Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2623: Are all from the Yunye Empire

   Chapter 2623 are all Yunye Empire

  Three days later, on a mountain peak in the polar ice field, a black shadow suddenly appeared.

  If Chen Xuan were here, he would find that the black shadow that appeared on the ice sheet was a man from the Dragon Blood tribe that he had killed.

   "We went to the front and found the Frost Mountain Range. I heard that they discovered the secret realm in the Frost Mountain Range this time. We must seize the opportunity this time." Wang Lun said.

   "Yes, if we can find mysterious monsters and rare medicinal materials in the secret realm, then we don't have to spend any effort to go to other places." Chen Xuan said.

  Chen Xuan stepped in the direction of the Frost Mountains. After walking for about a dozen miles, when he was about to approach the Frost Mountains, he suddenly heard a rumbling sound from the forest.

  Chen Xuan looked for the sound, and saw several men wearing gray leather armors fighting against a huge centipede with armor on their bodies. On the side of the armored centipede were a few small turquoise monsters.

  But those people were obviously not the opponents of the helmeted centipede, they were being chased by the monsters.

  When Chen Xuan saw the man galloping over, he found that his body was stained with blood. And behind the man, a few monsters that were chasing the man continuously spewed light red profound energy.


  Chen Xuan helped him block the red profound energy that spit out from the mouth of the monster. Seeing Chen Xuan's sudden appearance, a raging fire spurted out of the mouth of the beast, and the fire swept to Chen Xuan's side as if swallowing the world.

   But no matter how tyrannical the fire was, the power of the Vermillion Bird that was still swung by Chen Xuan was completely blocked.

  Even if the monster is very strong, it is only the fourth level of the gods, and Chen Xuan is now the peak of the third level of the gods, so the flames of the monsters must not penetrate Chen Xuan's defense wall.

  What's more, what Chen Xuan used was the Fire of Vermilion Bird. From the point of view of fire, this monster was obviously not Chen Xuan's opponent.

  At this moment, the few people saw Chen Xuan helping them withstand an impact of the Flame Monster, and they suddenly reduced their formation, and asked around Chen Xuan: "Brother, thank you so much."

  I heard this man with a boot knife and gray leather armor asked himself Chen Xuan and said to him: "Concentrate on these monsters."

   "Okay!" At this moment, the man nodded solemnly, and then ordered several people in front of him to say.

   "Brothers, we must not let those monsters overwhelm us."

   "Okay!" The voices of a few people filled with pride sounded.

   Chen Xuan saw a few beasts making a beating posture, so profound energy within the dantian continued to emerge.

  The fire-red Suzaku's power slowly unfolded behind him, and then a series of profound fires appeared behind him.

  The few people were suddenly surprised when they saw the mysterious fire behind Chen Xuan.

  "What kind of cultivation is this?" The man's face showed a look of surprise.

  But Chen Xuan ignored him, but looked at a few monsters, and the few monsters rushed over as if they were mad at the moment.

  The few people beside Chen Xuan also threw down their broken weapons and took out their own swords.

  Seeing that the swords that they had thrown on the ground were all broken, and all those people were covered in blood. It seems that the battle with these monsters caused them to waste a lot of energy.


  The monster roared violently, and then rushed over like a storm. At this moment, looking at a monster with horns on its head and a very terrifying appearance, it spewed out a raging fire.

  Chen Xuan hurriedly flashed his body to a safe place, but the few people did not react so quickly.

  The fire hit a man, and he wailed in pain. People who were still alive have turned into a coke.

   "These beasts! I'm fighting with you!"

Before he finished speaking, another monster rushed up. The monster was an armored centipede. Its body was covered with armor. There was a huge horn on its forehead. Chen Xuan saw that the horn on the monster's head was like a sharp blade. Generally sharp.

   "Run! If you are hit by that monster, you will die!"

  As the man finished speaking aloud, Chen Xuan turned his profound strength into the power of the Vermillion Bird, and then a series of frost long swords slammed the body of the monster.

  But what Chen Xuan didn't expect was that the beast had just stepped back.

   "No damage was caused..." Seeing his own bombardment but did not repel the monster. Chen Xuan felt a little surprised. He still didn't know the grade of the armored centipede in front of him. He was just amazed that the beast was able to withstand his own bombardment.

   "It seems that the strength of the mysterious monster is much stronger than that of human beings."

In Chen Xuan's cognition, he felt that the beasts were only the fourfold of the gods. If there was a human with the fourfolds of the gods, Chen Xuan would have been confident to kill him directly, but this armored centipede was a genuine threefold of the gods. Peak strength! And it does have a body strength several times stronger than that of a human!

   And the monster was obviously irritated by Chen Xuan, the inside of the monster's nose kept venting, and the breath was like a storm, and the weapons on the ground were blown far away by the breath of the monster.

   "Not good! Withdraw quickly."

   "Run! The armored centipede is angry."

   Seeing the armored centipede rushing towards him, the man shouted loudly.

   The armored centipede's body is huge, but the speed of the impact is not slow. The man was knocked out by the armored centipede before he could turn around.

