Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2620: Yuwen's chaser

   Chapter 2620 Yuwen's chasing soldiers

  The next moment, the flame of the Vermillion Bird on Chen Xuan's body was more fully displayed, and after the flame, Chen Xuan could see that Wang Lin's body had been completely exposed to his attack.


  Wang Lin originally thought that he could withstand Chen Xuan's Suzaku fire, but the result was quite different. Chen Xuan's body was directly hit and flew out, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

  "Good opportunity!" Chen Xuan said secretly.

  The figure shuttled quickly and rushed directly in front of him. The Liaoyuan sword swung out and penetrated his Hungarian mouth.

  Blood was spit out from Wang Lin's mouth, and he looked at Chen Xuan with incredibly desperate eyes.

  "You..." The voice did not fall. Wang Lin lay softly on the ground.

After    killed Wang Lin, Chen Xuan rushed to Wang Lun's side, and the two quickly killed the chasing soldiers of Frost Nation, so they hurriedly left here.

Chen Xuan originally wanted to search for storage rings from them, but he felt that the chasing soldiers from Frost Nation came over again. In this case, Chen Xuan felt that his own life was more important. He just took the king by surprise. Lin was killed, otherwise Chen Xuan would not necessarily be his opponent.

   "I am injured now. I am afraid that the power of the demon soul will no longer be used in the short term. So we should hurry up and stay away from here now. If they catch up, it will be dangerous." Chen Xuan said.

  Wang Lun nodded: "Let's go,"

Two days later, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were continuing to sweep towards the top of the polar icefield. Just after walking for more than an hour, the two of them suddenly stopped their steps because they found a plant in front of them. The grass emits a faint blue light.

   "What is that?" Chen Xuan asked.

  Wang Lun also showed curiosity, so he and Chen Xuan continued to walk forward.

   "Isn't this Soul Refining Grass? How could it grow here?" Wang Lun curiously asked.

   Hearing the Soul Refining Grass, Chen Xuan's eyes lit up. Although Chen Xuan also knew that this was Soul Refining Grass, it was the first time he saw the Soul Refining Grass growing on the ice sheet.

  He had already experienced the benefits of Soul Refining Herb to his Vermillion Bird profound strength last time.

   Chen Xuangang wanted to dial out the Soul Refining Grass, when he heard a loud roar coming from the front.

   "What sound?" Chen Xuan looked at his back warily.

  Because it was at night, he couldn't see what was behind him approaching him. Fortunately, he had already set aside the Soul Refining Grass.


   Chen Xuan was directly blown out by the black shadow. Chen Xuan looked at the soul-refining grass in his hand and quickly retracted his ring.

"what is that."

   "I'm afraid it is a monster, and he seems to be very interested in the Soul Refining Grass in your hands." Wang Lun replied.

   Seeing Chen Xuan put the Soul Refining Grass into his ring, he clearly let out a roar, and the next moment, the monster sprinted towards Chen Xuan.

  "Ice monsters!"

I saw a series of icy arrows spewed out of the mouth of the beast, and they shot at Chen Xuan quickly. Chen Xuan's body moved quickly, and a layer of frost emerged from the palm of Chen Xuan's hand, turning into a frost blade. Blocked the Frost Sword that was shooting at him.

The strength of this monster has not yet reached the state of confinement. It only took Chen Xuan more than ten minutes to get rid of the monster. He lightly patted his fists, and Chen Xuan took out from the body of the monster. A crystal nucleus, although the crystal nucleus of this monster is only blue, it is very round in color and very large.

  Such a blue crystal nucleus is worthy of defeating an ordinary crystal.

  As soon as Chen Xuan and Wang Lun wanted to leave here, they felt a violent breath emanating from his body. Chen Xuan felt that his body was very sore, and immediately sat on the ground.

  Wang Lun, who was walking, suddenly noticed a strange aura from Chen Xuan's body, his face changed slightly, and he hurriedly walked to Chen Xuan's side and asked, "What happened?"

