Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2645: Bingyu Lake

   Chapter 2645 Ice Jade Lake

   "Go in the front direction and you will almost reach Bingyu Lake." The middle-aged warrior said.

"I've been there a long time ago! You don't know how many times I went in and out when I hunted monsters here before. At that time, I took a bath in the ice jade lake." The gray-robed warrior said in the front direction. .

   A warrior on the right suddenly exclaimed: "No, you dare to take a bath in that kind of place, you haven't been eaten by the mysterious monster?"

   "What's that, I not only bathed in it, but I also caught fish in it!?" Another warrior quipped.

   "Bah! So cold did not freeze you to death!?" Another warrior of the Yunye Empire said.

   "If you can find Bingyu Lake, maybe you can find Frozen Grass." Chen Xuan said inwardly.

  Haw Bing Grass is also one of the medicinal materials used to refine the pill.

  At this time, three people including the Yunyemen, Chen Xuan, Wang Lun, Lu Jiutian, and several members of the Yunye Empire set foot on the journey to Bingyu Lake.

  Unconsciously, they have reached the side of Bingyu Lake. The current Bingyu Lake is very different from the past.

Seeing the appearance of this ice jade lake, Wang Lun's face suddenly changed, and he walked forward to stare at the lake and said to everyone: "I think the ice layer here has undergone serious changes. If I didn't guess Wrong, the ice layer here simply cannot be broken!"

   "What!?" Other people also surrounded them.

   Chen Xuan realized that the lake water became extremely turbid, and now it still exudes a foul smell, which tastes like a beast that has been dead for hundreds of years.

   "It seems that the water really cannot be drunk, but it is not clear what the spiritual spring in this secret realm has to do with the lake water." Chen Xuan said.

  Wang Lun took a quick look at the ice field, then turned his head to stare at Chen Xuan and said: "You are right, this kind of problem has appeared in the ice layer here, and there must be a close reason with the ice field secret realm."

  Others also exclaimed: “No, isn’t there a problem with the water we drank before!?”

  This really turned Chen Xuan's question. Chen Xuan thought for a while and said, "There should be no problem. After all, the secret realm can't just be the water in the ice jade lake."

  Chen Xuan and the others naturally don't have to worry about it. Before coming out, Chen Xuan had already prepared a lot of water sources, and there was no need to drink the water in the secret realm.

  Wang Lun lowered his head and thought for a while, and then said: "You are right. Now we can't find any clues. Why don't we just wait."

   Staring at the dark lake water, Chen Xuan also felt a little creepy. If this kind of water was really drunk, it was still unclear what the consequences would be.

   "Let's walk along the cliff in the direction ahead to see what happened to the source of the ice." Wang Lun said.

  Everyone walked in the direction ahead. They walked for more than two days, but they had just arrived in the middle of the polar ice sheet.

  The polar ice field is very large, and the direction to the north leads directly to the mysterious mountain range.

   Just as they all continued to move in the direction of the north, they suddenly heard a noise in the direction ahead.


   A loud noise came in the direction in front of them.

   "No way! Is there any monster in front that can't be achieved?" a warrior said.

  Chen Xuanye stared at her front closely, and there was a figure in the leaves that kept approaching.

  Waiting for the figure to fully appear in front of a few of them, Chen Xuan could clearly see that it was a fierce warrior, but he was wearing a thick white robe.

   "It's so cold and it wears so thick! This guy doesn't have a brain disease, right?" said a warrior next to Chen Xuan.

   "What kind of monster do I think it is, I didn't expect it to be a person." The man walked out and asked.

  The fierce warrior did not pay attention to the warrior who walked past. Instead, he stared at a few people on the right and said, "Now, hurry up and stay away from here."

   "What are you? We still need you to take care of it here. Believe it or not, I will press you to the ground and beat you up!?" The warrior also felt a little angry when he saw that the fierce warrior ignored him.

But the brave warrior didn't seem to put him in his eyes, but stared at him coldly, and then said: "Don't blame me for not reminding you. There is only one chance now. If you don't stay away from here, then don't blame me. Up."

"You guy is so arrogant. We are all here to explore why those monsters have become so turbulent, but it's all for your good, but I didn't expect you to dare to drive us!?" The warrior said that he had taken it out. Sabre.

   "Wait!" Wang Lun said.

   "If you don't let us move on here, you have to come up with a reason that can convince us!" Wang Lun said.

   "Reason!? You guys dare to talk about the reason before my eyes, then I will tell you that you don't need a reason at all to let you guys withdraw!" The fierce warrior said harshly.

At this moment, Wang Lun's face changed next to Chen Xuan. He stared at the pattern carved on the clothes of the fierce warrior. He immediately turned his head and said to Chen Xuan beside him: "Brother Chen, I don't think this person's identity is absolutely different. Simple, if I guess right, this person may be from the Dragon Blood Tribe!"

  "What is the Dragon Blood Tribe?" Chen Xuan asked.

The Dragon Blood Tribe is a frightened tribe on this continent. In this tribe, there are not only powerful assassins, but also people in it who have cultivated the power of powerful monsters. Not only are they very powerful, they are also very tough. , Ignoring the rules of this world at all.

  "Did you see the pattern on his body? If I guess correctly, the pattern is from the Dragon Blood Tribe!" Wang Lun said.

