Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2659: Kill the black warrior

  Chapter 2659 Killing the Black Warrior

   "Boy, you are really looking for death!" The black warrior roared angrily.

  I saw a layer of black mist appearing on his body, and the mist suddenly covered his body.

   "Why suddenly disappeared." Chen Xuan secretly said.

  Chen Xuan could not find the body of the black warrior.

   What surprised Chen Xuan was that this black mist could actually conceal his profound power perception.

   "Strange, I can't feel its existence anymore." Chen Xuan quickly caused profound energy to gather in his eyes.

   After feeling that his vision became clear, the black-clothed warrior suddenly appeared. The original black wide sword suddenly turned into red, and it pierced towards Chen Xuanmeng.

   "Go to hell!" The black-clothed warrior's face became fierce.

  Now it doesn’t matter whether he completes the task or not. This black warrior knows very well that Chen Xuan will definitely not let it go, so now this black warrior wants to fight Chen Xuan hard.

   Seeing the broad sword of the black warrior stabbed towards him, Chen Xuan quickly turned the Suzaku fire to converge into a wall of fire nearby.

  The black warrior directly pierced the fire of the Suzaku through a hole with a wide sword. But he didn't expect that his arm was just stretched out, and he was suddenly burned by the fire of Suzaku.

   Seeing the Suzaku fire burning the arms of the black warrior, the face of the black warrior at this moment showed a color of astonishment, and Chen Xuan quickly turned the Suzaku profound energy in his body.

  A pillar of fire suddenly flashed out, rushing to the legs of the black warrior, and the flame approached him almost in a blink of an eye.


  The black warrior made a miserable wailing, and then his legs knelt on the ground.

   "Today you all die together!" Chen Xuan roared angrily.

   "Hahaha! Kid! Kill me! You can't live either!" The old man said with a twisted face.

Although the black warrior hates Chen Xuan very much, as a killer, he also knows that he will always miss the day. He just couldn't think that this day would come so fast.

  Yuwenying told him to assassinate a kid who had just reached the sixth peak of the realm of the gods. He originally thought this was a very easy assassination task. But I didn't expect that even Yuwen couldn't clean up Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan escaped.

  Now Yuwen has been killed. He could have escaped. As a paid killer, he can safely escape by relying on stealth techniques. However, Chen Xuan will not let a person who wants to kill himself leave here...

   "Today you also leave your life here!" Chen Xuan said with a sullen look in his eyes.

  The black-clothed warrior's face was savage, he knew that he couldn't run away at all, so he took out a pill from his arms, and then bit his tongue. The blood merged with the pill and turned into a black mist.

Seeing a black pill under the tongue of the black-clothed warrior, Chen Xuan showed a hint of surprise on his face. After he bit the black pill, a layer of black profound energy emerged from the black-clothed warrior. Wrapped in his body.

  Chen Xuan couldn't take care of that much, so he roared, holding the Liaoyuan sword in his hand, and stabbing the black-clothed warrior.

  Same as the way to kill Yu Wendu just now, Chen Xuan cut off his head directly, and watched the head of the black warrior roll aside, Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

  Being able to survive under the siege of these two men is enough to show how fast Chen Xuan's strength has increased.

  However, even if Chen Xuanxiu's promotion was so fast, he could not resist the two of them attacking him, if it hadn't been for Wang Lun to arrive in time to help him drag the black warrior. Chen Xuan may not be able to win under the siege of these two people, and even Chen Xuan did not have the opportunity to use the fourth stage of the Suzaku swordsmanship to attack Yuwendu.

After seeing that Chen Xuan had killed the black warrior, Wang Lun gradually walked towards Chen Xuan. Wang Lun also felt relieved. When he learned that Chen Xuan was going to Dragon Bird City to perform the mission, his heart jumped. Yes, at first he received news from Li Yuan that Chen Xuan was surrounded by Dragon Sparrow City, so he hurried over.

   "It's over." Chen Xuan said softly.

  Just now, Wang Lun received an attack from Yuwendu, so he is still injured. There are wounds left on Wang Lun’s arm, which was caught by Yuwendu’s dragon.

   "Dragon Sparrow Claw is really not an ordinary exercise." Wang Lun admired.

   "Of course, I have suffered a loss once, hurry up and eat this pill." Chen Xuan said, looking at Wang Lun's wound.

  Wang Lun took the jet black pill from Chen Xuan's hand and swallowed it into his own mouth. He still trusted Chen Xuan's alchemy skills very much. After taking the pill, Wang Lun felt that his arm no longer hurts, and immediately looked at the body of the black warrior.

