Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2656: Yuwen Family

  Chapter 2656 Yuwen Family

  The news that Chen Xuan came to Longque City did not tell anyone. Arriving in the main hall of the Cloud Yemen, there are a large number of martial artists standing around, and the one sitting in the middle is the patriarch Liu.

  He and Yuwen's family didn't deal with each other, this time Yuwen sent people directly to destroy his family.

   "Why did you come back so soon? Didn't I ask you to report to the princess in Lu Yucheng?" a patriarch asked coldly.

  The warrior hurriedly said: “Chen Xuan, we were attacked by those guys halfway down the road. Now there are three people who went out of our family, and now only me is left.” The warrior of the city lord said emotionally.

  There were other clan patriarchs sitting around this table, and their faces were full of doubts.

   "If it weren't for Chen Xuan's return, I'm afraid I would have been killed by them long ago." The warrior replied.

  Hearing what he said, all the patriarch’s expressions changed one after another, and the patriarch Liu said in astonishment, "What? You said it was Chen Xuan?"

  In the old days, after Chen Xuan killed Li Qing, he was considered a small name in the Yunye Empire. Many people have heard of Chen Xuan's name.

  They also knew that their strength was not the opponent of those assassins. After hearing that Chen Xuan had returned, everyone's faces were lightened.

  Even Chen Xuan felt a little angry. He would kill innocent people indiscriminately because of himself. Chen Xuan originally wanted to rely on these innocent people here to make Yuwendu retreat before discussing how to deal with him.

   However, Chen Xuan did not expect Yu Wendu's shot to be so ruthless.


  They ignored the screams of these people and shot directly and killed two residents of Dragon Sparrow City.

  The warrior in black saw that Yuwen had killed the two residents, a slightly playful smile appeared on his face.

  But then he turned his eyes to Chen Xuan's body.

   "Boy! I said it a long time ago, today you can't run away, it seems that the city lord must kill you today, hahaha!" A hideous look appeared on the face of the warrior in black.

When he was fighting with Chen Xuan just now, Chen Xuan's attack caused him to be slightly injured. Now the black-clothed warrior wants to kill Chen Xuan, but the figure of the black-clothed warrior slowly turns black. The black mist disappeared in the air.

  Chen Xuan quickly mobilized his profound power perception.

   "You are on the left!" Chen Xuan roared, the Vermillion Bird's blade in his hand turned into a crimson light, and he attacked toward the left.

  The warrior in black had known before that Chen Xuan had a very strong perception ability, but he did not expect that he would be able to detect it under such circumstances.

  There are still many warriors in this avenue now, and Chen Xuan can actually avoid the profound energy on the bodies of these people and directly perceive his existence.

  The face of the black-clothed warrior who was knocked out showed an incredible look once again. If Chen Xuan had noticed him before, it might have been guessed by Chen Xuan.

  But this time there are still so many people on the street, this black warrior has never missed his assassination before...

  If it is in a dense crowd, the warrior in black can guarantee that his breath will not be discovered by the prey, but this time when he wants to attack Chen Xuan again, he finds that Chen Xuan can still detect his position.

   "Impossible! How can this kid have such a strong perception ability, and he is still located so far away..." The black warrior secretly looked at Chen Xuan and said.

  At this moment, the black-clothed warrior has not yet revealed his body, hiding in the air, trying to find Chen Xuan's flaws, and launching a sneak attack on him.

After Yuwen killed several noisy residents one after another, the sword in his hand was aimed at Chen Xuan, only to see Yuwen stepping quickly, and the cyan energy quickly swung towards Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan hurriedly evaded behind him, and now he dare not confront Yuwen head-on.

   "Chen Xuan, you will leave your life here today. I don't think the ghost ideas in your heart are of any use, haha!" Yuwen said with a grinning smile on his face.

He naturally knew what kind of calculation Chen Xuan had when he ran into the avenue of Longque City. He wanted to use the flow of people to restrain him. But now Yuwen is smashing the boat and does not kill Chen Xuan. How can I feel at ease.

  Chen Xuan was also a little nervous at this time. He didn't expect Yuwen to do this. Now Chen Xuan is in a dilemma. Under the siege of these two people, his chance of winning is very slim.

  Furthermore, even if Chen Xuan retreats now, he can’t run anywhere. If he runs to the Liu’s mansion, he will definitely lead the disaster to his family again.

   And want to escape to the polar icefield, Chen Xuan is not sure enough now...the strength of those people can help him deal with the two people in front of him.

  Chen Xuan's face changed slightly, and then the scarlet fire of the Vermillion Bird gradually emerged. Yuwen was not idle. He was eager to see Chen Xuan's fire of the Vermillion Bird, and then, the blue sword light struck Chen Xuan fiercely!


  Chen Xuan avoided the past, leaving a deep pit mark in the streets of Longque City.

  All those who evaded the past are scattered. These people did not expect that Yuwen would actually spread the battle to the residents.

  Originally, after seeing the black warrior beheading a person, they thought that Yuwen was here to capture the black warrior, but they didn't expect that Yuwen would actually kill them directly.

  After those people finished running, the street calmed down again, and Chen Xuan saw that his plan had not succeeded. Can only hurriedly deal with Yuwendu's crazy attack.

  At this moment, Yuwen is very angry, Chen Xuan's attack can actually break his offensive!

  Although Chen Xuan could temporarily withstand Yuwendu's attack, it didn't last long. Yuwendu's attack was very fierce.

   is not something that Chen Xuan can resist now. If Chen Xuan uses his own assassin, the fourth level of Suzaku Swordsmanship... It is very likely that it will affect people nearby.

