Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2618: Dare to chase

   Chapter 2618 Dare to chase

Chen Xuan’s body can’t move anymore. He has just used the power of the demon soul overloaded just now. Even though the power of the demon soul can improve Chen Xuan’s strength in a short time, it brings him to his body. A lot of burden.

After more than half an hour, Chen Xuan felt that his body had regained some consciousness, and then Chen Xuan took out a pill from his storage ring. This soul pill was used for the cultivation of the demon soul. In preparation, Chen Xuan swallowed two pills in one go. After swallowing the two pills in his mouth, Chen Xuan obviously felt that his body had recovered some strength.

And now Wang Lun has also killed the white-robed middle-aged man. After Wang Lun returned, he immediately carried Chen Xuan on his back and continued on his way forward. He also knew that he couldn't stay in this place for too long and was attracted to the Frost Land People are very dangerous to them. Chen Xuan is now unable to move his body, which means that Chen Xuan has now lost his combat effectiveness.

  If there is only Wang Lun alone, it is very likely that he will fall into the siege. It is obviously difficult to break free from the frost with his own strength.

  Chen Xuan followed Wang Lun for dozens of miles and saw that the sky had gradually dimmed, so they set up a tent on the spot and began to bake the beasts.

  After eating the beast, Chen Xuan immediately ran the Suzaku fire in his body and began to heal his body. It was only recently that Chen Xuan discovered that the Suzaku fire could actually heal his injuries.

Although Chen Xuan had suffered a very serious injury before this, the demon soul not only disintegrated Chen Xuan’s muscle tissue, but also consumed a lot of his profound energy. These two forces superimposed on each other, making Chen Xuan physically unable The action, even if Chen Xuan ate two soul pills in a row, he couldn't recover.

   "It seems that this is the price for possessing the demon soul." Chen Xuan whispered.

In these short days, Chen Xuan has used the demon soul several times. Although Chen Xuan has grasped the power of the demon soul before, this power also has huge side effects. Now Chen Xuan has indeed He felt what kind of changes the demon soul's possession had brought to his body, and just a movement made Chen Xuan's body feel very painful.

   "It seems that since I used the demon soul possession last time, I have used the demon soul several times before my body has recovered." Chen Xuan said in a deep voice.

   "Your body is really too weak." A hoarse voice came out of Chen Xuan's mind.

   "Are you a demon soul?" Chen Xuan said.

"Lao Tzu also has a name. Don't directly call Lao Tzu a demon soul. Your body is too weak. Last time Lao Tzu could only use half of your body. If you can give me your body completely, I can even give That person will be killed." The Demon Soul said.

  "Who are you talking about? Li Zhuoqun?" Chen Xuan asked.

  Chen Xuangang wanted to continue to ask, but found that the demon soul did not continue to answer him, so Chen Xuan had no choice but to give up.

After a night, Chen Xuan felt that his body had recovered some physical strength. Now he felt that his body was much better, so Chen Xuan swallowed two soul pills again. After taking the pills, Chen Xuan felt his The physical strength recovered more than half, so the two people with Wang Lun continued to move towards the second area.

They continued to walk in the first area for two days. These days Chen Xuan felt that his body was basically healed, and they also killed a few monsters in the middle, but Chen Xuan did not overflow the demon soul. Power, Chen Xuan's cultivation level, who did not use the power of the demon soul, is probably equivalent to the realm of the five peaks of the gods and demons. The demon soul's improvement in Chen Xuan's cultivation is still very obvious.

  "How long will it take for us to reach the second area?" Chen Xuan asked.

"This is not clear. It is very likely that we will have to walk for another two days. If we get to the second area, we must be very careful. The kingdom of frost is established in the second area, and it is very likely that there will be There are a large number of patrolling guards, if they find out, we will be unlucky." Wang Lun said.

   "Then we will find a way not to be discovered by them. I don't believe that the Frost Country is such a large area." Chen Xuan said.

  "They really have such a large range, but we have no other way. As long as we can go around from the side, we can naturally reach the north of the Frost Country without even knowing it." Wang Lun said.

  "Then you will lead the way. I have never been to this place before." Chen Xuan said.

  As the two of them were walking, Chen Xuan suddenly felt an icy air coming from the front. After feeling this breath, Chen Xuan's face showed tension.

  This aura exuded very strange. Chen Xuan could feel that it was not emitted by a human being, but they didn't see anything in front of them. Chen Xuan thought that his eyes were as blind as last time.

  However, at this moment, Chen Xuan felt a powerful breath, and suddenly emerged from behind him.

