Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2642: Retsuhi sect

   Chapter 2642 Fire Sect

   "Brother Chen, you will reach Icefield Cliff in the direction ahead." The black giant sword that Wang Lun touched said to Chen Xuan.

  The two of them just killed a monster, so now Wang Lun’s sword is still full of blood from that monster.

  Chen Xuan's eyes stared at the ice cliff with ice and snow. The entire ice cliff is just the tip of the iceberg in the frosty secret realm.

  And the Frost Secret Realm stretches for more than a thousand miles, and there are countless cliff crystals in the huge mountain range, and the ice cliff that Chen Xuan came to is just the tip of the iceberg in the entire Frost Secret Realm!

  Clearly, Chen Xuan could only pick those medicinal materials quickly. If he couldn't find the Bing Po grass, then he would have to think of other ways.

  In the ice field, Chen Xuan can also increase his strength by the way.

   "Is there any danger here?" Chen Xuan looked at the huge Frost Secret Realm, but hadn't seen any medicinal materials growing there. The mountains seemed extremely silent, which made Chen Xuan feel a little uncomfortable.

"The dangers in the Frost Secret Realm are abnormal, and ordinary warriors will not easily come here. Those who can come here are usually the talents of the four-level gods who come up. But here we just come to collect some medicine and go back. , There shouldn't be any danger either." Wang Lun said that he had already stepped toward that side.

   Just when Chen Xuan heard the wind coming from the front, there were more than 20 people who came out there, and all of them were wearing all kinds of leather armors, and they were basically people who had entered the fourth layer of the gods.

  Looking at their dresses, Wang Lun quietly said to Chen Xuan: "Brother Chen, the one who came is not good."

"The two boys in the front direction, this is not for you to come here, leave everything on your body, maybe I can let you go alive." It looks like the leaders of those people are facing Chen Xuanhe. Wang Lun said.

  Chen Xuan frowned when he heard it. Not a few days after he came here, he actually encountered two groups of people who wanted to rob things. So he said to those people, "I am Chen Xuan from the Yunye Clan, why are you trying to rob me?" Chen Xuan proposed his name.

   "What kind of thing are you guys, this is the Frost Secret Realm, it belongs to the jurisdiction of the Frost Kingdom, it really laughs at me!" The warrior sneered.

  Several people standing on the right side of the leader all laughed.

"You Yunyemen are just running dogs of the royal family! Do you really think that you are a piece of material? You even said that you are a member of the Yunye Empire. Tell you! Lao Tzu has been the guardian king of the Frost Secret Realm for many years, that is People from the Frost Nation are here, we can all take photos!"

"It's really funny. I think you two guys should cooperate better and give you a way to survive. After all, this is the Frost Secret Realm. If you kill both of you, I don't think anyone will know. "

   "What if I refuse?"

   Chen Xuan said coldly.

   "Then you just do not live or die!" A man in leather armor stood up and pointed to Chen Xuan.

   "I think you are the ones who live and die!"

  As soon as Chen Xuan's voice fell, the power of the Vermillion Bird appeared above his body, and the power of the Vermillion Bird instantly spread.

   "What's the matter?" The group of Fire Sect saw the white mist on Chen Xuan's hand, and before they could react, one of them was killed by Chen Xuan.

   "Liaoyuan Sword."

   Chen Xuan finished speaking, a fiery red sword appeared on the palm of his hand.

  When Chen Xuan was holding that blade, all the Blazing Fire Sects that he passed by were killed by Chen Xuan. Even if there are a few members of the Fire Sect that are already the fourth level of God Sovereign's strength, there are still a few who have not reached it, and Chen Xuan does not need to spend much effort to deal with them.

   Seeing the power of the Vermillion Bird on Chen Xuan's body, the leader of the Fire Sect suddenly shouted: "Do you dare to kill my brother? I don't know whether to live or die!"

   Said that the few people all started to join forces to beat Chen Xuan, while Wang Lun was just staring at him silently. He knew that it would be easy to kill these people with Chen Xuan's strength.

   But those few Blazing Fire Sects obviously underestimated Chen Xuan's strength. They felt that Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were only about 20 years old staring at them, and they didn't seem to be able to enter the sixth peak of the gods.

  But they didn’t know that Chen Xuan had entered the four-fold peak of God Sovereign a few days ago, not to mention that Chen Xuan had the blessing of the power of the Vermillion Bird and the continuous profound power of his dantian. How could those people be Chen Xuan's opponent?

  The white glow flickered, Chen Xuan had already killed half of the Blazing Fire Sect, pierced out with a single sword, and the Blazing Fire Sect had been penetrated through the skull by Chen Xuan with the Liaoyuan sword.

   And his brain was penetrated, and he was instantly burned by Chen Xuan's Vermillion Bird's power, and fell motionless.

   "Go! This kid is too weird!"

  The leader of the Fire Sect saw that the person had been half killed, and said with a panic expression to those who had survived.

  But Chen Xuan obviously wouldn't give these people a chance.

   "Want to run? There are no doors!" Chen Xuan yelled.

  The power of the Vermillion bird emerging from his body instantly rushed to the direction in front of the few people, forming a wall of fire.

   Staring at the wall of fire, the leader of the Fire Sect cursed, and then the profound energy gathered in the dantian was a stab at the wall of fire. Seeing that he could not cut through the wall of fire, he turned his head and glanced at Chen Xuan.

   "Boy! I played with you!"

  Chen Xuan stared at the leader of the Blazing Fire Sect coldly.

  A burst of profound energy ignited on the body of the leader of the Burning Fire Sect, and he rushed towards Chen Xuan, and when he saw the leader rushing towards him, Chen Xuan let out a cold cry.