  Chen Xuan saw that the man who was knocked out had been knocked in half by the armored centipede, and fell to the ground without moving.

   "I didn't expect to have such bad luck today." A man who had escaped the impact of the armor centipede scolded.

"Stay away from there!" Chen Xuan just wanted to remind him when he saw the man being pierced through his head by a small monster, and then a person beside him was swept into the sky by the fire from the armored centipede. ash.

   "There are also fire monsters here, how can it be possible?" Chen Xuan exclaimed.

  "Don't worry about so many, save these people. They shouldn't be from Frost Nation." Wang Lun said.

  Chen Xuan did not expect that the armor centipede would have such a turbulent strength when he went crazy. There were just a dozen left, and in a flash, there were only a few people left.

  Furthermore, Chen Xuan never thought that he originally wanted to come to this Frost Mountain Range to find the secret realm. By the way, to hone his own strength, he actually encountered such a powerful beast on the periphery of the Frost Mountain Range. Obviously the armored centipede is not the four-fold strength of the gods

  Looking at the few surviving people beside him, Chen Xuan asked, "What grade is that monster..."

   "Armor centipede... is the sixth peak of the gods." The surviving men looked at Chen Xuan and said.

   "Then it will be easy."

   But even if the armored centipede is extremely strong, it is only the peak of the threefold gods.

   "I still don't believe you can't kill you!"

  At this moment, Chen Xuan's eyes also showed two fierce fierceness, and he used the profound energy in his dantian.

  The Xuan Rocket made of red light swelled continuously, and then it got smaller and smaller. The original huge Xuan Huo had now turned into a series of tiny ice needles and appeared in Chen Xuan.

  Even though this mysterious fire needle is small in size, it is made up of the power of the Suzaku that is constantly compressing very high purity. On the contrary, it is more powerful.

  Chen Xuan shouted.

"go with"

  The deep fire hit the forehead of the monster. The body of that monster trembles and retreats a few steps towards the back.

   Then, layers of mysterious fire appeared on the armored centipede's body, and the body that had rushed over was sealed by that layer of mysterious fire and remained still.

  Everyone looked at Chen Xuan with incredible gazes. It was obvious that they were stunned by Chen Xuan's strength. They couldn't think that Chen Xuan and Wang Lun could have such terrifying strength.

  They couldn't get rid of the defensive beasts, but Chen Xuan was able to repel them!

  At this moment, several men all gradually gathered with Chen Xuan as the core. "This little brother, thanks to you this time."

  Now they all respect Chen Xuan in awe. It is obvious that Chen Xuan's strength is unpredictable, and the armored centipede also has the strength of the sixth peak after all. Being able to repel the armored centipede also possesses the fourfold strength of the gods!

  In fact, Chen Xuan has not reached the sixth peak yet, but the power of the Vermillion Bird in his dantian is constantly flowing, so he can compress his power of Vermillion Bird. If you change someone else, you definitely won't be able to condense such profound strength.

   Seeing Chen Xuan's strength, the few people surrounded Chen Xuan without pretending to think, and one of the men said to Chen Xuan. "This little brother, we are here to cover you, and you will keep bombarding and bombarding those beasts with your Vermillion Bird power! These **** things, let them not be left!"

  When those people surrounded Chen Xuan in the middle. The armor centipede gave a long roar, and suddenly a lacquered red monster with horns came out from its side. The monster looked like a wolf dog, but the hair on it wanted to be covered with spikes.

   Seeing only the monsters rushing towards here, Chen Xuan thought he wanted to use the horns to smash them, so a wall of fire was raised to block the eyes of the monster.

   What Chen Xuan didn't expect was that the beast broke through his own wall of fire, and then the spikes on the beast suddenly flashed out and turned into thorns.

  Seeing the spikes on the monsters of Chen Xuan, a man to the left shouted badly: "Don't shoot him with these spikes. The spikes of this monster are very poisonous!"

  Just after he finished speaking, two people were stabbed by the sharp thorns flying from the body of the monster. Chen Xuan saw that their bodies started to turn red, and soon his face turned blue. It seemed very painful, it was obviously poisoned by Warcraft.

   "No way, this monster can actually use poison." Wang Lun exclaimed.

   "Kill it." Chen Xuan said to Wang Lun.

  I saw a few people falling to the ground in pain, spitting out mouthfuls of foam in their mouths. The bombardment methods of that monster also made Chen Xuan feel extremely horrified.

  Looking at the two people who fell on the ground, Chen Xuan's expression also changed slightly. Some became angry.

  After the monster attacked, he greeted a man beside Chen Xuan.

   "Brother Chen, go and deal with the big one! I'll deal with this monster."

  Chen Xuan looked at the armored centipede.

  Just now, the armored centipede's body was sealed by a man with ice crystals, but it seemed that the armored centipede had broken free from its own ice layer.

   "Roar!" The armored centipede completely broke free of the ice layer.

  The armored centipede shook his body, shook off the ice on his body, and let out a loud roar. It seems that Chen Xuan's bombardment just made him extremely angry.

  The giant armored rhinoceros now looked at Chen Xuan with hatred eyes, and those huge red eyes emitted a strange red light.

  (End of this chapter)

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