  Although those people had already fled just now, Chen Xuan still noticed that there were many warriors nearby.

  The fourth layer of the Vermillion Bird Sword has a very large range and is full of lethality. Once it is displayed, it will affect many warriors, and even kill these people in serious cases.

  By the time Yuwen would justly say that he was a dangerous element in Dragon Sparrow City, this was Chen Xuan's unhappy opinion.

  But now facing the siege of two people, Chen Xuan couldn't deal with it. If only Yuwen was alone, it would be okay to say that Chen Xuan could fight him head-on even if he couldn't kill Yuwen.

  But now that there is an additional black-clothed warrior, Chen Xuan still needs to use his profound power perception to detect if anyone around him launches a sneak attack on him.

  Chen Xuan hid the broad sword of the black warrior, and once again saw Yuwen raised the sharp blade in his hand and launched a surprise attack on him.

   "Boy, I think you will tell your life here honestly today!" Yu Wendu said to Chen Xuan while holding up the weapon in his hand to attack Chen Xuan.

   "What you think is really naive, I will kill you then, you, the lord of Dragon Sparrow City, will leave it to me!" Chen Xuan yelled coldly.

   "Boy, you're looking for death! See if I will kill you today, let you be arrogant again!" Yuwen furiously said.

  He had seen Chen Xuan uncomfortable before, but now that Chen Xuan actually said to him, he almost touched his inverse scales.

To be honest, even Yuwen can’t win quickly. Chen Xuan’s speed is not only very dexterous, but also the Suzaku fire is very disturbing. Even if Yuwen has reached the strength of the eighth peak of the gods, he cannot quickly give Chen Xuan beat.

  Although he and the black warrior held the upper hand against Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan could resolve their offensive every time.

   "This Suzaku fire is indeed very difficult..." Yuwen frowned slightly and said.

  The black warrior mentioned the broad sword in his hand, and also said to Yuwen around him: "It seems that it will take a while to kill this kid..."

  After the black-clothed warrior finished speaking, he immediately launched towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan did not expect that the black-clothed warrior would actually use such an attack.

Sure enough, the black-clothed warrior suddenly disappeared in the sky, and Chen Xuan's face changed drastically. If the black-clad old man concealed his figure, that would be fine, but now the black-clothed warrior suddenly disappeared, making Chen Xuan panic.

Although the body of the black warrior can be perceived by Chen Xuan. But this would also distract Chen Xuan's energy.

  Chen Xuan quickly lifted his Vermillion Bird's Blade in front of his body.

   There was a loud bang, and Chen Xuan's body was knocked out by the gray-robed old man.

  If it were normal Chen Xuan could directly block the attack of the black-clothed warrior, but the attack of the black-clothed warrior made Chen Xuan too hastily defended.

After Chen Xuan's body was knocked out, it also gave Chen Xuan a chance to rest.

  If Yuwen had attacked him just now, Chen Xuan would not have enough time to alleviate his Vermillion Bird's fire.

The strength of the black-clothed warrior is the most complete in the later stage. Although the black-clothed warrior's skills are very rare and can conceal his body suddenly, Chen Xuan's perception ability is very powerful, and he can detect that the black-clothed warrior is here. What position.

  Chen Xuan and the two of them fought for more than ten minutes in Longquecheng Avenue. At this moment, Chen Xuan felt a sound of profound energy fluctuations from his side.

   "It's okay?" The voice of a warrior appeared in Chen Xuan's ear.

  Chen Xuan turned his head, and a white-clothed warrior appeared beside him. Seeing the familiar face, Chen Xuan's face showed a slightly surprised look.

   "Wang Lun! Why are you here?" Chen Xuan blurted out.

The warrior of    is Wang Lun. He originally accepted Chen Xuan’s request to be responsible for protecting the safety of Liu’s family, so he had been studying herbal medicine production in the pill workshop in Liu’s back house.

  After this, he suddenly heard a clan member outside report to him that it was Chen Xuan who had been chased by Yuwen. And there is also a powerful black warrior.

  Chen Xuan received the invitation of Yuwendu to go to the city lord's mansion. This Wang Lun also heard about it, but in his imagination, the lord of the Dragon Sparrow City should not be so anxious to make a move.

  I just didn’t think that in such a fast time, this Yuwen actually did such a thing, and wanted to kill Chen Xuan directly!

   Hearing that it was in the avenue of Longque City, Wang Lun's face changed more drastically. The warrior spoke vividly, as if he had witnessed it in person. So Wang Lun hurriedly took out his black black giant sword from his possessions, and followed the warrior to the avenue of Longque City.

  Sure enough, before he arrived, he noticed three powerful forces blooming.

  One of the profound strengths that came out of a powerful force was very familiar. It was obviously Chen Xuan's, and there were two other profound strengths that he didn't know. Wang Lun could see exactly who these two people were when he rushed to Chen Xuan's side.

   "Are you not hurt, Chen Xuan?" Wang Lun hurriedly looked at Chen Xuan and asked.

  He saw a wound on Chen Xuan's left arm, which was caused by Chen Xuan underestimating the enemy.

  Chen Xuan took the pill directly, but it was just a small wound, which had little effect on Chen Xuan.

  Wang Lun also quickly condensed the profound energy in his body and attached it to his weapon. Now he did not dare to relax for a moment. He also knew very well what kind of strength the city lord of Dragon Sparrow City had achieved.

"Here is another one to die!" Yuwendu's face was hideous. He was slightly shocked when he saw Wang Lun appear just now, but he realized that Wang Lun's strength had reached the sixth peak of the God Sovereign Realm. That's it.

  (End of this chapter)

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