Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 2664: Battle of Yuwenyuan

   Chapter 2664 Battle of Yuwenyuan


  Chen Xuan directly showed the Liaoyuan swordsmanship, blocking Yuwenyuan's figure.

After fighting for more than half an hour, Yuwenyuan still did not have the upper hand. He originally felt that now that he had entered the Seventh Realm of God Sovereign, he could completely suppress Chen Xuan, but what he thought was too simple. Chen Xuan now broke out. He couldn't resist his strength at all.

The corner of Yuwenyuan's eyes suddenly flashed with killing intent, and he took out a handful of Vermillion Bird's Feather from his arms.

   "No, have you seen the thing that Yuwenyuan touched? I'm afraid he wants to kill Chen Xuan." An elder said.

   Suddenly, an elder suddenly stood up and said to Yuwenyuan: "Yuwenyuan, what are you doing? Don't you know that hidden weapons cannot be used in the competition field!"

  No matter what, Yu Wenyuan showed a strong killing intent in the corner of his eyes, holding the ice needle in his hand, and threw it towards Chen Xuan.

  Feeling a burst of air-breaking sound from the front, Chen Xuan quickly blocked it with a layer of flame, but the ice needle concealed weapon still quickly penetrated this layer of flame and attacked Chen Xuan in front.

  Several elders shot one after another, trying to stop the Vermillion Bird Feather. Finally, when the Vermillion Bird Feather was about to approach Chen Xuan, it stopped.

Chen Xuan couldn’t help feeling a little scared. The Suzaku's feather thrown by Yuwenyuan just now was not an ordinary hidden weapon. The Suzaku's feathers contained violent toxins. Once an ordinary cultivator was contaminated with the toxins on it, they would Directly died of anger.

  At this time, there was chaos around the martial arts arena. Yuwenyuan took advantage of this opportunity to flash his figure, jumped off the martial arts arena, and quickly left the Yunye Gate.

   "Damn! Chen Xuan's flesh strength has become so tyrannical, but I have stood for so long without falling into the wind!" Yuwenyuan said grimly while running away.

   Just now, Chen Xuan also felt a little scared. He didn't expect Yuwenyuan to hide a hidden weapon. If he was really hit, he would be seriously injured even if he was not dead, and he would even lose his own cultivation.

   Seeing Yuwenyuan was fleeing, Chen Xuan glanced at the elders on the martial arts field, nodded slightly, flashed, and chased after him.

  Yuwenyuan left the Yunye Gate and ran all the way in the Lu Yu Plain. Now that he has revealed his killing intent, he will definitely be expelled by the Yunye Gate.

   And this is also one of Yuwenyuan's tactics. Feeling that Chen Xuan is chasing after him, Yuwenyuan speeds up again.

  Chen Xuan had already used the power of the demon soul at this time, and the speed was several times faster than before. When Chen Xuan saw Yuwenyuan, he would stare at the blade in his hand and attack towards Yuwenyuan.

  Yuwenyuan quickly turned his body, trying to resist Chen Xuan's attack, in the electric light fire pill, he saw Chen Xuan already approaching Yuwenyuan's side.


  Chen Xuan directly knocked Yuwenyuan away for a few steps. At this time, Chen Xuan carried a strong killing intent on his face, and his eyes were full of anger.

   "Yuwenyuan! I didn't expect you to carry a hidden weapon today. You are really a despicable villain. Today I must kill you to avoid future troubles!" Chen Xuan said angrily.

A wicked smile appeared on Yuwenyuan's face: "I didn't want to kill you with hidden weapons. I know that your physical strength has become very tyrannical now. In this case, I won't continue with you. Stay entangled."

After speaking, Yuwenyuan ran away again. Chen Xuan quickly chased up. Seeing Chen Xuan reluctantly chasing after him, red lines suddenly appeared on Yuwenyuan’s body, and he also made Out of the demon soul.

  The two people fought together in an instant. Chen Xuan's pupils exuded strange red glow, and his heart was full of anger, so Chen Xuan's attack carried a very powerful lethality.

   "Chen Xuan! You kill my brother, kill my father, and I want you to die today!" Yu Wenyuan said fiercely.

   "Then I can only be blamed on you Yuwen's family who provoke me." Chen Xuan said coldly.