  Chen Xuan only felt that his body was very tired, and he couldn't move at all.

   "It's awful! I am afraid I used the demon soul twice in a short time, and now it has side effects!" Chen Xuan exclaimed inwardly.

He only felt that his body was burned by a fire, and the several dantians in his body were also circulating rapidly, but it was impossible to stop this flame from flowing in his dantian. Chen Xuan felt that his consciousness was slowly dissipating. The eyes are gradually closing.

   "No! I must hold on." Chen Xuan roared.

  In the Frost City, inside the gorgeous mansion.

  The young man in a white robe said in a deep voice to a fellow man: "Have you not found that kid? What a bunch of rubbish!"

  'S man replied: "Young Master Yuwen, we have been looking for that kid recently, but he seems to have disappeared. Now there is only one possibility, that kid has entered the polar ice field."

   "Huh?" The white-clothed youth shook his eyebrows slightly, and his face showed a curious look.

"If that kid goes to the polar ice sheet, he is simply looking for death. Now my father and Sect Master Frost are in the polar ice sheet. As long as I convey it to my father, he can easily be killed by that time!" A strong killing intent flashed in the corner of Huaquan's eyes.

  After hearing several reports from his subordinates, he can now be sure that Chen Xuan and Wang Lun have entered the polar ice sheet.

Yu Wenxiong and Li Dan were childhood friends. When he heard the news that Li Dan was killed by Chen Xuan, he ordered the people of Longque City to stop Chen Xuan, but he did not expect Chen Xuan to escape from Longque City. Since then, he has been inquiring about Chen Xuan’s news. He heard that Chen Xuan has now entered the Yunye Gate and is protected by the imperial royal family. He has never had a chance to get rid of Chen Xuan. Now I heard that Chen Xuanhe Wang Lun entered the polar ice field, how could he let the opportunity slip away from his eyes.

   "It seems that one of these two people must be his helper, but the two of them are really stupid. They dare to go to the polar ice sheet. I am afraid that the two of them are also thinking about the ice field ruins." Yu Wenxiong said.

  On the icefield, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were still walking north. Suddenly a wind sound came into Chen Xuan's ears.

   "Someone is following us." Chen Xuandao.

   "Who?" Wang Lun said vigilantly.

  Not far away, two men flew towards Chen Xuan and Wang Lun. After seeing Chen Xuan, their bodies stayed in the air.

   "There should be no mistake, it is him." The man said.

   "Big brother will be here, let's get rid of this kid first." The man next to him was very violent, and he was still naked on the ice sheet.

   "Go, kill him first." The man said.

  The two people rushed towards Chen Xuan at a fast speed.

   "Boy, you can't escape today, the son let us take your life!" The gray-robed man shouted sharply.

With a loud noise, the bodies of Chen Xuan and the gray-robed man collided together. The mysterious fire in the sky continued to rotate, and then exploded, and the mysterious fire shattered to the ground. The next moment, the body of the man from the Yuwen family Back quickly towards the back.

A look of surprise appeared on his face, and immediately said coldly: "It seems that your strength is not simple. I didn't expect your cultivation level to be so strong, but you can only be proud of it for a while. Next time I will Killed you!"

Although his strength has reached the four-fold limit of the gods, he still can't stop Chen Xuan's attack. He tightly squeezed his fist, and a layer of red profound energy radiated from his body, wanting Bombarded towards Chen Xuan.

  Unexpectedly, Chen Xuan held his sword tightly and shook his arm slightly. Fire suddenly appeared and rushed towards him. He thought he could block the fire.

The fierce middle-aged man gave a low shout, and immediately displayed the volley palm. This palm is a technique of the Yuwen family. It can quickly improve the strength of the cultivator and can even interact with a master one level higher than himself. Confrontation, it is by virtue of this kind of hand that he dare to think that he can defeat Chen Xuan.