  Wang Lun also felt a few breaths approaching them, but Chen Xuan couldn't see anything near him, and the breath of flame emerged from Chen Xuan's body.

  Wang Lun seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said to Chen Xuan loudly: "It's not good, it seems that we have encountered a beast that can be invisible."

  Chen Xuan showed curiosity on his face. He had never seen a beast that was deliberately invisible, which explained why Chen Xuan obviously felt a breath approaching them, but there was no beast in front of him.

A breath of flame suddenly rose from Chen Xuan's body, and the power of the flame above Chen Xuan's body continued to heat up. These heat waves continued to condense from Chen Xuan's body, and then converged to the Liaoyuan in Chen Xuan's hands. Above the sword.

  A fiery red sword qi slashed towards him, and suddenly a monster appeared in shape. This monster had a very huge nose and very small eyes, which made it very funny.

  Moreover, the body of this kind of monster is oval. Chen Xuan does not know what the name of this monster is, and Chen Xuan has never seen this kind of monster.

   "Do you know what this kind of monster is called?" Chen Xuan asked Wang Lun beside him.

  Wang Lun shook his head and said to Chen Xuan: "I have never seen such a beast. Why don't we kill them? I want to do so much."

Chen Xuan nodded slightly. Now he felt three auras surrounding him, and Chen Xuan could fully rely on his profound power to detect the existence of a few monsters, and several sword auras drove out. Chen Xuan's Suzaku fire directly forced out the bodies of several monsters.

  When the beasts appeared in the air, Chen Xuan's face showed a trace of anger: "Even you guys want to attack me, it's a idiot!"

  The cultivation bases of these monsters are not strong. Their cultivation bases are only three levels of gods. Although their cultivation bases are similar to that of Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan has the confidence to kill a few monsters.

Although the meat defensive power of these monsters far exceeds that of humans of the same level, they are facing Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan's meat defensive power also exceeds that of practitioners of the same level. The physical strength has exceeded the limit of the mortal body, and Chen Xuan's physical strength can be promoted to a level again with only one step.

  Now Chen Xuan's physical strength is not weaker than these monsters. When Chen Xuan first realized the power of the demon soul, he had the ability to turn his skin into rock.

At that time, Chen Xuan's physical strength had been initially improved, and could even withstand the attacks of monsters that were one level stronger than his own cultivation base. Moreover, Chen Xuan's demon soul had reached the triple level, and now Chen Xuan had condensed it. After the three demon souls, the strength of the physical body has once again been greatly improved.

Facing the surrounding of three monsters, Chen Xuan also showed a look of joy. Although Chen Xuan felt very unhappy about the sudden attack of these monsters, Chen Xuan holding the corpses of these monsters was very useful. Chen Xuan wanted to study the principle of the invisibility of these monsters, and even he could use the bodies of these monsters to refine the pill to hide their bodies.

Chen Xuan had already refined the pill to hide the body's breath, but only lacked the pill to hide the body. If Chen Xuan could really refine it, then they would have more room for survival on the ice sheet. .

But Chen Xuan also knew that it would be very difficult to study this kind of pill, and it would be accompanied by many failures. Chen Xuan was prepared to face the challenge bravely, if he could really refine the pill to hide his body , Then can even play other roles at critical moments.

  After putting the corpses of these monsters into their storage ring, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun continued to walk forward...

   "It's not good we were caught up by them again." Chen Xuan suddenly said.


   An astonishing breath suddenly rang continuously from a distance.

  Suddenly they saw the figures of two men flying over from a distance. As they arrived, a faint ice crystal was left on the sky.

   "Sure enough, I chased you up!" Wang Lin said.

The two of them had already chased Chen Xuan for several days, but they didn't expect that Chen Xuan would suddenly change his direction halfway, so that they lost their direction, and now they found Chen Xuan and Wang Lun. .

   "Boy, you are so daring, you dare to fight our country of Frost. Do you think that with the strength of the two of you, you can subvert our country of Frost."

"I think you two are from the Yunye Empire, right now the Yunye Empire is at war with the Dragonblood tribe, and now you still dare to provoke our Frost Nation, you are simply seeking your own death!" Wang Lin Said.

   Chen Xuan said: "There is nothing to do with the Yunye Empire between the two of us. Now I just want to deal with my own personal affairs and hunt down a few mysterious monsters in this ice field. I didn't expect you to obstruct it in every possible way."

   "Stop talking nonsense, die!" Wang Lin said angrily.

  (End of this chapter)

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