  Yuwenyuan bloomed with a demon soul, and his body and speed increased several times compared to before. The two of them fought here for twenty minutes before Chen Xuancai suppressed Yuwenyuan.

  Chen Xuan snorted at this time, so he understood the profound energy of his body, and attacked directly towards Yuwenyuan. Feeling Chen Xuan's tyrannical aura, Yuwenyuan directly raised his arm to defend.


Yuwenyuan’s arm was burned by Chen Xuan’s Suzaku. Just when Chen Xuan wanted to lift the Liaoyuan sword and head towards Yuwenyuan to resign, a dark figure came from a distance, and a red glow appeared out of thin air. It focused directly on Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword, causing Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword to show a burst of cracks, which broke into fragments on the ground.

  Chen Xuan found a warrior wearing a black robe appeared in front of him. The warrior glanced at Yuwenyuan and said to him: "You go behind me first."

   Taking a step forward, Chen Xuan found that the black robe warrior in front of him carried an extremely strange aura on his body.

  "Are you from Poromon?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Hahaha! You seem to be quite knowledgeable, but you know a lot. You can actually tell the name of the Poromon. Since you have recognized me, then you will leave your life here. Alright!" said the black robe warrior.

  Suddenly, the black-robed warrior directly exploded out of his techniques and attacked Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan collided with the black-robed warrior, and then he was knocked out.

  Chen Xuan only felt the abnormal pain in Xiong's mouth, he was not the opponent of this black-robed warrior at all.

Chen Xuan, who was knocked out, looked behind him. He already felt that the elders of the Yunyemen were rushing towards this side.

As long as the elders came here, Chen Xuan would not be afraid of this black-robed warrior. The Paolomon was extremely powerful back then, and there were a large number of extremely powerful masters, but it was ultimately destroyed in the hands of the Yunyemen. , It is precisely because of this that Yunye Gate is called the first palace on this continent.

The black-robed warrior saw Chen Xuan's creation of the Vermillion Bird formation, with a joking smile on his face and said: "Boy, I am afraid you have felt it. Those old guys have already rushed over. It seems that you still want to delay time. , But I won't give you a chance to delay time. I will kill you before those old guys come over!"

Just now Chen Xuan used the Vermillion Bird formation to trap the black-robed warrior in it, but he did not expect that the black-robed warrior just gave a low voice, and the powerful profound energy that radiated out shattered his flames. In front of the strength of Chen Xuan, there was no way to fight back.

  The black robe warrior's voice just fell, and suddenly, a strong red profound energy emerged from his body, and all these profound energy gathered on his arm, and the red palm suddenly grabbed towards Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan's face changed drastically, the black-robed warrior's cultivation was extremely tyrannical, and even Chen Xuan could not see what realm his cultivation had reached.

  At this moment, on a mountain peak in the Lu Yu Plain, a middle-aged warrior wearing a white robe changed his face slightly: "It seems that he is there."

When the white-robed man appeared again, he instantly saw Chen Xuan fighting a black-robed warrior. He saw the red profound energy blooming on the black-robed warrior's body, and his face showed killing intent. .

   "It's not wasted that I chased for such a long time. I really belonged to the Poromon." The white-robed man said coldly.

  The warrior's face has a long, hard beard, which looks a little rough.

  As soon as his voice fell, his figure flashed quickly, and he appeared directly in front of Chen Xuan, gently lifting the sword blade, and instantly blocking the red palm of the black-robed warrior.

  The white-robed man directly grabbed the red palm in his hand, and then shot out with a palm, directly knocking the black-robed warrior into the air a few steps.

  The black-robed warrior was forced to retreat. It was so easy to stand still. He saw the white-robed man who suddenly appeared in front of him and asked, "Who are you?"

  The man in the white robe showed a cold smile on his face: "The one who wants your life."

   After finishing speaking, the white-robed warrior gently raised his palm and pressed it towards the black-robed warrior. Although there was no movement on the surface, the black-robed warrior found that the body could not move.

The warrior of the Polomon stared at the white-robed warrior in horror. Suddenly, an astonishing breath burst out from the white-robed warrior's body, and saw him shaking his arms gently, with a palm facing the black robe. The warrior attacked the past.

