Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2661: Suzaku Soul Unfolding

  Chapter 2661 The Soul of Vermilion Shows

When the two sword auras collided with one piece, a tremor was heard from the entire competition field. After the impact, the cries of Suzaku suddenly rang on Chen Xuan's body, and the sound was ear-splitting. Everyone covered their ears, and their sharp voices resounded across the sky.

  When the Vermillion Bird's flames gathered, Chen Xuan suddenly exerted his strength and directly let his Vermillion Bird's sword pierce Liu Hu's sword aura.

  Seeing this scene, Liu Hu seemed to feel something, so he roared loudly, and immediately urged the profound energy of his whole body to break through the ice layer of Chen Xuan.

  But Chen Xuan's Suzaku's fire is extremely stunning, almost indestructible, and under the blessing of the mighty Suzaku's power, it directly smashes the sword energy.

   Then Liu Hu desperately tried to dodge, but it was too late. He was pierced into his arm by an ice arrow, and then his body quickly flew towards the bottom of the competition field.

  The sudden change shocked the faces of everyone present.

  Liu Hu was actually defeated by Chen Xuan. It is necessary to know his strength, but he has reached the limit. In this silence, Liu Hu, who has reached almost invincibility, will actually be defeated by Chen Xuan.

  When Liu Hu got up on the ground, the noisy martial arts field suddenly fell silent. Liu Hu wanted to get up, but even suffered some minor injuries, and then he vomited a mouthful of blood.

  After a while, the originally silent scene was finally broken by a Liu Hu.

   "Chen Xuan actually has the strength to defeat that Liu Hu?" A warrior said with a look of astonishment.

   "But the truth lies here. It is incredible that he can leapfrog and defeat that Liu Hu..." The face of another warrior was also full of astonishment.

  None of them had seen how Chen Xuan taught Li Qing, so naturally they didn't know Chen Xuan's name. This time the Yunye Empire's martial arts contest gathered geniuses from all parts of the Yunye Kingdom.

  Li Qing can only rank in the top twenty among them. Only Liu Hu's cultivation base has reached the seventh limit of the gods realm, and Nangonghan's cultivation base is even more terrifying.

  At this moment, looking at Nangonghan's indifferent expression, Chen Xuan also regarded Nangonghan as his strongest opponent in his heart.

Li Yuan's heart also flickered with consternation: "Chen Xuan's talent is too tyrannical. Given time, he has also reached the seven-fold limit of the gods. I am afraid that he will be able to easily defeat Liu Hu, and he also has the power of the Vermillion Bird. , Controlling the demon soul in the body, the future achievements are bound to be limitless."

  Everyone stared closely at Chen Xuan who was standing on the competition field. Chen Xuan took back his Suzaku's blade, and layers of Suzaku fire were taken back into the dantian by Chen Xuan.

   Then Chen Xuan gently exhaled a mouthful of red black mist from his mouth, and then walked down from the top of the competition field.

  When the blade of that Liu Hu touched Chen Xuan's flame, there was only a clear sound, but Chen Xuan's flame was not broken.


  The Suzaku armor on Chen Xuan's body split a hole, but it did not hurt him, and then Chen Xuan violently returned a blow.


   Liu Hu's body was knocked out by Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan won again.

   "Unexpectedly, he actually won again, presumably in the nine-fold realm of the gods, his cultivation is already very tyrannical."

   "His cultivation base can at least rank among the top four in this competition, but it is not clear who is better than Nangong Han."

   "I feel that he is not Nangonghan's opponent. It must be clear that Nangonghan's current cultivation base is about to reach the ninth realm of the gods."

  These warriors are discussing Chen Xuan one after another.

  Because there were only a few hundred warriors left, the battle proceeded very quickly. Only in the afternoon there were only dozens of people left. After the draw was over, Chen Xuan continued to sit under the stands.

  This battle is Nangong Han's battle with Zhang Jiuhua.

  The two of them fought on it for more than ten minutes, but Zhang Jiuhua was always suppressed by Nangong Han.

  Anyone can tell that Nangonghan didn't use all his strength at all. When he showed his tyrannical swordsmanship, Zhang Jiuhua was directly shot down by him.

  After a few more hours, the battle has been going on, and now there are only a few warriors left.

  Nangonghan is naturally ranked first, and Chen Xuan is just behind Nangonghan.

  The fourth place is Li Qiuyu, and the fourth place is Zhang Jiuhua.

  When these warriors saw the last four remaining people, their faces were full of anger and excitement.

  The old man Changran suddenly stood up from the stands and said to many warriors: "It's almost the final stage now, I hope you all abide by the rules."

  After speaking, the long-haired old man sat back.

  All the warriors in the Cloud Yemen began to get excited, and they could finally see a battle at the pinnacle among the C-level warriors.

  The first battle was Nangonghan and Zhang Jiuhua.

   Although Nangonghan reached the limit of the divine monarch's nine-fold realm, everyone knew that his cultivation base had long been comparable to the divine monarch's nine-fold realm.

  Zhang Jiuhua's cultivation level has also reached the seven-fold limit of the nine-fold realm of the gods, but it is obviously much worse than that of Nangonghan.

  On the top of the martial arts field, two people look at each other.

Zhang Jiuhua showed an arrogance on his face and said, "Nangong Han, you won the first place in the previous session. This time I will step on you under my feet. Then I will become this C-level martial artist. The first person among them!"

   "You are not my opponent." Nangong said coldly.

   "Then I will let you see where my current strength is!" Zhang Jiuhua showed a hideous look on his face.


   Suddenly, Zhang Jiuhua took the lead, and a burst of tyrannical aura suddenly appeared, emerging from his body.