  The body continued to show fiery red profound energy, and then turned into countless Suzaku fire swords, the fiery red glow engulfed the whistling wind, and several flame sects all died.

  Chen Xuan shook his head. His principle is very simple. If others don’t mess with him, then Chen Xuan won’t do anything to him, but once someone provokes him, then he must let others repay the price!

  After killing the warriors of the Blazing Fire Sect, Chen Xuan looked at Wang Lun.

  Wang Lun didn't say anything, and walked to the side of the burning fire sect, searching for their bodies.

   "The strength of these guys actually wants to rob us." Wang Lun said, several crystal nuclei found from the bodies of those people.

  It was discovered from these warriors that there were still a lot of medicinal materials that were just picked from the ice cliff, but they did not have what Chen Xuan needed, and more of them were things that were not very valuable.

   "It seems that these people are very poor. No wonder they want to rob us, presumably they have nothing to rob in the Frost Secret Realm." Wang Lun took those things in front of Chen Xuan.

   "What is this?" Wang Lun found a bottle from the body of a burning fire sect. The color of the bottle was extremely conspicuous.

  Chen Xuan walked over and took a look, but didn't see anything.

   "Open it and take a look?" Chen Xuan glanced at the pill in the bottle and said to Wang Lun.

Hearing Chen Xuan finished speaking, Wang Lun unscrewed the mouth of the bottle. There were a few pills in the middle, but the color of the pills was a low-level pill, and it must be some pill that can heal injuries. good stuff.

   "Will it be poison?" Wang Lun stared at the bottle of pill carefully and said to Chen Xuan.

   But Chen Xuan did not have this knowledge, so he could only listen to Wang Lun continuing to talk.

   "I'm just guessing, and I don't know what it is, but there are so many pills here. How about trying it later?"

  Chen Xuan didn’t know what Wang Lun meant, so he asked, “How to try?”

   "Well, we found a monster to see what happens if it eats it." Wang Lun put the bottle in his belt.

   "Brother Chen is gone, let's not waste time." Wang Lun walked in the direction ahead.

  Chen Xuan followed Wang Lun’s pace and walked towards the ice cliff.

   And just when Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were far away, a few dark shadows in the distant bushes had quietly followed.

   "It seems that he is very strong." said a man in the dark light.

   "I really didn't expect this kid to have reached the strength of the sixth peak of the gods." A warrior next to him said.

  So, Yu Wenxiong rushed to the secret realm overnight. That night, his face was full of ferocious colors, and beside him stood a warrior wearing a black robe.

   "How about? As long as I can kill that kid, I can get you as many crystal nuclei as you want!" Yu Wenxiong said in a deep voice.

Last time he wanted to kill Chen Xuan, but he didn't expect Chen Xuan to master the power of the demon soul. He originally thought that with the shocking profound energy, he could kill Chen Xuan, but he didn't expect Chen Xuan to cultivate. In order to improve quickly, if it weren't for him to use the demon soul at a critical time, let the speed erupt quickly before he could escape.

   After all, this is not good for both of them, and if it is serious, they will even be expelled from the Yunye Gate.

  But he saw Chen Xuan's strength improved rapidly, if he didn't kill Chen Xuan, then there would be no chance.

  The black robe man pondered for a while: "Of course it can."

  This black-robed man is a member of the Black Blood Sect, and his cultivation base is also extremely powerful. After the Icefield Secret Realm was opened, he tried a way to come to the Icefield Mountain Range, and also met Yu Wenxiong in the Secret Realm.

"It's very simple to kill this kid. I can raise your cultivation to the eightfold realm of God Sovereign in just a few days, but don't forget the promise you made to me. All those things will be in my hands. !" said the black robe warrior with a grinning smile on his face.

   Yu Wenxiong nodded heavily: "As long as you can improve my cultivation base quickly, I can bring you whatever it is!"

  After that, the black-robed man showed a sinister smile on his face, and walked towards a cave with Yu Wenxiong.

  In a blink of an eye, a month has passed. During this period of time, Chen Xuan has been practising with great concentration, and now he has taken the time to visit the library at the Yunye Gate.

  Chen Xuan found a second-grade exercise technique in the secret realm. The technique recorded in this boxing score is very expensive, and it cost him tens of thousands of crystal cores to buy it. Chen Xuan feels that this technique has the same effect on Suzaku's spiritual energy. It is a non-attribute technique, and Chen Xuan is just right. This exercise can be used to play a greater role.

   "Only I can integrate the power of the Vermillion Bird into the practice, and I can cultivate into the Palm of Vermillion Bird." Chen Xuan said secretly.

  There are several pages recorded in this book of boxing. The whole set of palm techniques has allowed Chen Xuan to practice for several days before he barely practiced the first move.

  The Suzaku's palm is very powerful, and it can smash steel with just one move.

  Chen Xuan specially tested the attack power of this kind of palm. When he gathered the Suzaku profound energy on his fist, the power of the Suzaku palm could even be increased again, even comparable to his Liaoyuan sword aura.

  When the Vermillion Bird palm practice was successful, Chen Xuan was not in a hurry to practice the second level. The only thing he needed to do now was to stabilize the first level of palm.

   Chen Xuan thought for a while, and began to gather the profound energy in his body, intending to gather this force on his fist.


  The powerful profound energy exploded in the sky, and the flame followed Chen Xuan's fist to escape.

  Chen Xuan felt that there was a very weird technique in his memory, so Chen Xuan exercised his bones according to this practice method. At this time, Chen Xuan clearly felt that his body was much more powerful.

  At this time, Chen Xuan once again came to the Soul Eater, saw the Soul Eater towering in the ice field, and Chen Xuan walked in.

  (End of this chapter)

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