   Amazing profound energy bloomed from his body, directly blasting the black-robed warrior into pieces. After finishing, the white-robed man planned to leave here.

  Chen Xuan quickly said, "Thank you for help! I don't know who the senior is!"

  The white-robed man gradually turned around, and Chen Xuan realized that this white-robed man was very similar to the legendary Yunye Empire's number one master.

   "You are..." Chen Xuan said stupidly.

  The white robe man heard the words, his face showed a faint smile, his figure flashed and disappeared into the sky.

Chen Xuan was stunned. Only then did he understand how tyrannical the white-robed man's cultivation base was. He had heard Li Qingtian tell him at the beginning that Du Guxin's cultivation base was extremely profound, and he was also a Yunye Clan. One of the most outstanding warriors in thousands of years, but because of some things, he was expelled from the Cloud Yemen.

After walking for a while, Chen Xuan was relieved and saw Yuwenyuan lying on the ground showing a look of horror. Chen Xuan gradually walked towards him: "Yuwenyuan, what else do you have to say now? "

  Yuwenyuan showed horror on his face: "Chen Xuan! If you dare to kill me, my father will never let you go!"

  Chen Xuan shook his head slightly, and ignored Yuwenyuan, shaking his arm directly, and cut off Yuwenyuan's head with a sword.

  Just as soon as Yuwenyuan was killed, several elders from Yunyemen had already rushed over. When they came here, they found Yuwenyuan's body with a complicated look on their faces.

  Elder Nangong took the lead and said to him: "Are you okay, Chen Xuan, I just felt a very tyrannical aura here, and I also felt that you were being targeted by some master."

   Chen Xuan immediately explained: "I have nothing to do. I just met someone from the Poromon. Fortunately, a warrior rescued me, otherwise I would be killed by them now."

  "They?" Elder Nangong asked.

   "This Yuwenyuan colluded with the people of Poromon and wanted to plot against me here." Chen Xuan replied.

After hearing Chen Xuan's explanation, the faces of many elders showed anger.

   "It looks like this Yuwenyuan is really damned. Isn't he not sure that Poromon is the enemy of us!"

  However, Chen Xuan did not tell them what the name of the white-robed warrior was. When the elders saw Chen Xuan, they were reluctant to say so, so they did not continue to ask.

  Then everyone returned to the Cloud Yemen, and Chen Xuan naturally became the first among the C-level martial artists.

  Moreover, the fact that he defeated Nangonghan spread throughout the Cloud Yemen, and many warriors talked about Chen Xuan.

  In addition, Chen Xuan has now discovered that these warriors have changed their attitudes. Now, as long as Chen Xuan comes to the cultivation waterfall, there will be a large number of warriors giving himself time to practice. This is the change brought about by strength.

  A few days later, Chen Xuan received the news from the elder Yunyemen that he should now practice among the C-level warriors, so Chen Xuan followed the Nangong elder into the C-level area.

The C-level area of ​​Yunyemen was on a more majestic mansion. Chen Xuan found a place to live, and then practiced among the peaks. The single-plank bridge connecting the two peaks was based on Chen Xuan's current cultivation base. , It only took a few minutes to reach the main hall of Yunyemen.

And Nangonghan, who was defeated by Chen Xuan, has been practicing fast in the past few days. He has always wanted to learn from Chen Xuan, so he has continued to exercise his physique in the practice waterfall while also constantly cultivating. Soul Tower went to practice, wanting to break through again.

Above this mountain, there is a more abundant profound energy, because this is the formation created by several elders of the Yunyemen. There are not only ordinary innate profound energy, but also various kinds of innate profound energy. Attribute profound energy, this just provided Chen Xuanxiu Ling Suzaku profound energy with an excellent opportunity.

  Elder Nangong led Chen Xuan to meet another elder wearing a white robe, and said to him: "Elder Ouyang, this is the battle before Chen Xuan, he won the first place."

Elder Ouyang has naturally heard of Chen Xuan's deeds in the competition, with joy on his face, staring at Chen Xuan and said: "I have also heard of his name. From now on you are the C-level of our Yunye Sect. Martial artist, come with me."

   Then Chen Xuan followed the elder and came to the residence. Chen Xuan looked around and found that the living environment had improved a bit.

  (End of this chapter)

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