  The next moment, a crimson sword appeared in his hand. This is not an ordinary weapon, it can be regarded as a spiritual weapon, and it is very powerful.

  A tyrannical white sword aura was waving all over the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it attacked Nangonghan.

  The power of the red Suzaku carries a tyrannical spirit, and it keeps gathering in the sky.

  Countless sword auras all gathered together and turned into a huge sword blade, this sword aura carrying a dangerous aura, once again attacked towards Nangong Han.

   Seeing the huge sword blade emerging from the sky, Nangonghan always had a faint smile on his face.

   Then he raised his arms quietly, and the profound energy immediately surrounded his hands. Nangonghan's body suddenly disappeared, and the next moment, he suddenly appeared behind Zhang Jiuhua.

  The wrist trembles slightly, and there is a roar. A tyrannical breath suddenly emerged from his body.

  Nangong Han gave a low cry, and the light above her body burst out suddenly, attacking Zhang Jiuhua.

Zhang Jiuhua clearly noticed that Nangonghan appeared behind him, so he quickly turned around and wanted to attack Nangonghan, but he did not expect that Nangonghan was so fast that he had already avoided in a blink of an eye, but Zhang Jiuhua’s The body has been shot down to the ground.

The huge sword above the sky became even bigger, and Nangonghan saw that she could no longer avoid it, so she shook her wrist slightly, and a sword blade appeared out of thin air. The unremarkable sword aura directed towards the sword above the sky. The blade bombarded the past, and the sword energy was shattered in the sky in an instant.

  Seeing this scene, Zhang Jiuhua's face changed drastically, and he cried out: "How could this be? This is my strongest technique, and it was solved so easily..." Zhang Jiuhua hesitated for a while.

  Nangonghan will not let go of this opportunity, shaking his arms lightly, the sword aura once again emerged, heading towards the fierce slash on the ground.


  A huge hole was blasted from the ground, and Chen Xuan's expression was also startled.

   "His speed is so fast that I can't even catch it." Chen Xuan's eyes turned quickly, trying to catch Nangonghan's body, but it was difficult to see the speed at which it was tracked.

   "As expected of Nangong Han, with his current cultivation base, it is extremely easy to defeat Zhang Jiuhua."

"Unexpectedly, Nangonghan's current cultivation base has actually become stronger again. He has not yet entered the nine-fold realm of the gods, and the speed is so fast. If he really enters the nine-fold realm of the gods, it is hard to imagine how strong his strength will be. "A warrior exclaimed.

   "It's really amazing, just a simple attack can directly dissolve Zhang Jiuhua's sword spirit!"

Chen Xuan nodded slightly as he listened to the comments of many warriors. He did find that Nangonghan’s cultivation level was very difficult. Although on the surface he didn’t make any movements, Nangonghan’s speed was very fast. In an instant, a tyrannical technique emerged, but these warriors didn't see it.

   Zhang Jiuhua on the ground had just avoided this sword energy, but Nangonghan's speed was indeed very fast. He originally wanted to hide, but Nangonghan approached him again.

  Just listen to a boom!

  Zhang Jiuhua's body was shot down to the ground. After a long time, he slowed down, and a mouthful of blood came out from Hungary's mouth.

Zhang Jiuhua's palm was shaking slightly. Although he was very unwilling to stand up, it was very difficult for him to stand up now. After struggling for a while, Zhang Jiuhua gradually raised his eyes and stared at Nangong Han and said: "It seems your strength It's still the same as before. Back then, I wanted to catch up with you, but I didn't expect that it is still inferior to you now. Your strength is very strong, so I lose!"

  After finishing speaking, Zhang Jiuhua staggered away from the top of the martial arts field.

   Losing the battle, he can only wait until tomorrow before proceeding to the next round of battle.

   "The winner is Nangong Han."

  Nangonghan nodded slightly, and left the martial arts field without saying a word. He also knew that the next battle was Chen Xuan's, so he stood under the stands and moved his eyes to Chen Xuan's body.

  The next battle is Chen Xuan vs. Li Qiuyu.

When the two stood on the competition arena, Li Qiuyu yelled and said to Chen Xuan: "Brother Chen Xuan, I thought that we would stand on the competition arena and fight. Although I know it is not your opponent, but You have to be careful! I won't be merciful!"

  Warfare appeared in the corner of Li Qiuyu's eyes, and Chen Xuan even felt that this was not something a woman could show.

  Chen Xuan did not expect that Li Qiuyu's personality has also changed since the injury healed. Become more stable, and more eager for strength.

  As soon as the voice fell, Li Qiuyu suddenly raised the blade in his hand, and the blade trembled.

  Li Qiuyu directly bloomed. Except for the most powerful technique, waves of ripples radiated from the blade. This is the technique of Li Qiuyu's major, and it is extremely powerful. If you are hit by this sword, you will either die or be injured.

  Chen Xuan also directly transferred the profound energy in his body, and gathered the Liaoyuan Sword.


  The strength of the two collided, and Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword cracked. The bodies of the two of them withdrew towards the back one after another. Chen Xuan stabilized his body and found that Li Qiuyu had already rushed towards him.

  Li Qiuyu's body is extremely dexterous. He actually changed his position in the sky and attacked Chen Xuan's right side.

   "Good come!" Chen Xuan exclaimed.

  Chen Xuan bloomed the second stage of the Liaoyuan swordsmanship, and the voice of the Vermillion Bird emerged from his body and directly attacked Li Qiuyu.


   once again collided, Li Qiuyu attacked very powerfully this time, slashing on Chen Xuan's sword, actually knocking Chen Xuan's body a few steps away.

  (End of this chapter)

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