Grass, but Papavera almost lives in places where the temperature is very low.

  If it is not within the second area, it is impossible to encounter ice grass.

  "We must be more careful now. Those people must have discovered our existence. If they can't leave quickly within this time, they will most likely be attracted to their ideas." Chen Xuan said.

"It makes sense. We must create an illusion now to make them mistakenly believe that we are heading to the north. Now we must head to the northwest to prevent them from discovering us." Wang Lun said.

As soon as the voice fell, both of them concealed the aura from their bodies, and Chen Xuan, you also took out two pills from your arms at this time. This pill was made by Chen Xuan before. The pill that is specially used to hide the body's breath. Almost no one refines these pill. Chen Xuan completely explored it himself. If he can refine this kind of pill, I am afraid that there is only Chen Xuan in this world. People only.

Chen Xuan and Wang Lun walked in the ice field for two full days. During these two days, they were walking completely on their own feet, because they now want to hide the aura from their bodies, so they can’t Flying in the air, and it is very likely that he would be exposed in the air. Chen Xuan did not want to cause so much trouble, so he could only walk forward with Wang Lun. After walking for two consecutive days, Chen Xuan also felt a little tired. It wasn't that Chen Xuan really felt tired, but that Chen Xuan felt very tired in this ice world.

  They have been walking non-stop for two days now, without a break for a minute, even if Chen Xuan is strong, they can't hold on anymore, and Wang Lun is already showing obvious sleepiness.

So Chen Xuan took out the tent from his storage ring, which they bought in the Demon Hunter Guild in Black Rock City before. They have used this tent until now, and Chen Xuan has kept it intact. , The role being played at this time.

  When Chen Xuan skillfully opened the tent, he suddenly felt a strange breath coming from behind him.

   "Well, someone from behind us is chasing me." Chen Xuan said suddenly.

  Wang Lun immediately pulled out the black giant sword, and he also felt a breath coming from behind his body, which was approaching them quickly.

Chen Xuan stared at the direction of the south nervously, and then they saw a white figure suddenly appeared in the sky. When the figure got closer and closer to them, Chen Xuan finally saw that it was a Chinese figure. The middle-aged man, with the arrival of the middle-aged man, three men continued to fly behind him.

   "They are all from the Yunye Empire." Chen Xuan said.

   "Why this guy is here too." Wang Lun said.

   "I don't know what they say." Chen Xuan said.

   "Boy, how did you get in?" the middle-aged man in a white robe asked coldly.

   "I will come in as you come in." Wang Lun replied.

   "It's a lousy mouth. If I ask you, I will answer me honestly. Otherwise, I can kill the two of you with a wave of my hand!" said the middle-aged man in the white robe.

  A sneer appeared on Chen Xuan's face. The middle-aged man's cultivation is indeed very strong, he has reached the seventh level of the gods, but he wants to kill Chen Xuan with a wave of hands is tantamount to a dream.

   "No matter how powerful it is, it is only in the realm of gods." Chen Xuan said.

  The middle-aged man in white robe heard the words, his face showed a trace of anger: "I think you really don't know how to write dead words!"

  (End of this chapter)

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