At first, he only thought that Chen Xuan was able to fight him by relying on the fire profound strength, and also wanted to test Chen Xuan's strength. Although Chen Xuan's strength was also lower than him, it was only the three-tiered god, but he was Unexpectedly, Suzaku flame rushed directly out of his defense, directly blasting his body to the ground.

  The fire filled the sky, flying all over the sky.

  Chen Xuan waved the fiery blade in his hand, controlling the flames in the sky, and the extremely powerful fiery profound power directly attacked the Yuwen family man who was bombarded on the ground.

He originally thought that he could kill Chen Xuan directly, but he did not expect that he was already at a disadvantage. When he saw the fire and cold in the sky, he had realized that the situation was not good, but he was still very confident at the time. The palm could break Chen Xuan's fiery sword energy, but it was completely beyond his expectation.

Suddenly, the Yuwen's man showed fear on his face, his eyes were frozen, and his body was directly frozen by the raging fire. At the same time, Chen Xuan's body quickly swooped down, and the blade of the raging fire directly penetrated his. Hungarian mouth.

The face of Yuwen's man suddenly fell, and he slowly fell to the ground, losing his vitality. At this moment, Chen Xuan also felt a mysterious force appearing behind his body. He quickly turned around and made a backhand. , Blocked the attack of several Yuwen's chasing soldiers behind him.

  The powerful blazing fire mystery emerged again, and directly froze the Yuwen family's chasing soldiers who had attacked, and then Chen Xuan eliminated the group of Yuwen's chasing soldiers one by one.

Chen Xuan was watching Wang Lun fighting with the man with great interest. He suddenly felt a trembling profound energy coming from behind him. He secretly said no, and Chen Xuan hurriedly said to Wang Lun, "No, someone is here again. , Let's run quickly!"

  Wang Lun also felt the terrifying aura coming from behind, so he stopped fighting with the man in front of him, and fleeed towards the top of the mountain with Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan and Wang Lun continued to escape along the ice sheet. Time passed bit by bit. Although a day had passed, they could still feel that the chasing soldiers were still chasing them.

  There was a sound of breaking through the air, and they were chased.

  A man with a very tough figure exudes a tyrannical aura: "Where else can you two guys go? Leave your life here today, hahaha!"

  "You are not from Frost Country, are you?" Chen Xuan asked.

  "I'm from the Yuwen family, the son asked me to take your life, so don't ask so much! Look at the palm!" The fierce man screamed and attacked Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan was caught off guard, and was hit by him directly in the back, and his body instantly flew towards the distance.

He hurriedly got up from the ground. Wang Lun had already fled forward. Chen Xuan wanted to keep up, but how could the middle-aged man give Chen Xuan this opportunity? He clenched his fist tightly, and the powerful fist suddenly moved towards Chen. Xuan banged over.

  Chen Xuan only felt that he was squeezed onto the ground by a powerful profound force, and he couldn't stand up at all.

"Damn it! I'm afraid that guy's strength has reached the eighth level of the Divine Sovereign Realm, and now I am not his opponent at all." Chen Xuan bit his teeth tightly, and the fire profound energy continued to converge, creating a huge layer of ice. The curtain, then hurriedly fled towards the front.

While escaping, Chen Xuan also created a layer of fiery profound strength, trying to stop the chasing soldiers behind him, but the middle-aged man’s fist had just touched Chen Xuan’s profound fire, and the thick layers of profound fire burst into pieces. .

   Seeing Wang Lun's body suddenly stopped, Chen Xuan hurriedly shouted: "You run first, leave me alone! The two of us are not his opponents, I can escape later!"

Chen Xuan is confident that his speed is much faster than the fierce man in front of him. Chen Xuan was just hit by him only because of the demon soul backlash, but Chen Xuan also has the Xuan Lei Jue, and Chen Xuan can easily rely on the power of the Xuan Lei Ju Escape.

  Wang Lun took a look, turned his head, and continued to run forward.


  Chen Xuan was hit by a powerful profound energy and fell on the ground. A mouthful of blood came out and his face was pale.

  (End of this chapter)

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