   Seeing a piece of black cloth on the ground, Wang Lun's face changed drastically: "Where did this guy come from!"

   "I don't know, look, what is this?" Chen Xuan squatted down and picked up the cloth pocket.

   "Look at the characters in this cloth pocket." Wang Lun said.

  Chen Xuan approached and saw the characters on the black cloth: "Polara Zong."

   "What is this?" Chen Xuan asked.

Wang Lun pointed to the piece of black cloth in Chen Xuan's hand and explained to Chen Xuan: "It seems that this warrior in black is probably from the Poro Sect, and he still has a considerable status in the Poro Sect. "

   "Is there anything more about Poro Sect?" Chen Xuan's face was puzzled.

"Of course, Poro Sect is a killer organization in the Black Rock World, and this organization has a very long history. It is said that they are all from the Eastern Region, and the killers in their sect are well-trained. If the organization is looking at it, I am afraid it will be dangerous." Wang Lun said.

  The so-called Poro Zong is in the easternmost area of ​​the mainland. It is said that the Eastern Region is surrounded by black mist all year round.

"Even though his rank in the Poro Sect organization is only the lowest, but if you provoke Poro Sect, there are only a handful of people who can survive. The methods of this group of guys are extremely cruel, even the Pantheon does not know how. Easy to provoke them." Wang Lun said.

   "I don't know where the guy came from." Chen Xuan said.

   "We must be careful now. Poluo Zong has a very unique technique. This black warrior has a way to conceal his body." Wang Lun said.

   "I didn't expect that I would have dealt with the killer from the Poluo Zong before." Chen Xuan secretly remembered that a man in black he had met before had a similar technique.

  Seeing Wang Lun still looking at the characters on the black cloth, Chen Xuan gradually raised his left arm.

"Speaking of the killer of the Poro Sect, I seem to have encountered one before, and all of their techniques seem to be very weird. The black man I met last time can make his own techniques become virtual. "Chen Xuan said that the fire feathers circulated behind him.

  Wang Lun looked at the feathers emerging from the back of Chen Xuan's body, his face a little puzzled.

   "Look carefully, some of these feathers are physical, but this one is a virtual body." Chen Xuan touched a fire feather behind him with his hands.

  I saw Chen Xuan's hands actually pass through that layer of fire feathers, and then the fire feathers disappeared.

  Because Chen Xuan has not yet mastered the damage of these phantom bodies that have the same damage as the entity, so Chen Xuan rarely uses it...

  Unless it is a bluff, Chen Xuan would use this technique.

   Seeing this weird technique by Chen Xuan, Wang Lun's face also showed a trace of astonishment.

   "It seems that this kind of exercise was used. It must be the killer of the Poro Sect. If they still cover their faces, they will definitely be inseparable."

"At the time, the people in black were indeed masked, but I think they must have been hired by people from the Yuwen family, but I didn't expect them to be killed by me. Since the Yuwen family has been with the people from the Poromon If it gets involved, then I won't be afraid of them," Chen Xuan said.

  The Prince Lu that Chen Xuan first saw on the border of the Yunye Empire, at the time, the Prince Lu secretly told Chen Xuan that a traitor had emerged from the Yunye Empire, and it must be the Yuwen family.

  It’s just that Chen Xuan did not expect that he would encounter two Poluo Zong killers in just a few days, but their strength was indeed very strong, and Chen Xuan was almost not an opponent.

   "What I am a little worried about now is, if you killed this person just now, will it cause revenge from Poro Sect."

  Wang Lun also heard what the black warrior said just now. It seemed that the black warrior definitely wanted to avenge Chen Xuan.

   Chen Xuan also recalled the last time that black-clothed warrior had broken a black pill bead in his mouth.

"Forget it, don't pay attention to so much. If these killers want to find me, just let them come to me." Chen Xuan waved his hand. Now he just killed Yuwen, he is not in the mood to care about so many things. .

  Wang Lun did not continue to question. Now the two of them really shouldn't care about this kind of thing, especially since they just killed Yuwen.

  It must be clear that Yuwendu’s identity is after all the City Lord Lu Yu of Longque City. Now that Chen Xuan has killed it, his consideration must be how to plan the power of Longque City.

   "Then have you thought of any countermeasures now." Wang Lun asked.

  Chen Xuan thought about it. After all, Yuwen set up an ambush first and wanted to kill him. If the imperial family of the Yunye Empire investigates, Chen Xuan also has sufficient reasons. After all, the black warrior is the evidence.

  (End of this chapter)

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