  The fierce warrior saw that the few people in front of him were doing nothing, so he took a step closer and said to them: "I give you one last piece of advice, if you don't go out now, I can only give you some color."

  "What do you have the ability to let us go out, instead of just talking, we will see the truth!" The warrior took out the sword and struck the fierce warrior.

  A cold smile appeared on the face of the fierce warrior: "I don't know how to live or die!"

  The warrior was holding a long knife and slashed towards the brutal warrior wearing a white robe, but the body of the brutal warrior did not move.

The fierce warrior raised his arms, and a black profound energy suddenly appeared in the sky. When seeing this fierce profound energy emerge, the face of the warrior who had just taken out his sword and hit the past showed horror. .

  The black profound energy turned into a mysterious mist wolf in the sky, and then bombarded towards the warrior.

  The warrior who had just pursued the past, he flew out in just one round.

   "No way, how can the guy's strength be so powerful." A warrior next to Chen Xuan exclaimed.

Chen Xuan also felt that the strength of the fierce martial artist wearing a white robe was indeed a bit unclear. The martial artist who had just beaten the past also had the five-fold strength of the gods, but in the face of the fierce profound energy that the fierce martial artist had bloomed. Just be defeated in an instant.

   It is obvious that the smashing warrior in the white robe has definitely reached the strength above the eighth level of the gods. Even Wang Lun's eyebrows have changed. The strength of the smashing warrior in the white robe is stronger than he expected.

"How is it? Now I am qualified to invite you out. If you don't return it now, don't blame me for being rude, I'm already enough to give you face." The white-robed man said with an insidious color. .

Chen Xuan also stood up and said to the red robe smashing warrior: "You are not in charge of this side. Even if you are from the Dragon Blood tribe, you are not qualified to let us out. I see why the mysterious monsters here have become turbulent. , You did it."

   The face of the white robe changed suddenly, and he glanced at Chen Xuan ferociously and said: "I have told you not to worry about so many nostalgic matters. If you ask more questions, none of them will survive!"

The warrior who was blown onto the ground vomited blood. The warrior stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He stared at the fierce warrior viciously and said, "Dare to blow Lao Tzu to see if I don't want you. Life!"

   "Don't go over, you are not his opponent either!" Wang Lun shouted loudly.

  But it's too late!

The warrior held a long knife and rushed towards the warrior. This time the cold smile on the warrior's face became stronger. The strength of the warrior was not his opponent at all. He shook his arms gently, and there was a white in the sky. The mysterious mist wolf appeared beside him.

  Xuanwu Wolf sneered at the warrior holding a long knife, and directly smashed the warrior out.

  Wang Lun also activated the profound energy in his dantian, and everyone stared at the fierce warrior in the red robe.

  "People nowadays really don't know whether they live or die. It's just that you guys are tied together, and they are not my opponent." On the red robe of the fierce warrior, the mysterious fog wolf appeared once again.

  When he saw the mysterious fog wolf, Chen Xuan felt terrified. He had encountered this strange technique before, and he could summon the soul beast to attack others.

  The red robe smashed the fierce warrior suddenly showed a profound energy to Wang Lun. The profound strength turned into a mysterious mist wolf, and then the mysterious mist wolf stood in the sky and jumped into the sky through the black mist, and then floated continuously in the black mist. The people on Chen Xuan's side felt their bodies trembling.

   "No, what kind of evil technique is this? How can the mysterious fog wolf move!" said a martial artist.

  Chen Xuan was also careful about the Xuanwu wolf flying in the sky, and opened his mouth towards them, and in just a moment he bit the warrior next to Chen Xuan.

  "It's a battle to control the beast!" Wang Lun shouted.

  The martial artist was bitten by the Xuanwu wolf's flesh and blood, and then the Xuanwu wolf unexpectedly showed a few evil laughs.

   "Why do monsters laugh?" A warrior's face showed a color of astonishment.

  "Don't worry about so much! Run!"

   "No, this wolf can control the soul. It's best not to be touched by the mysterious fog wolf, otherwise you will definitely be killed!" Wang Lun said next to him.

Chen Xuan also saw that the martial artist was directly crushed by Xuanwu wolf. He naturally knew how powerful it was, so now Chen Xuan is also quickly operating the Vermillion Bird profound energy in his dantian, always beware. Looking at the mysterious mist wolf.

  Chen Xuan could only rely on his profound strength to perceive and feel what direction the mysterious fog wolf was moving.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan felt that the Xuanwu wolf was actually heading towards Wang Lun at this moment. So Chen Xuan yelled: "Wang Lun!"

  Thanks to Chen Xuan’s reminder, Wang Lun suddenly turned around and saw the white mysterious mist wolf rushing towards him with an evil smile.

  Wang Lun immediately swung his sword blade and slashed towards the mysterious fog wolf. A powerful wave of profound energy suddenly burst into the sky.

At this time, the mysterious mist wolf did not show the evil laugh, and was directly blasted into the sky by Wang Lun's powerful profound energy. When he saw people being blasted out by himself, Wang Lun stomped. There was a loud bang, and then pursued the mysterious mist wolf.

  The mysterious fog wolf obviously never thought that Wang Lun would be able to pursue it. At this moment, he showed a panic face, but Wang Lun was actually shot down by a white giant fist in the sky.

  (End of this chapter)

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